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ACI Committee 209 –CREEP AND SHRINKAGE IN CONCRETE MINUTES ACI 2008 SPRING CONVENTION Los Angeles, CA, March 31, 2008 Attendees VOTING MEMBERS Carlos Videla (Chair) Domingo J Carreira (Secretary) Akthem Al-Manaseer Zdeněk P Bažant Ronald Burg Mario Chiorino Marwan Daye Walter Dilger John Gardner Will Hansen Hani Nassif Lawrence C Novak Klaus-Alexander Rieder Jason Weiss ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Sungjin Bae Jenn-Chuan Chern Mauricio López Harald S Müller Mahmoud Reda Taha Mario Sassone Nakin Suksawang VISITORS Mai Almazruk German Hermida Francis Omoregie Eric Peterson John W Roberto Heather See Anton Schindler Miriam B Toledo Mostapha A Vand Shuargzhen Wang Opening of the Meeting and Welcome The meeting was called to order by Chairman Videla at 8:40 AM and all in attendance were welcomed to the meeting David McDonald, a voting member offered apologies for not being able to attend the meeting: Meeting attendees introduced themselves Copies of the following documents were distributed: • Agenda for this meeting • Minutes of the Fajardo, PR meeting • Attendance list • Committee Roster (3/31/08) (Attachment A) • Preliminary voting results to Committee 209 Letter Web Ballot on ACI 209.1R-05 (Attachment B) • Copy of the email from Jessie Bournay, Supervisor, Technical Documents, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI announcing that ACI 209.2R-08 has been successfully processed through all ACI review procedures (Attachment C) • Available information on the ACI Committee 209 Web Member Work Area (Attachment D) • Call for papers – Effects of Cracking on Durability (Attachment E) Page of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 Announcements Next meeting will be on Monday, November 3, 2008 at the Renaissance St Louis Grand and America’s Center in St Louis, MO Changes in membership: • The chair informed that there are no changes in voting membership • ACI sent official notification to the Chairman for the appointment of Abdulkadir Aydin, Janis Oslejs and the student Ziad Sabha as new associate members The committee roster was circulated and Lawrence Novak informed his new position at PCA and reported his new email address (see Attachment A) Videla announced that at the request of Bazant, his presentation listed as Item No in the Agenda for the meeting will be moved to Item ACI 209 Committee Sessions at the Fall Convention in Fajardo, P.R Videla moved to congratulate Mario Chiorino and John Gardner for their excellent work in the well organized and well attended sessions, for the timely publication of SP 246, as well as for quality of the presentations in the three Sessions of “Structural Implications of Concrete Creep and Concrete Shrinkage,“ on Monday October 15 and Tuesday October 16, 2007 Novak seconded All members present voted in favor of congratulating Chiorino and Gardner for their work Approval of Minutes from Fall 2007 Meeting in Fajardo, PR Videla asked for review and approval of the minutes Novak moved, seconded by Gardner, to approve the minutes of the Fajardo 2007 meeting as submitted All members present voted in favor of approving the Fajardo meeting minutes Status of ACI 209.1R-05 and ACI 209.2R-08 Reports Update of ACI 209.1R-05 “Report on Factors Affecting Shrinkage and Creep of Hardened Concrete.” Videla informed that the ballot on the revision of this report is open until April 10, 2008 and requested the members to vote and comment As of March 31, 2008, of the 18 members eligible to vote, 10 have vote already and have not returned their votes No update beyond the draft under balloting was available on the revision of ACI 209.1R-05, since McDonald could not attend the meeting ACI 209.2R-08 “Modeling and Calculation of Shrinkage and Creep of Hardened Concrete.” Videla informed that ACI 209.2R-08 has been successfully processed through all ACI review procedures and it is ready for publication Also, an announcement of this document upcoming Page of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 availability will be published in Concrete International He referred to the copy of the email dated Feb 26, 2008 from Jessie Bournay, Supervisor, Technical Documents, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI Presentation by Prof Bazant Starting at 9:00 AM, Bazant presented his “Unbiased Statistical Comparison of Creep and Shrinkage Prediction Models.” Following his presentation there was a discussion of the effects of his conclusions on the statistical portion of ACI 209.2R-08 report as approved and ready for publication Participants in this discussion were Gardner, Chiorino and Al-Manaseer Discussion to the presentation lasted up to 10:18 AM Bazant moved and Dilger seconded that the committee should request from TAC to withdraw ACI 209.2R-08 from publication for revision The discussion on the motion centered on the following ideas: • • • The need to further discuss the statistic concepts presented by Bazant The need to further discuss the significance of the requested revision and their effects on the users in understanding the Report as approved, since the statistical study presented by Bazant does not alter the conclusions from results in Tables 4.2 and 4.3 showing that the models by Bazant and Gadner results in better predictions The need to agree on one data base acceptable to the authors of the models and to the committee for the committee evaluation of the models Videla explained the status of ACI 209.2R-08 report The report is ready for publication and beyond the control of the committee Any action on this report is entirely in the jurisdiction of TAC Ronald Burg speaking as Chairman of TAC and a member of this committee explained in detail the procedure for any individual to directly request from TAC the withdraw of ACI 209.2R-08 He assured Bazant that TAC is willing to follow procedures if he pursues this route, but the committee has no power to change and withdraw the report now Chairman Videla called for the vote on the motion on the floor with the following result from the 13 voting members present: Two in favor, (Bazant and Dilger), eight against, and three abstentions, (Al-Manaseer, Gardner and Weiss) There was a discussion on the need to establish a subcommittee to evaluate the statistics to be used by the committee, on how to improve its application in the evaluation of the prediction models, and their long term prediction Novak moved and Nassif seconded to appoint a Task group to start working in the next revision of ACI 209.2R-08 report, particularly on the statistical method for comparing models The twelve voting members present voted in favor with no negatives or abstentions Videla will appoint this Task group This Item was concluded by 10:45 AM Status of ACI 209.3R-XX Report Page of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 ACI 209.3R-XX “Time Dependent Effects in Concrete Structures.” Dilger informed from 10:49 to 10:55 AM that on Sunday, March 29, 2008, there was a meeting attended by Chiorino, Sassone, Carreira, and him from 3:30 to 5:00 PM to discuss the progress, comments and proposed revisions to this report There was an agreement in the formatting, contents, revision and assignment of responsibilities to finish the document ready for preliminary balloting by the St Louis Fall Convention Following Dilger presentation, Chiorino discussed from 10:58 to 11:38 AM, the content and structure of the document as well as the latest changes incorporated since the Fajardo, PR Convention There was a period of questions answers and commentaries Novak moved and Daye seconded to congratulate Dilger, Chiorino and members of the Subcommittee developing ACI 209-3R for the progress achieved in the preparation of this report New Business Videla informed of the availability on the ACI 209 Committee Web Site of the latest versions of the ACI 209.3R draft documents prepared by Dilger, by Chiorino and Sassone Videla informed of the technical session sponsored by ACI Committees 201 and 224, “Effects of Micro and Macro Cracking on Durability, Part and 2, during the ACI Convention in San Antonio, TX, March 15-19, 2009 Videla announced the changes and improvements he introduced in the ACI Committee 209 Member Work Area website He invited and encouraged all the members to send their contributions for posting, because chairing information among member is vital for the success of committee goals No other business Adjournment A motion to adjourn was submitted by Gardner and seconded by Weiss All members present voted to adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:41 AM Attachments: A Committee Roster (3/31/08) B Committee 209 Web ACI 209 1R-05 Letter Ballot preliminary voting results C Copy of the email dated Feb 26, 2008 from Jessie Bournay, Supervisor, Technical Documents, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI D Available Information on the ACI Committee 209 Member Work Area E Call for Papers (3/25/08) Effects of cracking on Durabililty Respectfully submitted by D J Carreira, Secretary Page of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 ATTACHMENT A Committee Roster (3/31/08) Officers Videla, Carlos C (Chair) Pontificia Univ Catolica de Chile Dept of Const Engrg & Management Vicuna Mackenna 4860 Casilla 306 / Correo 22 Santiago, 6904411 Chile Phone: 56-23-544245 Fax: 56-23-544806 E-mail: cvidela@ing.puc.cl ACI Member Carreira, Domingo J (Secretary) Illinois Inst of Technology 6014 N Campbell Ave Chicago, IL 60659-4107 Phone: (773)338-4238 Fax: (773)338-4238 E-mail: carreira@iit.edu ACI Member Voting Members Al-Manaseer, Akthem A San Jose State University Dept of Civil & Env Eng Washington Sq San Jose, CA 95192-0001 Phone: (408) 924-3860 Fax: (408) 924-4004 E-mail: akthem@sjsu.edu Cell: (408) 569-4056 ACI Member Bazant, Zdenek P Northwestern University Department of Civil Engrg Evanston, IL 60208-0001 Phone: (847) 491-4025 Fax: (847) 491-1078 E-mail: z-bazant@northwestern.edu ACI Member Burg,Ronald CTLGroup 5400 Old Orchard Rd Skokie, IL 60077-1030 Phone: (847) 972-3050 Page of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 Fax: (847) 965-6541 E-mail: RBurg@CTLGroup.com ACI Member Chiorino, Mario Alberto Politecnico di Torino Architettura Dipartimento di Ing Strutturale Viale Mattioli 39 Torino, 10125 Italy Phone: 39-11-5644864 Fax: 39-11-5644999 E-mail: mario.chiorino@polito.it ACI Member Daye, Marwan A WorleyParsons PO Box 31699 Al-Khobar, 31952 Saudi Arabia Phone: 96-65-05476793 Fax: 96-63-8811965 E-mail: marwandaye@hotmail.com ACI Member Dilger, Walter H University of Calgary 2500 24th Ave NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Canada Phone: (403)220-5829 Fax: (403)282-7026 E-mail: dilger@ucalgary.ca ACI Member Gardner, Noel J University of Ottawa CE Dept PO Box 450 Station A Ottawa, ON K1N-6N5 Canada Phone: (613) 745-2031 Fax: (613) 562-5173 E-mail: jgardner@eng.uottawa.ca ACI Member Hansen, Will University of Michigan 2330 G G Brown Building Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Phone: (734)763-9660 Fax: (734)764-4292 E-mail: whansen@umich.edu ACI Member Marzouk, Hesham Memorial University of Newfoundland Engineering-Applied Science Faculty Page of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 St John's, NL A1B 3X5 Canada Phone: (709)737-7923 Fax: (709)737-4042 E-mail: hmarzouk@engr.mun.ca ACI Member McDonald, David B USG Corporation 700 North Highway 45 Libertyville, IL 60048-1296 Phone: (847)970-5262 Fax: 3122141466 E-mail: dmcdonald@usg.com ACI Member Nassif, Hani H A Rutgers University Civil Engineering Department 623 Bowser Rd Piscataway, NJ 08854-8014 Phone: (732) 445-4414 Fax: (732) 445-8268 E-mail: nassif@rci.rutgers.edu ACI Member Novak, Lawrence C PCA 5420 Old Orchard Road Skokie, IL 60077-1083 Phone: (847)972-9100 Fax: (847)581-0644 E-mail: LNovak@cement.org ACI Member Rieder, Klaus Alexander W R Grace Const Products 62 Whittemore Avenue Cambridge, MA 02140 Phone: (617)498-4465 Fax: (617)498-4360 E-mail: klaus.a.rieder@grace.com ACI Member Robertson, Ian University of Hawaii Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2540 Dole St Room 383 Honolulu, HI 96822-2303 Phone: (808)956-6536 Fax: (808)956-5014 E-mail: ianrob@hawaii.edu ACI Member Sakata, Kenji Okayama University Dept of Enviromental and Civil Engineering Page of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 2-chome 1-1 Tsushima-Naka Okayama, 700-8530 Japan Phone: 81-86-2518155 Fax: 81-86-2518155 E-mail: kenji@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp ACI Member Weiss, W Jason Purdue University CE School 550 Stadium Mall Dr West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051 Phone: (765) 494-2215 Fax: (765) 496-1364 E-mail: wjweiss@ecn.purdue.edu ACI Member Consulting Members Baweja,Sandeep Bentley Systems Inc Ste 300 1600 Riviera Ave Walnut Creek, CA 94596-3570 Phone: (925) 274-7818 Fax: (925) 933-1920 E-mail: baweja@comcast.net Berrios,Airangel US Corps of Engineers 209 Cobblestone Dr Vicksburg, MS 39183-8646 Phone: (601) 529-1774 E-mail: airangel.berrios@erdc.usace.army.mil Huo, X Sharon Tennessee Technological Univ PO Box 5015/Civil & Envir Dept Cookeville, TN 38505 Phone: (931)372-3454 Fax: (931)372-6239 E-mail: xhuo@tntech.edu ACI Member O'Moore,Liza University of Queensland Department of Civil Engineering Brisbane, QLD 4072 Australia Phone: 61-73-3653899 Fax: 61-73-3654599 E-mail: l.omoore@uq.edu.au Page of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 Associate Members Ababneh, Ayman N Clarkson University Dept of Civil Engineering Clarkson Ave - Box 5710 Potsdam, NY 13699-5710 Phone: (315) 268-4435 Fax: (315) 268-7985 E-mail: ababneh@clarkson.edu ACI Member Alexander, Stuart J WSP Group Buchanan House 24-30 Holborn London, EC1N 2HS United Kingdom Phone: 00-44-2073145032 Fax: 00-44-2073145001 E-mail: stuart.alexander@wspgroup.com ACI Member Aydin, Abdulkadir Cuneyt Ataturk University Muhendislik Fak Ins Muh Bol Erzurum, 25240 Turkey Phone: 90-442-2314781 Fax: 90-442-2360957 E-mail: acaydin@atauni.edu.tr ACI Member Bae, Sungjin Bechtel Company 6955 Castle Court / Suite 104 Frederick, MD 21703-6438 Phone: (512) 228-9837 E-mail: sjinbae@yahoo.com ACI Member Bowers, Susan E Virginia Tech Via Dept of CEE 200 Patton Hall Blacksburg, VA 24061-0001 Phone: (570) 220-5093 Fax: (540) 231-7532 ACI Member Cedolin, Luigi Politecnico di Milano/Dept DI P Za Leonardo da Vinci 32 Milano, 20133 Italy Phone: 39-02-23994203 Fax: 39-02-23994220 E-mail: cedolin@stru.polimi.it ACI Member Chern, Jenn-Chuan Natl Taiwan University Dept of Civil Engineering Taipei, Taiwan ROC Phone: 886-2-23637408 Fax: 886-2-23622975 E-mail: jcchern@ntu.edu.tw ACI Member Page of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 Cortnik, Bryan G Hohbach-Lewin Ste 150 260 Sheridan Ave Palo Alto, CA 94306-2008 Phone: (650) 617-5930 - 240 Fax: (650) 617-5932 E-mail: bryan@cortnik.com ACI Member D'Ambrosia,Matthew CTLGroup 5400 Old Orchard Rd Skokie, IL 60077-1030 Phone: (800) 522-2285 -3264 Fax: (847) 965-6541 E-mail: mdambrosia@ctlgroup.com Day, Robert L University Of Calgary 2500 University Dr NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Canada Phone: (403) 220-7489 Fax: (403) 282-7026 E-mail: rday@ucalgary.ca ACI Member Earney, T Patrick Trabue Hansen and Hinshaw 1901 Pennsylvania Dr Columbia, MO 65202-1996 Phone: (573) 268-2615 Fax: (573) 814-1128 E-mail: pearney@thhinc.com ACI Member Fu, Chung C University of Maryland 14414 Coral Gables Way North Potomac, MD 20878-3802 Phone: (301)405-2011 Fax: (301)314-9129 E-mail: ccfu@eng.umd.edu ACI Member Imamoto, Keiichi Ashikaga Inst of Technology 268-1 Oh-maecho Tochigi Pref Ashikaga, 326-8558 Japan Phone: 81-28-4620609 Fax: 81-28-4624235 E-mail: imamoto@ashitech.ac.jp ACI Member Issa, Mohsen A University of Illinois at Chicago 2095 ERF/MC246 842 W Taylor St Chicago, IL 60607-7039 Phone: (312) 996-3432 Fax: (312) 996-2426 E-mail: missa@uic.edu ACI Member Page 10 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 Lange, David A University of Illinois Civil and Environmental Engineering 1116 NCEL MC-250 205 N Mathews Ave Urbana, IL 61801-2350 Phone: (217) 333-4816 Fax: (217) 333-9464 E-mail: dlange@uiuc.edu ACI Member Leland,Kenneth GE Energy 300 Garlington Road Greenville, NC 27833 Phone: (864)254-5075 Fax: (864)254-2555 E-mail: ken.leland@ge.com Lopez, Mauricio Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile School of Civil Engineering Ave Vicuna Mackenna 4860 Macul Casilla 306 / Correo 22 Santiago, 6904411 Chile Phone: 56-2-354-4643 Fax: 56-2-354-4806 E-mail: mlopez@ing.puc.cl ACI Member Mueller, Harald S Universitat Karlsruhe (TH) Am Fasanengarten Karlsruhe, D-76131 Germany Phone: 01-10-3081040 Fax: 01-10-3081041090 E-mail: hsm@ifmb.uka.de ACI Member Neville, Adam M 24 Gun Wharf 130 Wapping High Street London, E1W 2NH United Kingdom Phone: 44-17-12651087 Fax: 44-20-72651087 E-mail: mhneville@hotmail.com ACI Member Oslejs, Janis Sia Primekss Smerla Riga, LV 1006 Latvia Phone: 37-12-29223680 Fax: 37-17-801123 E-mail: janis.oslejs@primekss.lv ACI Member Ray, Indrajit West Virginia University Dept of Civil and Env Engrg Engrg Science Building - Room 611D Evansdale Drive Morgantown, WV 26506-6103 Phone: (304) 293-3031 -2619 Page 11 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 Fax: (304) 293-7109 E-mail: indrajit.ray@mail.wvu.edu ACI Member Reda Taha, Mahmoud M University of New Mexico Civil Engineering Dept MSC01 1070 Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 Phone: (505) 277-1258 Fax: (505) 277-1988 E-mail: mrtaha@unm.edu ACI Member Sabha, Ziad University of Ottawa 796 Dickens Ave Ottawa, ON K1G 2X8 Canada Phone: (613) 521-1128 E-mail: zmsabha@hotmail.com ACI Member Sassone, Mario Politecnico di Torino Viakle Mattioli 39 Torino, 10126 Italy Phone: 00-39-115644868 Fax: 00-39-115644999 E-mail: mario.sassone@polito.it ACI Member Shiu, K Nam Walker Restoration Consultants 505 Davis Rd Elgin, IL 60123-1303 Phone: (847) 697-2640 Fax: (847) 697-7439 E-mail: nam.shiu@walkerrestoration.com ACI Member Suksawang, Nakin Florida International University Civil and Environmental Engineering # EC3602 10555 W Flagler St Miami, FL 33174-1630 Phone: (305) 348-0110 Fax: (305) 348-2802 E-mail: suksawan@fiu.edu ACI Member Page 12 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 ATTACHMENT B Committee 209 Web ACI 209.1R-05 Letter Ballot preliminary voting results (March, 30, 2008) Committee 209 Web Letter Ballots Open Ballot Update ACI 209.1R-XX Report on Factors Affecting Shrinkage and Creep of Ballot Hardened Concrete Title/ID: Description: The submitted ballot is to update the content of the guide approved in 2005 and make its nomenclature consistent with the one used in ACI 209.2R-08 and in the future ACI 209.3R document In the attached document, changes and additions are highlighted in red Ballot Type: Start Date: End Date: Attached File: ACI 209.1R-XX Report on Factors Affecting Shrinkage and Creep of Hardened Concrete Letter Ballot 3/10/2008 4/9/2008 Ballot Items: Item # Item Description Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 1—Introduction 2—Factors affecting drying shrinkage 3—Factors affecting creep 4—References Voting Members: RESULTS TO: 03/30/2008 Voting Members: Item # Member Aff AlManaseer,Akthem X Aff w/ Neg Com Abs X X Carreira,Domingo Chiorino,Mario Daye,Marwan Comments X Bazant,Zdenek Burg,Ronald Not Retd See attached commnets X Page Line 127 delete "and" to read "Factors affecting the prediction " X 1.2.11 Page Line 157 change "of" to "on" at the end of the line Page 13 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 Attached Files Section 1.2.15 Page Line 203: Insert "a value of" between "from" and "1.2" to read: range from a value of 1.2(very X X X Dilger,Walter Gardner,Noel Hansen,Will Marzouk,Hesham McDonald,David X X X X X Nassif,Hani Novak,Lawrence Rieder,Klaus Robertson,Ian Sakata,Kenji Videla,Carlos X X X X Weiss,W Jason AlManaseer,Akthem X X Bazant,Zdenek Burg,Ronald X X Carreira,Domingo Chiorino,Mario See attached commnets X X Page 13 section 2.3.1 Formula (2-3, Give reference for the formula, who's formula is it? Page 14 line 477, change "not" to "no" to read " there was no significant " Daye,Marwan Page 14 Lines 476 to 479, these address Creep, while the topic is Shrinkage Page 15 Formula (2-4) give reference This type of coment applies to other formulai in the document X X X Dilger,Walter Gardner,Noel Hansen,Will Marzouk,Hesham McDonald,David X X X X X Nassif,Hani Novak,Lawrence Rieder,Klaus Robertson,Ian Sakata,Kenji Videla,Carlos X X X X Weiss,W Jason AlManaseer,Akthem X X Bazant,Zdenek Burg,Ronald X Page 14 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 X Carreira,Domingo Chiorino,Mario See attached commnets X X Pags 19 and 20 Section 3.4, There are other important construction factors need to be included such as: - Effect of construction staging Daye,Marwan - Effect of bridge construction sequencing - Prestressing sequence and schedule X X X Dilger,Walter Gardner,Noel Hansen,Will Marzouk,Hesham McDonald,David X X X X X Nassif,Hani Novak,Lawrence Rieder,Klaus Robertson,Ian Sakata,Kenji Videla,Carlos X X X X Weiss,W Jason AlManaseer,Akthem X X Bazant,Zdenek Burg,Ronald Carreira,Domingo Chiorino,Mario Daye,Marwan X X X X X X X Dilger,Walter Gardner,Noel Hansen,Will Marzouk,Hesham McDonald,David X X X X X Nassif,Hani Novak,Lawrence Rieder,Klaus Robertson,Ian Sakata,Kenji Videla,Carlos X X X X Weiss,W Jason Page 15 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 Preliminary Voting Summary 03/30/2008: There are 18 committee members eligible to vote Passage of an item requires resolution of any negative votes Passage of an item also requires that the number of affirmative votes be at least that given by the 1/2 and 2/3 rules Please refer to the ACI Technical Committeee Manual for additional information on balloting procedures Affirmative Not The 1/2 The 2/3 Item # Affirmative with Negative Abstain Returned Rule Rule Comments 1 Item Meets Item Meets 1 Item Meets Item Meets 1 Item Meets Item Meets 10 Item Meets Item Meets Page 16 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 ATTACHMENT C Email from Jessie Bournay, Supervisor, Technical Documents, American Concrete Institute dated Feb 26, 2008 Jessie L Bournay/ACI/Notes To cvidelea@ing.puc.cl, carreira@iit.edu cc Daniel W Falconer/ACI/Notes@Notes, Denise M Harkness/ACI/Notes@Notes, John Q Horn/ACI/Notes@Notes, Margaret M McInerney/ACI/Notes@Notes Subje Publication of ACI 209.2R-08 ct 02/26/2008 02:46 PM Hello Carlos and Domingo, Congratulations – ACI 209.2R-08 has been successfully processed through all ACI review procedures In the coming weeks, you will receive a copy of your document (galley proof), laid out as it will appear when published An announcement of your committee document's upcoming availability will be published in Concrete International The document will be posted to your committee's web page and each voting member of Committee 209 will receive a complimentary paper copy ACI 209.2R-08 will also be available as a separate publication and included in the 2009 Manual of Concrete Practice If I can be of further assistance to you, please feel free to contact me Jessie L Bournay Supervisor, Technical Documents American Concrete Institute 38800 Country Club Dr Farmington Hills, MI 48331 P: 248) 848-3728 F: 248) 848-3720 E: Jessie.Bournay@concrete.org Page 17 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 ATTACHMENT D AVAILABLE INFORMATION ON THE ACI COMMITTEE 209 WEB MEMBER WORK AREA Page 18 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 Page 19 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 Page 20 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 Page 21 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008 ATTACHMENT E CALL FOR PAPERS 3/25/08 EFFECTS OF CRACKING ON DURABILITY Meeting: Technical session on the subject of “Effects of Micro and Macro Cracking on Durability, Part & 2” at the ACI Convention, March 15-19, 2009 in San Antonio, Tx Session is jointly sponsored by ACI Committees 201 Durability of Concrete and 224 Cracking Solicited: Presentations related to the prevention, minimization, and/or remediation of cracking in concrete to increase durability and serviceability Possible topics include research, materials, engineering design, construction techniques, practical applications, remediation and repair, and project case histories Requirements: 1) Presentation title; 2) author/speaker name(s), affiliation, address, telephone, fax, and e-mail, and 3) and abstract of approximately 250 words Deadline: Abstracts by May 15, 2008 Send to: Larry Valentine, 704-785-0741; e-mail ljvalentinepe@carolina.rr.com, or Ralf Leistikow, Wiss Janney Elstner Associates: 770-923- 9822:314; e-mail RLestikow@wje.com Page 22 of Minutes of ACI 209 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA March 31, 2008