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Admin Evaluation Rubric Assurance Nov. 2021

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O WESTERN 1j4ICHIGAN UNIVERSITY College of Education and Human Development Educational Leadership, Research, & Technology November 29, 2021 Mrs Gretchen Gendron, Superintendent Lawrence Public Schools 650 West St Joseph Street Lawrence, Mi 49064 Dear Superintendent Gendron; You requested that I assist you with constructing the Lawrence Public Schools Non-State Approved Evaluation Instrument for administrators Tam honored that you selected me to be an integral part of such an important process and document have spent over 22 years in pre-K through 12 public education as a teacher, principal, superintendent, and for the last 11 years, I have been a professor at the University of South Florida and Western Michigan University I have had ample opportunity to evaluate instructional and administrative personnel and apply best practice and research in that process In addition, part of my role as a higher education professor has been to continually research best practices for teacher and administrator evaluation that meet the spirit of any respective state’s statutory requirement Based upon my credentials, I believe I am duly qualified to provide an assessment of the instrument in terms of attaining a high educational standard and legal compliance in my expert opinion, the instrument employed by Lawrence Public Schools meets the evaluation criteria set forth in the Michigan Revised School Code § 380.1249 First, Lawrence Public Schools has structured an administrator evaluation tool that is rigorous, transparent, and fair, which complies with § 380.1249(1) The total evaluation process addresses the component identified in § 380.1249(2)(a)(i), commonly known as the “Student Growth” requirement by calculating 40% of the final score based upon “student growth and assessment data.” Secondly, Lawrence Public Schools has efficiently and thoroughly addressed the portion of the administrator evaluation (60%) that is not measured using student growth and assessment data as outlined in § 380.1249(2)(iii) In compliance with § 380.1248(1)(b)(i-iii), the Lawrence Public Schools Administrator Evaluation Instrument seeks to assess the following administrator characteristics: (1) Student, faculty, and building management, (2) Knowledge and implementation of curriculum, (3) High-quality instructional supervision, and (4) Development and use of student assessments and assessment data The Lawrence Public Schools Administrator Evaluation Instrument has its foundation constructed upon the research of Marzano, Waters, and McNulty (2005) and Danielson (2007).’ Best practices in leadership (Marzano) and teaching and pedagogy (Danielson) are embedded to ensure quality research is employed yielding empirical evidence for the conclusions in the Lawrence Public Schools Non-State Approved Evaluation instrument 1903W Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, Ml 49008-5283 Phone: (269) 387-3896 • Fax: (269) 387-3696• wmich.edu/leadership 3571 Sangren Hall The Lawrence Public Schools Non-State Approved Evaluation Instrument for administrators is based on many of the 21 indicators of an effective school created by Marzario, et al (2005), which targets the management duties of a building administrator and the curriculum, leadership, and assessment portion of the assessment targeting instructional capacities of the administrator The section addressing curriculum, instruction, and assessment is supported by research completed by Danielson (2007)-The rubrics have been created, which identify important characteristics that are assessed by the effectiveness rating scale promulgated by the State of Michigan (noneffective, partially effective, effective, and highly effective) It is my conclusion that the Lawrence Public Schools’ Non-State Approved Evaluation Tool for administrators complies with the Revised School Code § 380.1249, ci seq., and provides a high-quality evaluation experience for the administrator that will provide growth in an inclusive process I stress the importance of continued professional development for those using this evaluation instrument I continue to offer my assistance and expertise in assisting those charged with using the Lawrence Public Schools Non-State Approved Evaluation Tool for administrator evaluation purposes Sincerely, Ilrett A Geier, Ed.D Associate Professor Enclosures R0BERTJ MARZANO, TIMOTHY WATERS, & BRIAN A MCNULTY, SCHOOL LEADERSHI!’ THAT WORKS: FROM RESEARCH TO RESULTS (2005) II Ci_z A TM nrrr C fl AKTirTcny Tjnnrrcc,nkl Al Di, A rrlnfl A UnAl,TlTA?nnl7 mn mr kfltSlKIfl IA I flQ /DA -.-I Dfln7’ ... Non-State Approved Evaluation Tool for administrators complies with the Revised School Code § 380.1249, ci seq., and provides a high-quality evaluation experience for the administrator that will... this evaluation instrument I continue to offer my assistance and expertise in assisting those charged with using the Lawrence Public Schools Non-State Approved Evaluation Tool for administrator evaluation. .. Approved Evaluation Instrument for administrators is based on many of the 21 indicators of an effective school created by Marzario, et al (2005), which targets the management duties of a building administrator

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 00:31

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