ADDENDUM NO DATE: APRIL 12, 2021 RFQ: RFQ-21-004 COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN DUE DATE: APRIL 22, 2021 - 2:00 PM TO: ALL PROPOSAL DOCUMENT HOLDERS This addendum forms a part of the specifications and modifies or clarifies the original specifications as noted below The proposer shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum on the Certification of Statement of Qualifications (Appendix A) Failure to so may subject proposer to disqualification This addendum consists of five pages and four separate attachments Q1 Has any financial pre-work been done (budget/income-generation needed to support park)? A1: Minimal pre-work has been done We have looked at analyses done by other communities regarding economic impact and revenue generation/expenses but have not done our own As part of this project, we wanted to explore the income generation potential of the park and want to look at leasing or selling off property for income generation Q2 Are the JUB grading and parking lot plans referencing things that have already been done? A2: Many concepts and ideas have been generated since 2004 by the City and the other TriPartners (Lewis-Clark State College and Lewiston Independent School District No 1) These conceptual plans were developed with input from the community and we wanted proposing Addendum RFQ-21-004 Community Park Master Plan 4/12/21 firms to be aware of their existence The plans are conceptual and the selected firm is not obligated to follow them We also included them to mitigate, as much as possible, any competitive advantage that JUB may have over other firms since JUB provided a majority of the conceptual plans The parking lot in the Community Drive Parking Lot plan will be installed to allow access to the water reservoir site and is part of a public works water project Everything else in the plan is conceptual at this point The grading is conceptual and all features within the plan are conceptual The ball field in the southeast corner was placed in that location due to potential alcohol sales needing to be a certain distance from a school zone There is a small existing parking lot in the southeast corner that is a permeable surface with paving stones and crushed rock/glass fill The four Little League fields along Community Drive may end up being omitted since the League has expressed interest in owning their own fields and moving them elsewhere which may open up for additional opportunities to be incorporated at the site Q3 Have any soil samples and geotechnical surveys been done? A3: Not sure There was an Environmental Site Assessment done back in 2004 when the TriPartners were purchasing the land A copy of the report has been included as a separate attachment (ESA Joint Partnership Final Report) The land used to be used to grow wheat so it is good tillable land and no one, so far, has run into much rock when installing utilities or during the developments of the high school or either tech center built by the school district and college Q4 Have you considered using artificial turf rather than natural turf? A4: We not have any artificial turf yet but have considered using artificial turf for the infields and natural turf for the outfields of ballfields One drawback of artificial turf with our climate is that it becomes hot during our 100+ degree summer days when our fields see the most use A benefit is that we may not need to cancel games due to rain in the spring and fall and we would have lower water consumption The City is installing a well and reservoir for domestic water but decisions still need to be made regarding an irrigation water source The city and school district are currently looking at hiring a consultant to analyze that option Q5 Has an overall budget been developed yet? A5: No That is part of this Master Plan development We have funds for the services to create the master plan and have funds available to potentially implement some of the features within the approved master plan Q6 What is the expected growth in the community? I expect that we need to have the plan be expandable A6: We expect some growth but it is not like what Coeur d’Alene and some other areas are experiencing We are seeing some newcomers from other states and home construction is Addendum RFQ-21-004 Community Park Master Plan 4/12/21 occurring in the east orchards, the area nearest the community park We not have any numbers we could show you Q7 Do you have an active soccer club in town? A7: The Boys & Girls Club of the Lewis Clark Valley focuses on youth recreational league play and has a large number of participants in their programs Hells Canyon Rapids is our competitive travel club locally that is expanding and looking for additional field space Historically, Lewiston has been a baseball town, but in recent years, soccer has begun to gain a lot of popularity Q8 Is there a page limit for submittals? One is not mentioned in the RFQ A8: There is no page limit, but keep in mind the requirement to be clear and concise Q9 Do you have a LIDAR or topographical surveys of the site? A9: No, we not, but our Public Works Dept has the capability of producing these We have done topographical surveys of portions of the site in the past Q10 Can you provide info about the LWCF? A10: The site purchase was partially funded by a grant through the National Park Foundation through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) In addition to the grant received, there was also additional land, dedicated to LWCF as part of a conversion from Airport Park, which was an LWCF facility (See Original Parcel Plan for LWCF and LWCF Original and Current Proposed Layout attachments) In all, approximately 140 of the 190 acres that the city owns at the site is under the LWCF designation In short, land under the designation must be developed for outdoor recreation use in perpetuity There are specific restrictions for development and use of LWCF facilities We have attached the Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance Program manual for your review The city is in the process of another conversion at the site following exchange of properties that occurred and was approved by the Tri-Partnership in 2020 Q11 Page of the RFQ, Section 2.4C indicates that “relevant project experience related to the RFQ” will need to be fully addressed in the SOQ Page 10-11 of the RFQ, Part IV does not specifically indicate in Sections 4.2 – 4.7 where this criterion (2.4C) should be addressed Does the City have preference on where the consultant should provide this information? A11: Please include this in section 4.5 since the representative projects should demonstrate that the proposed team members have experience and are qualified to provide the requested services Addendum RFQ-21-004 Community Park Master Plan 4/12/21 Q12 Can we submit an electronic version of our final proposal on a USB drive? A12: Yes, that is acceptable Please be sure to label the drive with your firm’s name Q13 Is licensure in Idaho required of the lead firm? A13: Any firm, prior to offering engineering services or land surveying services in Idaho, is required to have a Certificate of Authority issued by the Idaho Board of Licensure of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors (Idaho Board of PE & PLS) Any design professional offering services in Idaho is required to be licensed in Idaho, either through the Idaho Board of PE & PLS (engineers or land surveyors) or the Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses (architects, landscape architects, or geologists) The professionals stamping plans must be licensed in Idaho All licenses must be current at the time of submittal of the SOQ Q14 In the evaluation criteria you indicate “Relevant Project Experience” as 25% of the total score – where in the format you laid out in the RFQ you want us to provide our relevant project experience (project cutsheets)? A14: See response to Question 11 Q15 Can you re-clarify the scope requested for this master planning phase of the project? At the bottom of section 1.2, it mentions “The project will take the identified improvements from the master plan level through preliminary design, cost estimates, final design, bidding, and construction Construction management and inspection may be required on some, all, or none of the projects, depending on individual project needs and City staff availability.” Please confirm that this phase of the project is for master planning only, but that you are asking for quals in case the same team continues forward A15: Yes, the hope would be that the same team could stay on and move forward with other phases of the project In order to be able to move forward with later phases without being required to have another RFQ solicitation, we need to evaluate qualifications and select the team most qualified to provide the full anticipated services Q16 The RFQ requests that we send in a “CD” with a PDF of our submittal Is it acceptable to send a “USB drive” along with the printed copies instead? A16: Yes Please see response to Question 12 Q17 Can you provide further explanation on the commercial components to the overall plan (Grading Plan) and if any portion of these commercial components are to be included in the overall master plan for the site Addendum RFQ-21-004 Community Park Master Plan 4/12/21 A17: The development of the eventually located commercial areas would only be noted as placeholders at the site in the master planning process Design and development of those sites would be up to the business leasing/purchasing the property from the city The city will provide utilities to the commercial areas but it will be the responsibility of the developer to make the necessary connections Q18 Based on the related documents provided, the park design appears to be fairly developed Can the City provide some information on why the park is going through a master planning process? A18: The provided document has been a continual evolution over the past 17 years There are elements that may need to be changed or moved elsewhere at the site There are additional elements that have been suggested by the public that have not been incorporated in to the draft design as well as maintenance and potential administrative offices for the Parks & Recreation Department We want to lean on the expertise of our LA/Engineering team to identify the highest and best use in combination with identifying future trends in both passive and active recreation to create our final master plan for the site which will be adopted by City Council and be our guiding document for future development Additionally, we not have development costs at this time to provide to potential donors which would be something we would lean on our consultant to help provide Q19 Has there been a topographical survey conducted recently, and will it be available for the selected team? A19: The city's Public Works Department has the ability to create a topographical survey of the site and can provide that to the selected team There has not been a recent survey created Q20 Does the City have an estimated timeline for completing the master planning and potential design documents, or are there some specific milestones we should be aware of? A20: The city is in a position to move forward with the completion of the master plan ASAP and grading at the site to prepare the area for development There are no specific milestones at this time that need to be met but we would expect that the selected firm could begin the project and complete it within a reasonable timeframe for development to occur within the next year END OF ADDENDUM NO Addendum RFQ-21-004 Community Park Master Plan 4/12/21 ... other states and home construction is Addendum RFQ- 21-0 04 Community Park Master Plan 4/12/21 occurring in the east orchards, the area nearest the community park We not have any numbers we could... Addendum RFQ- 21-0 04 Community Park Master Plan 4/12/21 A17: The development of the eventually located commercial areas would only be noted as placeholders at the site in the master planning process... reasonable timeframe for development to occur within the next year END OF ADDENDUM NO Addendum RFQ- 21-0 04 Community Park Master Plan 4/12/21