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Carroll vs. University of Dayton 1953

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John Carroll University Carroll Collected Football Programs Athletics Department 10-11-1953 Carroll vs University of Dayton, 1953 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/football Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "Carroll vs University of Dayton, 1953" (1953) Football Programs 19 http://collected.jcu.edu/football/19 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Athletics Department at Carroll Collected It has been accepted for inclusion in Football Programs by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected For more information, please contact connell@jcu.edu I CARROL { ~ v OCTOBER 11, 1953 • There's One Ready to Serve in Your Your Every Neighborhood Food Need FISHER FOODS " CHAMPIONS OF GOOD LIVING" LAKE ERIE CAP SCREWS For EXTENDS BEST WISHES TO JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY FOR A VERY SUCCESSFUL SEASON BULLDOG REALTORS BUILDERS TENACITY! We are in a position to serve you with the dream home you wish to build, a vacant parcel of land for your future home, or perhaps we now have among our many listings that ideal home for you and your family MAKE YOUR NEXT MOVE A :J.>;.ecvzio 1020, 1038 & ALLOY STEELS HOME We wish to extend our gratitude to our hundreds of satisfied home owners who have made our efforts a pleasure and a success REALTORS BUILDERS Main Office 5985 Mayfield Road LAKE ERIE ScREW CoRPORATION JJOO l ATHENS AVENUE , CLEVElAND 1, OHIO HI 2-1170 John C Wasmer, Pres There's One Ready to Serve in Your Your Every Neighborhood Food Need FISHER FOODS " CHAMPIONS OF GOOD LIVING" LAKE ERIE CAP SCREWS For EXTENDS BEST WISHES TO JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY FOR A VERY SUCCESSFUL SEASON BULLDOG REALTORS BUILDERS TENACITY! We are in a position to serve you with the dream home you wish to build, a vacant parcel of land for your future home, or perhaps we now have among our many listings that ideal home for you and your family MAKE YOUR NEXT MOVE A :J.>;.ecvzio 1020, 1038 & ALLOY STEELS HOME We wish to extend our gratitude to our hundreds of satisfied home owners who have made our efforts a pleasure and a success REALTORS BUILDERS Main Office 5985 Mayfield Road LAKE ERIE ScREW CoRPORATION JJOO l ATHENS AVENUE , CLEVElAND 1, OHIO HI 2-1170 John C Wasmer, Pres MAin 1-36 80 2341 East 22nd St GOOD COAL In Every Price Ra nge Selected Grades For All Types of Hea t mg Units The • Stoker FueI O ur Specialty! • Gorman- CITY ICE & FUEL Division Lavelle CITY PRODUCTS CORPORATION ENdicott 1-3000 nt~~~ JOHN CARRoll UNIVERSITy Plumbing & Heating Co 1953 Season Carroll's Huskies Pres ide nt's Pag e Drink · · Mod e rator of Athle tics HORTEN'S Pure Milk CLEVELAND, OHIO CONTRACTORS For The Ent ire Fam i ly To Enjoy 4-5 Carrol/ Hea d Footb II C a o a ch Carrol/ A ssistant Foo tball C h ooc es Keep ing Our Stre aks in Sh o p e Streak of th e W eek Carrol/ Roster 10 13 15 • Heating ICi a S Oppon e nt's Roste r Air Conditioning HORTEN DAIRY CO Phone: MElrose 1-1 080 - 1-1081 Your Or d er Will Be Given Promp Attention 17 18 -19 Opponent 's Tearn and Stoff 21 Carro// Song s ond Cheers 22 -23 24 -25 Publishe d by John Corro/J Un ive rsity lock leslie Advertising Man ager Ventilating Pag e Squad Lists and Off· I A Qual ity Prod uct Plumbing Co ntents Roy Plott Athletic Publicity Director MAin 1-36 80 2341 East 22nd St GOOD COAL In Every Price Ra nge Selected Grades For All Types of Hea t mg Units The • Stoker FueI O ur Specialty! • Gorman- CITY ICE & FUEL Division Lavelle CITY PRODUCTS CORPORATION ENdicott 1-3000 nt~~~ JOHN CARRoll UNIVERSITy Plumbing & Heating Co 1953 Season Carroll's Huskies Pres ide nt's Pag e Drink · · Mod e rator of Athle tics HORTEN'S Pure Milk CLEVELAND, OHIO CONTRACTORS For The Ent ire Fam i ly To Enjoy 4-5 Carrol/ Hea d Footb II C a o a ch Carrol/ A ssistant Foo tball C h ooc es Keep ing Our Stre aks in Sh o p e Streak of th e W eek Carrol/ Roster 10 13 15 • Heating ICi a S Oppon e nt's Roste r Air Conditioning HORTEN DAIRY CO Phone: MElrose 1-1 080 - 1-1081 Your Or d er Will Be Given Promp Attention 17 18 -19 Opponent 's Tearn and Stoff 21 Carro// Song s ond Cheers 22 -23 24 -25 Publishe d by John Corro/J Un ive rsity lock leslie Advertising Man ager Ventilating Pag e Squad Lists and Off· I A Qual ity Prod uct Plumbing Co ntents Roy Plott Athletic Publicity Director JOH N CARROLL UNIVERS I TY o rr oC.C o r u•C t>cu:soocNT C\ C V C \ N D 0~10 oear aoosterJ Ameri cans are peculiarly a people 'tlho p r eserve their individuality and yet wo rk well together perhaps that ie one rea.son for t heir pre eminence i n s port.s, whe re both individual versatility and teamwork count In a day vhen the fair -play s pirit of s po rt haa ceas ed to r eign over international affairs, I pr ay that the pr esent f ootball seaso n vill pr ovide its own s mall bu t i.Jnportant renewal o f r egard f o r the adversary , de votion to the common good , and playing by t.he rules Ver~ Rev Frederick E Welfle, S J President of John Carroll University JOH N CARROLL UNIVERS I TY o rr oC.C o r u•C t>cu:soocNT C\ C V C \ N D 0~10 oear aoosterJ Ameri cans are peculiarly a people 'tlho p r eserve their individuality and yet wo rk well together perhaps that ie one rea.son for t heir pre eminence i n s port.s, whe re both individual versatility and teamwork count In a day vhen the fair -play s pirit of s po rt haa ceas ed to r eign over international affairs, I pr ay that the pr esent f ootball seaso n vill pr ovide its own s mall bu t i.Jnportant renewal o f r egard f o r the adversary , de votion to the common good , and playing by t.he rules Ver~ Rev Frederick E Welfle, S J President of John Carroll University BEST WISHES TO CARROLL CRAFTSMANSHIP PLUS SERVICE FROM THE SCHIRMER-PETERSON COMPANY "LOU" SULZER, CLASS OF 1940 THE JUDSON COMPANY Faculty Commi ttee On Athletics Th e ge neral superv ision of at hl eti cs at John Ca rroll niversity r es ts in th e hands of th e Faculty Co m mi t tee o n Athl et ics composed of four facult y m embe rs a nd headed by th e Rev O we n J E nglum , S J , treas ur er of the univ ers it y Th e committ ee is e mpowered to Jl!l ·s on the am ateur s tandin g of team candidates and to re fer to th e prefect of di ·ci1>lin e of t.he univ er it y a ny s tud ent who fail to adh e re to the committee's rul es or regulation.· • PRINTERS PERKINS STEEL COMPANY 4410 PERKINS AVENUE 1009 Rockwell CLEVELAND, OHIO CHerry 1-5320 Fath er En glum , a s chairman of th e committee, apJ>Oint board memb ers to s ub-committees to judge e li gibilit y of athl e te and he act · a advi sor to th e Director of Athl etic · in sch edul e-making and in th e awa rdin g of mono gra m · Through th e function · of th e committee, athl e tics ar c niv ersit y life in a coordinate d with oth e r phases of mann e r th a t conforms to th e digni ty of a Catholi c ins titution of learning FACULTY COMMITTEE ON ATHLETICS Rev Owen J Englum, S.J., Chairnwn Rev Edward C McCue, S.J Eugene R Mittinger Frank D Burke Herbert C Eisele REV OWEN J ENGLUM, S.J Chairman PRINTERS OF THE CARROLL NEWS BEST BI-WEEKLY COLLEGE NEWSPAPER IN OHIO WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION UT, 1-3030 BEST WISHES TO CARROLL CRAFTSMANSHIP PLUS SERVICE FROM THE SCHIRMER-PETERSON COMPANY "LOU" SULZER, CLASS OF 1940 THE JUDSON COMPANY Faculty Commi ttee On Athletics Th e ge neral superv ision of at hl eti cs at John Ca rroll niversity r es ts in th e hands of th e Faculty Co m mi t tee o n Athl et ics composed of four facult y m embe rs a nd headed by th e Rev O we n J E nglum , S J , treas ur er of the univ ers it y Th e committ ee is e mpowered to Jl!l ·s on the am ateur s tandin g of team candidates and to re fer to th e prefect of di ·ci1>lin e of t.he univ er it y a ny s tud ent who fail to adh e re to the committee's rul es or regulation.· • PRINTERS PERKINS STEEL COMPANY 4410 PERKINS AVENUE 1009 Rockwell CLEVELAND, OHIO CHerry 1-5320 Fath er En glum , a s chairman of th e committee, apJ>Oint board memb ers to s ub-committees to judge e li gibilit y of athl e te and he act · a advi sor to th e Director of Athl etic · in sch edul e-making and in th e awa rdin g of mono gra m · Through th e function · of th e committee, athl e tics ar c niv ersit y life in a coordinate d with oth e r phases of mann e r th a t conforms to th e digni ty of a Catholi c ins titution of learning FACULTY COMMITTEE ON ATHLETICS Rev Owen J Englum, S.J., Chairnwn Rev Edward C McCue, S.J Eugene R Mittinger Frank D Burke Herbert C Eisele REV OWEN J ENGLUM, S.J Chairman PRINTERS OF THE CARROLL NEWS BEST BI-WEEKLY COLLEGE NEWSPAPER IN OHIO WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION UT, 1-3030 HEINEN ~s Joe COMPLETE FOOD MARKETS The Cleveland Switchboard Company ~I 17021 Kinsman Rd Near L Rood AL~IA lATER "on of Ca rroll, gathe r nea r her, Let your joyful anthem ri ng; Sound your :\!other's prai e, revere her, Jler fair name full proudly in g Loyal ever, brave and tr ue, We, the ons of Carroll U., Pledge our love to Alma )later To t he Cold and Blue nto noble conquests guiding, Kindled s he our hearts to strife ; Wisdom taught us, faith-abidi ng, Showed us manhood- worth of life Grateful heart we bri ng to you; Hail with song our Carroll Long may live our Alma i\Jater, Long- the Gold and Hlue Cleveland, Ohio MICRO MACHINE & TOOL CO KENMORE BROACH & DIE CO 2195 South Taylor Rd Near Cedar Road " BL UE A D GOLD" C'mon Blue C' mon Gold C'mon Carroll Let's GO! 2742 Van Aken Blvd Near Sh aker Square SHOP FOR All YOUR FOOD NEEDS UND ER ONE ROOF SAVE MONEY, TIME AND EFFORT QUALITY FINEST AT All TIMES "CARROLL LOCOMOTIVE" C-A-R-R-0-L-L C-A-R-R-0-L-L (fu t) C-A-R-R-0-L-L (faster) Yea CARROLL ! ''FIGHT LO OMOTIVE" Fight-fight-fight-fight arroll fight, arroll fight Fight-fight-fight-fight arroll fight, Carroll fight Fight-11 ght-fight -fi gh t Carroll fight, Ca rroll fight Yea CARROLL ! DESIGNERS & BUILDERS WARD, ON, JOH ARROLL On we come, our hearts are tuned to battle And our hopes all keen for victory ; Well we know that Carroll men ne'er falter For they're brave and da un tless e ver : Onward, on, for men will mark yo ur couraKe And will r ise to s pea k your valo r ; Your foe all fear yo u \ \1 e're here to cheer you We're here to ·ee yo u win the da y CHORUS: Onward, on, John Carroll, For we wa nt to see yo u win, Gold and Blue ; Onward, on, J oh n Carroll , On to grea ter goal and vict'ries new ; Onward, on, J ohn Ca rroll For our fa ith in you Is boundless and tru e, Uear Alma 1ater, we're all for you A nd for the Gold a nd Blue! OF DIES - JIGS - FIXTURES - GAGES Tel IVanhoe 1-8888 19400-22 St Clair Avenue Cleveland 19, Oh io CA IWOLL FIGHT SO G Fight, Carroll, fi ght l~or the Gold and Blue For victory's in our right, And we' ll march right thru lou nd He i ma rried THE GEOMETRIC STAMPING CO GLENRIDGE MACHINE COMPANY Subsidiary of CAR R O L L U NIVERS I TY ' S STREA K S CHICAGO THE LINDSAY WIRE WEAVING CO Wm D Callaghan, Inc INSURANCE 14001 Aspinwall Avenue Cleveland 10, Ohio BROK E RS • J OHN Compliments All Forms of Insurance CLEVELAND TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION No 53 AUTO GLASS INSTALLED 1559 East 17th St WINDOW HARDWARE FIXED B& B AUTO 7210 Carnegie • GLASS Cleveland 14, Ohio • 1517 TERMINAL TOWER PRospect 1-2965 - 1-2966 STEVEN F DEBBY, Pres LAWRENCE J SCHULTZ, Vice-P res C C HILPE RT, Sec.-Trea s co " De mond the UNION LABEL o n All your PR INTING " ENdicott 1-2790 Cleveland 13, Ohio CHerry 1-6890 J OHN 26 BLUE STRE A KS RUSS SHERMAN, tackle R SS SH E RMAN A rwwer ful 230-pound en ior t a ckle who copped hi first Jetter a a ophomor e H is endur a nce i s hown by h i Ia t year's record when h e played bot h way for t he Streaks, being a ma in ta y in t h e m ighty T.C defensive line Russ i 21 year old a nd tand 6' 3" of AUTO LOCKS REPAIRED C A RROL L UN I VERS I T Y ' S 27 CA RROL L U NIVERS ITY ' S BL U E STR E A K S JOHN CARROLL UNIV ERSITY ' S B L UE S T RE A K S FOSTER RAPIER, end Congratulations and Best Wishes KNIFIC'S FO TER R A PIER An end who mi ed mo t of Ia t s ea on becau e of a leg injury He will be hack t hi ea on to add hi.· 20 pounds to the team a senior, 22 year old, a g raduate of Holy Trini ty Hi g h in Bloomingt on , Ill JOHN CARROLL UNIVE R SITY ' S BLUE BEST WISHES to the FOOD STORE from the JOHN CARROLL BLUE STREAKS and 2582-84 Noble Rd NORTH AMERICAN HERB EISELE EVergreen 1-1211 Cleveland Heights 21, Ohio MANUFACTURING Walter Davis STREA K S JOHN 4188 Glen ridge Road SOUTH EUCLID 21 , OHIO BARIUM STEEL CORP IV 1-2010 IV 1-201 IV 1-2012 JO HN JOHN CARRO LL UNIVERSITY ' S BLUE EXpress 1-5700 JOHN CARROLL UNI VERS I TY ' S BLUE CARROLL U NIVERS I TY ' S BL UE NEW YORK RICH H F F M A N Played a terrific defen ive halfback las t year, in t er cepting passe s aw li mited a ction offens ively, but i quite capable of carry ing the ball Rich is a 1>roduct of Holy Trinity Hi gh School in Blooming - The Union Paper And Twine Co COMPANY STREA K S Industria l Dual Fuel Combustion Equipment for Oil and Gas CLEVElAND 5, OHIO STRE AK S STREAKS RICH HOFFMAN, halfback Compliment' of B LU E CHUCK McMILLAN, halfback H UCK McMILLA N La t ea on, a end, h e caug ht 20 pa se for 35 I yards and TD's a n All -Schola ti c and AIlEa ·t-Senate at Clevelan d's Eas t Tech a nd named t he most valuable player in the 19etroit Avenue RECOGNIZED FOR QUALITY Plo•p•d 1-1220 GLenville 1-5300 840 East 93rd Street EAST CL!VILAND Liberty 1-6270 30 14401 Euclid Ave111ue 31 JAMES W McGO R RAY President LOU MELISKA PONTIAC, Inc JO H N J O ' MALLEY Secretary-T reasurer Me Gorra y Bros Co 6603 BROOKPARK ROAD STA'TE CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY Building Maintenance Equipment SANITATION - CLEANING SUPPLIES TO 1-7114 2435 Superior Avenue JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY ' S BLUE STREAKS GEORGE McKEEVER, fullback FU CLEVELAND , OHIO LOU MELISKA JOHN UNIVERSITY ' S BLUE STREAKS By adhering to the policy of kindly, thoughtfu l, and helpful service under all circums tances, at a charge that is always fair and rea onabl e, we h ave merited a nd held th e approva l of the fa milies who have ca lled upo n us over the years JACK ZEBKAR, fullback JACK ZEBKAR A veteran of two eason who can go an the way offenively and defen ivel y a booming blocker a nd a r ugged ball-carrier His s olid 185 pound has won for him the respect of his opponen ts He is 22 years old a nd a product of East High in Cleveland JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY ' S BLUE • Lakewood H ome - 14 133 Detroit Avenue 3040 Lorain Avenu e J OHN CARROLL UNIVERS ITY'S BLUE SHEET METAL PRODUCTS 1526 West 25th Street CHerry 1-0154 STREAKS Televlslon Daily Cocktail Hour fot the Ladies 3:30-4:30 • MAYFLOWER LOUNGE BAR Open Sundays Choice Liquors-Wines-Cocktails ATlanti c 1-9800 13961 CEDAR RD Near WARRENSVILLE STREAKS JOHN BEST WISHES FOR A SUCCESSFUL SEASON " If you put nothing into your purse you can Famous For Our Roast Beef, Pi zza and Sausage take nothing out" is an old saying That goes 2180 Lee Road Charles Roberto, Prop JOHN Kilroy Structural Steel Co CARROLL UNIVERSITY 'S BLUE STREAKS GEORGE SWEENEY, tackle of Steel for All Purposes 8500 UNION AVENUE VU 3-3000 JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY'S BLUE STREAKS BLUE STREAKS TOM HOFFERT 5' 9" , pounder from Cathedral Latin in Cleveland, To m will be back trying to win his second letter this year he played a whale of a game t h i spring in the annu al intra quad ga me for a savings account So save and have Y2% current rate UN I VERSITY ' S TOM HOFFERT, guard Acco"Y.nts in sured up to $ 10,000 GEORGE SWEENEY Ha two year experience under his belt and s hould see much action this fall a good blocker and a go-getter on the defense He is 20, weighs 200 pound s and graduated from Campion Jes uit High School in Wiscons in his home is Cleveland Engineers and Fabricators CARROLL STOP and THi'NK ROBERTO'S HEIGHTS TAVERN Penn R R The Riester & Thesmacher Company GEORGE McKEEVER Saw much action last eason and has proven himelf ti me and time again won All-Maryland honor for two year in a row at Loyola High in Baltimore An excellent kicker, he averaged 41 yards per punt in high chool and will probably handle most of the punting chores SJ CE 1870 Te lephone ONtatio 1-5060 CARROll ERAL D I RECTOR THE CLEVELAND SAVINGS & LOAN CO 510 SUPERIOR A VENUE AT EAST SIXTH STREET JOHN SOLD WITH A MONEY IIACJC GUARANTEE CARROLL DODGE TRUCKS DODGE The Van Rooy Coffee Co UNIVERSITY 'S BLUE STREAKS PLYMOUTH HENRY CANNING, INC DIIIECT FACTOIY DiAI.£11$ The Penn Sanitary Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co 2900 f>etroit Avenue RECOGNIZED FOR QUALITY Plo•p•d 1-1220 GLenville 1-5300 840 East 93rd Street EAST CL!VILAND Liberty 1-6270 30 14401 Euclid Ave111ue 31 J OHN CA RR O LL A LL TYPES OF INSURANCE Life Car Home Business Office: Mooney Iron Works Resid ence : 14712 La~ e Sho re Blvd 275 Eost 149th St IV onhoe 1-7333 KEnmore 1-32 12 CARROLL UNIVERSITY ' S BLUE Company J OHN CARRO L L BLUE Food Service Eq ui pmt:!nt for Restau rants, Hotels, Hospitals, Institutions MAin 1-0367 U N I VERSI TY ' S BLU E 652 Huron Road Cleveland 15, O hio STR E AKS Buy your new Chevrolet or a ROO FING CO NTRACTO RS FOR PACELLI HALL good Used Car from HUGH HUNTINGTON ROOFING CORP DORNER CHEVROLET COMPANY Wolter C ( Sue~} Sch roeder, Pre sident a nd Generol Manager ESTAB LI SHED 1866 COMMERCI AL AN D IN DU STRI A L TAR AN D GRAVEL ROOFING AN D 1411 St Cla ir Ave 3319 East 80th Street MU 1-7700 ASPHALT ROOFING WATERPROOF ING AN D EXTERIOR SHEET METAL WORK • ASPHALT SH INGLE ROOFS Of Q UALITY Cleveland 10, Ohio FRAN K TERCEK, '46 JIM FALLON, ' 30 U N IVERS I TY ' S HOTEL & RESTAURANT SUPPLIES S T REA K S P A l L BU RENS P aul i a 170-ound halfback Hi gh who pl ay ed hi School footba ll at t l g na tiu in Clevela nd Pa ul saw limited action in th e s prin g in tra q u a d gam e a nd looked g ood espec ia lly on de fen e CARRO LL ST R E AKS 5' 9" PAUL BUR ENS, lfback J OHN BLU E J OHN F INAN Sophomore guard fro m Chicago' Fenwick Hi rh , chool Won letter at guard t her e on t eam which won "Catholic League" cha m pion h ip Joh n weigh pound a nd tands The Student Group Plans JOH N UNI VE R SI TY ' S JOHN FINAN, guard O UR EXPERT REP A IR DEPT A T YO UR SERV ICE JOSEPH T O ' BRI EN , ' 31 G eneral Manager PRospect 1-3900 1816 East 33 rd St STREA K S ~ eM ~t«e S tud4 Est 1875 Ziech mann Compliments o5 1953 e~tfo-ff a moa SHUe~ ';O

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 14:13
