657 Forcing Brain Tumor Cells into Apoptosis—Analysis of the Effects of Co Delivery of Fas Ligand and TRAIL by a Complex Adenovirus Vector Molecular Therapy Vol 5, No 5, May 2002, Part 2 of 2 Parts[.]
!"!" ' & ' 69 ?%69& ' & ' 69 ' ' " ' 3 '@ αβ&" 3 αβ=" DN 3 "' ?% - " ' & / ?%69(D '@" " ' ?%69& ?%&69 ?%69( 89" 69" ' ?% ? ' & "α ' & T59H ' ?% ?%69(D ?%69& "α LB9H ' ?%69( ?%&69 " '@" ' ?%69( ?%&69 '@" '@" ' ?% ?% 69(D ?%69&* 3 '@" '@" ' 3 DN ' -8989 / !2( &;%2DB ' 6 E DN -TM, / # '@" ' ?%?%69(D '@" ' ?%&69 '@" ' ?%69& '@" ' ?%69 6" B6" ' ?% " DN 3 3 ' 3 ' "'@ 655 Re-T argeting Adenovirus T o Improve Gene Re-Targeting To Transfer to T rkA-Expressing Cells TrkA-Expressing Madeline Pool,1,2 Yves De Repentigny,1 Robin J Parks,1,3 Rashmi Kothary.1,2 Molecular Medicine Program, Ottawa Health Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 2Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 3Biochemistry Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada ' ( 3 3 ' " 3 -*?/ ' " ' *? !8, 3 ' '&65 3 3 ' " $ 3 '" 3 Molecular Therapy Vol 5, No 5, May 2002, Part of Parts Copyright © The American Society of Gene Therapy 656 Possible Cell Cycle Dependence for Efficient Transfection of Acute Myeloblastic Leukaemia Blasts with Adenoviral T ype V ectors Type Vectors A Whiteway, H G Prentice, R Anderson Department of Haematology, Royal Free Campus, Royal Free and University College Medical School, Hampstead, London, United Kingdom ' -'#D/ &9H - OB9 / 89 " ,9H '#D " ' " =, '#D ?'2 3 E , & 3 αβ= αβ& 4 & 3 >?! '#D 6: 3 9H 6&H 4 -?'2 #9/ -9%= T&H 3 ?!/ -?'2 #6/ -6%: T&H 3 ?!/ 3 3 & 8B%,& 3 # ' #8=, * 3 C '#D 3 3 ,%#" 3 - M9;5 M999= ( / & '#D 3 657 Forcing Brain T umor Cells into Apoptosis— Tumor Analysis of the Effects of Co-Delivery of Fas Ligand and TRAIL by a Complex Adenovirus V ector Vector Semyon Rubinchik, Hong Yu, Jan Woraratanadharm, Jennifer A Schepp, Jian-yun Dong Microbiology and Immunology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States ' -2 / - / " 3 *? 3 ' &" " 3 1 " " ! ?D"?! S215 !"!" C "2 3 3 ?D"?! @'D 3' 0 3 8= -: / ?D @'D" ' & 3 ?D @'D -? $@" 6 $@"&/ ?D @'D ?D"?! @'D 3 ?D"?! @'D " 658 Differential T ransduction of Prostate T umor Cells Transduction Tumor by Adenovirus T ype V ectors Pseudotyped with Fiber Type Vectors Proteins from Subgroup B, C, and D Viruses Dan J Von Seggern,1 Catherine Hsu,1 Lance D Gritton.1 Immunology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, United States # - " / " # &9 ' -' &/ ' ' & 3 " '@ -3 ' @ / @ ' "'@ 3 '@′ 3 ' & ' & @ '@ 3 '@ 3 ' 4 ' = ' =; 3 ' & >2." 0 1 ' ! ' ( 2 -' = ' 8B/ -' &/ $ -' 85 ' =;/ !"= $486& D! - ' &/ 3 1 ' = ' =; ' 85 ' & ' 8B @ 2 $ 659 Genetic Manipulations of Adenovirus T ype Fiber Type Decreasing Binding to the Coxsackie and Adenovirus Receptor Result in Liver T ropism Attenuation Tropism 1,2 Emmanuelle Vigne, Jean-Francois Dedieu, Martine LattaMahieu,1 Michel Perricaudet,2 Patrice Yeh.1,2 Gencell, Aventis Pharma, Vitry-sur-Seine, France; 2UMR1582, CNRS/IGR/Aventis, Villlejuif, France 1 & -' &/ " 3 ' @ -'@/ - 2(8/ S216 ' = - $2B/ 89" G '@ '@" # 2(8 ' & " " -'@ / E 2(8 $2B 3 $*' ? 2(8" $2B "'@" ' = '@ ' &" 660 Comparison of Different Viral Promoters for Adenoviral - Mediated Sensitization of Human T umor Tumor Cells to CPT -1 CPT-1 -11 Monika Wierdl,1 Christopher L Morton,1 Rebecca A Burger,1 Ruchi Khanna,1 Mary K Danks,1 Philip M Potter.1 Molecular Pharmacology, St Jude Children′s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States ! "88 (*"=: ' &H ! "88 ! % 3 ->/ 3 ! "88 > 899 ! "88 G " -.$>! / > ! "88 3 > @(. -' @( >/ # -' # >/ ,5= G !@ 3 6 3 8989 ? > ! "88 C > 3 ! "88 ' # > > G ! "88 @(. #. C 3 > # >3 ' # > ( *C ';B,9,';5;B= ' D ( ' 661 Enhanced In Vivo Oncolysis Using a Chimeric Adenovirus Serotype V ector with Serotype T ropism Vector Tropism Yosuke Kawakami,1,2 Jerry L Blackwell,1,2 Hui Li,1,2 Victor Krasnykh,1,2 David T Curiel.1,2 Division of Human Gene Therapy, Departments of Medicine, Pathology, and Surgery, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United States; 2The Gene Therapy Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United States ' & -' &/ " C ' & ' & 3 " -'@/ ) Molecular Therapy Vol 5, No 5, May 2002, Part of Parts Copyright © The American Society of Gene Therapy