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Catherine of Genoa_ Purgation and Purgator - Caterina da Genova, Santa

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TI-E CLASSICSa:wESTEP.N SPIPlTUAIJTY i'l UBRi'lRY OF THE GREfiT SPIRITUi'lL Mi'lSTERS otfui'ffKS ·· wbile h;·I�Jmas tJnd ;·oxiJ I:JOI'I! been plenli/111, books on \�stern mystics ucre-.trlfl o1re -bard /(I find'' ''Tbe Ptwlist Press hils ju st publisbed sbu111d lnlp remedy this Jituation." an ambitious suies I hot · Psychol�y li:x.Jay CATHERINE OF GENOA-PURGATION AND PURGATORY, THE SPIRI TUAL DIALOGUE translation and notes by Serge Hughes introduction by Benedict j Grocschel O.F.M Cap preface by Catherine de Hueck Doherty '.'-\1/tbat I /ltJt'e saki is notbinx Cllmf'dretltowbat lfeelui• tbin, t/Hu·iJnesudwrresponden�.:e /J/ hwe l�t•twec.'" Gtul and Jbe \ou/; for u·ben Gfltl sees /be Srml pu re llS it iJ in its orixins, lie Ill/(.� ,1( it ll'tlb ,, xlcmc.:c.• drau·s it llrYI bitMIJ it to Himself u-ilh a fiery lfll•e u·hich by illt'lf cout.l unnibilult' tbe immorttJI SmJ/." Catherine of Genoa (}4-17-15101 Catherine, who lived for 60 years and died early in the 16th century leads the modern reader directly to the more significant issues of the day In her life she reconciled aspects of spirituality often seen to be either mutually exclusive or in conflict This married lay woman was both a mystic and a humanitarian, a constant contemplative, yet daily immersed in the physical care of the sick and the destitute For the last five centuries she has been the inspiration of such spiritual greats as Francis de Sales, Robert Bellarmine, Fenelon Newman and Hecker Friedrich von Hugel's famous Mystical Element of Religion was a study of the spirituality of Catherine Purgation and Purgatory is a collection of sayings on spiritual purification in this life and the next The Spiritual Dialogue gives us a readable and coherent inner history of Catherine The translation and notes for the volume are by Serge Hughes, Professor of Italian at Hunter College of the City University of New York Dr Hughes is best known for his The Fall and Rise of Modern Italy and The Little Flowers of St Francis Dr Benedict J Groeschel, who authored the Introduction, is Director of the Office for Spiritual Development of the Archdiocese of New York He teaches pastoral psychology and ascetical-mystical theology at Iona and Fordham, and at St Joseph's, Immaculate Conception and Maryknoll Seminaries The Preface has been written by Catherine de Hueck Doherty, the founder and Director General of Madonna House She is the author of such well­ known books as Pnustinia and The Gospel Without Compromise $7.95 ISBN: 0·8091·0285-4 PAULIST PRESS NEW YORK • RAMSEY • TORONTO THE CLASSICS OF WESTERN SPIRITUALITY A Library of the Great Spiritual Masters President and Publisher Kevin A Lynch, C.S P EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Richard J Payne Editorial Consultant Ewert H Cousins - Professor and Director of Spirituality Graduate Program, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y Booty-Professor of Church History, Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass John E Joseph Dan-Professor of Kaballah in the Department of Jewish Thought , Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Louis Dupre - T L Riggs Professor in Philosophy of Religion, Yale University, New Haven, Conn Rozanne Elder Executive Vice President, Cistercian Publications, Kalamazoo, Mich - Mircea Eliade-Professor in the Depanment of the History of Religions, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill Anne Fremantle Teacher, Editor and Writer, New York, N.Y Karlfried Froelich- Profes sor of the History of the Early and - Medieval Church, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, N.J Arthur Green - A ssistant Professor in the Depanment of Religious Thought, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa Stanley S Harakas Dean of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary, Brookline, Mass - Jean Leclercq - Professor, Institute of Spirituality and Institute of Religious Psychology, Gregorian University, Rome, Italy Miguel Leon - Portilla - Professor Mesoamerican Cultures and Languages , National University of Mexico, University City, Mexico George A Maloney, S.J.-Director, John XXIII Ecumenical Center, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y Bernard McGinn-Associate Professor of Historical Theology and History of Christianity, University of Chicago Divinity School, Chicago, Ill John Meyendorff-Professor of Church History, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y., and Professor of Patristics and Church History, St Vladimir's Seminary, Tuckahoe, N.Y Seyyed Hossein Nasr-President, Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy, Teheran, Iran Heiko A Oberman-Director, Institute fuer Spaetmittelalter und Reformation, Universitaet Tuebingen, West Germany Alfonso Ortiz-Professor of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N Mex.; Fellow, The Center for Advanced Study, Stanford, Calif Raimundo Panikkar-Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara, Calif Fazlar Rahman-Professor of Islamic Thought, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill Annemarie B Schimmel-Professor of Hindu Muslim Culture, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass Sandra M Schneiders-Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies and Spirituality, Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley, Calif Huston Smith-Thomas J Watson Professor of Religion, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y John R Sommerfeldt-President, University of Dallas, Irving, Texas David Steindl-Rast-Monk of Mount Savior Monastery, Pine City, N.Y William C Sturtevant-General Editor, Handbook of North American Indians, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C David Tracy-Professor of Theology, University of Chicago Divinity School, Chicago, Ill Victor Turner-William B Kenan Professor in Anthropology, The Center for Advanced Study, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va Kallistos Ware-Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford; Spalding Lecturer in Eastern Orthodox Studies, Oxford University, England Other volumes in this series Julian of Norwich Jacob Boehme • • SHOWINGS THE WAY TO CHRIST Nahman of Bratslav • Gregory of Nyssa THE LIFE OF MOSES • THE TALES Bonaventure • THE SOUL'S JOURNEY INTO GOD, THE TREE OF LIFE, and THE LIFE OF ST FRANCIS William Law • A SERIOUS CALL TO A DEVOUT AND HOLY LIFE, and THE SPIRIT OF LOVE Abraham Isaac Kook • THE LIGHTS OF PENITENCE, LIGHTS OF HOLINESS, THE MORAL PRINCIPLES, ESSAYS, and POEMS Ibn 'Ata' Illah • THE BOOK OF WISDOM and Kwaja Adullah Ansari • INTIMATE CONVERSATIONS Johann Arndt • TRUE CHRISTIANITY Richard of St Victor • THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS, THE �1YSTICAL ARK, BOOK THREE OF THE TRINITY Catherineot(jenoa PURGATION AND PURGATORY THE SPIRITUAL DIALOGUE TRANSLATI ON AND NO TES BY SERGE HUGHES INTRO DUCTION BY BENEDICT J GROESCHEL, O.F.M CAP PREFACE BY CATHER INE DE HUECK DOHERTY PAULIST PRESS NEW YORK • RAMSEY • TORONTO Cover art: The arrist, Joseph Trepiccione, studied illustration and adverrising at Paier School of An in New Haven, Connecticut, receiving a postgraduate scholarship for further study there Mr Trepiccione has taught graphic design and currently works for Thompson Advenising in Windsor, Connecticut in addition to doing free-lance illustration The cover painting of St Catherine is an interpretation of her porrrait found in the hospital in Pammatone, Genoa, where she served the sick and the poor without pay for 11 years "I tried to give the porrrait a feeling of Ouidity by using a combination of opaque watercolors and acrylics," says Mr Trepiccione of his cover art Design: Barbini Pesce & Noble, Inc Copyright Cl 1979 by The Missionary Society of St Paul the Apostle in the State of New York All rights reserved No pan of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo­ copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-88123 ISBN: 0-8091-2207-3 (paper) 0-8091-0285-4 (cloth) Published by Paulist Press Editorial Office: 1865 Broadway, New York, N.Y 10023 Business Office: 545 Island Road, Ramsey, N.J 07446 Printed and bound in the United States of America CONTENTS Preface Xlll Foreword XIV Introduction Notes on the Translation 45 Purgation and Purgatory 69 The Spiritual Dialogue 89 Selected Bibliography 15 Indexes 155 VII Acknowledgments It is a special j oy to acknowledge those who have helped in the preparation of this volume, since the labor itself proved to be a rare pleasure The editors are espe­ cially grateful to Professor John Olin, whose own work first brought Catherine to our attention, and to Roger Sorrentino, a student of von Hiigel, whose insistence provided the impetus to delve into his monumental study Acknowledgment must be properly given to the Ca­ puchin Friars of Genoa, custodians of the remai ns of Saint Catherine, especially to Father Victor d'Ghilardi, O.F.M., the provincial, who provided much information We are also gratefu l to John Farina, a graduate stu­ dent of history, for his expertise on Catherine of Genoa i n the American experience The work would not have been completed without the assistance of Betty Hughes, whose sharp and benevolent criticism will be remembered We are also very gratefu l to Charles Pendergast for many suggestions, and to Marion S locum and Elaine Barone, our typists The editors wish to go on record that after collaborating on this volume, they remain fast friends V 111 THE SPIRITUAL DIALOGUE remained for about eight months When the temporary tomb was opened to place her body in the newly erected monument, they found her intact from head to toe, with palpable flesh that on con­ tact felt not as if it were consumed but rather dried out A huge crowd was present to see this still i ntact body; and because of them and the crowds that followed it was necessary to leave that body exposed for eight days, in a chapel where it could be seen but not touched The cloths in which the body had been wrapped were all rotted but the body was i ncorrupt; and this was taken to be a super­ natural phenomenon Many who called upon Catherine for graces were granted them That holy body today is the object of popular devotion, given the saintly life of Cath­ erine, the many graces granted to it in some thirty-five years, and the patience and incredible charity with which she sustained such long suffering Everyone marveled on seeing that body i ntact, as on the day of burial, with no odor save some mustiness, and with no worms Around the heart and above it the skin was red, a sign of the love it had borne The rest of the body was yellow It is already ten years that the body continues in this integrity in a marble tomb, on high, in a wooden box, in the church mentioned above Many people have a great devotion to Catherine and many prayers have been granted, and devotion to her is increasing, especially among those who knew her He who has seen these works for fifteen years and had a close knowledge of her as well as one of more ordinary relationships is convi nced that everythi ng that is written and said about her is as nothing compared with the truth And he who has seen these things and then written of them has been tempted to tear them all up, for it seemed 149 CATH ERI NE OF GENOA to him that those poor little words could give no idea of Catherine But God has let these words be written and preserved for some illuminated people in particular Most beloved daughter, I have finished writing down the above work for you I think there are many mistakes in it that a re my fault, for I not know how to write nor to much well; and so you will forgive me if you fi nd some errors in the writing In composing this I have written as I have found One thing I will tell you, that never did I labor as much over anything I put down on paper Please say a prayer for the author Apri l 20, 67 , Genova This book of Blessed Catarineta Adorna has been copied from another old manuscript given by Sister , Rector of the Great · Hospital, who says that she received it from the sisters of the Madonna delle Grazie It is extremely probable that it is the manu­ script copied by Ettore Vernazza and sent to V D Battistina, his daughter This book, given the age of the paper, the print, the binding and other details, has been judged by experts to belong to that period In testimony thereof, Jo P Angelo Luigi Giovo, Protonotary 50 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Two works tower in the bibliography on Catherine of Genoa: von Hiigel's The Mystical Element of Religion as Studied in Saint Catherine of Genoa and Her Friends (London, 908) and the two-volume work of Padre Umile Bonzi da Genova, S Caterina da Genova (Marietti, 9601962) Their vi rtues are of a different order The scholarship of Padre Umile is in some respects superior This advantage, however, does not substantially detract from von Hiigel's study That work contin­ ues to be seminal Among other works that can be consulted with profit, many of which include bibliographies of their own, we should like to mention: Bonzi da Genova, P Umi le " La teologia purgatoriale di S Bon­ aventura e quella di S Caterina da Genova comparate." I n Vita Cateriniana, nos - Castiglioni H umani, M S Caterina da Genova Bari, 960 Cervetto, L A Santa Caterina Fieschi Adorno e i Genovesi Genoa, 10 Debongnie, P Sainte Catherine de Genes Bruges, 59 Da Pantasina, Gabriele S Caterina da Genova Genoa, 929 Hel lo, E Profili di Santi: S Caterina da Genova Florence, Teodosio da Voltri S Caterina da Genova, Ia gran Dama dell 'Amore Genoa, 929 Trucco, F II Purgatorio e Ia vita delle anime purganti secondo S Caterina da Genova Prato, Among works of a more general nature: Bargellini, M Storia popolare di Genova dalla sua origine sino nostri tempi Genoa, Baruzi, I St jean de Ia Croix et / 'experience mystique Paris, 924 Bianconi, A L 'opera della Congregazione del Divino Amore nella Riforma cattolica Citta d i Castello, 14 Da Langasco, Cassiano Gli Ospedali degli Incurabili Genoa, Pammatone, cinque secoli di vita ospedaliera Genoa, - Dictionnaire de Spiritualite Paris, Donaver, F L a storia della Repubblica di Genova Genoa, 153 Farina, John "Ni neteenth Century American I nterest in Catherine of Genoa " U npublished manuscript, Olin, John The Catholic Reformation-From Savonarola to Ignatius Loy­ ola New York: Harper & Row, 969 Parodi, F M La Compagnia del Mandiletto in Genova La S pezia, 90 Paschini, P La beneficenza in ltalia e le Compagnie del Divino Amore nei primi decenni del Clinquecento Rome, 192 Underh ill, E Mysticism N e w York: E P Dutton, 96 - The Mystics of the Church New York: Schocken, 964 Wapnick, Kenneth "Mysticism a nd Schizophrenia." Journal of Trans­ personal Psychology 6, no I , Translations English: Manning Henry Cardi nal I n troduction Treatise on Pu rgatory, a nony­ mous translation Ripley, Mrs G Life a nd Doctrine of Saint Catherine of Genoa, preface by Isaac Hecker New York: Christian Press Association Publ ishing Co , 896 Balfour, Charlotte, and I rvi ne, Helen Douglas Treatise on Purgatory London: Sheed and Ward, 946 Upham, Thomas Coswell Life ofMadam Catharina Adorna New York: Harper, 8 Spanish: Barcelona, Antonio M de Tratado del Purgatorio de Santa Catalina de Genova Barcelona, 39 Bergamin, J Tratado del Purgatorio de Santa Catalina de Genova Mexico, 94 French: Traite du Purgatoire Vie Spirituelle, S Maximin, 2 Debongnie, P L a grande dame d u pu r amour, Sainte Catherine de Genes E tudes Carmelitaines, B ruges, 59 De Bussierre, M T Les Oeuvres de Sainte Catherine de Genes Paris, German: Sertorius, L Katharina von Gen ua, Lebensbilde und geistige Gestalt, lhre Werke Mun ich, 9 54 INDEXES Index to Introduction and Notes on Translation Abraham, 65 5-6, 10, , 16, 7, 20, 2 , 24, 26, Acarie, Madame, 39 29, 3 , , 54, 63, 66; teachi;tgs of, 19-3 2, 36, 38-42 Adorno, Giuliano, , 4, 5, 14, 16, Alexander VI, 63 Catherine All for jesus, 42 of Genoa, Works of, authorship/editorship of, 2-6 ; Asceticism, 64, 65 Manuscripts, 50-59, 67; sources Augustine, 24, , 30, 64 of, ; Dialogo, 19; Life, passim 636, 47, 56, 57; Purgation and Pur­ gatory, 19, , , 27, , , 36, Balfour, Charlotte, 50 42, 47-49, , 56, 57, , 62, 66; Baptism, 39 The Spiritual Dia logue, 20- , 5, Baruzi, J., 38 29, 39, 42, , 47-49, , , 56-59, Bellarmine, Robert, , 62, 64, 66; Trattato, 19; Trea­ Bernardine of Feltre, tise on Pu rgatory, 1, 42, 47, 50 Bernardine of Siena, Catholicism, 47; and Catherine, 1, , Berulle, Pierre Cardinal, de, 38 7-42 Blake, William, Celestine V, Bloy, Leon, Christ, 30; in Eucharist, ; rules of, Body, 2 , , 48, 49, , 59, , 64 ; vision of, Boerio, Giovanni, Christology, 30, 58 Bonaventure, 29 Clement XII, Boniface VIII, 62, Congregationalism, 39 Bonzi, P Umile, , , 57, 59, 60 Contemplation, 1 , 66 Borgia, Cesare, 63 Cousins, E., 29 Bosco, Bartolomeo, Bossuet, 1, 39 Danielou, J., Brook Farm, , 40 Dante, 62 The Dark Night of the Soul, Deikman, A.J., 1 Cajetan of Thiene, 38 Carafa, Gian Pietro, 38 de Vere, Aubrey, 42 Carletti, Angelo, da Civazzo, 60 di Negro, Francesca, S Caterina da Genova, 50 Dionysius (Psuedo), 24, The Divine Comedy, 62 Catherine of Genoa, canonization Dodd, C.H., of, 19, 52, ; conversion of, 6, 7, 9- , 18, 39, , 47; ecstasies of, 7, Doria, Tomaso, 60 8, 1 , ; fasts of, 6-7, 9, 10, 16; "Dream of Gerontius," 1, 42 i ncorruptability of, 19, , 58, 60; influence of, 1, 2, 36-42; life of, - Eschatology, 32, 34 , 2 , 40, , 65; spirituality of, , Eucharist, 6, 57 Faber, F.W., 42 Henry VII, 18 Falconieri, Juliana, 19 Hesse, Herman, Farina, John, , 39, 40 Holy Spirit, 39, Fenelon, I, 39, 40 /'Homme religieu, 39 Ficino, Marsilio, 24, 64 Fieschi, Giacomo Hours at Home, 40 (father of Hugel, F., von, passim 2-39; and (brother of Human Frailty, 22, , 26, 29 Catherine), Fieschi, Giacomo manuscripts, 50-59 Catherine), Humanity, in Spiritual Dialogue, 49, 58 Fieschi, Napoleone, Fieschi, Roberto, Huxley, Aldous, I I Fieschi, Tommasina (Tommasa), 8, , 24 Innocent IV, Fioretti, Innocent XI, 20 Francis de Sales, I , 29, Intellect, 29 St Francis of Assisi, 4, 3 , , , , Irvine, Helen Douglas, 50 66 Isaiah, Francis Xavier, Jacopone da Todi, , 24, 7, 29, 62, Freedom, , 29, 30 Freemantle, Anne, 63 Freud, S., 2 John, 23, 28; 4:9, 30; 14:2 , 30; : 3-24, 30 Geneti, Jacobo, 20 John of the Cross, 29, 38 Geronimo of Genoa, 20 The journey of the Soul to God, 29 Giovo, Angelo Luigi, Joy, 61, 64, 65 God, children of, 8; experience of, Jung, C.G., , 23, 20; gifts of, 7, 8; goodness of, 3 ; image of, 29; justice of, 34; Ladies of Mercy, love for, , 6, 17, 28, 32, 34, 40; Leo X, 47 love of, , 7, , 3 , 35, 36, 42, Love, for God, , 6, 7, 28, 2, 34, 47, 54, 59, 66; mercy of, 4, , 34; 40; of God, 8, 27, 8, 3 , , 36, nature of, 24, ; surrender to, 26; 42, 47, 54, 59, 66; for nature, ; trust in, 3 , 38; union with, , Pure Love, 14, 7, , 29, , 3 , , , , , 59, 66 , , 34-36, 40, ; will of, , 7, The , 34-36, 40 Life and Doctrine of St Catherine of Genoa , 40 Gonzaga, Aloysius, Lutheranism, Grace, 3 , 65 Gregory of Nyssa, I Madonna delle Grazie, see Santa Groeschel, B., 64 Maria Delle Grazie Guyon, Madame, 39 Man, creation of, I Hard Sayings, 42 Manning, Henry Cardinal, I , 42, 50 Hecker, Isaac, , 40, Marabotto, Dom Cattaneo, 6, 6, , , 2 , , 59, 60, , 67 Hell, 34, 58 Maritain, Raissa, Purgation, , 47, 59 Matthew, : , Purgatorio, 62 Medici, Lorenzo, da, 62 Purgatory, 34-36, 42, 47, 59 Memory, 29 Purification, 32, 36 Methodism, 39 Methodist Quarterly Review, 40 Quietism, 20, 2- 3 , 39 Michelangelo, 64 Rabia of Basra, Molinos, Michael, 20 Morgan, John, 39 Regis, John Francis, 19 Musurillo, H., Ricci, Bartolomea, 16 Mysticism, , 7· 1 , , 2 , 29, 0, , Ripley, Mrs George, 2, 40 3 , , 36, 40, 47 Saint-Jure, Pere, 39 Santa Maria Delle Grazie, convent Neoplatonism, 24, 5, 28 of, 3, Newman, John H Cardinal, , 42 Schlegel, Frederick, von, 39 New Testament, 28 Scupoli, Lorenzo, 38 Self, ; and God, 0, ; two-, 30 Olin, John, , 7, 38 Self-Love, 5, 26, 48, 49, 58, 64 Onorata da Sesto Ponente, Sin, cause of, ; confession of, 4, 6; Oratory o f Divine Love, 5, 7, contrition for, 3, 4; grief for, 0; Oxford Movement, 42 guilt for, 6, Soul, creation of, 29; after death, 34, Palmer, Phoebe, , 66; enemy of, , Pammatone Hospital, , 8, , 14, grace, 3 ; origin of, 29; and Pure 26; and Love, , ; purification of, 36; 16, Paolo, da Savona, in Spiritual Dialogue, , 25, 26, Paradise, 48, 49, 58, 59, 63, 64; suffering of, Paul, , , 66 ; in union with God, 18, 0, 36, Paul IV, 40 Spirit, in Spiritual Dialogue, , , the Paulists, , 40, 29, 49, , 59 Peck, George, 40 Penance, 10 The Spiritual Combat, 38 Perfectionism, 39-4 Stabat Mater, Petrarch, 62 Platonism, 26, 7, 61, 64, 65 Teresa of Avila, 29 Pietro Angelerio del Morrone, 63 Theatines, 7, Poliziano, 62 Thobia, 5, Protestantism, 47; and Catherine, 1, Traite de l'abnegation, 38 7-4 Tyrell, George, , 42 Przywara, Psalms, Underhill, Evelyn, 4, 23, 36 Psychology, 8- , 2 , , , 29 Upham, Thomas C., 39, 40, 41, 50 Pulci, 62 Urban VIII, 19 59 Vemaua, Mother Battistina Wapnick, Kenneth, (Battista), 5, 6, , 57-59 Wesley, John, 40 Vemaua, Ettore, 4, 8, 5, 6, 7, 20, Will, evil, 34; freedom of, 29; of , 37, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 67 God, 5, , 8, 34, 5, 36, 40; of man, 29, 34; self, Vincent de Paul, 19, 38 Vision, of Catherine, 4, 47 60 Index to Texts Evil, 74, 80, , 108, 109, 1 7- 19, Adam, 108 Assumption, Extreme Unction, 14 Baptism, 80 Fire, of divine rays, 30, 2, 3 , St Bartholomew, 142 146; inner, 34, 6, , , 145- Body, appetites of, 1 , , 04, 147; of love, 3 , 6, 7, 39, 106, 1 ; as bonds of soul, 86, 14, 142 8; harm to, 96; needs of, 96- 104, Forgiveness, of debt, 82; denied, 74, 06, 10, 1 , 1 , 1 4; salvation 82; and sorrow, of, 96, 1 ; subject to soul, , 1 , 1 4, , 39; suffering of, God, Being of, 86; essence of, 78; 9, 140; united to soul, 93, 103, experience of, , 86, 106, 109; 1 2, 1 ; and world, 92, 95, 97, 98, gifts of, 94, 07 , 20; glory of, 78; 1 , 102 goodness of, , 3-7 5, 78, , 86, 106, 109, 1 5, 1 8- 20; help of, 97, Catherine, cf Visions; body of, 149; 07, 10, 1 ; honor to, 87, 99; and confession, 109; death of, 6, instinct for, , 74, 76, 85, 106, 148; and despair, 1 8, 1 9; dying 6, 39; as j udge, 26; justice of, of, 34-148; and Eucharist, 1 0, , 77, 82-84, 86, ; knowlege 3 , 5, ; life of, 20, 7- ; of, 86, 87, 02; light of, 72, , 87, and love, 108- 10, 1 8, 29, , 1 2, 1 ; love for, 78, 00, 108, 39; purification of, 3 , 6; and sin, 08, 109, 1 7, 1 8, 1 2, 9, 140; love of, 1- , 77-8 , 142; 84, 86, 108- 1 0, 1 8, 1 9, 2, 24, suffering of, 1 8, 1 9, 3 , , 6; mercy of, , , 77, 78, , 143-146, 149; testing of, 7, 2, 84, 86, 109, 1 7, 8; offending of, 3 , , 142 87, Charity, , 72, 96, 105, 28 93-96, 09, 1 5- 1 7, 7; ordinance of, 77, 82, 84, 86, 87, Christ, ascension of, 108; blood of, 103; presence of, , 78, 83, 86, 84; crucified, 1 8; incarnation of, 109, 1 , 1 7, 7; trust in, 107, 108; love of, 108, 19; vision of, 09, 20; turning to, 105, 107, 1 6, 1 20, 24, ; union with, , 72, Contrition, 82, 84, 1 76, 80, , 86, 87, 1 0, 1 5, 6, 148; will of, , 72, 5-77, 79, 82, Death, of body, 1 ; of Catherine, 83, 6, 148; eternal, 1 0; fear of, ; 108, 10, 1 6, 141, 144; workings of, 80, , 86, 95, 39, longing for, 8; and soul, 108, 147 1 Grace, 72, 78, , 84, 86, 107, 7, Devil, 1 , 1 6, 20, 2 , 26 149 Guilt, 74 Eucharist, 1 0, 3 , , , , Hell, 74, 76, 82, 84, 105, 109, 1 2, 5- 148; a n d joy, 2; love for, 1 141 161 Perfection, of charity, ; lack of, ; Hope, lacking, 76, 1 0; in purga­ o f soul, 79, SO, , S ; way of, S tory, 76 Penance, 1 Hospital of Pammatone, 148 Human Fraility, appetites of, 1 6, ; comforts of, 1- , Prayer, 20, 146, 149 Punishment, , 1 7, , 26 2; Purgatory, joy of, , 72, 76, S -S5; consumed, 6, 143, 145- 148; in­ stincts of, l l , 20, ; joy of, and love, ; and purification, , 2 - 24; purification of, , 2 , , 76, S , 1 , 7; and sin, - ; 24, 6; salvation of, 1 ; suffer­ suffering of, , 72, , , 77-79, S2, S4, S5, S7, 1 , , ing of, 26- 8, 0, 34, Purification, cf Purgatory, Soul Humanity, see Human Frailty St Ignatius, Reason, and actions, 94; contrary Intellect, , 87, , to, 96, 00; higher, , 1 ; and Human Frailty, , Joy, o f body, , , 95-9S, 1 , , Revelation, ; cf Visions 1 2, 24; of Catherine, 20, 5, 7, , 42 , 145; in Christ, 1 S; eternal, 94, ; increases, , 1 ; San Lazzaro, 29 in paradise, ; in pu rgatory, , Self, annihilation of, 1 9, 20, 7; - 72, 76, S -S ; of soul, -94, 97-99, centeredness, S ; inner, S ; lesser, 1 - , I l l , 1 2, l l 6, 1 7, 1 9, SO, S , S6, 1 , 20, 7, 140; and , 39; and suffering, sin, 107, 7; transformation of, 32 St Lawrence, 140 Love, cf., Purgatory; a nd Catherine, 0S- l0, l l S, 29, 5, Self-Love, appetites of, - 06, 1 ; 39; of a s arbitrator, , , , ; and Christ, l OS, 1 9; desire for, 72; Human Frailty, 1 ; joys of, 97, experience of, ; for God, 7S, 1 , 06, 1 ; needs of, 96, 99, 00, 00, l OS , l l 2, 39, 140; of God, - 102, 104, 1 0, 1 , l ; and rea­ , 7-S l , S4, S6, 08- l lO, 1 S, 1 9, son, 96, 97, 00; war against, l l S; 2, 24, 6; impediments to, , and world, 1 , 102 , ; increased, ; last stage Sin, actual, , 75, 80; atonement of, ; for neighbor, 96, 1 ; Pure, for, 1 ; cleansing of, , 5, 76, 72, 79, 07 , lOS, 1 9, 20, 2, 24, S4, 26; confession of, S4, 7, 2, 39; ray of, 1 9, 7, 145; and God, l OS, 09, 1 ; grief for, 109; , 06; as impediment, 72, 77, 78; wound of, l i S, 1 mortal, , 7 , 26; nature of, 7 ; Madonna delle Grazie, 50 original, , , S O ; a n d pu rga­ Man, creation of, l OS; evil of, 1 S ; tory, - ; repentence of, ; re­ transformation of, S , 109; vision proof of, 94; of soul, 106, 07 , ; of, 1 and sufferi ng, , , S4; vision Memory, S5, 146 of, , 1 S, 146 Soul, cf also Body, Suffering; alien­ Paradise, 72, 7S, S ated, S5, 02 , 1 ; and contempla- 62 tion, 94, 99, 7, 146; creation of, Suffering, duration of, 72, 74, , 82, , 75, 77-82, , 94, 102, 107, 108, 109; in hell, 74, ; for love, 1 8; 30, 8, 39; debt of, 82, 83; and in purgatory, , 72, 74, , 77-79, despair, 1 7; and emotions, 2 , 82, 84, 85, 87, 1 3, ; and sin, 24, 7; e n d of, 76, 77, 82, 86, 99 ; , 73, 84, 26, ; of soul, 1 6, enemies of, , 1 0; a n d God, , 1 7, 39; willingness for, 84 77-8 , 84, 86, , 1 ; harm to, 9698; illumination of, 107, 108, 1 , Veni Creator Spiritus, 142 1 6, 144; instinct for God in, , Vemaz::ta, Battistina, 50 Vemaz::ta, Ettore, 50 74, 76, 85, 106, 26, 39; nature of, 92, 94, 103, 106, 5; needs of, , Visions (of Catherine), of angels, 97, 98, 100, 103-105, 14; perfec­ 140; of Christ, tion of, 79-82; purification of, , 1 8; diabolical, 142; of eternal life, ; of God, , 7, 79, 80, 82, 1 , 8, 39; 84, 85, 109, 1 5, 1 8, 143; of joy, rest (peace) of, 77, 80, 86, 94, 103, , 142, 145; of ladder of flame, 105, 1 , 1 7, 39, 148; salvation 145; of love, 109, 1 8, 145; of man, of, 96, 103, 107, 1 ; shame of, 19; of sin, , 1 8, 146; of soul, 06; testing of, 7; transforma­ 86, 108, tion of, , 83, , 109, 1 9, 6, 140; voyage of, , 99; weakened, 100, 102, 106, 1 4; and world, 103, Will, ; al ienated, ; creation of, 105; worthiness of, 94, 1 6, 146 98; evil, 74; freedom of, 74, 93, 98; Spirit, annihilation of, , 3 ; and of God, , 72, 5-77, 79, 82, 83, evil, 26; and Human 108, 1 0, 16, , 144; and sin, Frailty, 20, 2 - 24, , 29, 34, 5; ; of soul, 98, 24; of soul in impetus of, ; will of, 24 purgatory, 5, 77, 82 163 ... Cousins - Professor and Director of Spirituality Graduate Program, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y Booty-Professor of Church History, Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass John E Joseph Dan-Professor... Smith-Thomas J Watson Professor of Religion, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y John R Sommerfeldt-President, University of Dallas, Irving, Texas David Steindl-Rast-Monk... "teachings." XV FOREWORD Purgation and Purgatory is an account of Catherine' s understanding, through revelation and meditation , of the transformation of the self through the love of God The Spiritual

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 13:55

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