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ĐỀ &ĐÁP ÁN KHOA, SỬ, ĐỊA lớp 4 KTĐK cuối năm học

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Some tips for the warm Up for reading English 12 semester 1 standard syllabus to motivate the study excitement of the students in Trieu Son 4 high school THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING[.]

THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRIEU SON HIGH SCHOOL - - EXPERIENCE IDEA SOME TIPS FOR THE WARM- UP FOR READING ENGLISH 12- SEMESTER 1- STANDARD SYLLABUS TO MOTIVATE THE STUDY EXCITEMENT OF THE STUDENTS IN TRIEU SON HIGH SCHOOL Implementer: Nguyễn Lan Anh Position: Teacher Subject: English THANH HOA YEAR 2019 SangKienKinhNghiem.net TABLE OF CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION Page 1.1 Reasons for choosing the research: …………………………… 1.2 Aims of the research: …………………………………………… 1.3 Participants, time of the research: ……………………………… 1.4 Methods of the research: ………………………………………… II CONTENT 1 1 2.1 Theoretical Background: ………………………………………… 2.2 The status of the problem: ……………………………………… 2.3 Describe the solution of the topic: 2.4 “Some tips for the warm - up for Reading English 12- semester 3 in Trieu Son High School ” 2.4.1.Unit1: Home Life…….:……………………………… 2.4.2 Unit 2: Cutural Diversity: …………………………… 2.4.3 Unit 3: Ways of socialising:………………………………… 2.4.4 Unit 4: Education System:…………………………………… 2.4.5 Unit 5: Higher Education: ……………………………… 2.4.6.Unit 6: Future Jobs: ……………………………………… 2.4.7.Unit 8: Life in the Future ……………………………… 2.5.Results of the Research: ……………………………………… III CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 11 12 13 16 3.1 Conclusion:……………………………………………………… 3.2 Some suggestions: ……………………………………………… References: : ………………………………………………… 16 16 18 SangKienKinhNghiem.net I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reasons for choosing the research According to the trend of globalization, English has played an increasingly important role in all areas As a result, the deman of learning English has been constantly increasing Before that trend, English is considered the dominant subjects in the schools To be a young and enthusiastic teacher with teaching English, I always put out for myself the question is: How students love and become good at this subject? Through five - year practical teaching in Trieu Son High School, I learned an experience is: If students take part in a warm- up activity before starting a new lesson, the lesson will be more successful From this fact, I study and design some suggested warm- up activities for teaching reading English 12 (I apply the first semester ) to attract students’ attention in new lessons and make these lessons more interesting and effective.This is the reason why I choose the topic: “Some tips for the warm - up for Reading English 12- semester 1Standard syllabus to motivate the study excitement of the students in Trieu Son High School ” 1.2 Aims of the research Designing Warm-up activities to attract students into new lessons is exciting and has an association with the main topic of the lesson, promoting positive activeness of students Students not feel heavy when it comes to class and at the same time stimulate curiosity to explore knowledge in the lesson.Since then, moral stimuli will gradually help children achieve certain effects in the learning process 1.3 Participants, time of the research - Object of research: Students in grades 12B3 and 12B7 Trieu Son High School -Time of research SangKienKinhNghiem.net Time to study in the first semester 1.4 Methods of the research - Observing students working - Analyzing students’ results II CONTENT 2.1 Theoretical Background All of us know that the new version of English 12 was brought to the curriculum from the academic year 2006- 2007 and it has really brought a new wind in method of teaching and learning foreign language However, in my opinion beside the advantages the textbook English 12 also brings some disadvantages to both the learners and teachers About advantages, the English 12- term has lessons with some topics (Home life, cultural diversity, ways of socialising, school education system ) These topics are rather suitable with the hobby and knowledge of students They can not only make use of the general knowledge but also encourage them to find out some other informations relating to the lesson These information will provide students the necessary knowledge About disadvantages, there are many difficult words and phrases for students in some reading texts, which make it difficult for students to apply in situations, which causes the difficulties in designing lesson plan to the teachers Being aware difficulties and advantages above, myself as well as other English teachers always think carefully before the completing a lesson phan.And this research is also aimed at promoting the advantages and limiting the disadvantages of teaching English in general and teaching English 12- semester in particular SangKienKinhNghiem.net 2.2 The status of the problem From all the periods, I see that most of our students are still passive, not really interested in learning English This consequence is partly because our students come from the rural regions, their knowledge of English is not rich, especially some know very little about English When the teacher asks them to read the reading passages to give the answers, they all give correct answers but some of them not understand the content of the lesson In the examinations, they not the part reading well and some not know how to these exercises That is the reason why I think that we must design the really interesting warm-up activities for reading lesson to attract students’attention and make them more excited with the lessons 2.3 Describe the solution of the topic: I designed some Warm-up activities based on the following tips: + Create game activities (Games): The game helps them create a comfortable and gentle psychology when entering new lessons The designed games must not exceed the allowed time (4-5 minutes), so the requests are often fast, compact and unexpected + Brainstorming: Give students a key word, asking them to work as a group to give as many relevant words as possible within a certain time limit Any group with more correct words will win the prize This activity helps them to strengthen their vocabulary + Discussion: Teachers give discussion content, students think about ideas in the group and then choose individuals to present their mouth to the class From there, the teacher gets a comment on the new lesson content + Questions and answers (Ask and answer system): Teachers give some questions about a certain topic through specific pictures or objects, asking them to give their personal opinions The questions are often simple, easy to SangKienKinhNghiem.net understand to avoid the psychology of "finding the wrong fear" Encourage students to ask more questions related to the topic + Guessing picture: The teacher selects a picture that contains relatively clear lesson content and suggests what the picture is about the picture From the teacher pictures guide students into lessons + Crossword puzzle: Students work in pairs or groups, using suggestions to find words in the crossword Suggestions can be drawings, synonyms, Vietnamese words In addition, teachers can use many other tricks such as: What and where, slap the board, rubout and remember, survey, snakes and ladders, true / statement false, picture drill, ordering, pelmanism, mappled dialogue, gap fill, listen and draw, find someone who, dictation, chain game, to start the lesson to suit the ability and psychological characteristics of each class 2.4 “Some tips for the warm - up for Reading English 12- semester in Trieu Son High School ” UNIT 1: Home Life * Aim for lessons: The main topic of this article is about activities and relationships among traditional family members Teaching techniques applied to this lesson: - Using the game: Ask and Answer Type : class work Materials : nothing Time : 3-5 minutes Procedure: - Ask students to work in groups and tell about their families SangKienKinhNghiem.net - Suggestion questions: How many people are there in your family? What your parents work ? Who does the household chores in your family? What’s your responsibility in your family? What interest your family members share closely? Who you often share your secrets with? - Call on some students to answer the questions in front of the class - Feedback - Lead in the lesson : “ Through questions and answers about your family, our lesson today is Home Life We learn together how family in this lesson is different from our families” UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY * Aim for lessons: - Have some background information about the difference between American and Asian thoughts on love and marriage such as physical attractiveness, confiding, partnership of equals, trust built on love,… - Teaching techniques applied to this lesson: * Competition game : “network” Type: group work Materials: poster, large papers, board, pens Time: minutes Procedure: - Prepares a hand out with a network of the word “marriage” and asks students to answer the question: + What things make a marriage happy? SangKienKinhNghiem.net - Divides the class into groups and gives each group a hand out Teacher asks students to complete the network - Each group will choose one student to go to the board and complete the network - The winner will be the group completing the network with more words in the shortest time - Feedback * Key: -romantic love - understanding - sharing , partnership of equals - Then use some pictures to lead in the lesson: “ We are going to read about American and Asian thoughts on love and marriage through cultural diversity lesson” SangKienKinhNghiem.net UNIT 3: WAYS OF SOCIALISING * Aim for lessons: Help students understand about non-verbal communication in English to attract someone's attention * Technique teaching applies to this article: Use game: "Describing pictures" Type: class work Materials: picturers Time: mins Procedure: What are people in these pictures doing ? SangKienKinhNghiem.net *Expected answer: - They are clapping their hands - They are nodding - They are jumping up and down - They are shaking hands and waving with each other - She is pointing to the board - Lead in the new lesson: They are using nonverbal actions to communicate in some situations Ways of socialising is the topic of our lesson today UNIT 4: SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM * Aim for lessons: - To help students read for specific information about school education system in England * Technique teaching applies to this article: _ Use “Observing pictures - Asking and Answering” Type: group work Materials: picture, SangKienKinhNghiem.net Time : mins Procedure: - Ask students to study the table below : levels Nursery Pre - school Kindergarten Primary school Primary education (Lower) secondary school High/Upper secondary school Secondary education - Lead in the lesson by some guiding question: + How many levels of education in Viet Nam? + When the children in Viet Nam start school? + When does the school year begin? + How many terms are there in an academic year in Viet Nam? + Do the students have any examinations when they finish secondary school? ts in England are UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION *Aim for lessons: Students should know about their first impressions of university life * Teaching techniques applied to this lesson: Use Game - “Brainstorming” Type: classwork SangKienKinhNghiem.net Materials: pictures,chalk, Time: mins Procedure: - The class will be devided into groups - Ask students answer the question: + How did you feel when you entered into the 10 grade? - The teacher suggests some adjectives on the board: Example: student, exciting, happy, independent, free, lonely, disappointed, daunting, proud of, challenging, knowledge - Each group will choose leader student answer in front of the class - Show the pictures on and give question: + Which university will you like to attend next year? University of Languages and International Studies University of Cambridge 10 SangKienKinhNghiem.net Hanoi University of Architecture Hue University Hanoi University of Natural Science - Get feedback - Lead in the new lesson UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS *Aim for lessons: Students should know about preparing for a job interview So I want students look at the pictures and give the name of the job in the pictures * Teaching techniques applied to this lesson: Use game: Miming- Who is she/he ? Type: group work Materials: pictures, some pieces of paper Time : mins Procedure: - The class will be devided into two groups - Show the pictures - Each group will choose one student to go to the board and write the name career in each picture 11 SangKienKinhNghiem.net - Each right word you will get mark - The group with more right word will be the winner * key : doctor, singer, football player, engineer, farmer, teacher, dentist, police - Ask students to answer the question: - What job would you like to be in the future? Why? Lead in: “Today we are going to read a passage about “FUTURE JOBS” UNIT 8: LIFE IN THE FUTURE * Aim for lessons: The purpose of the reading helps children understand what life will be like in the future * Teaching techniques applied to this lesson: Use game: crossword Type: classwork Materials: chalk, board, pictures Time: 3-5 mins Procedure: 12 SangKienKinhNghiem.net - Ask students to answer questions or complete sentences to find the words to fill in horizontal lines - Vertical row crossword will be the answer of this game - The group with more right word will be the winner How people travel to other planet? 2.Throwing rubbish, smoke from cars, factories, industrial waste cause… Doing morning exercises is good for our 13 SangKienKinhNghiem.net You can get information from the Internet easily by using What is it ? It can help people to save their labour Today, cancers is a very dangerous - Give feedback and lead in the lesson Answer Key: S P A C E C R A F T P O L L U T H E A L T H C O M P U S D I I O T E R R O B O E A S E N T 14 SangKienKinhNghiem.net 2.5 Results of the Research - After five years teaching English 12 at Trieu Son IV High School, I realize that the warm- up activities in teaching English 12 have following results: - Students have more progress in developing skills: reading They can use the information from the reading passage to apply in their writings Therefore, students can improve their reading skills: scanning and skimming, guessing the meaning of words in context - Weaker students have made more progress in learning at school Moreover, they became more confident in expressing their ideas, thoughts and feeling in class - These warm- up activities made students become more active and excited about the reading lessons In addition, the classes became really effective Students felt happy when doing well the activities that the teacher required by their efforts - After the first term teaching reading English 12 for two classes I compared the average mark of all the tests and achieved in term the following results: * Actual quality at the beginning of the first semester of 12B3 and 12B7 classes: Class Mark Number of students - 10 6.5 - 7.5 5-6 2.5 – 4.5 1–2 12B3 40 (7.5 %) (22.5 %) 20 (50 %) (20 %) 12B7 43 (11.6%) 10 (23.2%) 23 (53.4%) (11.6%) * Specific results at the end of the first semester of 12B3 and 12B7classes: Class Mark Number of students - 10 6.5 - 7.5 5-6 2.5 – 4.5 1-2 12B3 40 (12.5%) 14 (35 %) 18 (45 %) (7.5 %) 12B7 43 (16,2 %) 14 (32,5%) 19 (44,1%) (6,9 %) 15 SangKienKinhNghiem.net III CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 3.1 Conclusion - Using the warm- up activities in teaching English 12 brings us many positive effects The students’ reading skills are much better Beside students can improve their speaking, listening as well as writing skills They are really excited in learning lessons in the textbook English 12- term I 3.2 Some suggestions - In order to apply these activities in teaching English 12, the teachers and students are expected to the following activities: - For students: They must prepare the lesson carefully at home, especially the vocabulary - For teachers: They have to redesign the activities in the lessons so that they are suitable with students’ abilities and can motivate students in each class - For schools: Each school should supply more references related to reading, speaking, listening and writing skills to the teachers - Finally, we should redesign the warm- up activities for teaching English 12 term English 11 and English 10 in order to help our students study better - Above are all the experiences that I got after five years teaching English in my school However, each teacher has their own ways of teaching as well as each student has their own ways of learning, we expect to receive more suggestions from readers in order to make my research more completed 16 SangKienKinhNghiem.net XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG Thanh Hóa, ngày 23 tháng năm 2019 ĐƠN VỊ Tôi xin cam đoan SKKN viết, khơng chép nội dung người khác (Ký ghi rõ họ tên) Nguyễn Lan Anh 17 SangKienKinhNghiem.net REFERENCES SGV, SGK lớp 12, NXB Giáo Dục English language Teaching Methodology Bộ GD-ĐT 2003 The ELTTP Methodology course Brophy, Jeremy (1998), Motivating Students to Learn, Mc Graw- Hill Companies Thiết kế giảng Tiếng Anh 12, NXB Hà Nội Sách “ Một số vấn đề đổi phương pháp dạy học bậc THPT môn tiếng Anh Bộ GD-ĐT ” Tài liệu tập huấn đổi phương pháp môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 18 SangKienKinhNghiem.net ... Class Mark Number of students - 10 6.5 - 7.5 5-6 2.5 – 4. 5 1-2 12B3 40 (12.5%) 14 (35 %) 18 (45 %) (7.5 %) 12B7 43 (16,2 %) 14 (32,5%) 19 (44 ,1%) (6,9 %) 15 SangKienKinhNghiem.net III CONCLUSION... socialising:………………………………… 2 .4. 4 Unit 4: Education System:…………………………………… 2 .4. 5 Unit 5: Higher Education: ……………………………… 2 .4. 6.Unit 6: Future Jobs: ……………………………………… 2 .4. 7.Unit 8: Life in the Future... Class Mark Number of students - 10 6.5 - 7.5 5-6 2.5 – 4. 5 1–2 12B3 40 (7.5 %) (22.5 %) 20 (50 %) (20 %) 12B7 43 (11.6%) 10 (23.2%) 23 (53 .4% ) (11.6%) * Specific results at the end of the first

Ngày đăng: 04/11/2022, 03:51

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