Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University Board Meeting Minutes April 18, 2019 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University was convened on Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 1:05 p.m at the El Centro location in the 3rd Floor Student Lounge at 3390 N Avondale Avenue, Chicago, IL George Vukotich, Acting Chair of the Board, called the meeting to order Roll was called and the following Trustees answered present: Sherry Eagle, Barbara Fumo, Marvin Garcia, Elena Molloy, Jim Palos, Jonathan Stein, and George Vukotich Trustees not present: Carlos Azcoitia and Bob Biggins Also present: Gloria Gibson, President; Melissa Reardon Henry, Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel; Karl Voigt, Assistant Secretary to the Board; Vice Presidents; staff, and community members Approval of the Minutes Trustees were presented the following minutes prior to this meeting No further additions or corrections were recommended and the minutes stand as written Trustee Garcia, seconded by Trustee Stein, moved to approve the minutes from the February 14, 2019 committee meetings; the February 14, 2019 board meeting; the Closed Session from the February 14, 2019 board meeting; the March 21, 2019 Finance, Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting; the March 29, 2019 Audit Committee meeting; and the Closed Session from the March 29, 2019 Audit Committee meeting Chair’s Preliminary Announcements Acting Chair Vukotich asked Trustees to please consult Directorpoint for all boardrelated materials and information, including RSVPs to meetings Trustees were asked to let Karl know if they will attend Commencement on Monday, May President’s Preliminary Announcements Dr Gibson announced that the two significant searches, Vice President for Finance and Administration, and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, are concluding this week The search committees will be issuing their recommendations to the President shortly The President’s Transition Committee is wrapping up for the academic year and will be issuing their recommendations to the President in the coming weeks Thanks to the Faculty Senate for their efforts in working to help improve enrollment Opportunity for Public Comment in Accordance with Public Act 91-0715 Acting Chair Vukotich announced the Opportunity for Public Comment There were no requests received prior to this meeting Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University April 18, 2019 - Board Meeting Minutes page Convene in Closed Session At 1:12 p.m., Trustees agreed to convene in closed session Discussion in closed session may include personnel, real estate, and litigation matters The roll was called and Trustees unanimously agreed to convene in closed session Reconvene in Open Session At 1:44 p.m., Trustee Palos, seconded by Trustee Garcia, moved that the board re-convene in open session Roll was called and Trustees unanimously agreed to re-convene in open session Board Committee Reports Executive Committee Acting Chair Vukotich reviewed the proposed revision to the University’s “Community” Values Statement that was introduced at the February 14, 2019 meeting as an information item, and will be voted on today There was no discussion Academic/Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Committee Trustee Palos announced that the committee met earlier today and reviewed two items for the Board’s approval: Tenure recommendations Honorary degree for the May Commencement speaker The committee also discussed ideas about metric dashboards to keep the committee apprised of enrollment, retention, and academic and student matters The committee also accepted its committee charter There was no discussion Audit Committee Trustee Stein announced that the committee held its meeting on March 29, 2019 The committee reviewed and accepted the latest draft of its committee charter; reviewed the FY2018 compliance and financial audits, along with the compliance audit findings corrective action progress report; and heard a report about an internal audit matter from the University’s Internal Auditor, Rita Moore Trustee Stein asked if there was any further discussion about the committee report Acting Chair Vukotich asked about the timeline for the audit findings progress President Gibson asked Ann McNabb, Interim CFO, to talk about the progress report Ms McNabb stated that the University is audited each year, and while the University continues to take corrective action based on the most recent findings, the resolution of the findings will not be confirmed until the next audit is completed Finance, Buildings and Grounds Committee Trustee Vukotich announced that the committee held its meeting on March 21, 2019 The committee reviewed and accepted the latest draft of its committee charter; reviewed the University’s Construction projects; and reviewed the list of purchases between $50,000 and $99,999.99 The committee received an update on the Vice President for Finance and Administration search from President Gibson Trustee Vukotich asked Trustees if there was any further discussion about the committee report There was no discussion Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University April 18, 2019 - Board Meeting Minutes page President’s Report The entire President’s Report is incorporated herein by reference Action Item I A Approval of Proposed Revision to the University’s “Community” Values Statement Trustee Palos, seconded by Trustee Eagle, moved that the Board approve the update to its Regulations to more accurately reflect its identity, as well as the residential component that now exists at the University The recommended revision below would be an acknowledgement of this "Community" value statement (Original) As a commuter institution, NEIU has a special obligation to provide an environment that is supportive, nurturing, and participatory Such an environment is characterized by civility, fostering humanity and engagement, and creates a sense of community through inclusion, mutual respect, and empowerment NEIU values our metropolitan setting as a laboratory for learning, and we foster partnerships for learning, research, and service throughout this dynamic region to promote the public good "Community" value statement (Proposed Revision) NEIU strives to provide an environment that is supportive, nurturing, and participatory Discussion: There was no discussion Roll was called and the vote was as follows: Azcoitia – N.P Eagle – Yes Garcia – Abstain Biggins – N.P Fumo - Yes Molloy – Yes Palos – Yes Stein – Yes Vukotich – Yes N.P – not present The motion carried Action Item I B Approval of Tenure Recommendations Trustee Stein, seconded by Trustee Palos, moved that the board approve tenure recommendations by the Acting Provost for the following faculty members (the Student Trustee may not vote on this item): Name Rachel Adler William Adler Sunni Ali James Ball Kimya Barden Katherine Bird Rachel Birmingham-Hoel Emily Booms Lewis Gebhardt Matthew Graham Elisabet Head Department Computer Science Political Science Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies Health Sciences and Physical Education Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies Mathematics Justice Studies Biology Linguistics Mathematics Earth Science Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University April 18, 2019 - Board Meeting Minutes Joseph Hibdon Aimee Hilado Villalpando Nabil Kahouadji Hardik Marfatia Laura Tejada Dilek Yunlu page Mathematics Social Work Mathematics Economics Counselor Education Marketing and Management Discussion: There was no discussion Roll was called and the vote was as follows: Azcoitia – N.P Eagle – Yes Garcia – Yes Biggins – N.P Fumo - Yes Molloy – Palos – Yes Stein – Yes Vukotich – Yes N.P – not present The motion carried Action Item I.C Approval of Honorary Degree for Commencement Speaker Trustee Eagle, seconded by Trustee Molloy, moved to approve the awarding of an honorary degree of Doctorate of Humane Letters to Ms Maria Woltjen, who has accepted Northeastern’s invitation to be the May 2019 Commencement speaker Discussion: There was no discussion Roll was called and the vote was as follows: Azcoitia – N.P Eagle – Yes Garcia – Yes Biggins – N.P Fumo - Yes Molloy – Yes Palos – Yes Stein – Yes Vukotich – Yes N.P – not present The motion carried General Counsel’s Report Acting Chair Vukotich announced that the General Counsel’s Report was distributed to the Trustees prior to the meeting Trustees had an opportunity to ask questions during closed session and the report stands as submitted Old Business Acting Chair Vukotich asked if there was any old business No old business was raised New Business Acting Chair Vukotich asked if there was any new business Trustee Eagle reported, in her capacity as the representative from Northeastern’s Board, that the State Universities Civil Service System Merit Board met yesterday Among other items and of particular note, the merit board heard from several human resource professionals and chiefsof-police from state universities in Illinois regarding enhanced flexibility in the employment of police officers who are currently serving, or have served, as police officers at universities outside of Illinois The matter was advanced by the merit board and will go to the JCAR for final approval This is seen as a benefit to all state universities Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University April 18, 2019 - Board Meeting Minutes page Trustee Garcia, seconded by Trustee Palos, moved to approve the destruction of verbatim records from the executive session portion of the September 14, 2017 Board of Trustees meeting Discussion: There was no discussion Roll was called and the vote was as follows: Azcoitia – N.P Eagle – Yes Garcia – Yes Biggins – N.P Fumo - Yes Molloy – Yes Palos – Yes Stein – Yes Vukotich – Yes N.P - not present The motion carried Trustee Eagle, seconded by Trustee Molloy, moved that the confidential written minutes of the executive session portion of the Board of Trustees meeting held on March 15, 2018, March 29, 2018 and April 19 2018 no longer require confidential treatment and are available for public inspection Discussion: There was no discussion Roll was called and the vote was as follows: Azcoitia – N.P Eagle – Yes Garcia – Yes Biggins – N.P Fumo - Yes Molloy – Yes Palos – Yes Stein – Yes Vukotich – Yes N.P - not present The motion carried Acting Chair Vukotich announced the following upcoming events: Upcoming Events - UNIVERSITY Academic Honors Ceremonies are this afternoon and evening in the University Auditorium Graduate College Hooding Ceremony Monday, April 22 at p.m in the University Auditorium Trustees, please RSVP in Directorpoint Commencement Exercises will take place at the Credit Union Arena on Monday, May 6, 2019 at p.m Trustees, please RSVP in Directorpoint - ARTS Please support the University’s Arts events as the semester comes to a close All event information may found online or in the printed Arts brochure - BOARD Academic/Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Committee Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 3:00 p.m in the Student Union Room 216 Next Board Meeting: Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 1:00 p.m on the Main campus Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University April 18, 2019 - Board Meeting Minutes page Adjourn At 2:05 p.m., Acting Chair Vukotich asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting Trustee Azcoitia, seconded by Trustee Palos moved to adjourn the meeting The meeting was adjourned by acclamation George Vukotich, Acting Chair Karl Voigt, Assistant Board Secretary Approved June 13, 2019 ... merit board and will go to the JCAR for final approval This is seen as a benefit to all state universities Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University April 18, 2019 - Board Meeting. .. brochure - BOARD Academic/Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Committee Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 3:00 p.m in the Student Union Room 216 Next Board Meeting: Thursday,... Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University April 18, 2019 - Board Meeting Minutes page Adjourn At 2:05 p.m., Acting Chair Vukotich asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting