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Abraham Lincoln a small collection of books pamphlets broadsid

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  • Abraham Lincoln, a small collection of books, pamphlets, broadsides and caricatures relating wholly or in part to Abraham Lincoln

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Mississippi State University Scholars Junction Pamphlets Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana 1924 Abraham Lincoln, a small collection of books, pamphlets, broadsides and caricatures relating wholly or in part to Abraham Lincoln Daniel H Newhall (Firm) Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/fvw-pamphlets Preferred Citation [Physical ID#]: [Item Title], Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana, Mississippi State University Libraries This Pamphlet is brought to you for free and open access by the Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana at Scholars Junction It has been accepted for inclusion in Pamphlets by an authorized administrator of Scholars Junction For more information, please contact scholcomm@msstate.libanswers.com No 210 1924 ABRAHAM LINCOLN A small collection of Books, Pamphlets, Broadsides and Caricatures relating wholly or in part to Abraham Linco1n All prices are NET, without discount, but carriage charges are included D.\.'\'TEL H EWHALL, 1701 Pershing Square Bldg., ew York l The Abraham Lincoln Portfolio of Photogravures from the famous McClure Collection (Cover title, with medallion portrait) (N Y: 1909) 4to., loose leaves, being u portraits Oxl l inches, in sepia, and one sheet of description, in a brown paper portfolio Portraits suitable for framing $1.00 Abraham Lincoln and Iary Owen Three Letters Springfield: Privately printed 1922 12mo., ppl2 stiff wrappers $1.50 Allen, Eugene C Abraham Lincoln An Historical Essay in two parts Albion, J\lich 189,5 Svo., 146p, wrappers :100 copies printed for private distribution $3.50 Andrew, John A Address to the two branches of the Legislature of !\lass., Jan g, 18G4 Boston: l 64 Svo., 88, exp wrappers Both Everett's and Lincoln's Gettysburg Addresses and a folded map of the uattlefield $1.25 Arnold, I , ' Abraham Lincoln: Paper read before the Royal Hist Soc., London, June 16, 1881 Chicago: 1883 8vo pp45 wrappers Fish 40 $2.50 Banks, Louis A The Lincoln Legion Story of its Founder and Forerunners Illus Y (c 1903) 16mo., cloth $1.25 (Barber, Joseph) '\Var Letters of a Disbanded Volunteer Embracing his Experiences as Honest Old Abe's Bosom Friend and Unofficial Adviser Fronts J Y.: 1864 12mo stiff wrappers in color Fish 1017 $2.00 Barler, L A Study of Abraham Lincoln The Last and Glorified Decade of his Eventful Life Beatrice, eb.: 1903 16mo., ppl06 wrappers $2.50 (Barnard, F A P) Letter to the President, by a refugee Y.: 1863 Svo., pp32 wrappers Fish 509 $2.00 10 Barton, \Vm E Abraham Lincoln Address in Oak Park, Ill., Feb 29, 1920 8vo., pp(14) wrappers $1.00 11 Barton, William E The Lincolns m their Old Kentucky Home An Address de] before The Filson Club Louisville, Dec 4, 1922 Berea College Press: 1923 4to., pp24 stiff wrappers 300 copies numbered and signed $2.00 12 Barton, \Vm E The 11an who Married Lincoln's Parents Address at the Dedication of a Monument at the Grave of Rev Jesse Head **** ov 2, 1922 Portrait and plates Harrodsburg, Ky.: 1922 4to., wrappers $1.00 13 Barton, \Vm E Old Theories Upset Brief Report of an Address on Abraham Lincoln's Grandmother This Address was Delivered before a Specially invited Company of Scholars and Historians at the Chicago Hist Society (Chicago: 1923) 8vo., pp4 $1.00 14 Bates, Finis L Escape and Suicide of John Wilkes Booth or the first true account of Lincoln's Assassination containing a complete Confession by Booth many years after the Crime Written for the Correction of History Portrait and illus Memphis: (c1907) 12mo., 309p pictorial wrappers A reprint on cheap paper $2.00 1.5 Bingham, John A Argument at the Trial of the Conspirators for the Assassination of President Lincoln Wash 1865 Svc., 122pp wrappers $1.2f> 16 Bissett, Clark P Abraham Lincoln A Universal 1Ian Portrait San Francisco: John Howell H)23 Svo., pp260 boards, cloth back, with jacket $5.00 17 Same Large 8vo., cloth Limited edition of 125 copies on Old Stratford paper, each copy signed and numbered $15.00 18 Blackwell, Robert Original Acrostics, on some of the States and Presidents, illus., with 50 engravings Y For the Author 1871 12mo., cloth An acrostic on President Lincoln and a portrait $1.50 19 Boston Proceedings April 17, 1865, on Occasion of the Death of Abraham Lincoln Boston: 1865 to 35pp., cloth Fish 118, but printed on large paper Good copy, paper label torn $2.50 20 Broadside After a Little Wlule This is the title to a symbolic picture in colors: Lincoln on a white horse watching the lynching of a Northern fanatic and Davis, also on horseback, likewise engaged with a Southern fanatic, while a group of miners (California vigilantes?) look on and applaud Lithograph by Magnus, N Y., no date 19x24 inches, perfect The first I have seen $13.50 21 Broadside Burlesque P ol~tic Sermon W r itten by a Gentleman of St Louis o date $5.00 expressly for Byron Christy (the 1nstrel) Caption Oblong fol io W ar Commenced, and bow near it is Ended (Caption) 22 Broadside H ow An outline map of the S showing west to California, followed by t\VO columns of text $2 ,S0 12xl inch es Pro-Lincoln 23 Broadside T he Platforms Baltimore Chicago (1864) 8x10 _½ inches T he Lincoln and the IcClellan platforms in parallel columns $2.00 24 Broadside Pr ident Lincoln and General Grant on Peace and War Interview with the Pre,id nt, (by Judge John T J\lills) Mr Li coln's View of Democratic Strategy (Captions) xlO _½ inches Pro-Lincoln $3.50 25 Broadside The R eal Cliicago P latform as expounded by tbe Democratic Orators at Chicago -(Caption) Followed by two columns of anti-Lincoln views of 15 Democrats , some of which make strange reading now (1864) 8xl0 ½ inches $2.50 26 Broadside What J eff Davis thinks of the \\"ar (Caption) Two columns of extracts from Davis' speech at Macon, Tviontgomery, Richmond, etc 9xll_½ inches Pro-Lincoln $2.50 27 Broadside Who is R esponsible for the V-lar? Who Accountable for its Horrors and Desolations? (Caption) T wo columns of Text: Stephen's Speech in the Secession Convention, and a Chronology of hostile acts before 1Iar 4, 1861 8x10 ½ inches $2.00 Pro-Lincoln 28 Broadside To Workingmen (Capt1on) "Abraham Lincoln says ***** ·w orkingmen, stand by your order Lincoln and J ohnson were poor men," etc Signed "Democr at " 10x l2 inches $3.50 29 Brooks, Noah (and others) Lincoln by Friend and Foe; Democratic Ianual of 1864, ed by R obt J Cole Illus London and Y (n d) 32mo., 96p leather, with jacket A beautiful little booklet in Fpite of low price $.75 30 Buckingham, J E R eminiscences and Souvenirs of_ the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Portrait and many plates Wash 1894 16mo., 89p wrappers $1.50 31 (Burnham, B F ) T he Prayer of the Preside11ts : being Washington's "New Y ear Aspirations, " with J efferson's Plural Pronouns, *** and Adam's and Lincoln's Accretions From the MS of a l\Iinister of Lincoln's Administration Boston : 1887 18mo., wrappers $1.50 32 T he Campaign in Illinois Last T oint Debate Douglas and Lincoln at Alton Washington : 1858 8vo., 32p sewed Fish 5.A Tbis is the pro-Douglas report of the Chicago T imes, printed in Washington by Towers Both speeches are given in full, but Lincoln who is called " The Artful Dodger," is criticized for improper and ungentlemanly condu ct $10.00 33 Caricatures pertaining to the Civil War; reproduced from a Private Collection of Originals designed for Currier & Ins, and r:.ow for the first time pub., in book form N Y : 1892 Oblong quarto full crimson morocco Only lW copies of which this is No 40 Small piece chipped from top of backstrip $10.00 34 Carman, Louis D Dr Abraham Lincoln Wach : 1922 18mo., 7p wrappers Treats of Lincoln 's relation to doctors, Lincoln himself being an LL.D (Col N J 1864) Only a few printed for private distr ibution $3.rn 35 Carpenter, F B T be Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln N Y 1868 16mo., cloth $1.25 36 Cathey, J as H The Genesis' of Lincoln Truth is Strangu than Fiction Portraits and plates (n p n d) 16mo., S07p cloth T his eclition contains the J ohn E Burton Oration on Lincoln de] at Lake Geneva, Wis in Hl0:3, with a critical review $2.50 37 Chiper:field, Burnett M Lincoln Memorial Address, in the House, Feb 12, 1917 Wash 1917 8vo., 16p sewed $.7,5 38 Choate, J 0seph H Abraham Lincoln Address before the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution, Nov 13, 1900 London: (n d) 8vo., 90p wrappc.rs A fine, uncut copy of the original edition : $3.00 39 - -Another New York : (n d) 16mo., ::18p white boards $1.00 40 The Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln Chicago: (n d) 16mo , wrappers Same address with new title, issued as an advertisement $1.00 41 Clark, H enry Eulogy on the Life and Services of President Lincoln, pronounced befor e the Cit izens of Poultney and Vicinity, April 19, lc,6.) R utland: 1865 8vo., wrapp ers $3.75 42 Coburn, J ames M Abraham Lincoln (Cover title) No place or date 8vo., ppl5 wrappers R ad at \Yestminster Cong Church, Kansas City, Feb 10, 1921 Pub by fri ends of the author for private distribution $1.25 43 Collis, Chas H T The Religion of Abraham Lincoln Correspondence with Rob't G Ingersol1 N Y.: (1900 ) ]2mo., wrappers $1.00 44 Conceicao, J ose Manoel da As Exequias de Abrahao Lincoln Rio de J aneiro: (n d) 32mo., wrappers A life of Lincoln in Portuguese $5.00 4.5 (Conway, Moncure D ) The R ejected Stone By a Native of Virginia Boston : $1.2.5 1861 16mo., cloth 46 Cormican, P J A Tribute to Abraham Lincoln (Wash : 1923) 18mo., pp4 Verse $.50 47 Crane, C B Sermon on the Death of President Lincoln in Hartford, April 16, $1.50 6,'1 8vo., wrappers Crocker, Samuel L Eulogy on the Character and Services of Abraham Lincoln, in T aunton, Mass., J une 1, 1F'65 Bost.: 1865 8vo., wrappers $1.50 49 Crook, William H Through Five Administrations R eminiscences of t he Body-Guard to Pres Lincoln Portraits and illust N Y : 1910 8vo., cloth $1.25 50 T he Cross of Gettysburg Lincoln's Immortal Address in Cruciform Arrangement Gardena, Calif.: 1920 18mo., pp4 $.50 M Currier & Ives ' Lithograph The Assassination of President Lincoln at Ford's $2 50 T heatre 52 Currier & Ives ' Lithograph Death of President Lincoln at Washington, April $2.50 15, 1865 T he Nation's l\.Iartyr 53 Curtis, B R Executive Power Boston: 1862 18mo., pp34 wrappers Comment on the Emancipation Proclamation and the Suspension of the Writ Fish 239, note $1.25 54 Curtis, William E T he True Abraham Lincoln With 24 Illustrations Phila 1903 8vo., cloth 1st edition $2.50 5f, Another, Phila., 1909 $2.00 '16 Curtiss, Geo B Abraham Lincoln, Protectionist The Defender Doc No Y : 1916 8vo , pp30 sewed $1.00 57 Dahlinger, Charles W Abraham Lincoln in Pittsburgh and the Birth of the R epublican Party Plates Pittsbw·gh: 1920 8vo., pp57 wrappers $2.50 5-8 Dana, Chas A Recollections of the Civil Vfar Portrait N Y.: 1909 8vo., cloth $2.50 59 Dittenhoefer, A J How we Elected Lincoln Personal Recollections N Y : (c 1916) 16mo., cloth $.75 60 Dodge, Grenville M Personal R ecollections of President Abraham Lincoln, Gen U S Grant and Gen \V T Sherman Council Bluffs, Ia.: l\.lonarch Printing Co 1914 8vo., pp2:.:37 limp cloth Portraits and plates $3.00 61 Duane, Richard B Sermon in Providence on the Day of the Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln Prov : 1865 8vo., 15pp, sewed $1.f 62 Dwyer, J ames Francis The Bust of Lincoln Fronts, N Y : 1912 l Smo., 73pp , cloth $.50 63 Edgar, Cornelius H J osiah and Lincoln The Great R eformers A Tribute to the Worth and Work of our l\Iartyr-President del on Fast Day, J une 1, 1865 Easton, P a : 1865 8vo., wrappers 50 64 Fry, Smith D Lincoln and Lee A Patriotic Story (Wash 1922) 8vo., 160p, stiff wrappers $1.50 65 French, Charles W Abraham Lincoln the Liberator Portrait Y : 189.i 12mo., cloth 1st edition Fish 2-34 $1 ">0 66 Fulton, J ustin D ·washington in the Lap of Rome Fronts Boston : (c 1888) 16mo., cloth Chap 9; Roman-ism the Assassin of Abraham Lincoln $1.50 67 George, David Lloyd Abraham Lincoln Address before the Midday C"'lub , Leland Hotel, Springfield, Ill., Oct 18, 1923 Privately prinited at Cleveland for Stephen Wallis T ener April 1924 8vo., 13p, wrappers 300 copies printed $1.()() 68 Gilder, Richard Watson Lincoln the Leader and Lincoln's Genius for Expression Boston : 1909 16mo., cloth First edition $1.50 69 Goddard, Sam'l A Letters on the American Reb::!llion 1860- 1865 London : 1870 8vo., cloth A Union sympathizer's letters to English journals Full of Lincoln material $2.50 70 Hamilton, Gen A J , of Texas Letter to the President of the U S (on the Emancipation Proclamation) (Dated) ew York, J uly 28, 1863 8vo., pp18 wrappers Fish 379 $1.00 17 (Hamilton, J ames A.?) Examination of the Power of the President to R emove from Office during the Recess of the Senate N Y.: 1861 16mo., wrappers Signed A H 2.!50 72 Hanaford, Mrs Phoehe A Our Martyred President (Verse) Portrait Boston: 1865 8vo., original glazed wrappers This scarce poem should not be $2.00 fused with her Life of Lincoln pub the same year 73 Harris, Joel Chandler On the Wing of Occasions Illus N Y.: 1900 16mo., cloth Incl Harris' story of the Kidnapping cf Lincoln 1st edition (Other editions 1.25) $2.00 74 Harris, Mary M Lincoln Memoirs From the Log Cabin to the White House Illus Springfield : 1908 8vo., cloth , 1.25 7,5 Harrison, Benj Speech in Springfield, at the Tomb of Lincoln, J\Iay 14, 1891 In Speeches of Benj H arnson Compiled by Charles Hedge., Y.: (1892) 12mo., $1.50 cloth 76 Herndon and Weik Herndon's Lincoln True Story of a Great Life Portraits Chicago: Belford, Clarke & Co 1890 vols 16mo., half morocco, rubbed A sound and clean copy of the 1st edition $40.00 77 Hertz, Emanuel Address on Abraham Lincoln del in the Synagogue of Washington H eights Congregation, Feb 12, 1924 Wash 1924 8vo., 19p sewed $1.00 78 Hoffmann, Wilhelm Abraham Lincoln, der Befreier der egersklaven Breslau : 1867 16mo., printed boards page engravings incl three curious portraits of Lincoln $3 50 79 (Howells, William D.) Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal H amlin Portraits Columbus : Follett, Foster 1860 12mo., cloth Fine copy ' ' ' $4.00 80 Humorous and Pathetic Stories of Abraham Lincoln Ft Wayne: Lincoln Pub Co (n d) 16mo., pp83 and pp of crude woodcuts, wrappers Cover title: A Book of Stories of Abr aham Lincoln 5th edition, 2nd Series See Fish 438, Note $3.50 Y.: C P 81 Ingersoll, R obert G Abraham Lincoln A Lecture Portrait Farrell 1907 16mo., wrappers $1.00 82 The same Portrait N Y.: John Lane Co., 1907 16mo., cloth $1.25 83 Jeffery, R The Mission of Abraham Lincoln Sermon before the 4th Baptist Church, J une 1, 1865 Phil.: 1865 8vo., wrappers Fish 461 '6.00 84 (Johnson, Byron Berkeley) Abraham Lincoln and Boston Corbett with Personal Recollections of each John Wilkes Booth and Jefferson Davis: a true Story of t heir Capture Portraits Waltham: (Privately printed) 1914 12mo., cloth $2.00 85 Johnson, E S., Compiler Abraham Lincoln and his Last Resting Place Portr ait and plates Springfield: (n d) 8vo., ppl wrappers The most interesting feature of this pamphlet is the "Fell Autobiography" reproduced in facsimile $1.00 86 Krans, Horatio S., Ed The Lincoln Tribute Book With a Lincoln Centennial Medal, etc Portrait N Y.: 1909 16mo., cloth The medal itself by Roinc, 1,¼ inches, white metal, is inserted in the body of the book Perfect $2.0() 87 Lamon, W H Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, 1847-68 Edited by Dorothy Lamon, (compiled, for the most part, from letters and l\1SS left by her father) Portrait Chicago : 1895 12mo., cloth With facsimile of the "Fell autobiography" and other fac similes T he scarce 1st edition , :! 50 88 Laughlin, Clara E The Death of Lincoln The Story of Booth's Plot, his Deed and the Penalty Portraits Y 190Y 12mo., 336pp, cloth $1.50 89 Leland, Charles G Abraham Lincoln Portrait London: Marcus Ward & Co., and at R oyal Ulster Works, Belfast 79 12mo., cloth 1st edition $3.00 90 Lemmon, George T Lincoln in the Light of his Age A Centenary l\Iemorial N Y.: (1910) 8vo , 16pp, sewed A prospectus of a work which was never completed, and probably never will be $1.00 91 Lieber, Francis Lincoln or McClellan Appeal to the Germans in America T ranslated from the German Loyal Pub Soc o 67 8vo., sewed (I can supply a copy in German at $1) $1.00 Y2 Life and Public Servicer of Hon Abraham Lincoln of Illinois and Hon Hannibal H amlin of Maine Fronts (port.), Boston: Thayer & Eldridge 1860 16mo., portrait on front wrapper , back gone, An early campaign life $3.00 93 Lincoln, Abraham Discoveries and Inventions A Lecture delivered m 1860 P ortrait San Francisco: 1915 8vo., boards $2.00 94 Lincoln, Abraham Address before the Springfield ·wash Temperance Society, F eb 22, 1842 Springfield: 1889 8vo., wrappers Fish 520 The Oldroyd reprint $1 25 J 9.S Lincoln, Abraham Address del at the Consecration of the at'l Cemetery at Gettysburg, with the Proceedings in the Senate **** Feb 12, 1920 Wash.: 1920 Large 4to., pp8 sewed Plates, and facsimile of the MS address $1.00 96 Lincoln, Abraham Letters and Addresses 16mo., pp3 flexible cloth The Umt senes A copious index makes this a handy reference book at a low price $1.00 97 One in limp leather $1.00 and another in paper covers 35 cents - 98 Lincoln, Abraham Letters and Addresses Edited by Mary McLean N Y.: A Wessels Co 1907 8vo., cloth Portrait mounted on cover $2.00 99 Lincoln, Abraham President Lincoln's Views An Important Letter on the Vallandigham Case, etc Phila 1863 8vo., wrappers Cover title: The Truth from an Honest 1\fan $2.00 100 Lincoln, Abraham Selections from Edited by Andrew S Draper Portrait N Y (c 1911) 18mo., 162p cloth Gateway Series $.75 101 Lincoln, Abraham The Speeches of London: The Chesterfield Society (1908) 8vo., 417p half leather gilt top Portrait and title on Japan vellum Fine copy $2.50 102 Lincc-ln Centennial Addresses at the 100th Birthday of Abraham Lincoln Portrait (Springfield): The Illinois Centennial Commission 1909 8vo., 226pp, ¾' crimson morocco Addresses by Ambassadors Jusserand and Bryce, William J Bryan, Senator Dolliver and Dr Thos D Logan $2.50 103 Lincoln Fellowship Proceedings at the 2nd and 3rd Annual Meetings at Delmonicos, Feb 20th, 1909 and Feb 12, 1910 N Y.: (1910) 8vo., wrappers The frontispiece is a mounted photo from a negative made the day of the Cooper Union Speech $1.50 104 Lincoln Fellowship Proceedings at the 4th Ann Meeting, Feb 11, 1911 N Y.: (1911) 8vo., wrappers Mounted photo of Lincoln and Tad $1.25 105 Lincoln, Robert T Speech at the Celebration of the 38th Anniv of the LincolnDouglas Debate, Galesburg, Ill., Oct 17, 1896 (Cover tiLle) (25 copies privately printed) Square 12mo., wrappers Frontispiece $3.50 106 Lincoln's Treatment of Gen Grant Lincoln's Treatment of Gen 1\IcClellan (Democratic) Document No 12 (1864) 8vo., pp8 sewed Fish 271 $1.2,:> 107 Lincoln-Thornton Debate To Commemorate the Debate of Abraham Lmco]n and Anthony Thornton on Freedom of Tern tones, June 15, 1856 in Old Court House, Shelbyville, Ill Shelbyville: Shelby County Leader Print 1923 8vo., 22p and plates Stiff wrappers $2.00 108 Lincoln's Yarns and Stories A Collection of the Anecdotes that made Abraham Lincoln famous as America's Greatest Story T ller With Introd and Anecdotes by Alex K l\.Ic.Clure Portrait of Lincoln litbog in color and many illust Phila (n d) 8vo., pp416 cloth $2.00 109 Long Beach, Calif Souvenir of the Unveiling, Dedication and Presentation of the Abraham Lincoln Monument, July 3, 191.'1 Many portraits and plates Long Beach: (1915) Large vo., pp unbound $1.50 110 Lord, James J Lincoln 1\fonument Dedication Poem del at Oak Ridge Cemetery, Oct 15, 1874 Illus (Danville: 1907) Small 4to., cloth $1.50 111 Lowe, Charles Death of President Lmcoln: Sermon in the Unitarian Church, Charleston, S C., April 23, 1865 Boston: 186[) 16mo., wrappers Fish 612 $2.00 112 McClintock, John Discourse upon the Death of President Lincoln, in St Pauls', ew York, April 19, 186f> 8vo., wrappers $3.00 113 McClure, A K Recollections of Half a Century Portrait Salem (1902) 8vo., cloth 125 index references to Lincoln incl two complete chapters $2.25 114 McLaughlin, Robt W Washington and Lincoln Leaders of the ation in the Corn·titutional Eras of American History Portraits N Y.: 1912 8vo., cloth, as new $1 50 11.5 Mackaye, Percy Ode on the Centenary of Abraham Lincoln N Y.: 1909 16mo., cloth 1st edition Del'd before the Brooklyn Institute, Feb 1909 $2.00 116 Maltby, Charles The Life and Public Services of Abraham Lmcoln Stockton, Cal.: 1884 8vo., 326p, cloth Fish 629 $10.00 117 (Meriwether, l\.Irs Elizabeth.) Facts and Falsehoods concerning the War on the South, 1861-5 By Geo Edmonds Memphis: (1904) 8vo., 27lp, wrappers Strongly anti-Lincoln, quoting much from Herndon's Life, "published in 1866 but immediately suppressed" $1.50 118 Mills, Ogden L Lincoln Day Address del at Utica, N Y Feb 12, 1914 (N Y n d) 8vo., 12p, wrappers $2.00 119 The Mirror, Feb 1909 Article contributed by Wm H Lambert, Class of '59, "The l\1emory of Lincoln" and part of his paper on the true form of the Gettysburg Address 8vo., wrappers The l\I1rror is the organ of the alumni of the Central High School of Philadelphia This number is !:'Carce $2.ro 120 Moores, Charles W Abraham Lincoln, La,¥}'er Repr from the Proc Am Bar Ass'n., 19W, and enlarged Greenfiekl, Ind.: 1922 $1.00 121 Moores, Charles W The Life of Abraham Lincoln for Boys and Girls With illus Boston (c 1909) 16mo., 132p, doth, Riv Lit Ser $1.00 122 Morse, John T Jr Lord Charnwood's "Life of Abraham Lincoln." Paper read before the Mass Hist Society, Nov 8, 1917 Proceedings, Nov.-Dec., 1917 pp90-10f 8vo., wrappers Fine review $1.2.~ 123 (Mott, Edward H) Lincoln; a brief Biographical Sketch Prepared under the direction of the Lincoln Centenary Committee of ew York Portrait Y.: 1908 $1.00 8vo., wrappers 124 Mudd, Dr Samuel A The Life of, **** Letters from Dry Tortugas, where he was imprisoned for alleged Complicity in the Assassination of Lincoln, **** Statement of Spangler, **** "Diary" of J Wilkes Booth Portraits N Y 1906 Large 8vo., cloth $3.50 125 Nabuco, J oaquin Lincoln's Centenary Speech of the Brazilian Ambassador at the Celebration in Washington, Feb 12, 1909 (Cover title) 8vo., wrappers $2.50 126 New York Despatch Sunday, April 16, 1865 Folio, p Nearly all the first page is news of the assassination with a large picture C'f Booth and a sketcb of his hfe Fine editorial appreciation of Lincoln on inside page The first copy I have offered Per£ect $2J,0 127 Nicolay, Helen Personal Traits of Abraham Lincoln Y., 1913 8vo., cloth Written mostly from her father's notes collected for the 10 vol Life, but not used $2.00 128 Oldroyd, H Editor The Lincoln Memorial: Album Immorte11es Original Life Pictures, with Autographs **** Introduction by Bishop Simpson and a Sketch by Isaac Arnold Portrait Y 1882 8vo., half morocco Original subscription edition $3 50 129 Oldroyd, H The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Flight, Pursuit, Capture, and Punishment of the Conspirators Eng portrait, false tiLle and other illus., Wash.: 1901 8vo., in sheets, unopened, folded ready for the binder, in a box Fine set for extra-illustrating $2.00 130 Oldroyd, H Lincoln's Campaign or the Political Revolution of 1860 Chica $1.50 go: Laird & Lee (c 1896) 12mo., pictorial wrappers 131 Olsen, Julius E Lincoln in Wisconsin Repr from Wisc Mag of Hist 1920 8vo., 13p., wrappers $1.25 1:.32 Paradise, Frank I Abraham Lincoln, Democrat Portrait London: (1921) 16mo., cloth Author was formerly Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, ew Orleans $2.00 133 Patent Office Report for 1849-50 Wash.: 18:,0 8vo., ha]f leather On p2o2 is Lincoln's application No 6469 for patent on "improved method of lifting vessels over shoals." With an illustration of the appliance, laid in $3 50 134 Pennell, Orrin H Religious \7iews of Abraham Lincoln Compiled and pub , by author, Deerfield, 0., East Ohio Conference (sic), M E Church (no place, cl899) $1.00 8vo., pp45 wrappcrr portraits Fish 740 135 Same Alliance, 0.: Scranton Ptg Co (cl899) 8vo., pp58; wrappers ot in Fish $1.00 136 Perkins, Fred B The Picture and the l\Ien Biog Sketches of Lincoln and his Cabinet, and an Account of Carpenter and his picture Portrait N Y., 1867 16mo., cloth $1.50 137 The Picket Line and Camp Fire Stories: **** with a Thousand and One Humorous Storief told of, and by, Abraham Lincoln By a l\lember of the G A R., Illus N Y.: Hurst & Co (n d) 16mo., cloth A cheaply pnnted compilation $2.50 1:38 Pickett, Wm P The Negro Problem Abraham Lincoln's Solution .N Y $2.50 1909 8vo., 580p cloth 139 Powell, Julia 11 Flashlights of Abraham Lincoln Portrait Los Angeles: (cl921) 16mo., cloth Autographed $2.00 140 Presentation of the Saint-Guaden's Statue of Lincoln to the British People, July 28, 1920 Fronts Y.: 1920 16mo., pp2£-, wrappers Addresses by Viscount p::i ryce, Elihu Root, Lloyd George, and others $1.00 141 Proclamation of Emancipation Signed A Lincoln; Wm H Seward Lithographed fac simile by Rosenthal with emblematic border in tint of negro scenes, and portraits of Lincoln and others Pub by L Franklin Smith, Phila.: (c1865) 20x27 inches, on heavy paper Very fine framing piec'e See Fish 866 $5.00 142 Punch Vol XLVII 1864 4to., half morocco, rubbed The original v0]ume, with full page caricatures of Lincoln and a long parody on the Second Inaugural $3.50 143 Putnam, George H Abraham Lincoln: the People's Leader in the Struggle for National Existence Portrait N Y., 1909 8vo., cloth Nice copy, but some leaves unevenly trimmed $1.50 144 Raising the Stars and Stripes over the Lincoln Homestead, Springfield, Oct 16, 1889 18mo , pictorial wrappers Portrait and illus The address of George A Sanders has never been reprinted $2.00 145 Raymond, Henry J Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln, together with bis State Papers, Speeches, Letters, etc., and the Closing Scenes connected with his Life and Death With Anecdotes and Personal Remimscences by Frank B Carpenter Eng portrait and other illus N Y.: 1865 8vo., pp808 ¾ brown morocco Fine copy $5.00 146 Reiter, Harriet G The Story of Lincoln Dayton: (1910) 12mo., 31pp, wrappers School Classic Series $.5.0 147 Republican Club, N Y Proceedings at the 23rd Annual Lincoln Dinner, N Y., Feb 12, 1909 8vo., cloth Addresses by Senator Burton and Booker T Washington $2.25 148 Republican Club Proceedings at the 20th Annual Lincoln Dinner, Y Feb 12, 1906 8vo., wrappers With a small mounted photo of Lincoln on cover Address by Gen Horace Porter $1.50 149 Rice, Allen Thorndyke Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by Distinguished Men of his Time Portrait N Y 1888 Large 8vo., cloth $2.50 150. Tbe same Jew and revised edition Y 1909 8vo., cloth $1.75 151 Roldan, Salvador Camacho Abraham Lincoln Trans from La Opinion, Bogota, Colombia, Jun e 7, 1865 (n p, n d) 16mo., pp9 wrappers A fine appreciation $3.50 152 Rudeen, E F Abraham Lincoln the Ideal Christian Los Angeles: 1921 18mo., pp35 stiff wrappers Autographed $1.00 153 Rudeen, E F Lincoln a Christian though not a Campbellite (Vignette portrait) Los Angeles: 1923 pp4 Only 50 copies were printed $1.fO 154 Schurz, Carl Abraham Lincoln An EE:say Boston: 1891 16mo., cloth Portrait $1.25 15?5 Sears, Hiram The People's Keepsake; or, Funeral Address on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, with the Principal Incidents of his Life Del in Mt Carmel, Ill., Apr 23, 1865 Cinn.: Poe & Hitchcock 1865 8vo., wrappers Fish 846 $5.00 156 Selby, Paul Abraham Lincoln The Evolution of his Emancipation Proclamation Address Feb 27, 1906 Pub by Chic Hist Soc 1909.12 mo., wrappers Frontispiece Includes by the same author: Reminiscence of the Tragedy of April 14 $2.00 157 Sheet Music Funeral March in J\lemory of our lamented President, Abraham Lincoln, by Charles Wels N Y 1865 4to., 7p $1.50 158 Shutter, Rev Marion D Washington and Lincoin Pub by the Women's Association, l'vlinneapolis (1910) Karrow 18mo., wrappers $1.00 159 Silk Badge A white silk badge, 5x9 inches, with a portrait of Lincoln in oval; "with Charity to all, v.rith J\lalice for none," in scroll at top; shield in color, "1776, Union Forever-1865" below; A LINCOLN (Signed) Jordan Tchapp, Basle, Switzerland, 186fl All woven in silk, not printed The portrait is very fine A beautifol testimonial showing the esteem in which Lincoln was held abroad even then $13.50 160 Snider, Denton J Lincoln at Richmond A Dramatic Epos of the Civil War St Louis: (1914) 12mo cloth $1.50 161 Souder, Mrs E A Leaves from the Battlefield of Gettysburg Ph1la., 1864 16mo., cloth With a contemporary account of the dedication ceremonies by an eye,vitness $LOO 162 Statue of Abraham Lincoln Hearings before the Committee on Library April 2, H/20 8vo pp 52, sewed In one of the arguments is a very complete history of Lincoln's life in southern Indiana $2.00 160 Stoddard, Wm Inside the White House in War Times Illus by Dan Beard N Y.: 1890 16mo., cloth 1st edition (Another, sound, ex-library copy, $1.00) $1.50 \\\\\\\ 164 Sumner, Charles Eulogy on Al rabam Lincoln, del June 1, 1863 Bost.: Ticknor & Fields 1865 vo., 61 pp wrappers $1.50 16.5 Tarbell, Ida M In Lincoln's Chair N Y.: 1920 16mo, boards $1.00 166 Taylor and Fulwiler, Editors Lincoln's \Vo:ds on Living Questions Chicago: (1900) 16mo., ppl7!\ wrappers Fish 17f $2.00 167 The Trip of th e Steamer Oce mus to Fort Sumter and Charleston, S C **** The Appearance at that time of the City, and the Exercises at the Re-Raising of the Flag over the Ruins of Fort Sumter I11us Brooklyn: 1865 vo., cloth $1.FO 168 Trum bull, Lyman The Campaign in Illinois Speech at Chicago, August 7, 1858 His Private Opinion of Douglas Publicly Expressed Frnm the Chicago Press and Tribune (Wash Buel & Blanchard 5~.) vo., lGp, sewed 2.2.5 169 The Tw enty-fifth of April, ] 65, in cw York This is the title to a colored lithograph by Magnus of the Lincoln funeral procession in City Ha11 Park 5x7 inches, at top of white sheet A scarce contemporary print S2.f0 170 Ulm, Aaron H In the House Where Abraham Lincoln Died, etc Bemgarepr by J.B Oakleaf of an article in the Dearborn Independent Portraits (Moline: 1922.) 8vo., ppl8, wrappers $2.00 171 Valentine, David T Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln in the City of New York Eng portrait and tinted plates Y.: 18

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