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Catalog of the University of Maine 1917-1918

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The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine General University of Maine Publications University of Maine Publications 1916 Catalog of the University of Maine, 1917-1918 University of Maine, Office of Student Records Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/univ_publications Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the History Commons Repository Citation University of Maine, Office of Student Records, "Catalog of the University of Maine, 1917-1918" (1916) General University of Maine Publications 69 https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/univ_publications/69 This Monograph is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine It has been accepted for inclusion in General University of Maine Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine For more information, please contact um.library.technical.services@maine.edu UNIVERSITY COLLECTION i j Ul 1 h THE MAINE BULLETIN XX N O VEM BER, 1917 No CATALOG OF THE U n iv e r sit y 1917 - of M a in e 1918 Published monthly during the academic year by the University Entered at the Orono post office as second class matter CATALOG OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE 1917-1918 ORONO, MAINE T H E U N IV E R S IT Y PRESS O RONO, M A IN E 1917 1917 1918 1918 1919 JU LY JAN UARY JU LY JAN U ARY M 15 22 29 TW T F 34 1011 12 13 14 16 1718 19 20 21 23 2425 26 27 28 30 31 M T 13 20 27 12 19 26 13 20 27 14 21 28 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 W T F 8 15 22 29 16 23 30 10 17 24 81 11 18 25 M T W F 11 12 18 19 25 26 T F W T 11 18 25 F 56 78 1213 14 15 16 1920 21 22 23 2627 28 8 M T W T F O C TO B E R A P R IL MT W T F 12 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 M 14 21 28 TW T F 8 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 2728 29 30 M T 12 19 26 13 20 27 W T F ~4 11 18 25 12 13 19 20 26 27 78 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 10 11 17 18 24 25 31 F S W M '5 12 19 26 "6 13 20 27 T FE B R U A R Y F ’ 10 1415 16 17 2122 23 24 2829 30 31 M T 15 22 29 16 23 30 W T F 13 20 27 TW T T 1415 16 2122 23 2829 30 F 8 10 11 17 18 24 25 31 10 17 24 T W T 11 18 25 W T 10 17 24 1112 18 19 2526 M ’2 16 23 30 F '2 *3 "4 *5 *6 "7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 15 22 29 16 23 80 10 17 24 31 W 13 20 27 14 15 21 22 28 T W T F 8 M T F W T 78 13 1415 16 20 2122 23 27 28 29 30 F 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 MAY 8 1213 14 15 16 1920 21 22 23 2627 28 29 30 M T ’ "4 *5 *6 ~7 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 M T 11 18 25 12 19 26 T F 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 13 20 27 W T F 14 21 28 15 22 29 16 23 30 10 17 24 31 JUNE DECEMBER F F A P R IL 12 10 11 12 14 1516 17 18 19 21 2223 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 M T T M ARCH 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 M W 16 23 N OVEM BER 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 W M T JUNE DECEMBER M T 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 M T MAY 12 19 26 F O C TO B E R 23 910 11 12 13 15 1617 18 19 20 22 2324 25 26 27 29 30 N OVEM BER 11 18 25 T W T SE P T E M B E R 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 TW T 14 21 28 M ARCH S M M TW AUGUST 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 T F 8 M 10 17 24 SEPTEM BER M T T FE B R U A R Y AUGUST M T W M T 15 22 29 16 23 30 10 17 24 W T F 11 18 25 12 19 26 13 20 27 14 21 28 Calendar F A L L SEM E STE R , 1917 October 5-9, October October 10, 11, Wednesday, Thursday, November December December 29, 21, 31, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Arrearage examinations; entrance examinations Registration, 8.00 A M.— 5.00 P M Registration, 8.00 A M.— 5.00 P M First chapel, 11.00 A M Thanksgiving Day, a holiday Christmas recess begins, 12.00 M Christmas recess ends, 12.00 M 1918 February 8, Friday, Fall semester ends, 5.05 P M SPRING SE M E ST E R , 1918 February February February April May June June June June June 9, 11, 22, 19, 30, 5-8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Saturday, Monday, Friday, Friday, Thursday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Registration Spring semester begins, 8.00 A M Washington’s Birthday, a holiday Patriot’s Day, a holiday Memorial Day, a holiday Entrance examinations Baccalaureate address Class Day Meeting o f Board o f Trustees C o m m e n c e m e n t , 9.30 A M SU M M ER TERM June August 24 2, Monday, Friday, Summer Term begins, 8.00 A M Summer Term ends U N IV E R S I T Y OF M A IN E F A L L SE M E S T E R , 1918 September 13-17, September September November December 18, 19, 28, 18, Wednesday, Thursday, Thursday, Wednesday, Arrearage examinations; entrance examinations Registration, 8.00 A M Registration; first chapel, 11.00 A.M Thanksgiving Day, a holiday Christmas recess begins, 12.00 M 1919 January January 2, 31, Thursday, Friday, Christmas recess ends, 12.00 M Fall semester ends, 5.05 P M SPRING S E M E S T E R , 1919 February February June 1, 3, 11, Saturday, Monday, Wednesday, Registration Spring semester begins, A M Co m m en cem en t The University will probably postpone the time o f opening in 1918 if the war conditions continue B OARD OF T R U ST E E S Board of Trustees Skowhegan Hon S am u el W adsworth G ould, B S., President Term expires April 16, 1921 Westbrook E dw in J ames H askell , B S Term expires December 31, 1919 Bangor F reeland J ones , LL B Term expires May 31, 1918 Belfast C harles S w a n B ickford, B S Term expires April 13, 1919 Portland Hon W illiam H enry L ooney, B A Term expires September 10, 1921 Bangor Hon F rederick H astings S trickland Term expires April 28, 1922 Houlton T hom as V in c e n t D oherty , A B., Clerk Term expires May 7, 1920 Dexter Hon F n k E dward G uernsey Term expires May 31, 1924 E xecutive C o m m it t e e : Gould, Jones, and Strickland F arm C o m m it t e e : Jones, Doherty, and Guernsey U N IV E R S I T Y OF M A IN E Maine Agricultural Experim ent Station Council R obert J udson A ley , P h D., L L D President C harles D ayton W oods, S c D Secretary F r e e l a n d J o n e s , LL B., Bangor Committee T h o m a s V i n c e n t D o h e r t y , A B.,Houlton of F r a n k E dward G u er n sey , Dexter Trustees L eon S t e p h e n M errill , M D., Orono Dean o f the College o f Agriculture J o h n A lbert R oberts, M A Norway E ugene H arvey L ibby , Auburn State Grange W ilson H iram C o n a n t , Buckfield State Pomological Society F r a n k S a m u e l A dam s , Bowdoinham State Dairymen’s Association W illia m G eorge H u n t o n , Cherryfield Maine Seed Improvement Association L eonard C l e m e n t H olston , Cornish Maine Livestock Breeders’ Association J a m es M onroe B artlett , M S E dith M arion P a t c h , Ph D M embers W arner J ackson M orse , Ph D o f the R aymond P earl , Ph D Station Staff H e rm a n H erbert H a n s o n , M S F r a n k M acy S urface , Ph D COLLEGE OF L A W Williams, Hugh Montgomery, Ch Eng Williams, Roger Leonard, Ch Eng Wilson, Howard Edmund, Ce Wise, Raymond Crowell, Ag Witherell, Sadie Imogene, He W olfe, Donald, Ag Wonson, Philip Reed, Ag W ood, Carleton Pratt, Ch Eng W ood, Charles Wesley, Ag W ood, Harold Percy, Arts Young, Newman Harold, Arts Guilford 110 H H Hall Y armouthville Belfast Guilford Sabattus Cambridge, Mass Gloucester, Mass Kingfield Belfast Winthrop Lewiston House 111 H H Hall 401 H H Hall Campus A T A House A E House 411 H H Hall 111 H H Hall 103 Oak Hall COLLEGE OF 4> II K K H ouse LAW SENIORS Bangor 305 Essex Street, Bangor Bangor 72 Second Street, Bangor Lisbon Falls The Colonial, Bangor Portland The Colonial, Bangor Bath 300 Hammond Street, Bangor Livermore Falls 194 Union Street, Bangor Bangor 34 Elm Street, Bangor Belfast 300 Hammond Street, Bangor Manchester Depot, Vt 93 Elm Street, Bangor Dorchester, Mass 4> E II House, Orono Waterville 21 Sanford Street, Bangor Bangor 22 Bowdoin Street, Bangor N ew Bedford, Mass Cedar Street, Bangor Cohen, Robert Couette, Ralph Hubert Cowan, Frank Irving, A B Bowdoin, 1913 DeW olfe, James Codman Fitzgerald, Charles Manning Georgetown Law School Fortier, Albert James Gallagher, James Augustine Hale, George Lester Maine Levin, Reuben Cornell Levenson, George Sidney Marcou, Napoleon Alphonse McGrath, William Joseph Maine Sherman, Allen, A B Dartmouth, 1915; Harvard Law Vancore, Dixon Frederick Colebrook, N H 16 Sixth Street, Bangor 247 U N I V E R S I T Y OF M A IN E JUNIORS Brunswick 114 Sanford Street, Bangor Bangor 143 Grove Street, Bangor Drapeau, Eudore Alphonse, A B Bowdoin, 1916 Jordan, John Frederick FIRST YEAR Caribou Hitchings, Herbert William Maine LaFleur, John Ralph, B S Colby, 1915 Levine, Lewis Lester, B S Colby, 1916 Pilot, Michael Maine Skolfield, Sydney Kennith Bowdoin Wunderlich, Albert Whittier 57 Fifth Street, Bangor Waterville 28 Second Street, Bangor Waterville 28 Second Street, Bangor Bangor 130 Essex Street, Bangor Houlton Y M C A., Bangor Arlington, Mass X House, Orono S P E C IA L S IN T H E C OLLEGE O F L A W Blais, Frank Philip • Decker, Ernest Raymond Middlebury Fowler, Charles Murray University o f New Brunswick Gorwood, George Ernest Harris, Louis Hurley, Charles William Katz, Hyman Loring, Fred Milton, A B Bates, 1910 Morris, Abraham Redding, Harold Leslie Sanborn Arthur Raymond 248 Portland 300 Hammond Street, Bangor Bangor 72 Second Street, Bangor Presque Isle 84 Cedar Street, Woodland Y M C A., Bangor Y M C A., Ellsworth 84 Cedar Street, Bangor 183 York Street, Auburn 28 Second Street, Bangor 36 Essex Street, Auburn Y M C A., Island Falls 84 Cedar Street, Bangor Bangor Bangor Bangor Bangor Bangor Bangor Bangor Bangor SPE CIA LS IN T H E COLLEGES A T ORONO Bangor 210 Essex Street, Bangor Walsh, Francis Allison St Joseph College SPE C IA LS IN T H E COLLEGES A T ORONO Barnes, Forrest Henry, Ee Bernard, James Laurence, Jr Ee Blood, Charles Virgil, Ag Bradeen, Leroy Stanford, Me Caswell, Curtis Lowe, Ch Chase, Willard Linwood, Ed Dibblee, James Appleby, Fr Hodgdon, Paul Edward, Ch King, Alfred Rollins, Me King, Rufus Brooks, Ee Larsen, Niels Juel, Ch Eng Lawton, Daniel Edwin, Bl Lemont, Herbert Randall, Fy Lyon, Alpheus Crosby, Ce Marcoux, Eli Albert, Ch Eng Matheson, Richard Malcolm, Eng McCann, Frances, He Morris, Viola Louise, Arts Murray, Edwin Thomas, Arts Roberts, Marguerite Copeland, Arts Scott, Harold Guy Dow, Arts Shute, George Cameron, Arts Small, Elton Ellis, Ag Vasconcelos, Samuel, Eh 36 M yrtle Street Waterville 36 M yrtle Street Portland A E H ou se F oxcroft 407 O ak H a ll D exter Pleasant Street Orono U niversity Inn Orono U n iversity Inn Orono X H o u se Bangor B I I H o u se Fairfield 10 Park Street Peabody, Mass Christiana, Norway X House Southwest Harbor A T House Bath A E House Orono 119 Bennoch Street Berlin, N H 102 H H Hall Brooklyn, N Y A T A House Bangor 135 Cedar Street, Bangor Orono Pine Street Bangor 159 Parkview Avenue, Bangor Balentine Hall D exter Old Town Old Town A T House Portland 101 H H Hall Buck’s Harbor 32 College Street Orono T W O -Y E A R P H A R M A C Y SECOND YEAR Rockland Fort Kent Bangor Barbour, Bentley Lawrence Burgoyne, William Joseph Davis, Jacob Joseph 249 4> K House 112 H H Hall 4> E n House U N IVERSITY OF MAINE Emerson, Clarance Lee Perkins, Frederic Eugene Brewer Bangor Brewer Smargonsky, Isaac 17 Fourth Street, Bangor Ashland E I I House FIRST YEAR Caribou Van Buren V inalhaven Brewer Corinna Sheridan Brooklyn, N V Anderson Ellerth William Cyr, Onisine Paul Delano, Freeland Derward Flynn, Daniel Joseph Folsom, Sidney Clyde Hamblin, W olcott Chaffee Libby, W aldo Peter Z X House 210 Oak Hall 102 H H Hall Brewer 101 Oak Hall Greatworks X A K House T W O -Y E A R H O M E E CON OM ICS Bangor Bangor McCann, Mary Elizabeth Pretto, Theresa Helen 74 Birch Street, Bangor 50 Pine Street, Bangor SCH O O L CO U RSE IN A G R IC U L T U R E SECOND YEAR Campus W est Pem broke 23 Park Street Stowe 203 Oak Hall Pittsfield 109 H H Hall North Jay 29 Forest Avenue Orono 111 H H Hall Belfast Bennoch Street Thomaston Philadelphia, P enna Campus Auburn 4> II K House Lisbon Falls R F D # Bangor Brewer Brewer Bridges, Henry Styles Day, Irving Hall Johonnett, Aubrey Herman Kyes, Howard Ernest LaPoint, Edmund Robert Redman A rlo Lee Sawyer, Charlie Alexander Tomlinson, Bertram W allingford, John Gowell Warren, Ralph Edward Wheeler, Ralph Jones FIRST YEAR Lille Quincy, Mass Cyr, Patrick Gifford, Frank Perry 250 Pine Street 112 H H Hall SUM M ER TE RM Solon 81 Mill Street Hampden Highlands 301 Oak Hall Harrison Mill Street Albion A T 12 House Miller, Harry Baker Swett, Erwin George Thomas, Charles Leslie Weymouth, Irving Crosby SUM M ER TERM Bangor Orono Portland Farmington Falls East Corinth Orono Barker, Corinne Maude Bowen, Mary Catherine Brown, Clifford Brown, Georgie Mae Brown, Leah Marion Browning, Neva, B A Maine, 1915 Burns, Margaret Russell Bussell, Edith Mae, Ph B Maine, 1902 Butters, Arthur Edwin, B A Maine, 1916 Callahan, Mildred Laura Carter, Ray Milo Caswell, Curtis Lowe Cook, Berton Ellsworth, B S Syracuse, 1914 Connor, Henrietta Regina, B S N H State, 1913 Darrah, John Clarke Flagg Dean, Archibald Sweetland Dennis, Eleanor Bessie Derby, Pauline Dougherty, Mary Abbie Edmunds, Charles Storer Epstein, Anna Pauline Feeney, Joseph Edward, B A Holy Cross, 1915 Fenderson, Carll Nathan Fenderson, Kendrick Elwell Flannigan, Mary Isabel Bangor Old Town Old Town Island Falls W est Hawley, Mass Orono D eer Isle Newmarket, N H Boston, Mass W oodfords Bangor Bangor M ilford Bangor Bangor Portland Farmington Gorham Orono 251 U N I V E R S I T Y OF M A IN E Old Town Brunswick Bangor Grove land Mass Freese, Jennie Price Furbish, Helen Lincoln Garman, Ellen Mary Giles, Jennie Agnes, B A Western, Canada Goldsmith, Chester Hamlin, B S Maine, 1915 Goss, Margaret Gould, Margaret Buffum Grant, Harold Cram Hawkes, John Carroll Hawkes, Marion Hunnewell Hickson, Eugene Francis Hines, George Harold Horne, Ethel Rachel Howard, Henry Marshall Hurley, Alice Mary Ingalls, Arthur Dinsmore Judd, Ada May Kelley, Agnes Rose Kelley, Carl Edward, M T Penn Inst., 1914 Kellogg, Thelma Louise King, Harold Louis Leighton, Ralph Melvin Lewis, James Abram, B S Bowdoin, 1915 Lunt, Lucy Barton M acllroy, Cecil Dow Merrill, Katharine Buffum Mower, Clyde Fletcher Munson Barbara Allen Murphy, Catharine Hyacintha Myers, Lucille Rose McCornville Elizabeth Angeline McCornville, Mary Callista McGroty, James William Orcutt, Hollis Osier, Bertha Orono Charleston Orono Bangor W oodfords W oodfords Bangor Middletown, Conn W olfeboro, N H East Andover Old Town Farmington DeLand, Florida Brewer Mt Desert Vanceboro Orono Bar Harbor North Haven South Brewer Milo Orono D exter Orono Auburn Orono Portland Orono Wallingford, Conn Franklin Orono 252 SUM M ER TERM Shanghai, China Orono Orono Orono Bangor Oyang, Jane Palmer, Helen Elizabeth Palmer, Pearl Lillian Park, Irwin James Patch, Helen Elizabeth, B A Mt Holyoke, 1914 Pearson, Fred Almore Phillips, Ray Eugene Pomeroy, Clara Vesta Preston, Lester Ware Ring, Elizabeth Robinson, Orett Forest Ryder, Dorothea Sawyer, Lula Schweitzer, Louis Smith, Sadie Greenaway, A B Oberlin, 1910 Snow, Charles Augustus Sowle, Wesley Atwood, A B Boston, 1915 Stinchfield, Ben, A B Boston, 1914; A M., 1916 St Onge, Arthur Amos, B A Maine, 1914 Stuart, Helen Loggie Theriault, Ora Morie Thompson, Dorothy, B A Maine, 1916 Tobey, Helen White Trask, Henry Alvin Violette, Genevieve Augusta Webber, Elmer Harrison, B Pd Maine, 1915 Webster, Frances Anna White, Helen Patricia Whitehouse, Ralph Murch Williams, Elmer Briry Young, Mary Kathleen Zick, Henry, Ph D Heidelberg, 1887 Buck field Newport Island Falls Providence, R Orono Warren Orono Brewer Brooklyn, N Y Ware, Mass Stockton Springs Ellsworth Farmington Falls F oxcroft Bangor Millinocket Orono Orono Southwest Harbor Milford Livermore Falls Orono Orono Fort Fairfield Old Town Milbridge St Nicholas Avenue, N ew York City 253 UN IV E RSITY OF MAINE General Sum m ary FACU LTY President Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Agricultural Extension Staff Emergency Extension Staff Instructors Assistants Lecturers 41 13 19 24 14 25 10 Total 156 College o f Agriculture College o f Arts and Sciences Agricultural Experiment Station College o f Law College o f Technology Officers common to allColleges 56 37 19 10 25 Total 156 STU DENTS Graduate Students Seniors Juniors Sophomores Freshmen Specials 99 131 179 330 24 254 772 G E N E RA L SU M M A R Y College o f Law, Seniors Juniors Freshmen Specials Tw o Year Curriculum in Pharmacy Second Year First Year Tw o Year Course in Home Economics (N o students admitted after 1915) Two Year School Course in Agriculture Second Year First Year Summer Term 14 12 34 13 11 92 Total (omitting duplicates 17) 17 913 C L A S S IF IC A T IO N BY RESID EN CE Maine, by counties: Androscoggin Aroostook Cumberland Franklin Hancock Kennebec K nox Lincoln O xford Penobscot Piscataquis Sagadahoc Somerset W aldo Washington York Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire 51 50 96 30 46 41 24 27 257 24 16 33 19 30 36 788 83 15 255 788 U N I V E R S I T Y OF M A I N E 13 1 1 1 Connecticut New Y ork Pennsylvania Vermont Rhode Island Wisconsin Florida China Canada Norway 913 685 228 Men Students Women Students 913 C L A S S IF IC A T IO N BY COLLEGES 191 326 34 353 Graduate Students College o f Agriculture College o f Arts and Sciences College o f Law College o f Technology 913 C A N D ID A T E S FOR DEGREES Graduate Students College o f Agriculture College o f Arts and Sciences College o f Law College o f Technology 170 259 22 342 256 U N IV E R S IT Y OF M A IN E The following students registered in short courses given in the Col lege o f Agriculture, January to February, 1917 Name E W Blackwell L S Bowden Ernest Colby Flora S Dunton Karl B Dow Lindley S Foss Jasper E Guptill F E Hulen Harland B Hussey Vaughan Jones Ervin G Johnson Ralph Perkins Henry R Reed Karl R Saunders H E Seavey D S Thayer W S Warland Miss Lillian Washburn Mrs F H Watson J W G Walker F H Watson Home Address Course Waterville, Maine Poultry Dairying Waterville, Maine R F D 41 Wiscassett, Maine Poultry Bangor, Maine Poultry Kents Hill, Maine Poultry General Agriculture Livermore Falls, Maine R F D Poultry Berwick, Maine Poultry Damariscotta, Maine Dairying Windsorville, Maine Horticulture Bangor, Maine R F D # General Agriculture Westbrook, Maine Orono, Maine Dairying Poultry Arlington, Mass Cedar Grove, Maine General Agriculture General Agriculture 270 14th St., Bangor, Me Dairying Belfast, Maine Poultry Wiscassett, Maine Dairying Livermore Falls, Maine R F D # Dairying N Dexter, Maine Dairying Brownfield, Maine General Agriculture N Dexter, Maine 257 UN IV E RSITY OF MAINE Index PAGE A d m in is tr a tio n o fficers o f -A d m ir a lty A d m i s s i o n _ 46 A d v a n ce d s t a n d in g — 46 A g ricu ltu l C h e m is tr y ——— — — 86 A g ricu ltu l C lu b s -A g ricu ltu l E n g in e e rin g 88 A g ricu ltu l E x p e rim e n t t a t lo n — 202 C ou n cil 62 A gricu ltu re C o lle g e o f A g r o n o m y co u r se s — 80 c u r r ic u lu m — — 67 A lp h a Z e ta 83 A lte rn a tin g C u rre n ts 188 A lu m n i A d v is o r y C o u n cil 211 A lu m n i A s s o c ia t io n s 211 A n im a l H u s b a n d r y c o u r s e s c u r r i c u l u m _ 68 A n im a l In d u s tr y co u rse s c u r r i c u l u m n 68 A p p o in tm e n ts .- -213 A rch e o lo g y - 3 A r o o s t o o k F a rm — -204 133 A r t A rt C o lle c tio n A rts a n d Sciences, C o lle g e o f 96 A s s o c i a t i o n s _ A stro n o m y — 106 A th letic F ield - A t h l e t i c s _ *01 B a c te r io lo g y _ 86 B ib lio g r a p h y _ 106 B io lo g ic a l C h e m is tr y _ 86 B io lo g y cou rse s _ 106 c u r r i c u l u m en tra n ce 50 107 B o ta n y B u ild in gs a n d eq u ip m en t 23 B u s in e s s — 114 C a le n d a r — C en tra l h e a tin g p la n t — 26 C e rtifica te , a d m is sio n b y _ — 47 C e rtifica tes In A g r icu ltu re 78 C ertifica tes a w a r d e d 243 C h em ica l E n g in eerin g cu rr ic u ­ lum 161 C h e m istry c o u r s e s _ 177 cu rricu lu m 164 en tra n ce C h ristia n A s s o c ia tio n 33 C iv il E n g in eerin g co u rse s -183 cu rricu lu m — 166 C l u b s _ 31 C o m m e n ce m e n t exercises 1917 217 PAGE C o m m itte e s o f th e F a c u lt y 21 C o r r e s p o n d e n ce co u rse s In A g r ic u ltu r e 79 C rim in a l L a w — — 157 C rops — C u rricu la 60 A g r ic u lt u r e — - —— 66 A gronom y 67 A n im a l H u s b a n d r y 68 68 A n im a l I n d u s t r y A rts a n d S cien ces -101 B io lo g y 70 C h e m istry 164 C h em ical E n g in e e rin g 161 C iv il E n g in e e rin g 166 D airy H u s b a n d r y — 68 E lectrica l E n g in e e rin g 168 F o r e s tr y H o m e E c o n o m ic s _ 78 H o rtic u ltu r e — _ 6P L a w _ 156 M echanical E n g in e e rin g P h arm acy 172 D airy H u sb a n d ry c o u r s e s c u r r i c u l u m 68 D e b a t e D e g r e e s _ 86 a d v a n c e d 36 D egrees c o n fe r r e d 1917 219 D e m o n s tr a tio n w o rk In A g r ic u ltu r e D e p o sits — 41 D o rm ito rie s D w in g 193 E c o n o m ic s E d u ca tio n 114 E lectrica l E n gin eerin g co u r se s cu rricu lu m 168 E n g l i s h 119 en tra n ce E n glish L ite tu re E n t o m o lo g y 108 E n tra n ce 45 E sta b lish m en t o f the U n iv e rs ity E vid ence 157 E x a m in a tio n s , en tra n ce 46 E xpen ses E xp erim en t S t a t lo n _ 202 E x te n s io n S c h o o ls In A gricu ltu re E x tention w o rk In A g r lc u ltu r e — F a c u lty A g r i c u l t u r e A rts a n d Sciences 96 E xp erim en t S t a t io n — 202 L aw 258 IN D E X T e c h n o lo g y University Farm ers’ W eek Farm M anagem ent _ Fees la b o to ry F lo r ic u lt u r e Forestry C ourses curriculum Fraternity houses -French entrance General lecture course -G eological collection G eology -German _ e n t r a n c e -G othic G raduation, requirements f o r Greek _ entrance _ H eat Engineering -H erbarium H ig h m oor Farm H ighw ay Engineering -H is to lo g y _ H istory -entrance _ H om e E om ics courses curriculum special courses -H o n o ry societies H on ors _ conferred, 1917 -H orticultu re courses _ curriculum H ydraulics Industrial Chem istry -I n fir m a r y Insurance _ Italian Journalism curriculum Kidder scholarship _ Kittredge loan fund -L a b o r a to ry charges Landscape G ardening -Latin entrance Law, College o f _ preparation fo r Lecture Courses, A griculture -A rts and Sciences Libraries L oan s _ Lum bering Machine Design Machine W o rk _ Maine Masque _ M a jo r S u b ject _ M athem atics entrance _ Mechanical Engineering courses curriculum Mechanics _ PAGE 159 10 77 88 39 39 95 89 71 26 124 51 127 80 87 128 53 130 99 131 57 192 29 204 187 107 133 57 92 73 74 33 36 213 94 69 184 180 26 157 152 102 102 42 42 39 94 135 56 154 102 78 100 27 42 91 190 190 32 98 138 57 189 170 193 PAGE Mechanics and Drawing -193 Medicine, preparation fo r -103 Menorah A ssociation -32 M eteorology 145 196 M ilitary courses _ Museums 29 Music 141 O bservatory 26 Organic Chem istry 178 O rganization o f the U niversity 60 O rganizations _ 31 P ed a gogy, degree in 101 P harm acy courses -194 curricula 172 Phi K appa Phi 33 members 213 P h ilosophy 144 Physical C hem istry 179 201 Physical Culture _ Physics 145 entrance _ 59 P h y sio lo g y 107 Political E co n o m y -110 P o m o lo g y _ 94 P ou ltry H usbandry courses -84 cu r r ic u lu m _ 69 Pow er H ouse 27 Prescriptions 195 P r iz e s 42 216 awarded 1917 _ P sy ch o lo g y 144 Public Speaking 148 Publications 34, 161, 205 R ad io-a ctivity -147 R ailroad Engineering 186 R eading R o o m 27 215 Regim ent organ ization -R egulations o f the U niversity 35 Requirements fo r adm ission -47 fo r gra d u a tion 99 R hetoric 119 R o o m s _ 40 Rule o f C on du ct 35 Sanskrit 137 Scholarship h on ors 36 42 Scholarships S chool Course in A griculture 75 Sh ort W inter Courses in A griculture 76 Silviculture 91 Societies _ 31 S o cio lo g y -111 Soils _ 80 Spanish _ 149 entrance _ 55 Spanish and Italian _ 149 State certificates fo r teachers,, 100 Student expenses 39 Students, list o f _ 226 classification o f 255 num ber o f _ 254 Studies, q u o ta o f _ 35 Structures -185 Summer Term _ 207 expenses _ 208 259 A a | y oiuQ CIRCULATE m 9H-I & pa ge Tau B eta PI fa c u lt y T e lep h on e e n g in e e r t n g T h e s e s -T o r t s _ T ru ste es B o a r d o f -T u it io n ch a rg e U n iversity , h is to r y o f -b u ild in g s a n d e q u ip m e n t -bu lletin s - — - 183 33 159 161 159 189 38 158 39 22 23 34 PAGE 22 e sta b lish m e n t l o c a t i o n 60 o r g a n iz a t io n 85 V e te rin a ry Science W in te r c o u r s e - 18 W ireless T e le g r a p h y 18 W o o d w o r k i n g 45 W o m e n , a d m is sio n o f as W o r s h ip , p u b lic _ Y o u n g W o m e n 's C h ristia n As s o c la t lo n _ 107 Z o o lo g y c o lle c tio n 260 .. .UNIVERSITY COLLECTION i j Ul 1 h THE MAINE BULLETIN XX N O VEM BER, 1917 No CATALOG OF THE U n iv e r sit y 1917 - of M a in e 1918 Published monthly during the academic year by the University. .. the academic year by the University Entered at the Orono post office as second class matter CATALOG OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE 1917-1918 ORONO, MAINE T H E U N IV E R S IT Y PRESS O RONO, M A... subject The thesis 37 U N IV E R S IT Y OF M A IN E must be deposited in completed form with the Dean o f the University on or before the date set for the oral examination At the end o f the course

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 13:41
