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Luận văn thạc sĩ UEB developing human resoures in state management on tourism in quang binh province

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IIPPSALA UNIVERSITY, SVVEDKN & IINIVERSITY OK ECONOMK s AND BUSINESS, VNll UPPSALA ***** UN1VERSITET VNU-UEB Tu MASTER THESIS OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT DEVELOPING HUMAN RESOURES IN STATE MANAGEMENT ON TOURISM IN QUANG BÍNH PRQVINCE Author Mai 1hi Huong Giang Superxúsor: I)r Hans Blomkvist Local Supervisor: Assoc Prof Le Quan Class: MPPM lỉanoi, lanuary - ACKNOVV LEl)(, EM I N I I his disserlation is thc rcsult ot' a hiízhl\ valucd research thai has bcen a conccm íbr the Victnamese Government I hat is competencv huildins f'or civil servants in Vietnam It \vas indced an enrichina experience Beine able to hcar this íruit o f success I \vould love to extend I 11V deepest uratitude to t\ vo oí'mv instructors \vho are Dr Hans Blomkvist (Uppsala University) and Assoc Prot' I.e Quan (Vietnam National Universitv) They have anchored me \\ith not just \vise \\ords hut also broadencd m\ hori/on o f kncnvledae and understandina I \\ould also love to thank expert team and MPPM7 classmates \\ho have supported me durinu the research I.ast hut not least I \vould like to thank mv tầmilv and tricnds \\ho have alxvays been there for me throughout I11V course at thc University o f Business and hconomics- VNU DISSERTATION SUMMARY Dissertation topic: Developins Human Resourcc in State Manaaement OI Tourism in Quana Binh Province Author: Mai Thi Huona Giana Instrucíor: Dr Hans Blomkvist (Uppsala Univcrsity) Assoc Prof Le Quan (Vietnam National University) Presentation date: December2014 Background: Competency model has become popular tool tbr human resource manaaement in the puhlic sector in the \vorld l'or thc past t\vo decades Iknvever competencv model has only officially been introduced in the public sector ot' Victnam since 2013 \vhen the Ministrv oi'Home AíTaires Iaunched nc\v regulations on job position and competencies required tor cadres and civil servants With its stratesic Iocation at the centre o f Vietnam and a vibrant culture o f the local, Q uans Binh has creat potential íbr dcvelopine tourism Quang Binh has ịust launched ne\v provincial socio-economic dcvelopment niasterplan for 2015-2020 in \vhich tourisni is expected to bccome kcy enabler o f socio-economic aroxvth Accordine to Quane Binh‘s leadcrs onc ol' the main barriers to tourism development in Quana Binh consists o f thc quality o fh u m a n rcsourses Quana li inh needs solutions ibr increasinu capacity ol luiman resourcc in the tourism scctor In 2014 havc becn involed in a rcscarch proeram aimine, at building capacity l'or liuman resources in the tourism sector of'Q uana Binh lcad hy Assoc Prof Le Quan Durine that time I havc been intcrested in studyina the application oi' competencv model in building capacity fbr ci\ il scrvants in the Division oí' lourism, Department o f Culture, Sport and Tourism ol Q u an s Binh Provincc Mv study tbcuscd on three arcas: (1) compctencies rcquircd to civil servants in the Division ol' Tourism (2) dirtìcultics and kcv success 1'actors o f applyinu compctency model: and (3) eíĩective mcthods tbr applvine, competency model Scope of rcscarch objective: Due to the limited time and rcsouccs I \vould likc to íocus on studyins the competency buildina for civil servants \vith the case ot thc Department oỉ'Culture Sport and l ourism o f Quana Binh Province Scope of research: Conipetency buildine tbr civil servants: A case study o f the Department o f Culture Sport and Tourism ot Quana Binh Province Objectives: The overall obịective o f mv study is to recommend a new competency-based solution ior improvine capacity of civil servants in the Division ot' Tourism Department o f Culture Sport and Tourism o f Ọ uans Binh Province Detailed obịectives: • Identify the key competencies for civil servants in the Division o f Tourism, Department of Culture, Sport and Tourism o f Quans Binh Pro\ince: • Identity dilTiculties and kev success íactors o f developina and appKing competency model in the Division ol' rourism, Department o f Culturc Sport and Tourism 'Quane Binh Province; • Recommend solutions fbr huildinc competcncics for civil scrvants in tho I)i\ision oi" rourism Department o f Culturc Sport and Tourism ol' Ọuane Binh Provincc Research questions: • What are the corc competencies requircd o f civil servants in thc Division o f Tourism Department o f Culture Sport and Tourism o f Quana Binh Province? • What are the main dilììcultics and kcv success 1'actors ot developins and applyina compctencv modcl in thc Division ot' Tourism, Department ol' Culturc, Sport and Tourism ol Quana Binh Province? • What are the methods t'or huildinu civil servants" competcncics? M ethodology: lo achieve the above research obịectives combined dcsk revieu and Delphi research Desk revieu \vas used to Icarn compelencx models from literature and niain issues related to the application o f competencv model in the Division o f Tourism Department ofCulture Sport and Tourism o f Q u a n e Binh Province Delphi research \vas used to obtain the consensus o f a eroup oí' experts and ultimatelv to ans\ver to these above research questions (Delphi method allo\vs a aroup o f experls to deal \vith a complex issue \vithout necessarily having to \vork tosether) Details o f Delphi research: • Size o f the aroup o f experts: Accordina, to Pisher (1978) Williams and Webh (1994) there is no Standard si/.e for an expert sroup in a Delphi research In somc research, there are more than 100 experts (Meadoxvs ct al 2005) \vhile some other has less than 10 participatine experts (Strasser London and Kortenbout 2005) According to a survev hy Luthvia (1997) a Delphi research normally consists ol 10 to 20 experts Whcn scttine the rcscarch obịectivc I \vishcd to \\ork u ith 15 expcrts ho\vevcr duc to the time constraint thcre u c re cvcntually only 10 cxpcrts bcine able to participatc in my rcscarch • Primary data collection and analysis: I applicd thc 3-staee rule given hy Schmidt et al.(2001) as fbllo\vs: l lie tìrst stase is the hrainstormine staee \vhcrcbv the context obịectives and use o fth e research arc cxplained to the aroup o f expcrts, follo\vine hv open-endcd questions that allo\v the aroup o f experts to express their o\vn vic\vs about the mattcr Thcse questions empasized 011 the competcncies required, dittìcultics key success lầctors and clĩcctive methods The second stase involves rankins thc iniportancc o f t h c íccdback obtained Irom thc iìrst round used the 5-point l.ikcrt scalc to rank these leedback startins 1'rom the most important The ihird stace is desicned to sct conscnsus ol' the íiroup o f experts on competency modcl Ibr civil servants in ihc Division ol' 1'ourism Department ol' Culture Sport and Tourism o f Ọuana Binh Province main diHìculties & kev success lầctors ot' applyins competency model tbr the civil servants and effective niethods for buildins competencies í'or the ci\ il servants Rcsult and conclusions: In this study i coinbined desk revieu (litcrature reviexv and secondary data analvsis) and Delphi research (primarv data analvsis) I he purpose o f that combination is to develop a competencv model that can be applied in the Division o f Tourism Department o f Culture Sport and Tourism o f Quane Binh Province As competency model approach for public sector is ne\v in Vietnam core competencies that I recommend to the Division o f Tourism Department o f Culture, Sport and Tourism o f Quane Binh Province \vere sclected from thrce sources: (1) international competency models (UK, Canada Australia ): (2) competencies rcquircd to civil servants accordine to the Government regulations; and (3) speciíìc competencies related to the tourism promotion and manaeement in Q uana Binh he íìndina revealed that some common lcadership competencies identiíìed in the literature arc important tbr civil scrvants in the Division o f Tourism Department o f Culture, Sport and rourism o f Quane, Binh Province; at the samc time there are spcciílc conipctencics rcquired tliat rcílect the charactcristics of Ọuano Hinh‘s tourism scctor Limitations: In this rcsearch I met \vith some diHlcultics \\hcn rcvic\\ina literature and usiim Delphi method as thev \\crc new to me and e\ en to thc eroup o f experts I his study mainly locused on the competencies u h ilc I acknou ledee that therc niust be other qualities besides competencies ci\il servants should have to períorm etìectivelv their job Othcruisc hv adoptins the Delphi method \vith quantitativc survevs, this research did not capture the deep-rooted meaninas that ci\ il servants havc concernine their roles and rcquired competencies Suggestions: Therc arc three rcasons fbr devdopirm competencv model íbr civil servants in the Division o f Tourism Department ol'Culturc Sport and Tourism o f Quang Binh Province First that lìts the intemational trend olapplviníi competcncv model (or competency-based human resource manaaement) in the puhlic sector Sccond that meets the uoverments reaulations (Ministry o f Home AíTaires' reeulations on ịob position and competencies required to civil servants) Third that ans\ vers to Quana Binh's need lor solution tbr buildins capacitv íbr human resource in the tourism sector It is obvious that successtul application oỉ competency model in the Division o f Tourism Department o f Culture Sport and Tourism o f Q uans Binh Province depends on the leaders's attention and involvement axvareness o f civil servants etTective communication Contribution the thesis: Practical approach for developine compctenc) model in the puhlic sector o f Vietnam Kcy words: Competcncy competency model civil scrvants tourism sector Q uana Binh TABLE ()F CONTENTS DISSERTATION SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEX OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF TABLE AND FIGURES 10 1NTRODUCTION 11 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 B a c k u r o u n d 1 R esearch q u e s t i o n s 12 R esearch o b ị e c t i v e s 13 R esearch o u t p u t s 13 REFERENCE 14 3.1 Literature reviexv 14 ì ỉ Competency and com petency niodel 3.1.2 Competency m odel in the public secto r 3.1.3 Approach fo r com petenct m odeỉ in the pubìic sector o f Vietnam 19 3.1.4 Approach for com petency m odeì in other c o u n trie s 3.1.5 Diffìculties in applving com petency mocleỉs in pubỉic secto r 3.1.6 Key success factors in applying com petencv m odels in public sector 14 17 3.2 R esearch m o d e l 21 25 25 26 Key concepts 3.2.2 Research m odel RESEARCH METHOD RESULT AND ANALYS1S 33 36 5.1 C o m p e te n c y m o d e l 5.2 M ain diHìculties and key success t ầ c t o r s 5.3 EíTective m e t h o d s 36 39 41 26 28 CONCLUSION, LIMITATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .43 C o n c l u s i o n 6.2 Limitations oí the research t o p i c 6.3 R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s 43 43 44 REFERENCES 45 APPEND1X 48 INDEX OF AIĨBRKV IATIONS CM Competency model CT Competency frame\vork CBM Competency-based manaeement DCST Department o f Culture Sport and Tourism 11KM I luman resource manaeement IIRD 1ỉuman resource development o f Quana Binh 10 LIST OF TABLE AND FIGl!RES l able 1: Deílnition o f competency 14 lable 2: Common application o f competency modcl in the public scctor (Sourcc: Cỉaravan et al 1995) 18 1'able 3: Competency model in the public scctor o f Victnam (Sourcc: Ministry of 1lomc AỉTaires, ) 21 i ahle 4: Competency model in the public sector in the \vorld (Source: Author ) 23 1'ahle 5: Parry's dìnition o f competency (Source: Parrv 1998) 26 Table 6: Practices o f compency model development and application in the public scctor (Source: Author, 2014) 28 Table 7: Group o f experts in Delphi research (Source: Author ) 29 Table 8: Competencies in the conceptual competency model (Source: Author 2014) 31 Table 9: Delphi research process (Source: Author 2014) Table 10: 34 ỉmplementation o f the research (Source: Author, ) 34 Table 1I : Number o f competencies required to civil servants in the Division o f Tourism Department o f Culture Sport and Tourism o f Ọuana Binh Province ( Source: Author ) 36 Table 12: Number o f competcncics (rcsults o f staee 1) (Source: Author ) 48 1’ablc 13: Required compctcncies (results ol stage 2) (Source: Author ) 49 l ablc 14: Required competencics (rcsults o f staae 3) (Source: Author 2014) 49 Tahlc 15: Description ol the required compctcncics (Source: Author ) 50 I ahle 16: Diíììcultics and key success ỉầctors (results oTstagc I ) (Source: Author 2014) 52 Table 17: Diíìlcultics and key success tầctors (results ol staee 2) (Source: Author 2014) 1ahlc 18: F.ffcctivc methods (results o f staae 1) (Sourcc: Author 20 ) 52 54 Tahle 19: Ditììculties and kev success íầctors (rcsults o f stage 2) (Source: Author 2014) 54 Kisure 2: Compctencies rcscarch and dcvelopcment areas (Sourcc: Strebler ct al 1997) 17 I iỉiure 3: Research model (Sourcc: Author 20 ) 28 I iíiure 3: Conceptual competency modcl (Sourcc: Author ) 30 ... bet\veen State aaencies businesses and educational institutions in the development ol'' human resources in the tourism industry; (iii) Application '' "ỉìve pillar model" o f tourism personnel trainins... "Developinu Human Rcsource in State Management on 1''ourism in Quang Binh Province" \vith a ca.se stiuìy on competency buiUỉing for civil Servanís o f the Department o f Cu/ture Sporl and Tourism. .. hconomics- VNU 1 DISSERTATION SUMMARY Dissertation topic: Developins Human Resourcc in State Manaaement OI Tourism in Quana Binh Province Author: Mai Thi Huona Giana Instrucíor: Dr Hans Blomkvist

Ngày đăng: 16/11/2022, 05:27


