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The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine General University of Maine Publications University of Maine Publications 1911 Catalog of the University of Maine, 1911-1912 University of Maine, Office of Student Records Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/univ_publications Part of the Higher Education Commons Repository Citation University of Maine, Office of Student Records, "Catalog of the University of Maine, 1911-1912" (1911) General University of Maine Publications 11 https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/univ_publications/11 This Monograph is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine It has been accepted for inclusion in General University of Maine Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine For more information, please contact um.library.technical.services@maine.edu f lB S T J 1-4 CAT 1911/12 STlL L W A T ER R KEY mm 20 mm m /d ip l JM m /m TO MAP A th letic Field Grand Stand B eta T h eta PI House Tennis Courts Pum ping Station Janitor’ s House D orm itory and Comn W in g a te H a ll Fernald H a ll 10 Pow er House 11 A lu m n i H a ll 12 R ecitation Building 13 Coburn H a ll 14 P resident’ s House 15 Observatory 16 H orticu ltu ral Building 17 H olm es H a ll 18 P rofessors’ H ouses 19 Stable 20 D airy Building 21 Barns 22 Farm Superintendent's H ouse * 23 P rofessor’ s H ouse 24 K appa Sigm a House 25 M t Vernon House 26 Phi Gam m a D elta Ho 27 B O & O W a itin g Ro 28 Lord H a ll 29 T h eta Epsilon House 30 Phi Kappa Sigm a Ho' 31 Sigm a Alpha Epsilor House 32 Storehouse 33 Infirmary 34 Library , 35 Farm B uildings 3G H eatin g P lan t 37 W in slo w H a ll 38 T h eta Chi Hou: 39 Phi E ta Kappa H ouse 40 Stock Judging Pavilion 41 D elta Tan Delta House 42 H annibal H am lii H a ll 43 P rofessors’ Hons 43 1911 JU LY s M T W T F s 16 23 30 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 s i 1912 JA N U A RY JU LY M T W T F s 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 AU dU ST s 1912 M T W T F s 11 12 18 19 25 26 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 M T W T F ,s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l.s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15 16 22 23 29 30 10 17 24 31 s _ 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 M T S s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 F s 12 13 19 20 26 27 11 IS 25 M T s FEBRUARY M T \V T F s M T M T W T F s s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MARCH s W T F s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 s M T XV M T \V T F s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 A P R IL T F s 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 M '1' W T F s M T VV T F s s 11 12 18 19 25 26 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 S 29 30 •• M AY s M T W T F s s \\ T F s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NOVEM BER 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 s 12 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MAY M T W T F 10 17 24 31 JA N U A R Y OCT< >B ER s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 NOVEM BER T XV W T F s A P R IL W T F 16 23 30 ! SEPTEM BER M T W T F s OCT< >B ER M T s MARCH S 14 15 21 22 28 29 1913 A l 'C U S T M T W T F s s SEPTEM BER M T FEBRUARY 13 20 s o 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 10 17 24 31 s | W T F s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 M T 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 i JU N E DECEM BER s M T W T F s S 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 s M T W T F s s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JU N E DECEM BER M 15 16 22 23 29 30 T F s T W 10 17 24 31 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 s M T W T F s 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CALENDAR F A L L S E M E S T E R , 1911 September September September September October November November 15-19 15-19 20, 21, 12, 28, 29, inclusive, inclusive, Wednesday, Thursday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, A rrearage examinations Entrance examinations Registration begins, p m Fall semester begins, 1.30 p m Columbus day, a holiday Meeting of the Board of Trustees Thanksgiving recess begins, 5.10 P M December , December 8, December 22, Monday, Friday, Friday, Thanksgiving recess ends, 0 M Sophomore prize declamations Christmas recess begins, p m 1912 January February Tuesday, Friday, SPRING February February February April April April M ay 3, 5, 22 8, 19 Saturday, Monday, Thursday, Monday, Monday, Friday, Wednesday, M ay June 30, 3, Thursday, Monday, June June 5-8 , Wednesday, 5, June 6, Thursday, Christmas recess ends, 0 a m Fall semester ends, p m S E M E S T E R , 1912 Registration Spring semester begins Washington’s birthday, a holiday Spring recess begins, A M Spring recess ends, a m Patriots' day, a holiday An outline of Theses must be passed in to the M ajor Instructor Memorial day, a holiday Completed Theses must be deposi ted at the Library, 0 m Entrance examinations 8.00 a m Algebra Elementary Algebra (Short Pharmacy) 0 A m Chemistry Botany 1.30 p M Latin p M Roman History 8.00 A m Arithmetic (Short Pharmacy) Solid Geometry University of Maine 10.00 June French German Geography ('Short Pharmacy) 1.30 p m English English Grammar (Short Pharmacy) 4.30 P M English History 8.00 A M American History and Civil Government American History (Short Pharmacy) Trigonometry 10.00 A M Plane Geometry 1.30 p m Physics 8.00 a m Greek Physiology 10.00 a m Greek History 1.30 p m Physiography Baccalaureate address Class day Reception by the President Meeting of the Board of Trustees Commencement dinner Reception by the fraternities Alumni luncheon; alumnae lun cheon Meeting of the Alumni Association Friday, June 8, June June 9, 10, Sunday, Monday, June 11, Tuesday, June 12, Wednesday, Saturday, a m Com m encem ent Commencement ball SUMMER TERM June A u gust 26 , 6, Wednesday, Tuesday, Summer term begins Summer term ends F A L L S E M E S T E R , 1912 September 13-17, September 13-17, Friday, September 13, Arrearage examinations Entrance examinations 8.00 a m Algebra Elementary Algebra (Short Pharmacy) 10.00 A m Chemistry Botany Calendar September 14, Saturday, September 14, Saturday, September 16, Monday, September 17, Tuesday, September September October November November Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 18, 19, 12, 26, 27, 1.30 p m Latin 4.30 P m Roman History 8.00 A m Arithmetic ( Short P harm acy) Solid Geometry 10.00 a m French German Geography (Short Pharmacy.) 1.30 P m English English Grammar (Short Pharmacy) 4.30 P m English History 8.00 a m American History and Civil Government American H istory (Short Pharmacy) Trigonometry 10.00 a m Plane Geometry 1.30 p m Physics 8.00 a m Greek Physiology 10.00 a m Greek History 1.30 p M Physiography Registration begins, 1.30 p m First Chapel service, 11.0 a m Columbus Day, a holiday Meeting of the Board of Trustees Thanksgiving recess begins, 5.10 p December 2, December 6, December 22, Jan u ary Jan u ary 2, 31, Monday, Friday, Sunday, Thursday, Friday, m Thanksgiving recess ends, 12.00 Sophomore prize declamations Christmas recess begins, 5.10 p 1, 3, 11 , Saturday, Monday, Wednesday, m 1913 Christmas recess ends, 8.00 A M Fall semester ends, 5.10 p m S P R IN G S E M E S T E R , 1913 February February June m Registration Spring semester begins Co m m e n c e m e n t University of Maine CALENDAR OF THE COLLEGE OF LAW 19 11 October 4, Wednesday, Fall term begins December 20 Wednesday Fall term ends 912 January 3, Wednesday, Winter term begins March 13, Wednesday, Winter term ends March 20, Wednesday, Spring term begins June 12, Wednesday, C o m m e n c e m e n t October 2, Wednesday, Fall term begins December 18, Wednesday, Fall term ends 1913 January 1, Wednesday, Winter term begins March 12, Wednesday, Winter term ends March 19, Wednesday, Spring term begins June 1 , Wednesday, C o m m e n c e m e n t Catalog of Students Bartlett, Silas Lewiston Blake, E W Bangor Bonney, Harriet G Bath Boynton, Ernest W H arrington Burton, Leonard Skowhegan Chandler, James A Bangor Chilman, Arthur E Bar Harbor Cole, Althea M Bradford Cole, E vie M Bradford Cotter, Jam es P Salem, Mass Cousins, E d g ar M Old Town Currier, H enry M Perham, N H Dillingham, Charles A Hampden Dodge, A W Troy Eaton, L C Searsport Frazier, George Eastport Gardiner, John Hays Gardiner Lewiston Gee, Albert IT Stillwater Getche ll, W Bangor Greeley, H P Gorham, N H Gregory, A lfred Auburn Hale, William F H odaly, John Myitramogye, Hungary Bangor Hodges, D S H omestead, Edward H Orono H omestead, Ralph G Orono Hutchins, Thurston H North Anson Jewett, Arthur R Skowhegan Jones, Jessie A Lambert Lake Kendall, W A Bangor East H ampden Leary, James A Lievens, Jules G Cedar Grove Little, A L South Brewer Little, Wallace C South Brewer M cKenny, Julia L Stillwater Malvey, Patrick J Bangor Bangor Murch, FI J Nealley, Edward R Brewer Winterport Nealley, Fred A Oakes, Albion Milford Lewiston Penley, G H Troy Piper, Harold L Bangor Staples, Arthur R Milford Thomas, William Orono Toner, Ernest L Bangor Treworgy, Elmer J Bangor Tupper, F H Winterport W e e k s , Thomas S PASTORS K enduskeag Ayer, William O Winthrop Clifford, H oward A Collins, Charles F Dorchester, Mass Old Town Cousins, E d g ar M Orono Lyman, Joseph B Old Town Morris, Arthur E Brewer Morse, W arren H aven Nutter, William J Pethybridge, Charles E Marion, MassPurdy, Charles A Orrington Center Bangor Sauer, George C Bangor Scott, A lva R Bradley Smith, Chellis V Orono Smith, Oscar S Brewer Young, Sidney O FARM ERS’ W EEK Abbott, F A Aiken, M B Aley, Mrs R J Arkell, T R Belfast Arnold, Mabel Milo Atkinson, Mrs I B Orono Atkinson, I B Durham, N H Austin, P M 247 Orono Levant Levant Danville Catalog of Students Averill, Mrs W S Orono Ayer, W O Kenduskeag Bachelder, P J Bangor Bailey, L A Medford Baker, A M Hampden Highlands Banks, C F Bangor Banks, L G Bangor Barber, C W Augusta Bartlett, E N Winterport Bartlett, Mrs E N Winterport Bartlett, J M Orono Bateman, L C Lewiston Beach, Mrs D N Bangor Bean, Mrs P L Orono Bell, H arry Garland Bell, Mrs H G Evanston, 111 Bell, H M Islesboro Benner, D M Monmouth Bickmore, E D Stockton Springs Bishop, E A Arnold’s Mills Black, H C Augusta Black, Mrs H C Augusta Boring, A M Orono Boultbee, L H Bangor Bradford, P W Corvallis, Ore Brett, B C Auburn Brown, Mrs C B Orono Browne, Gertrude Orono Brown, J C Orono Brown, Mrs W A Ottawa, Can Buckley, J P Stroudwater Burgess, Mrs J H Bangor Burke, A K Orono Call, Irving Carmel Came, C F Bar Harbor Campbell, Josephine Orono Campbell, Mrs W J Old Town Cannon, Mrs W Orono Cannon, J T Bangor Chambers, Mrs S D Orono Chandler, Mrs A J Bangor Chandler, R C D Bangor Chapman, E R South Brewer Chapman, Mrs E R South Brewer Chase, Elizabeth Orono Chase, Mrs G D Orono Chase, H E North Edgecomb Cheswell, Mrs E C Orono Chilcott, Mrs L S Bangor Chrysler, Mrs M A Orono Church, V Bangor Clark, Mrs C M Bangor Clark, Doris Bangor Clark, Grace Orono Cleaves, Vaughan Steuben Clement, J J Ctr Montville Clement, Mrs J J Ctr Montville Clement, Mrs P A Ctr Montville Clifford, A J Sandy Point Coady, Eliza Orono Conser, Mrs H N Orono Copeland, Roscoe Dexter Copeland, R L Holden Copeland, Mrs R L Holden Craig, J M Orono Craig, Mrs W Orono Crane, Mrs L F Orono Cressy, S W Corinth Cunningham, J A Orono Curtis, Mrs W M Orono Cushman, E L Bangor Davee, Mrs E W Orono Davis, Hugh Veazie Davis, Mable Hudson Davis, M S Bangor Davis, P H Veazie Davis, W H Augusta Day, A P West Kennebunk DeRoche, Hattie Howland Dillingham, C A Hampden Dillingham, V Bangor Dresser, C Turner Dresser, L Bangor Drew, Mrs G A Orono 248 Catalog of Students Dudley, E L Bangor Dudley, Mrs E L Bangor Dunn, Mrs C J Orono Dunn, Mrs H J Bangor Dunning, H A Bangor Easley, Mrs C W Orono Edes, Mrs R H Bangor Edgecomb, H G Orono Elden, Carl Bradford Ctr Emerson, B Bangor Emerson, Mrs C T Bangor Estabrooke, E R Orono Estabrooke, Mrs K C Orono Evans, S G Waldo Farrar, F S East Corinth Farrington, A Brewer Farrington, C O Brewer Fenderson, G Stetson Finn, Mrs H H Orono Fisher, Mrs C C Hudson Fletcher, I Orono Flood, H A Rutland, Vt Fogg, G P Hulls Cove Folsom, Edith Stillwater Folsom, Mrs E O Stillwater Folsom, Lena Bangor Fortier, E Orono Foss, E C Foxcroft Fournier, N Orono Gardner, George Bangor Garland, C L Bangor Garland, Mrs C L Bangor Garland, Mrs C A Bangor Garland, Mrs A G Old Town Geaghan, Mrs J Brewer Gee, A M Orono George, C W East Orrington George, Mrs C W East Orrington Gibbs, B W Bridgton Gibbs, Mrs B W Bridgton Gifford, E E Canaan Gilbert, Alice Orono Gilbert, D Orono Gonyer, A Orono Goodridge, N E Orono Goodridge, Mrs N E Orono Goodridge, O T Orono Grant, F Sandy Point Graves, B C Northeast Harbor Graves, M Orono Gray, F E New Gloucester Gray, F H Mt Desert Gray, Mrs R P Orono Gray, W Mt Desert Griffin, H W Bangor G rinnell, G G E x e ter Grover, C B Brewer Grover, J P Brewer Grover, Mrs J P Brewer Griffin, F T Bangor Griffin, Mrs F T Bangor Griffin, H M Sandy Point Guptill, A J Berwick Haggett, Mrs W W Orono Haley, S Orono Hamilton Mrs Chas Orono Hammond Mrs R L Orono Hamor, Ralph Northeast Harbor Hamor, R oy Northeast Harbor Hanson, H H Orono Harris, D G Stillwater Hart, Mrs J N Orono Hart, Mrs W LHolden Harwood, S E Bennington, Vt Haskell, N D Mechanic Falls Hatch, J W Bangor Hatch, Mrs J W Bangor H ayes, F S Oxford Heald, A A Waterville Hersey, Margaret Veazie Hescock, J C Guilford Hilton, Ernest Anson Hodgkins, W Bucksport Holt, Ashley Orono 249 Catalog of Students Brooklin Hooper, H B Howard, F Bangor Hunt, F H Unity Bangor Hunt, G PL Bangor H unt, Mrs G H Holden Hunt, W J Guilford Hussey, E H Orland H utchings, W Orono Jackman, Mrs W F Orono Jewett, Airs A C Bangor Jewett, L North Bangor Johnson, A G Machias Johnson, Charles Jones, Albert Orono Unity Jones, E M Jones, G M Etna Bangor Jones, K Bangor Jones, M S Dexter Jose, S O Orono Kaulfuss, Mrs J E Orono Kelleher, Mrs B P Old Town Kent, A M Old Town Kent, M rs B H Bangor Kent, C B Old Town Kent, Emily Orrington King, A W Orono King, H Vassalboro Knowlton, G H Orono Ladner, M R Bucksport Leach, A F Turner Leavitt, C A Dover L eland J W Leland, M rs J W Dover Orono Lewis, C E Orono Lewis M rs C E Lewis J P Bucksport Corinna Lincoln, H M Brewer Little, A L Brewer Littlefield, J E Lord, M rs A L Orono Carmel Loring, Charles G ray L owe, E S Fairfield Lowe, I E Lowell, Gladys Bangor Luce, IT J South Newburg Lyman, M rs J B Orono Bangor M cLeod, K G M cLeod, F Bangor Mclntire, C S East Waterford M clntire, M rs C S East Waterford M cKnight, S Orono McPheters, A S Orono M ahony, M rs W .A East Northport Malony, M rs J A Orono M ansfield, Mrs B B Jonesport M ansfield, M rs E W Orono M ason, M rs E J Biddeford Mayo, K C Bradley Merrick, H J Augusta Merrill, Dwight Gray Merrill, E S Orono M errill, F H Orono M errill, G H Orono Orono Merrill, H S M errill, K Orono Orono M errill, M rs L H Orono M errill, M rs L S Merryman, R S Orono M illett, M rs H Orono West Baldwin M illiken, E R Bangor M itchell, Rives Kent’s Hill M itchell, R P M onroe M onroe, J R Glenburn Moore, J A Bangor M oore, Mabel Bangor M oore, W C M orris, Frank Orono Orono M orse, C Dover M orse, G H Brewer M orse, M rs W Wilton M osher, C H Wilton M osher, H H 250 Catalog of Students Mosher, Mrs W Moulton, M rs M Moulton, B H Nealy, Joseph Needham, Mrs M Ness, J A Noble, P F Noble, V M Noyes, C E Packard, A B Page, E E Page, W A Parcher, Mrs M J Park, Mrs F C Park, M M Peabody, W J Perkins, C Perkins, M rs C F Peters, L Peters, O Plummer, Wm Potter, F A Porter, G C Prentiss, M rs Chas Prescott, S E Pretto, F Prime, G PI Prince, Mrs W E Pullen, W E Rackleff, M rs J C Reardon, Wm Redman, M rs R W Reed, C D Reed M rs D S Reed, E A Reed, Jason Reed, M rs Jason Reed, Geneva Reed, M rs L J Rich, J F Richardson, Mrs W Richardson, W D Orono Bangor Orono Machias Old Town Auburn Pittsfield Pittsfield Limestone Kenduskeag East Corinth Kenduskeag Orono Orono Orono Exeter Orono Bangor Bangor Bangor M onroe Old Town Houlton Brewer East Corinth Orono Eliot Orono Exeter Orono South Paris Orono Orono Orono Orono Hollis, N H Hollis, N H Orono Orono Rockland Old Town Bangor Ricker, F P Turner Rines, J H Portland Portland Rines, M rs J H Ring, Mrs E E Orono Ring, Helen Orono Robbins, M rs L Veazie Rooney, Daniel Brewer Rooney, M rs D Brewer Row e, M rs H W Brewer Russell, S L Orono Sawtelle, A M Orono Sawyer, M rs A C Bangor Charleston Schult, Roy Searles, A W Brownville Brownville Searles, Joseph Orono Seely E B Bar Harbor Shand C L Orono Shaw, E E Shaw Mrs W F Orono Hampden Sherman, G H Hampden Sherman, M rs G H Orono Simmons, M rs G E Brewer Smith, A B Bangor Smith, D B Smith, Earl Dixmont Hudson Smith, E R Hudson Smith, M rs E R Bangor Smith, M rs G W Orrington Smith, P PI Brewer Smith, P M Hulls Cove Smith, Ralph Portland Springer, Zilla Stanford, E A West Kennebunk Veazie Staples, John G reene Stetson, C S Orono Stevens, C A Great Works Stevens, M rs G Plymouth Stevens, Otis Skowhegan Steward, G D Orono St Peter, Frank Hancock Stratton, C W Brewer Strout, M rs H A Catalog of Students Sullivan, Mrs D C Sullivan, N D Swett, M E Swett, Alma Templin, Mrs E W Thompson, G Thurston, R E Tilton, F S Tripp, C F., Jr Twitchell, B F Walker, A G Walker, C W., Jr Waterman, C E Watson, F H Webster, Effie Weeks, Adelaide Orono Kents Hill Orono Brewer Orono Orono Union Charleston Canton Point Waterville Canton Canton Auburn Dexter Orono Jefferson Weeks, E A Weeks, T S Weld, C C Weston, A G Whidden, Mrs G E Whitcomb, Mrs F E White, Irving Whitney, F P Wilson, A J Wilson, H Wilson, Mrs S J Winchester, J H Wingard, Mrs E R Wing, Mrs H R Wood, R J Wood, C A Woods, Mrs C D 252 Winterport Winterport Old Town Old Town Bangor Orono Brewer Old Town Orono Bangor Bangor Corinna Orono Orono Orrington Orrington Orono General Summary GENERAL SUMMARY FACULTY President Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Instructors Tutors Lecturers Assistants Additional Instructors in the Summer Term Total I 38 11 32 106 Other Officers 25 College of Agriculture College of A rts and Sciences Agricultural Experiment Station College of Law College of Technology Officers common to all Colleges 18 44 14 10 22 114 Duplicated 106 STU D E N TS Graduate Students Seniors Juniors Sophomores Freshmen 12 101 88 118 83 53 General Summary Sp e ci al St ud e nt s C ol le g e o f L a w G r a d u a t e 35 St ud e n t s - Seniors Juniors First Y e a r S p e ci al s 28 17 17 28 18 S h o r t P h a r m a c y Se co n d y e a r F ir s t Y e a r 12 T e a c h e r s ’ C o u r s e in A g r i c u l t u r e T w o Y e a r s ’ C o u r s e in D o m e s t i c Sci enc e Second Year First Y ear School Course in Agriculture 17 Second Y e a r 20 First Y e a r 34 54 126 Summer Term Winter Course W inter Course W inter Course 108 inA g r i c u l t u r e in H o r t i c u l t u r e in P o u l t r y H u s b a n d r y 16 20 55 Pastors’ Course 15 954 58 Duplicated Total 896 CLASSIFICATION BY Maine, by counties: Androscoggin Aroostook Cumberland Franklin H ancock Kennebec Knox Lincoln O xford Penobscot Piscataquis Sagadahoc Somerset RESIDENCE 37 30 83 11 32 40 21 40 235 16 30 254 General Summary Waldo Washington Y o rk California Connecticut Georgia Illinois Massachusetts N ew Hampshire New Jersey New Y o rk Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont China Costa Rica Hungary Syria Turkey 32 41 36 10 120 25 12 CLASSIFICATION BY COLLEGES College o f A griculture Co l le g e o f A r t s and S ci e nc e s C o l le g e o f L a w C o l le g e o f T e c h n o l o g y CLASSIFICATION OF CANDIDATES C o l le g e o f A g r i c u l t u r e C o l l e g e o f A r t s a n d Sc ie nc e s College o f L a w College o f T echnology FOR DEGREES University of Maine INDEX PAGE A bsence fro m e x a m in a tio n s 39 o f A dvanced s t a n d i n g 47 A d m ira lty 157 A d m issio n 47 49 A d m in istra tio n , o ffice rs by certifica te by e x a m in a tio n general lo ca l req u irem e n ts ex a m in a tio n s 48 47 PAGE in c o m e in sp ectio n s in v e stig a tio n s o b je c t 204 202 p u b lica tion s A g ricu ltu re, C o lle g e b u ild in g e x te n sio n of sp ecia l s t u d e n t s 47 fa cu lty courses 64 s t a n d i n g 47 w in ter L a w and 155 e x te n sio n e n g in e e rin g A gronom y 78 78 71 81 85 course courses cu rricu lu m 67 33 47 A lp h a 93 A lte rn a tin g 98 A lu m n i A d v isory A lu m n i a sso cia tio n s 201 A lu m n i H a ll A n im a l In du stry E x p erim en t S ta b u ild in g 21 C o u n cil fa rm 82 teachers’ A g ricu ltu l fa cu lty courses 49 ch e m istry eq u ip m n te : 83 A g ricu ltu l tion courses for courses w ork s p e cia l A g ricu ltu l 82 48 to C o l l e g e o f sp ecia l course req u irem e n ts to 23 school advance d em on stra tion 47 to 64 48 g r a d u a t e s 204 o f correspondence colleg e for f o r ex a m in a tio n s 204 of p re lim in a ry 202 Z eta cu rren ts 188 C o u n c i l 209 209 20 cu rricu lu m 87 68 203 A n th rop olog y 114 201 A p p oin tm en ts 220 203 Index PAGE PAGE A rch a eolog y 131 A rch itectu re 135 A rt A rts C h e m istry cu rricu lu m 179 163 96, 134 en tran ce 60 m useum in d u stria l 181 179 182 and S cie n ces, degrees o f 104 o rg a n ic 107 p h y sica l d epartm en ts C o lle g e 30 108 fa cu lty 104 A s s o cia tio n s 32 142 29 C om m encem ent 91 C o m m i t t e e s o f t h e f a c u l t y 17 219 C ookery 94 109 C orrespondence c o u r s e s 82 92 C rim in a l 158 109 C u rricu la 61 A stron om y A th le tic fie ld B a cte rio lo g y B a tta lio n B ib lio g p h y B io lo g ica l B io lo g y ch e m istry C la ssica l C oburn H a ll 21 ex e rcise s, Law 111 B u lle tin s of th e C h e m ica l E x p erim en t 85 85 In d u stry C h e m ica l 212 87 163 E n g in eerin g 165 167 107 C iv il 115 C la ssica l D o m e s tic S cie n ce 34 E le ctrica l E n g in eerin g p la n t 28 F orestry 99 34 G radu ate 107 b y 49 H o rticu ltu l 49 Law a g r i c u l t u r e 79 M ech a n ica l E n g in eerin g 172 P harm acy 175 C a ta lo g , annual C entral h e a tin g F n ca is C e rtifica te , a d m issio n C ertifica te b o a r d C e rtifica te s C h e m ica l in E n g in eerin g u lu m cu rric b u ild in g 165 25 257 17 E n g in eerin g 204 Law C a le n d a r A n im a l 1911 S ta tion B u sin ess 20 167 A gronom y 107 43 eq u ip m e n t 183 and cu rricu lu m A g ricu ltu l B u ild in g s D a iry cu rricu lu m 59 B otan y C e rcle E n g in eerin g en tran ce B oard C iv il — 93 170 69 157 Short S p e cia l P harm acy 177 47 University of Maine PAGE PAGE D a iry in g w in ter D ebate course 88 E ntrance, dates tion s 122 ex a m in a tio n s 48 122 re q u ire m e n ts 49 120 p rize 45-122 E ssays 40 E sta brook e 41 E sta b lish m e n t D egrees c o n f e r r e d , 1911 212 D ep osits 44 E th ics 93 E vid en ce 74 E x a m in a tio n s, 77 en tran ce 44 ru les w ith D egrees advanced D o m e stic S cie n ce cu rricu la short in courses D o rm ito rie s D m a tic clu b 33 D w in g 195 36 h a ll m ilita ry 36, 199 H a ll sity of th e 146 E xpenses arrearage 39 48 regard E x p erim en t S ta tion E x te n s io n w o r k F a cu lty , 201 in a g r i c u l t u r e 82 U n iv e rsity 10 64 117 A rts E th n olog y 114 E xp erim en t 188 Daw 170 T ech n olog y 111 F arm B u ild in g s 19 F arm m anagem ent F ees, la b o to ry E ndow m ent o f th eU n iv e r s ity en tran ce lite tu re 51 122 F ern a ld and F orestry 12 111 F te rn ity 151 J u n ior sp e a k in g E n to m o lo g y S ta tion 104 201 154 162 26 98 43 21 99 cu rricu lu m houses e x h ib itio n 72 29 45 53 speakers, 1910 220 30 K id d er sch o la rsh ip 45 93 K ittred g e 45 en tran ce G e o lo g ica l S cien ces H a ll p u b lic G e o lo g y 119 48 E d u ca tion E m b ry o lo g y t o o f s t u d e n t s 42-157 A g r icu ltu re cu rricu lu m 159 113 E n g in eerin g U n ive r 19 E le ctrica l 21 E co n o m ics F rench 48 81 sophom ore E n g lish ex a m in a D e cla m a tion s D rill, of co lle ctio n 258 lo a n fu n d Index PAGE G erm an en tran ce G oth ic L a tin 107 Law B u ild in g Law, C olle g e re q u ire m e n ts 62 131 a d m issio n 135 courses 157 132 degrees 157 133 expenses 157 37 fa cu lty 154 27 m ethods _ 156 31 150 courses H a ll Least o f in s tr u c tio n squares 110 L ectu res, 111 L ib ry 24, 29 135 L ite ti 33 H isto lo g y , a n im a l p la n t sum m er term 207 58 Loans 45 31 L o g ic 146 34 L ord H a ll 22 39 L u m b e rin g 101 en tran ce H olm es 24 155 H a m lin H isto ry 137 G y m n a siu m H erb a riu m 102 154 of 43 re lig io n H a n n ib a l fo r p rep aratory H a ll H onorary so cie tie s ferred , H o rticu ltu l 1911 H o rticu ltu re H y d u lics 193 35 b u lle tin s 69 M a jo r in stru ctors 101 M a teria 1S6 M a th e m a tics 19 28 M ech a n ica l 160 M ech a n ics 115 M ech a n ics f o r 107 P riz e s 118 p re p a tio n M e th o d o lo g y 197 141 58 en g in eerin g 191 172 196 cu rricu lu m 106 en tran ce 44 la w m ed ica In tern a tion a l M e d icin e , d e sig n M a in e U n iv e rs ity Insu rance M a ch in e 25 o f th e U n iv e r s ity In firm a ry 219 b u ild in g cu rricu lu m In n , g a rd e n in g 130 a rch ite ctu re In com e L andscape G d u a tion , H onors charges 55 cu rricu la L aboratory G radu ate G reek 129 PAGE 25 and 195 45 aw arded, D w in g 1911 218 University of Maine PAGE M ilita ry , d r i l l in stru ctio n s cie n ce , courses scie n ce , re q u ire m e n ts Oak P u b lica tio n s 199 P u b lic 145 34 S p ea k in g 121 30 the U n iv e rs ity 38 R ea d in g 36 R e g u la tio n s 28 R eports, 28 30 of sta n d in g 25 of the H a ll H ouse O bservatory O p tics 36 36 V ernon M useum in P sy ch o lo g y in u n ifo rm M t PAGE 36 O rg a n iza tion of 149 room of of the S ta tion R eq u ired E xp erim en t ., 35 39 U n i v e r s i t y 35 C ourses 62 a d m is s io n 47 62 th e U n iv e rsity 61 32 Pedagogy 117 R h e to ric 120 P harm acy 196 R om ance Languages 151 175 Rom an E p ig p h y 139 177 R om an N u m ism a tics 34 R om an P h ilo so p h y 219 Room s 145 Round O rg a n iza tio n s cu rricu lu m short Phi cu rricu lu m Kappa Phi m em bers P h ilo so p h y 140 138 44 T a b le 37 S a n ita ry en g in eerin g 200 S a n sk rit 148 S ch o la rsh ip tra in in g courses in en tran ce 38 185 139 honors S ch ola rsh ip s 110 School course 113 S cien tific 89 S ew in g 29 S ilv icu ltu re 197 Short 114 S o cie tie s econom y P o u ltry H usbandry H ouse P re scrip tio n s p rize 45 in A g r i c u l t u r e — 78 95 courses 100 81 32 T u ition 152 U n iv e rs ity , 260 107 220 1911 39 speakers, courses m e e tin g s d e c l a m a t i o n s 45-122 34 60 P o litica l Sophom ore C onduct P h y sio lo g y S o cio lo g y of R u le P h y sica l S p a n ish g d u a tio n 60 G eography Pow er fo r for P h y sica l P h y sics R eq u irem en ts, of charges 3, 4, ch arter 42 19 Index PAGE PAGE S p e cia l courses S p ecia l stu den ts S team 78 h isto ry 47 b u lle tin s 193 b u ild in g s and e q u ip m e n t 29 34 E n g in eerin g 19 35 ca ta log of 221 circu la rs cla ss ifica tio n of 254 endow m ent 253 e sta b lish m e n t 39 lo ca tio n 38 o b je ct 185 S tu dents, num ber of sta n d in g S tu d ie s, of qu ota S tru ctu res of 19 19 20 19 o rg a n iza tio n 61 91 term 206 V e te rin a ry expenses 208 W in g a te H a ll 23 183 W in slo w H a ll 23 P i 34 81 192 Sum m er S u rvey in g Tau B eta T ech n olog y, T h eolog y , Theses T orts 162 W oodw ork 162 W om en, 43 of f o r 107 40 161 T reasurer T ru stees, courses co lle g e fa c u lty T e x t-b o o k s W in te r p re p a tio n board e x e cu tiv e o f co m m itte e o f— S cie n ce a d m issio n W o rsh ip , Young p u b lic M en’s cia tion Young C h ristia n 26 47 A sso so cia tio n 38, 69 W o m e n ’s Z o o lo g y of C h ristia n 34 A s 34 110 co lle ctio n s 31 ... corporate by the name of the Trustees of the State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts By an act of the legislature of 1897 the name of the institution was changed to the University of Maine. .. The front part contains on the ground floor the offices of the President, the Dean of the University, the Secretary, the Cashier, the Trustees’ Room, and two recitation rooms for the use of the. .. an optical room, and the offices of the professors of civil engineering and mechanics and drawing On the second floor are the offices and recitation rooms of the professors of physics, Greek, and