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RSPral I" " ' -'•'-■;-■'- ENISON U NI V E R SITY B U L L E T IN CATALOG NUMBER 1951-52 I J s I ENISON UNIVERSITY BULLETIN CATALOG NUMBER 1951-52 Bulletin of DENISON UNIVERSITY Granville, Ohio 1951-52 A COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES • Founded 1831 CATALOG NUMBER January, 1952 Volume Ul, No The Dcniton University Bulletin li publilhed bi-monthly and entered a« lacond clou moll moHat ot the Poll Oflica at Granville, Ohio, under Act ol Augull 24 1912 STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES Penison University is » Christian college in the sense that all its instruction is motivated by Christian principles There is no attempt to force religion into a particular denominational expression and all the advantages of the institution are offered to every student without discrimination Denison University is a college of liberal arts and sciences in which the development of the individual takes precedence over all other aims Consequently the University attempts to aid the student to achieve: An ability to think honestly, clearly and constructively; A facility in the oral ard written use of English, and some familiarity with the treasures of literature; An understanding of the meaning and methods of the main branches of learning; A sufficient concentration in one or two fields of learning so that he may be prepared more adequately for his life work; An in'erest in the excellent management of his mind and body so that they may become contributing factors in the furtherance of his life aims; C An acquaintanceship with all peoples, past and present, thus developing a cosmopolitan attitude ol mind; A social outlook and way of living that will lead to mutually satIsfying and helpful relations with others; An appreciation of beauty as expressed in the arts; i) A determination to use his knowledge for human welfare; and 10 A personality developed around Christian principles and ideals TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Map Statement of Objectives Table of Contents University Calendar Frontispiece General Information Expenses Scholarships and Grants-in-Aid Academic Honors and Prizes Admission Counseling Registration 16 19 27 30 33 35 Plan of Study and Degree Requirements 39 Courses of Study 49 Core Courses in General Education Departmental Courses 49 65 Conservatory of Music Faculty Curriculum 110 110 112 Personnel Board of Trustees Faculty by Rank Faculty Administrative Staff Society of the Alumni Student Enrollment 117 117 120 122 130 133 137 Appendix A Summary of Student Enrollment B Summary of Student Enrollment Geographically C Degrees Conferred June 11, 1951 D Honors and Awards, 1950-51 146 147 148 152 Index 165 Preliminary Application for Admission 169 CALENDAR 1951-52 1952 19.* JANUARY JULY S M T W T I < S M T W T F S ft 10 11 H I | 14 II IS |1 I* 19 i I 15 'ã 2t lion I: 13 ii 1ô 17 I* 19 N II 23 ;i - 30 31 II 2B 29 30 31 H.ltKfAKY AQOUST a M T 12 1» -6 t 13 20 H U 21 U w r F i II i ft 15 22 29 16 23 30 10 IT 24 31 a M r « r w a 11 1* 25 10 IT 24 II 1" 25 U 19 2ft S M T W T F S Brmm : H T W T I "s" V § V T » If 23 |30 10 11 12 11 14 It 17 1ft 19 20 21 It 24 25 2« 27 IS » 31 APRIL S 111111 ft 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 17 1ft 19 20 If 23 21 25 2« 27 ■ft 29 30 31 _ o DEN190N UNIV1XSITY BULLETIN Donald James Gordon Norval Dean Goss, J r Barbara Constance Greenfield Harry I awr« i ea Bourdeea Charles Frederick Grey 111 lit rschel HolmM Bowyer I Elwin Gnssom M ■: n \\ tyiM Bradley I el I Bruce Guthrie ! ■ ,■ ' I ■ 1' ;' i — John l.yntlal HaRemeyer a Kensley Brooks Hu^h David Hanna San JtJM Brown David Bonhurst Hart w i h A1U rt Buder Richard El wood Ilartman Dai I Dale Buehler Natalie Joan Hashrook Ruth Caroline Burdiek Paul Hanerty Huzlett Jr I Jamai Burdsall Joanne Caruth lleaslett Wi : 1y Joan Burnip Doris Elaine Heller Marion Les CampU-ll Albert Maltby Hipley, Jr U ■ • » Cannon I i AdellaHill Janice Ellen Carter Kent Albert Hooker in Elizabeth Caw Carolyn Ann Hovt Esther I#ah Cervai Francis Clayton Huddle Frank Richard Chaei |r Pamela 1-ee Hudson lame* Bertram Cherry, Jr Robert Donald Huphes Donald David Clement Jo Ann Sperry Hunt Miriam Carol CAH'T Phoebe Ann Hunt Norma Cntherire Coe Patricia Ann Hunter Helen Eucenia Collins Constance Ann Hutching! lame* Llovd Corde'l Patricia Ellis Hyatt Franklin Edward Cover William Harm Jaquith Jerry Louts Cowan Arthur lx>well Johnson I nifence Gordon Crocker Edward William Johnston, Jr Marilvn Iran Crosby F.ffie Manraret Jones Marilyn Jean Cniikshank David Jones Judy ' '.< rare Marion Cunninirham Joseph Charles Ke^ney, Jr Dom Sherwood Daranhardt Robert Franklin Kin* TVmald FHwin Dannecker T>OUPHS Roberts Krieger Jo Anne Davis John Kenneth l.nndis Woh«tviner T>avin, Jr Peter John Lane: Donald Spencer TV>er Caralee Lannins; » •* rt Fmmett Dix Ladle Lauren Marv Charlotte Dourall Shirlev *delel,each William Rotrers Dresser Robert Charles I^echner Cyril Ayeri Dyer, Jr Philip Fero-uson I-eirler Roberta Teanne Emery Rarhara Natalie Licberman Mary Elsie Frier Robert Thomas Lister The'mn Teanne Evans Charles Harold Lundqiiist Rarbsra Ro*e Farrow Helen Glover McDonald Don ITowaiv' ^"-l.^im, Jr Alexander Dalzell MaeDonell, Jr MarvFlIen wWitofc David Croft McConnauehey K*ther(n# MrtrMre Follmer Thomas Oliver McCormick John Phi'lip Frihe*«* Jr Bruce Mason McCulloch R pi ■ rd ftardner Frost Edwin Floyd McDermott M-tvt^n I'-'-rr-v- Gnrnrr El -,-■ •'■ (Cropland) Gelger Richard Rweenev McLaughlin Malcolm Albert McNiven Joet i'h Horace ; John ' eqlje MaHinson Geor«*e Frank C e«e John Klee Matthews Jr David Edward Giessler Joanne T ouise Messerly I | r< '.■• • Gillies Robert Henry Mett Henry WeMon Gleiss Florence Klaine Rorj^mann DMMM Marilyn I.ce Meyer Merylen F.li7.abeth Miller Archibald Frascr Mirrielecs, Jr Donald Fraser Mirrielecs Jane Ellen Monson Joyce F.rnm Morong Wurrrn Holmes Morse Herbert Ilorton Munro, Jr I inuglas Woltera Naramore Theodosia Nelson Richard James Novak Elizabeth Anne Ormond Shirley Ann Osborn Dorothy Louise Parker George Mark Patterson Prehhle Kathryn Pendleton Jovce Ellen Pinkham Edith Sharpies Pusey Donald Richard Raquct Dorothy Caroline Raymond Thomas Garry Reading Mary Janet Reese Nancy 1/iuise Rettig Jnmes Frank Richards Millicent Rhea Richardson Norma Euirt*nia Richmond Alice Doran Ritter Mnrcia Roberts Robert I«e Robertson Joyce Mary Roncr Rarbara Jean Russell Anthony Patrick Santomauro Mary Ann Scott Glenn Ed"ar Seils Marllvn Rnth Shields MaHha Wallace Shorney Harriet «nn Smith John William Snvder Genevievc Myrtle Sowards CONKKRKKI 161 Robert Marquis Starr Hilda Esther Stewart Nancy Stewart Robert GeorRe Stinchcomb Robert Louis Stocker Ralph Herold Talbot David George Taylor Frederick William Taylor Robert Allen Thorns John Bonar Tinglcy Margaret Jen Titus James Willis Toy Emilv Jane Tracy Charles Welch Travis John David Trnwbridge Beverly Jean Tyler Virginia Vallandingham Cornelius Shreve VnnRees Robert Frederick Veh Mary Jean Vollrath Don Orra Watkins Marv Eleanor Wattera Fdwina Rrown Webb George Thomas Webb John I-eslie Webb Eugenia Weinrich Arthur Stanlev Wheelock, Jr Joan Ruth Widdowson Donald Raymond Wilde Dorothv.Toan Williams Robert Burns Wilson Dorothy Jean Wischhusen Jane Carol Wonders Robert Duncan Worst Jean Wriirht Robert Shedd Wriirht Perrv Bvron Wvdman Marilvn McHose Voder Donald Joseph Zalud THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC Charles Frederick Briefer THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Douglas Holmes McKee Frank O'Neill Brisley James Franklin Mason George Edward Bruggcmann Endre Agoston Miklos Mayer William Porter Cunnings Lawrence Winter Nisbet, Jr Carl Alfred Dctchon II Suzanne Ellen Olin John Sherman Elliott John Harold Peterson Clyde Curtis Fox David Lee Pickett Lawrence Frederick Jones Barbara (Stone) Sawyer Lois Jean Kampmeier Nancy Terese Stinchneld Shirley Virginia King Helen Emily Thornhill Elizabeth (Corey) McHutchison Jean St Clalr Whitney 161 DCNISON D UNIVERSITY BULLTTIN HONORS AND AWARDS 1950-51 DEAN'S LIST OF ANNUAL HONORS (ClouollvSI) Joanne Fay Kenneth Colman Mary Lan?an Florence Borgmann Lucy Amner Itruce Johnson I'on Fellabaum David Heifer Mary Ellen Fischbach Kathryn Pemlleton Don O" Watkina I.orna Zaldivar Laurence Crocker Joanne Ilcaslctt Patricia Wolfe Doris Heller Janet Bray James Tov Barbara Russell Lawrence Jones Marion Campbell Eleanor Brandfasa Marilyn Crosby William Winahip Myrtle Sowarda William Roach Martha (lamer Kupenia Wcinrich John Landis Janet Reese Robert Veh Jfwclie Hahbajre Elmer Vaatyan Jean WriRht Harriet Smith Charlotte Alber Marcia Rolterta Nancy Baldwin Joyce Pinkham Elizabeth Allen Robert Stinchcomb Robert Robertson Marion Case Joan W'iddowson Jean Gillies Herschel Bowycr Jane Monson atCTED TO PHI BETA KAPPA CLASS OF I9S1 I.ucy Amner Florence Borfrmana John Boyer Marion Campbell Laurence Crocker Marilyn Crosby "Joanne Fay Marthn Cirnor Doris Heller Lamar Johnson •Mary Langan Samuel McHutchlaon Barbara Russell Harriet Smith •James Toy Elmer Vaatyan Don O Watkins Jean Whitney Lorna ZaldiTar OENISON UNIVERSITY RESEARCH FOUNDATION PRIZES Patricia Jane Wolfe, Creative Arts Samuel K*>rr McHutchison Science Harvey William Preslan (1960), Science •It junlur y*itr 163 HONORS AND AWARDS D U RESEARCH FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS Kenneth Wilson Colman Prebble Kathryn Pendleton William Bruce Johnson William LaKay Rouch, Jr Mary Elizabeth Langan James Willis Toy Don Orra Watkins GRANVILLE CENTENNIAL SCHOLARSHIP |Port-Tuition) James Willis Toy (1947) THEATRE ARTS FELLOWSHIP Franklin Edward Cover (1950) CHI OMEGA SOCIOLOGY PRIZE Florence Elaine Borgmann WILLIAM CLARENCE EBAUGH AWARD IN CHEMISTRY David Judson Heiser LOUIS KUSSMAUL FRIENDSHIP AWARD Joseph Charles Keaney, Jr WOODLAND CHEMISTRY PRIZES (owordod in junior yoor) David Judson Heiser, first John Sherman Elliott, second ANNIE MARY MocNEILL POETRY PRIZES Philip Ferguson Legler, Poetry Writing John David Trowbridge (1950), Study of Browning Virginia Vallandingham (1951), Study of Browning THE CHARLES EDWARD SILBERNAGEL MEMORIAL (pr.-m.dlcol) John Thomas Boyer and Louis Rummel Fry THE GERTRUDE CARHARTT BRELSFORD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (MUSIC) Theodosia Nelson (1949-51) James Toy (1947-49; 1950-61) CORA WHITCOM8 SHEPARDSON SCHOLARSHIP (ART) Patricia Jane Wolfe DANIEL SHEPARDSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (Chrlilion S.rvic) Dorothy Louise Parker (1950) LAURA F PLATTS SCHOLARSHIP (Strvic.) Genevieve Myrtle Sowards THE PRESSER MUSIC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS James Willis Toy (1949-60) HAY SANFORD STOUT ENGLISH PRIZES FOR PROSE COMPOSITION John Eachcller, Jr., first SIGMA DELTA PI MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN SPANISH Lucy Amner Robert Robertson Elizabeth Ormond James Toy INDEX Academic Honors Academic Standing Acceptance Procedure Accrediting Activities, Student Administrative Staff Admission Preliminary Application Blank Procedure Advanced Standing Alumni, Society of Area Studies, Major in Art Art Loan Collection Art Treasure Collection Astronomy Athletics _ Awards Bills, Payment of Biological Sciences alSc Board Books and Supplies Buildings Business Council— _ Business, Major in 27 11 31 11 12,16, 115 130 169 80 82 133 65 51 67 12 12 69 14 27, 162 17 60 18 17 _~ 84 67 Calendar, Academic Campus Chapel Attendance Chemistry Christian Emphasis Citizenship, Major in Classical Languages Clnssificntion of Students College Board Tests Combination Courses Community Recreation, Major in Composition, Oral and Written Concentration, Field of Conservatory of Music Cooperative House Counseling Courses of Study Core Departmental Credits, Secondary School Cultural Development 41 63 11 61 65 37 - 31 43 56 60 ^0 17, 110 10 83 49 40, 49, 54 55 30 12 - „ 27 Dean's List of Annual Honors Deeds Field 165 156 DKNISON U.NIVHWrTY Bl U-KTIN Degree Requirements Departmental Courses Deposits Dining Halls Directed Study Dormitories 39 55 31 47 10 Economics Education Electiv.' Courses Eligibility Rules -_ Employment of Students Engineering, see Professions Engineering Science - _English English Requirements Enrollment Classified Geographical _ Student Entrance Requirements Examinations College Entrance _ Comprehensive Graduate Record Expenses Extracurricular Activities 67 71 41 37 25 44 73 74 41 - 146 147 137, 146 30 31 43 43 16 11-15, 115 Faculty Family Life i e* Conservatory Fellows, Denison Forms of Fine Arts Forms of Thinking French 120, 122 77 17 14 51 51 86 General Education General Information 40, 49, 54 ■ aphy 78 78 86 79 42 21 39 27, 47 19, 22 66 33 German Government Grade-Point System Graduate Honor Scholarships Graduate Requirements Graduation with Honors Grants in-Aid Guidance, see Counseling Health H ■•>■ History, Denison History of Civilisation Elonor Scholarships Hon rary Societies 10 ,, 14, 31, 50 81 _„ 51 27 19 167 INDEX Honor* Hospital Incidental Fee Italian Journal of Scientific Laboratories Language and Literature Latin I-aw, see Professions Library I^oan Funds Location Majors, Kinds of Mathematics Medicine, see Professions , Merrill-Palmer School Modern Languages Modem Social and Economic Principles Music Objectives, University Organizations Orientation of Freshmen Personnel Administration, Major in Phi Beta Kappa Philosophic and Religious Ideas Philosophy Physical Education Physical Education and Community Center Physics _ Plan of Study Portuguese Principles of Organic Behavior Principles of Physical Science Prizes Professions, Training for Psychology Radio Refunds Registration Changes in Excess Late Normal Partial Reduced Religion Requirements, Admission Requirements, Degree Research Foundation Reservations, Cancellation of Residence Halls Rhodes Scholarship Room Deposit 27, 152 9, 16, 131 16 87 13 63 66 43 —8, 12 25 65 83 43 48 85 63 21, 46, 61, 89, 91, 112, 116 27 33 66 27 54 91 41, 60, 93, 96 99 39 87 52 62 27, 152 43 108 106 18, 31 36 36 35 36 35 36 102 30 8» 13 17 W 22 18, 31 158 IlKMSUN 1'NlvntSITY BlLLTTIN Room Rent 16 Scholarship Haptist Denison Tuition Graduate Honor Honor Music Noyes Pre-Ministerial — Scholastic Requirements Social l.itV Sociology Spanish Speech Student Government Students Classification Enrollment 19f»ir,2 Geographical Pistrihution Names _ Superior _ Swasry Chapel Teacher Placement Teaching Certificate Theatre Arts Transdepartmintal Courses Transdepartmcntal Majors Trustees, Board of Tuition tt It II — 1* —- Jl - ** _ — 24 — 41 - -16 -'21 -88 106 16 86 144 147 1W 47 — 34 44, 71 61 108 jj7 65 117 16 Veterans Counseling of Vocational Services 84 Washington Semester Plan Withdrawal from College Withdrawal from Courses 48 86 86 J4 DENISON UNIVERSITY GRANVILLE OHIO PRELIMINARY APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION I desire to make application tor admission to Denison University tor_ (Pate of untud entrance, month and year) NameAdd res»- Number and Street Cily Zone, and state High School or Preparatory School- City and Sute Data of graduation from High School- Month and Year Approximate Scholastic Rank Highest Quarter in Claaa to Date Second Quarter (My own best estimate) Third Quarter Lowest Quarter I agree to report promptly any change of plans which would prevent my entranc? to Denison on the date indicated above Please send me application blanks for admission to Denison Signed-Date- On account of inability to accept all students who »pply for admission, preference must be given to applicants whose credits fully meet our requirements and whose recommendations are favorable Hail at once to the Office of Admissions, Denison University, Granville, Ohio APPLICANT FOR ADVANCED STANDING AS TRANSFER STUDENT College Attended - Address Number of Yeara Estimated Scholastic Average _ Date* ...I J s I ENISON UNIVERSITY BULLETIN CATALOG NUMBER 1951-52 Bulletin of DENISON UNIVERSITY Granville, Ohio 1951-52 A COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES • Founded 1831... This fund of $1,255 was established in memory of Millard Brelsford of the Class of 1897, former treasurer of the University and secretary of the Board of Trustees, by members and friends of the... fund of $1,255 was also established in memory of Millard Brelsford of the Class of 1897, former treasurer of the University anil secretary of the Board of Trustees, by members and friends of the