Eureka Math™ Grade Module Student File_B Additional Student Materials This file contains • • • • G5-M1 Sprint and Fluency Resources1 G5-M1 Exit Tickets G5-M1 Mid-Module Assessment G5-M1 End-of-Module Assessment 1Note that not all lessons in this module include sprint or fluency resources Published by Great Minds® Copyright © 2015 Great Minds No part of this work may be reproduced, sold, or commercialized, in whole or in part, without written permission from Great Minds Non-commercial use is licensed pursuant to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license; for more information, go to Printed in the U.S.A This book may be purchased from the publisher at 10 G5-M1-SFB-1.3.1-05.2016 Sprint and Fluency Packet Lesson Sprint A STORY OF UNITS Number Correct: _ A Multiply by 10 12 × 10 = 23 34 × 10 = 14 × 10 = 24 134 × 10 = 15 × 10 = 25 234 × 10 = 17 × 10 = 26 334 × 10 = 81 × 10 = 27 834 × 10 = 10 × 81 = 28 10 × 834 = 21 × 10 = 29 45 × 10 = 22 × 10 = 30 145 × 10 = 23 × 10 = 31 245 × 10 = 10 29 × 10 = 32 345 × 10 = 11 92 × 10 = 33 945 × 10 = 12 10 × 92 = 34 56 × 10 = 13 18 × 10 = 35 456 × 10 = 14 19 × 10 = 36 556 × 10 = 15 20 × 10 = 37 950 × 10 = 16 30 × 10 = 38 10 × 950 = 17 40 × 10 = 39 16 × 10 = 18 80 × 10 = 40 10 × 60 = 19 10 × 80 = 41 493 × 10 = 20 10 × 50 = 42 10 × 84 = 21 10 × 90 = 43 96 × 10 = 22 10 × 70 = 44 10 × 580 = Lesson 1: Reason concretely and pictorially using place value understanding to relate adjacent base ten units from millions to thousandths ©2015 Great Minds Lesson Sprint A STORY OF UNITS Number Correct: _ B Improvement: _ Multiply by 10 13 × 10 = 23 43 × 10 = 14 × 10 = 24 143 × 10 = 15 × 10 = 25 243 × 10 = 19 × 10 = 26 343 × 10 = 91 × 10 = 27 743 × 10 = 10 × 91 = 28 10 × 743 = 31 × 10 = 29 54 × 10 = 32 × 10 = 30 154 × 10 = 33 × 10 = 31 254 × 10 = 10 38 × 10 = 32 354 × 10 = 11 83 × 10 = 33 854 × 10 = 12 10 × 83 = 34 65 × 10 = 13 28 × 10 = 35 465 × 10 = 14 29 × 10 = 36 565 × 10 = 15 30 × 10 = 37 960 × 10 = 16 40 × 10 = 38 10 × 960 = 17 50 × 10 = 39 17 × 10 = 18 90 × 10 = 40 10 × 70 = 19 10 × 90 = 41 582 × 10 = 20 10 × 20 = 42 10 × 73 = 21 10 × 60 = 43 98 × 10 = 22 10 × 80 = 44 10 × 470 = Lesson 1: Reason concretely and pictorially using place value understanding to relate adjacent base ten units from millions to thousandths ©2015 Great Minds Lesson Template A STORY OF UNITS unlabeled hundreds through hundredths place value chart Lesson 1: Reason concretely and pictorially using place value understanding to relate adjacent base ten units from millions to thousandths ©2015 Great Minds Lesson Sprint A STORY OF UNITS Number Correct: _ A Multiply by 1×3= 23 10 × = 3×1= 24 9×3= 2×3= 25 4×3= 3×2= 26 8×3= 3×3= 27 5×3= 4×3= 28 7×3= 3×4= 29 6×3= 5×3= 30 × 10 = 3×5= 31 3×5= 10 6×3= 32 3×6= 11 3×6= 33 3×1= 12 7×3= 34 3×9= 13 3×7= 35 3×4= 14 8×3= 36 3×3= 15 3×8= 37 3×2= 16 9×3= 38 3×7= 17 3×9= 39 3×8= 18 10 × = 40 11 × = 19 × 10 = 41 × 11 = 20 3×3= 42 12 × = 21 1×3= 43 × 13 = 22 2×3= 44 13 × = Lesson 3: Use exponents to name place value units, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point ©2015 Great Minds Lesson Sprint A STORY OF UNITS Number Correct: _ B Improvement: _ Multiply by 3×1= 23 9×3= 1×3= 24 3×3= 3×2= 25 8×3= 2×3= 26 4×3= 3×3= 27 7×3= 3×4= 28 5×3= 4×3= 29 6×3= 3×5= 30 3×5= 5×3= 31 × 10 = 10 3×6= 32 3×1= 11 6×3= 33 3×6= 12 3×7= 34 3×4= 13 7×3= 35 3×9= 14 3×8= 36 3×2= 15 8×3= 37 3×7= 16 3×9= 38 3×3= 17 9×3= 39 3×8= 18 × 10 = 40 11 × = 19 10 × = 41 × 11 = 20 1×3= 42 13 × = 21 10 × = 43 × 13 = 22 2×3= 44 12 × = Lesson 3: Use exponents to name place value units, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point ©2015 Great Minds Lesson Sprint A STORY OF UNITS Number Correct: _ A Multiply Decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000 62.3 × 10 = 23 4.1 × 1,000 = 62.3 × 100 = 24 7.6 × 1,000 = 62.3 × 1,000 = 25 0.01 × 1,000 = 73.6 × 10 = 26 0.07 × 1,000 = 73.6 × 100 = 27 0.072 × 100 = 73.6 × 1,000 = 28 0.802 × 10 = 0.6 × 10 = 29 0.019 × 1,000 = 0.06 × 10 = 30 7.412 × 1,000 = 0.006 × 10 = 31 6.8 × 100 = 10 0.3 × 10 = 32 4.901 × 10 = 11 0.3 × 100 = 33 16.07 × 100 = 12 0.3 × 1,000 = 34 9.19 × 10 = 13 0.02 × 10 = 35 18.2 × 100 = 14 0.02 × 100 = 36 14.7 × 1,000 = 15 0.02 × 1,000 = 37 2.021 × 100 = 16 0.008 × 10 = 38 172.1 × 10 = 17 0.008 × 100 = 39 3.2 × 20 = 18 0.008 × 1,000 = 40 4.1 × 20 = 19 0.32 × 10 = 41 3.2 × 30 = 20 0.67 × 10 = 42 1.3 × 30 = 21 0.91 × 100 = 43 3.12 × 40 = 22 0.74 × 100 = 44 14.12 × 40 = Lesson 5: Name decimal fractions in expanded, unit, and word forms by applying place value reasoning ©2015 Great Minds Lesson Sprint A STORY OF UNITS Number Correct: _ B Improvement: _ Multiply Decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000 46.1 × 10 = 23 5.2 × 1,000 = 46.1 × 100 = 24 8.7 × 1,000 = 46.1 × 1,000 = 25 0.01 × 1,000 = 89.2 × 10 = 26 0.08 × 1,000 = 89.2 × 100 = 27 0.083 × 10 = 89.2 × 1,000 = 28 0.903 × 10 = 0.3 × 10 = 29 0.017 × 1,000 = 0.03 × 10 = 30 8.523 × 1,000 = 0.003 × 10 = 31 7.9 × 100 = 10 0.9 × 10 = 32 5.802 × 10 = 11 0.9 × 100 = 33 27.08 × 100 = 12 0.9 × 1,000 = 34 8.18 × 10 = 13 0.04 × 10 = 35 29.3 × 100 = 14 0.04 × 100 = 36 25.8 × 1,000 = 15 0.04 × 1,000 = 37 3.032 × 100 = 16 0.007 × 10 = 38 283.1 × 10 = 17 0.007 × 100 = 39 2.1 × 20 = 18 0.007 × 1,000 = 40 3.3 × 20 = 19 0.45 × 10 = 41 3.1 × 30 = 20 0.78 × 10 = 42 1.2 × 30 = 21 0.28 × 100 = 43 2.11 × 40 = 22 0.19 × 100 = 44 13.11 × 40 = Lesson 5: Name decimal fractions in expanded, unit, and word forms by applying place value reasoning ©2015 Great Minds Lesson Sprint A STORY OF UNITS Number Correct: _ A Find the Midpoint 10 23 8.5 8.6 24 2.8 2.9 0.01 25 0.03 0.04 10 20 26 0.13 0.14 27 0.37 0.38 28 80 90 29 90 100 8 30 9 31 10 10 0.1 0.2 32 0.8 0.9 11 0.2 0.3 33 0.9 12 0.3 0.4 34 0.08 0.09 13 0.7 0.8 35 0.09 0.1 14 0.1 0.2 36 26 27 15 0.01 0.02 37 7.8 7.9 16 0.02 0.03 38 1.26 1.27 17 0.03 0.04 39 29 30 18 0.07 0.08 40 9.9 10 19 41 7.9 20 16 17 42 1.59 1.6 21 38 39 43 1.79 1.8 22 0.4 0.5 44 3.99 Lesson 7: Round a given decimal to any place using place value understanding and the vertical number line ©2015 Great Minds Lesson Exit Ticket A STORY OF UNITS Name Date Solve a hundredths + hundredths = hundredths = tenth(s) _ hundredths b 64 hundredths + hundredths = hundredths = tenths _ hundredths Solve using the standard algorithm a 2.40 + 1.8 = Lesson 9: b 36.25 + 8.67 = Add decimals using place value strategies, and relate those strategies to a written method ©2015 Great Minds Lesson 10 Exit Ticket A STORY OF UNITS Name Date Subtract 1.7 – 0.8 = tenths – tenths = tenths = Subtract vertically, showing all work a 84.637 – 28.56 = b – 0.35 = Lesson 10: Subtract decimals using place value strategies, and relate those strategies to a written method ©2015 Great Minds Lesson 11 Exit Ticket A STORY OF UNITS Name Date Solve by drawing disks on a place value chart Write an equation, and express the product in standard form copies of tenths Complete the area model, and then find the product × 9.63 _ _ _ × ones Lesson 11: × tenths _ × _ hundredths Multiply a decimal fraction by single-digit whole numbers, relate to a written method through application of the area model and place value understanding, and explain the reasoning used ©2015 Great Minds Lesson 12 Exit Ticket A STORY OF UNITS Name Date Use estimation to choose the correct value for each expression a 5.1 × 0.102 1.02 10.2 102 b × 8.93 3.572 35.72 357.2 3572 Estimate the answer for 7.13 × Explain your reasoning using words, pictures, or numbers Lesson 12: Multiply a decimal fraction by single-digit whole numbers, including using estimation to confirm the placement of the decimal point ©2015 Great Minds Lesson 13 Exit Ticket 5•1 A STORY OF UNITS Name Date Complete the sentences with the correct number of units, and then complete the equation a groups of tenths is 1.8 1.8 ÷ = b groups of hundredths is 0.32 0.32 ÷ = c groups of thousandths is 0.021 0.021 ÷ = Complete the number sentence Express the quotient in unit form and then in standard form a 4.5 ÷ = tenths ÷ = b 6.12 ÷ = ones ÷ + = ones + tenths = hundredths ÷ hundredths = Lesson 13: Divide decimals by single-digit whole numbers involving easily identifiable multiples using place value understanding and relate to a written method ©2015 Great Minds Lesson 14 Exit Ticket A STORY OF UNITS Name Date Draw place value disks on the place value chart to solve Show each step using the standard algorithm 5.372 ÷ = Ones Tenths Hundredths Thousandths 2 Solve using the standard algorithm 0.576 ÷ = Lesson 14: Divide decimals with a remainder using place value understanding and relate to a written method ©2015 Great Minds Lesson 15 Exit Ticket 5•1 A STORY OF UNITS Name Date Draw place value disks on the place value chart to solve Show each step in the standard algorithm 0.9 ÷ = _ Ones Tenths Hundredths Thousandths Solve using the standard algorithm 9.8 ÷ = Lesson 15: Divide decimals using place value understanding, including remainders in the smallest unit ©2015 Great Minds Lesson 16 Exit Ticket 5•1 A STORY OF UNITS Name Date Write a word problem with two questions that matches the tape diagram below, and then solve 16.23 lb Weight of John’s Dog ? Weight of Jim’s Dog ? Lesson 16: Solve word problems using decimal operations â2015 Great Minds Assessment Packet 5ã1 Mid-Module Assessment Task Lesson A STORY OF UNITS New York State Common Core Name Date Compare using >, ,