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2019 FAQs for Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey

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Marist College 2019 Campus Sexual Assault Climate Survey FAQs The goal of the 2019 Marist College Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey is to answer the following questions: How often does sexual violence happen on campus? When it does happen, what are the consequences and to whom students turn to for help and support and why? Do students know whom to turn to for help and support? What students know about sexual violence and the resources available at Marist to prevent it and support those who experience it? How students feel about Marist’s response to sexual violence? Finally, how effective are our current efforts at educating students about topics related to sexual violence? Your answers to these questions will help Marist College provide better support for those who have experienced sexual violence, develop policies and prevention strategies to reduce the frequency of sexual violence in our community, and gauge the campus climate regarding sexual misconduct among students The following are frequently asked questions about the Marist College Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey: Q Why is Marist College conducting this survey? Marist is conducting this survey to learn more about the problem of sexual violence in our community A survey allows us to learn more about student experiences related to sexual misconduct We want to know what currently works well in addressing this problem, and what needs to be improved We realize that we can only begin real improvement when we receive candid feedback from those who the problem affects most, our students Q Is this survey required by law? The New York State “Enough is Enough” legislation (New York Education Law Article 129-b), which was signed into law on July 7, 2015, requires all institutions of higher education in New York State to administer a campus climate survey on sexual assault and misconduct every two (2) years The law also requires the institution to publish results of the survey on their websites, provided that no personally identifiable information, or information which can reasonably lead a reader to identify an individual, shall be shared Q How and when will the survey be administered? Students will receive an e-mail invitation to take the survey beginning on February 18, 2019, followed by up to three (3) reminder e-mails, if necessary Students will have until 11:59 p.m on March 11, 2019 to complete the survey Q Who is actually administering the survey? HEDS, which is the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium, is administering the survey for Marist College It is a consortium of private colleges and universities that collaboratively share, analyze and use data of all kinds to advance their institutional missions HEDS was formed in 1983 and is located at the Center of Inquiry at Wabash College Q Is the survey anonymous? Yes, the survey is completely anonymous The survey will be sent to students directly from HEDS, and all responses will be directly delivered to HEDS as well Marist College will receive only aggregate data from HEDS, with no personally identifiable information whatsoever, at the conclusion of the survey E-mail addresses will not be linked to student responses Q What does the survey cover? The survey asks students about their perceptions of their campus’s climate for unwanted sexual contact and sexual assault, their perceptions of how their institution responds to sexual assaults, whether and how often they have experienced unwanted sexual contact or sexual assault, and their knowledge of campus resources and Marist College policies Q Why are you asking about sexual misconduct? Marist College is committed to ensuring a safe, healthy, and nondiscriminatory environment for our students In order to so, we need to learn about the experiences of students and the degree to which students feel safe and respected The information received from this survey will allow us better understand how we can prevent sexual misconduct and respond to students’ needs when it does occur Q What kind of language will be used in this survey and why? Some of the questions in the survey will use explicit language, including anatomical names of body parts and specific behaviors, to ask about sexual situations The survey also asks questions about topics that may be very upsetting, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence This approach to questions is consistent with national surveys on this topic, which have been supported by research indicating that these questions are necessary to get the best possible data Q I live off campus Should I complete the survey? Yes You are a part of and spend time within the Marist campus community and your responses are important in assessing the overall climate Q Will the results of the survey be made public? Marist College will analyze the data and release a summary of the results of the survey We will report data from the survey in the aggregate and not by individual responses This data will be available, among other places, on the Marist College “Title IX and Sexual Misconduct” web page Q Who can I contact with additional questions about the Marist College Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey? You can contact Title IX Coordinator Toya Cooper at Toya.Cooper@marist.edu or Deputy Title IX Coordinator Kaleigh Malave at Kaleigh.Malave@marist.edu or (845) 575-3799 for any additional questions about the survey Q Where can I get help if I need it? You can contact the Title IX office at Marist College at (845) 575-3799 or by e-mail at titleix@marist.edu The Marist College “Title IX and Sexual Misconduct” web page also has a list of resources available under “Resources and Support” or by clicking the red “GET HELP” button on the left side of the page Q Is the survey subject to Marist College Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval? No The Marist College IRB has reviewed the survey and determined that it does not require IRB approval as it does not constitute research involving human subjects and 45 CRF part 46 does not apply to the Marist College Campus Sexual Assault Climate Survey Q How much time will it take to complete the survey? It usually takes most students about fifteen (15) minutes to complete the survey Q Why is my participation important? The survey will allow Marist College to understand better the beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and experiences of its students, which is vital to how Marist functions Analyzing data from the survey responses will enable Marist to address concerns and reinforce successes The more students who complete the survey will result in a more accurate assessment of campus climate and the prevalence of sexual misconduct on the campus Q How will the prizes be awarded? At the completion of the survey, participants will have the option to enter a random drawing for items of Marist gear Participants will receive a unique code contained in the end-of-survey message, generated by HEDS, with instructions on how to submit these codes The prize code is not linked to survey responses and your survey results will remain completely anonymous However, by using this code, you are revealing to the person distributing the prizes that you participated in this survey ... campus? ??s climate for unwanted sexual contact and sexual assault, their perceptions of how their institution responds to sexual assaults, whether and how often they have experienced unwanted sexual. .. specific behaviors, to ask about sexual situations The survey also asks questions about topics that may be very upsetting, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence... web page Q Who can I contact with additional questions about the Marist College Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey? You can contact Title IX Coordinator Toya Cooper at Toya.Cooper@marist.edu

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2022, 17:20

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