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Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam

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Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY ◆ NGUYEN QUANG KHAI ANTECEDENTS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE IN VIETNAM PhD DISSERTATION BUSINESS AND ADMINISTRATION Hanoi – 2022 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY ◆ NGUYEN QUANG KHAI ANTECEDENTS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE IN VIETNAM Specialization: BUSINESS AND ADMINISTRATION Specialization code: 9340101 PhD DISSERTATION Supervisor: Prof Dr NGUYEN THI TUYET MAI Hanoi - 2022 i DECLARATION I hereby declare that this dissertation is my own work, which I have never submitted for a degree at this or any other educational institutions I also certify that all of the dissertation’s references have been properly credited I have read and comprehended the University’s policy on plagiarism and academic integrity violations With my own honor, I certify that this research was carried out by me and that it does not violate regulations of good academic practice PhD candidate (Signed) Nguyen Quang Khai ii CONTENTS DECLARATION i CONTENTS ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iv TABLE LIST vi FIGURE LIST vii INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intention 1.1.1 Entrepreneurship 1.1.2 Entrepreneurial Intention 1.2 Research on Entrepreneurial Intention 10 1.3 Research Gaps 20 1.4 Research Questions 23 1.5 Theoretical Background 23 1.5.1 Entrepreneurial Learning Perspective 23 1.5.2 Theory of Planned Behavior 26 1.6 Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Intention 29 1.6.1 Entrepreneurial Education 29 1.6.2 Acculturation 30 1.6.3 Perception of Self 31 1.6.4 Attitude Toward Entrepreneurship 32 1.6.5 Prior Self-Employment Experience (PSE) 33 1.6.6 Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation 33 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 37 CHAPTER 2: STUDY 1- ANTECEDENTS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG MASTER STUDENTS .38 2.1 Research Context of Student Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intention 38 2.2 Hypothesis and Model 38 2.2.1 Attitude Toward Entrepreneurship (ATE) 38 2.2.2 The Role of Entrepreneurial Education (EE) 39 2.2.3 The Moderating Role of Prior Self-Employment Experience (PSE) 40 2.2.4 Demographics 41 iii 2.3 Methodology 42 2.3.1 Sample 42 2.3.2 Measures and Questionnaire Development 42 2.4 Research Results 43 2.4.1 Reliability and Validity of Scales 43 2.4.2 Descriptive Statistics of the Observed Variables of the Latent Variables in the Model 48 2.4.3 Structural Model Analyses 52 2.5 Discussion of the Results of Study 53 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 55 CHAPTER 3: STUDY 2- ANTECEDENTS OF EI AMONG ETHNIC MINORITIES IN MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS .56 3.1 Reasons for Studying Ethnic Minorities 56 3.2 Phase 1: Qualitative Study 56 3.2.1 Research Objectives 56 3.2.2 Research Method 56 3.2.3 Research Findings 59 3.3 Phase 2: Quantitative Study 64 3.3.1 Hypothesis and Research Model 64 3.3.2 Research Methods 69 3.3.3 Pilot Research 74 3.3.4 Research Results 79 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 105 CHAPTER DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS 107 4.1 Discussion 107 4.1.1 Discussion on Study Results 107 4.1.2 Discussion on the Overall Results of Study and Study 110 4.2 Implications 112 4.3 Contributions, Limitations and Future Research Directions 113 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 117 CONCLUSION 118 LIST OF PUBLISHED WORKS .120 REFERENCES 121 APPENDICES 137 iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations Full Name ATB Attitude Toward Behavior ATE Attitude Toward Entrepreneurship AVE Average Variance Extracted BC Book Chapter CFA Confirmatory Factor Analysis CP Conference Proceeding CR Composite Reliability DI Dissertation EE Entrepreneurial Education EEP Entrepreneurial Education Program EEM Entrepreneurial Event Model EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis EI Entrepreneurial Intention IEM Indigenous Ethnic Minority EM Ethnic Minority EO Entrepreneurial Orientation ESE Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy INT Intention INO Innovativeness IEO Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation JA Journal Article MS Perception of Modern Self MSV Maximum Shared Variance PA Propensity to Act PBC Perceived Behavioral Control PD Perceived Desirability v Abbreviations Full Name PF Perceived Feasibility PRO Proactiveness PSE Prior Self-Employment Experience RQ Research Question RT Risk-Taking SEM Structural Equation Modeling SN Subjective Norm TPB Theory of Planned Behavior TS Perception of Traditional Self vi TABLE LIST Table 1.1: Main Themes and Sub-categories in Entrepreneurial Intention Research 11 Table 1.2: Entrepreneurial Intention Studies in Vietnam 19 Table 2.1: The Second Cronbach’s Alpha of Study 44 Table 2.2: KMO and Bartlett’s Test 45 Table 2.3: Total Variance Explained .45 Table 2.4: Pattern Matrix .46 Table 2.5: Standardized Regression Weights: Group Number 1—Default Model .47 Table 2.6: Correlation Matrix, Construct Reliability and Discriminant Validity 48 Table 2.7: Descriptive Statistics, Entrepreneurial Intention 48 Table 2.8: Descriptive Statistics, Attitude toward Entrepreneurship 50 Table 2.9: Descriptive Statistics, Entrepreneurial Education 51 Table 3.1: The Characteristics of the Subjects 58 Table 3.2: TPB Scales in Entrepreneurship 70 Table 3.3: Unidimensional Acculturation Scale 72 Table 3.4: TS and MS Scale 73 Table 3.5: IEO Scale 74 Table 3.6: EFA of Pilot Research 75 Table 3.7: Scale Reliability – Pilot Research 77 Table 3.8: KMO and Bartlett’s Test 79 Table 3.9: Coefficients of Eigenvalues and Extracted Variance 80 Table 3.10: EFA 81 Table 3.11: Scale Reliability 87 Table 3.12: CFA and Model Fit Indicators 91 Table 3.13: Reliability, Convergent and Discriminant Validity 92 Table 3.14: Descriptive Statistics of Entrepreneurial Intention 93 Table 3.15: Descriptive Statistics of Attitude Toward Entrepreneurship .94 Table 3.16: Descriptive Statistics of Acculturation .95 Table 3.17: Descriptive Statistics of Perception of Traditional Self .96 Table 3.18: Descriptive Statistics of Perception of Modern Self 97 Table 3.19: Descriptive Statistics of Risk-Taking .98 Table 3.20: Descriptive Statistics of Innovativeness 99 Table 3.21: Descriptive Statistics of Proactiveness 100 Table 3.22: SEM Model Fit Indicator 101 Table 3.23: Results of Hypothesis Testing 101 Table 3.24: Results of the Moderating Effect of PSE on ACC and EI .103 Table 3.25: Results of the Moderating Effect of PSE on ATE and EI 103 vii FIGURE LIST Figure 2.1: Graphic Depiction of the Conceptual Framework 41 Figure 2.2: CFA Analysis 47 Figure 2.3: Structural Model 52 Figure 2.4: Research Model 69 Figure 2.5: CFA .92 Figure 2.6: Structural Equation Model 104 INTRODUCTION Rationale Research on entrepreneurship is increasingly interested in practice because it is the basis of the economic development and happiness of countries (Kao, 1993) The interest in entrepreneurship in practice has attracted researchers to focus on this topic to elucidate relevant theories, thereby underpinning managers’ decisions (Nguyen et al., 2019a) Maalaoui et al (2018) has affirmed that the field of entrepreneurship studies is a large area of research and there is still much to investigate, such as the influence of culture, the expansion of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and the study of the transition from intention to action Vietnam is a development success story Economic reforms since 1986 combined with favorable global trends have rapidly helped Vietnam grow from one of the poorest countries in the world to a lower-middle-income country in just one generation According to the World Bank (2022), from 2002 to 2020 the country’s GDP per capita increased 3.6 times, reaching nearly 3,700 USD The poverty rate (according to the standard of 1.9 USD/day) dropped sharply from more than 32% in 2011 to less than 2% With a solid foundation, Vietnam’s economy has shown remarkable resilience in times of crisis, most recently during the COVID-19 pandemic GDP growth slowed to 2.58% in 2021 due to the arrival of the Delta variant but is expected to recover to 5.5% in 2022 Vietnam has set out an ambitious development vision, aspiring to become a high-income country by 2045 (The World Bank, 2022) Therefore, the economy needs to grow at an average annual rate of approximately 5% per capita over the next 20 years Promoting entrepreneurship is one way to achieve this goal The Vietnamese government proposed many programs to support people of all ages in Vietnam to become entrepreneurs (e.g., Resolution 35/2016/NQ-CP), which had the goal of one million businesses operating by 2020 (Government, 2016) However, it seems that the time it took to start a business in Vietnam had been underestimated, and as of 2020 only slightly more than 800,000 businesses were operating in Vietnam (An, 2021) The cause of the failure of the 2020 target of one million operating businesses (An, 2021) may have been low entrepreneurial intentions According to Fishbein & Ajzen (1975), intention is the best predictor of behavior, and an increasing number of studies show that intention has an important role in entrepreneurship (Liñán and Chen, 2009) Meanwhile, the intention of adult Vietnamese people to start a business (25%), according to a survey by GEM in 2017, is much lower than the average rate in developed countries based on the human resource (30.3%) (GEM and VCCI, 2018) ... topic ? ?Antecedents of entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence in Vietnam? ?? for my dissertation This dissertation focuses on exploring some antecedents of entrepreneurial intention in Vietnam. ..MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY ◆ NGUYEN QUANG KHAI ANTECEDENTS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE IN VIETNAM Specialization: BUSINESS AND ADMINISTRATION... theory of entrepreneurial learning However, the effectiveness of this solution depends on many factors, including the role that entrepreneurial learning plays in the entrepreneurial intention of Vietnamese

Ngày đăng: 11/11/2022, 21:06


