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1282 in vivo imaging of rabbit corneal wound healing fibroblasts

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1282 In Vivo Imaging of Rabbit Corneal Wound Healing Fibroblasts Molecular Therapy Vol 5, No 5, May 2002, Part 2 of 2 Parts Copyright © The American Society of Gene TherapyS418 ����������!�����!�"���7[.]

!!"7" "!"! 1280 Insulator Elements Confer High Level, Position Independent, Copy Number Dependent, Uniform Expression of a Linked T ransgene Directed by the Transgene Erythroid Band (AE1) Promoter in Mice 1281 Successful Generation of Reporter System for Non-Invasive Imaging of the TGF β Signal T ransduction TGFβ Transduction Pathway Activity with Positron Emission T omography In Tomography Vivo Patrick G Gallagher,1 Tiffany F Frazar,2 Nancy E Seidel,2 Amanda P Cline,2 Lisa J Garrett,2 Gary Felsenfeld,3 David M Bodine.2 Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States; 2NHGRI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States; NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States Inna Serganova,1 Vladimir Ponomarev,1 Mikhail Doubrovin,1 Ludmila Ageeva,1 Tatiana Beresten,1 Suren Soghomonian,1 Ronald G Blasberg,1 Joan Massague,2 Juri Gelovani Tjuvajev.1 Neurology, MSKCC, New York, NY, United States; 2Cell Biology Program, MSKCC, New York, NY, United States           "                  γ"    3                           β"   -L,9H/            "     "      "    3                    G            '>8                                      '>8      "8;=:J,, "=&;J,,      ' γ"    &          '               "8;=:  J,, '>8   %γ"        "    3          -,%:     3        / 3                        -         /               @*'            '>8%γ" 3    L89H          α" @*'               3    3                     ;H   59H      γ"         "=&;  J,, '>8   %γ"         "    3          -=%89      3        /         '>8%γ" @*' 3    L;&H           α" @*'                            @*'    >3                  3    @    1      "8;=:   "=&;            3               3        "                                                   -        $   ,99,I 8B7,;8",::/     β"                                              G               β"        &′ =′   "8;=:J,,'>8  %γ"           "          3             '>8%γ"            "         -B%B   3 /         -O9998/ 3                 '>8%γ" 3    L,9H            α" @*'         >3              -899H     3        /   B               '>8        1        "8;=:   7 8/    '>8            "      "     3     γ"                    β"  -L,9H/I ,/           %                              3                                  56 + )7 @                   G      "         3  ?β                                           ?β   "                         " ?β% A?!          )7 $           - 1            α   /      α"( "'#D" A?!          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Ngày đăng: 19/11/2022, 11:38