1080 Adenoviral Transduction with a Glucose Responsive Insulin Transgene Reduces Expression of Glucokinase and GLUT2 in Primary Cultured Hepatocytes Molecular Therapy Vol 5, No 5, May 2002, Part 2 of[.]
1078 Adenovirus T ransduction Impairs Engraftment Transduction of Murine Pancreatic Islet T ransplants Transplants Nan Zhang,1,2 Bernd Schröppel,3 Barbara Murphy,2,3 Jonathan S Bromberg,1,2 Randall S Sung.2 Carl C Icahn Institute of Gene Therapy and Molecular Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York, United States; 2Recanati-Miller Transplantation Institute, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York, United States; 3Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York, United States 2'A@)4*$7 ' C #> C)$(7 ( G &;2D%B -2'D2%/ 3 ' #. 7 89&78 0 3 8999 % 1 #) 89978 ? 699 % 7 - / ' #.β - / - / ' #.β - ./ ' , &;2D%B ,99 - 1 / ' #.β - / " >D(' 3 ' #.β $*' 3 @ "!@@>(4D (7' - / , 6 -' #.β /( - / 6 & . -' #.β / ? B B - / 8 B -' #.β /# = #!"8 -D,/ 3 ' #.β ; Group Type I II III IV Vector Islet number Syngeneic none 400 Syngeneic AdCMVβGal 400 Allogeneic none 400 Allogeneic AdCMVβGal 400 Mean time to normoglycemia (days) 2±0.9 4±1.2 4±1.3 5±0 Mean glucose 132±41 202±66 170±50 330±136 Group Type Vector Islet number Diabetes reversed Mean glucose V Syngeneic none 200 6/6 159±39 VI Syngeneic AdCMVβGal 200 1/6 355±162 )*D4()*7 ' #.β #!"8 -D,/ 3 ' #.β 3 1079 Evaluation of Glucagon-Like Peptide (GLP-1) as a Therapeutic T ransgene for Gutless Adenoviral Transgene Vector-Mediated Gene Therapy of T ype Diabetes Type Gareth Davies, Kiran Sakhuja, Scott Pattison, Michael Kaleko, Sheila Connelly , ' , ' 3 3 >8%>,%>=" -A/ S350 " , C 3 A G -$ ,998 $ 7&97,,:;/ C A A 3 E 1 1 ' " 8 -D!"8/ =9 ? D!"8 β" C D!"8 3 -O , / D!"8 3 D!"8 D!"8 3 D!"8 >D(' G " D!"8 3 3 3 D!"8 1080 Adenoviral T ransduction with a Glucose Transduction Responsive Insulin T ransgene Reduces Expression of Transgene Glucokinase and GLUT2 in Primary Cultured Hepatocytes Sara A Paveglio,1 Marty H Porter,1 Darin E Olson,1 Peter M Thule.1 Internal Medicine/Endocrinology, Atlanta VAMC Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, United States 8 -$# 8/ + -C / G -( N" 22 0 / G 3 G C C " # C C 3 3 C " -A/ , -D4 ,/ ! -* / ' %-@>/=2!"8,3 -#)L,9/-C / ->./ =9# 8389"B# A D4 , A D4 , 3 1 !@ -S"@ "!@/ G 3 8:( G -D$C/ * D$C C -B8694D$C%/ O89H D$C * C >. >. * C C " >. * A D4 , * >. C A D4 , C - 3 8B Molecular Therapy Vol 5, No 5, May 2002, Part of Parts Copyright © The American Society of Gene Therapy >./ $ 3 C 3 ? 3 1081 Recombinant Sendai Virus-Mediated Intramuscular Gene T ransfer of FGF-2 Restores Transfer Collateral Blood Perfusion of Chronically Ischemic Rabbit Hind Limb, and Inhibits Neointimal Hyperplasia of ein Grafts Autologous Femoral V Vein Yoshikazu Yonemitsu, Kimihiro Komori, Tetsuya Shoji, Keizo Sugimachi, Mamoru Hasegawa, Katsuo Sueishi 2 7 > ( ", -( "??,/ -.>?/ ??", " ??"," ??", # @ 7 ! - / * N -=9"=& / ( "??, -895 % / E ' "" ??", " -4( ?/ 4( ? -$?'/% 3 ->'/ -O998/ ( ( "??, 7 3 3 ??", ( 3 ( "??, 1082 Recombinant Sendai Virus-Mediated Gene Therapy for Experimental Critical Limb Ischemia: FGF-2 Gene T ransfer Can Stimulate Endogenous HGF Transfer Expression, Regardless to Hypoxia-Mediated down Regulation in Ischemic Limbs Mitsuho Onimaru, Yoshikazu Yonemitsu, Kazunori Nakagawa, Yutaka Nakashima, Ichiro Masaki, Mitsugu Tanii, Katsuo Sueishi C -C?/ C? 3 3" C? ' C? -??" ,/ 3 ??", C? ??", C?@*' 3 Molecular Therapy Vol 5, No 5, May 2002, Part of Parts Copyright © The American Society of Gene Therapy ??"," C? 3 ' 3 ??", C? @*' 1 C? ??", " "'' ? 3 ??", C? C? 3 ??", 3 G ??", C? 1083 Development of Novel Therapeutic Angiogenesis Strategy Using Co-T ransfection of Human Co-Transfection Prostacyclin Synthase (PGIS) Gene with Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) in Rabbit Ischemic Hindlimb Model as Preclinical Study Hiromi Koike,1 Ryuichi Morishita,1 Naruya Tomita,2 Sohta Iguchi,1 Tadashi Tanabe,3 Yasufumi Kaneda.1 Gene Therapy Science, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Osaka, Japan; 2Geriatric Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Osaka, Japan; Pharmacology, National Cardiovascular Research Institute, Suita, Osaka, Japan ' 3 % C? " ) C 3 -!(/ C? 89 E C? % !( ' C? % !( " C? !( 6 - 60I 7899H C?7 88=H!(7895HC?J!(7858H!O998/( 6 @ " !( C? C? !( -!O998/ ) " !( C? $ 1084 Co-T ransfection of Human Prostacyclin Co-Transfection Synthase (PGIS) Gene with Angiogenic Growth Factors Exaggerated Collateral Formation in Ischemic Hindlimb Mouse Model Hiromi Koike, Ryuichi Morishita, Naruya Tomita, Tadashi Tanabe, Yasufumi Kaneda ' 3 % ) C 3 -!(/ 89 E .>?8B& % !( '6 " >? !( >? -7899H.>?78=8H.>?J!(78;9H S351 ... 1079 Evaluation of Glucagon-Like Peptide (GLP-1) as a Therapeutic T ransgene for Gutless Adenoviral Transgene Vector-Mediated Gene Therapy of T ype Diabetes Type Gareth Davies, Kiran Sakhuja, Scott... AdCMVβGal 400 Allogeneic none 400 Allogeneic AdCMVβGal 400 Mean time to normoglycemia (days) 2±0.9 4±1.2 4±1.3 5±0 Mean glucose 132±41 202±66 170±50 330±136 Group Type Vector Islet number Diabetes... 170±50 330±136 Group Type Vector Islet number Diabetes reversed Mean glucose V Syngeneic none 200 6/6 159±39 VI Syngeneic AdCMVβGal 200 1/6 355±162 )*D4()*7 '' #.β