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NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N Intersection and Pedestrian Task Force Meeting Notes Date/Time: Thursday, December 3, 2020 | 10:00 am – 12:00 noon Dial-In/Online: 984-204-1608 | Click here to join the meeting Phone Code: 662 449 448# Attendees · See attached sign-in sheet Intersections Chair: Lori Campbell, NDOT Intersections Vice Chair: Christina Karanikolas, City of Las Vegas Pedestrians Chair: Erin Breen, UNLV SCP Pedestrians Vice Chair: Bill Story, NDOT Facilitator: Molly O’Brien, Kimley-Horn Topics Welcome and Introductions Lori Approve Meeting Minutes Lori Data Update o Monthly Fatality Data o TRCC Update Zero Fatalities Campaign Updates SHSP Update Intersection Strategies and Action Items Andrew Mike Andrew Molly Lori/Molly o Existing strategies and action items close out o Identify leads for new action items Pedestrian Strategies and Action Items Lori/Molly o Existing strategies and action items close out o Identify leads for new action items Legislative Upcoming Webinars/Trainings/Other Molly Page | NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N o USDOT Pedestrian Safety Action Plan – Just released! https://highways.dot.gov/sites/fhwa.dot.gov/files/202011/FHWA_PedSafety_ActionPlan_Nov2020.pdf 10 Open Discussion Erin/Lori o Dusk Dawn Campaign o Turkey in the Crosswalk 11 Upcoming Meetings Molly Please let us know if you would only like to be invited to pedestrian or intersection related meetings in the future as the SHSP structure changes Otherwise, you will be invited to both o All Key Area Task Force Kick-Off Meeting – January 2021 o Intersection Action Update Meeting – Thursday, March 4, 2021 o Pedestrian Action Update Meeting – Thursday, March 11, 2021 o Safer Roads Task Force Meeting – Thursday, April 1, 2021 o Safer for Vulnerable Road Users Task Force Meeting – Thursday, April 8, 2021 Decisions · Meeting minutes were approved · Intersections o Existing strategies and action items close out · See attached updates to the existing strategies and action items o Identify leads for new action items · See attached updates for new action leads · Pedestrians o Existing strategies and action items close out · See attached updates to the existing strategies and action items o Identify leads for new action items · See attached updates for new action leads Actions · Please let us know if you would only like to be invited to pedestrian or intersection related meetings in the future as the SHSP structure changes Otherwise, you will be invited to both Discussion · FARS o FARS Data is attached New data will come out next week · TRCC Update o The Crash Dashboard is live! You can access it directly from the verofatalitiesnv.com website or at: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZGZiY2YwMmQtZWU2ZC00OTQyLThjNzgtZTNkMm RmMGY4Yzg4IiwidCI6IjdlMjIwZDMwLTBiNTktNDdlNS04YTgxLWE0YTlkOWFmYmRjNCIsIm MiOjN9&pageName=ReportSection Page | NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N o There is a project to bypass certain processes in the crash data process in order to get data sooner This is anticipated to be completed early next year o Let Mike Colety (mike.colety@kimley-horn.com) know if you are interested in being added to the TRCC meeting invites · Zero Fatalities Campaign Updates o There was discussion on the Safety Summit and all of the videos that were shown during the break These videos can be accessed from OTS’ YouTube Channel All videos for the last 10 years are posted on the YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ZeroFatalitiesNV o You can view all videos or go to playlists to view videos by behavior o It might be time to put the word out on hit and run implications Attendees noted that they seem to be on the rise again o Attendees noted that it might be good to education on RRFBs for both drivers and pedestrians o The tag line is changing to “Lives are on the Line” o If you would like the new logo, please e-mail Andrew Bennett (andrew.bennett@dps.state.nv.us) or go to https://zerofatalitiesnv.com/get-involved/sharethe-message/ o There are two upcoming PSAs · Worst Year Ever – Peds, Speed, Occupant Protection, Impairment, and Motorcycles · Save Yourself – Intersections, Peds, Motorcycles, Alcohol and Marijuana, and Distraction · SHSP Update o Slides from the presentation are attached o There was discussion on why there is not planned to be a Bicycle Vice Chair, when bicycle advocacy groups are so vocal It was noted that the focus is on groups where the most impact can be made Pedestrians have significantly more fatalities and serious injuries in Nevada than bicycles Additionally, most pedestrian improvements have a positive impact on bicycles o It is still being determined if a one-on-one Facilitator and Vice Chair meeting will take place prior to the CEA Action Update Meetings Attachments: A Sign-in Sheet B Monthly FARS Data C SHSP Update Slides D Excerpts from USDOT Pedestrian Safety Action Plan E Upcoming Webinars F Intersection Existing Strategies and Action Items G Intersection New Strategies and Action Items H Pedestrian Existing Strategies and Action Items I Pedestrian New Strategies and Action Items J Dusk Dawn Materials K Turkey in the Crosswalk Page | NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N Next Meetings: · All Key Area Task Force Kick-Off Meeting – January 2021 · Intersection Action Update Meeting – Thursday, March 4, 2021 · Pedestrian Action Update Meeting – Thursday, March 11, 2021 · Safer Roads Task Force Meeting – Thursday, April 1, 2021 · Safer for Vulnerable Road Users Task Force Meeting – Thursday, April 8, 2021 Distribution: All attendees and Intersection CEA Roster (December 3, 2020) Date issued: Friday, December 4, 2020 Page | Pedestrian/Intersection Safety Sign In December 3, 2020 Meeting Name and Date Grimes Patrick The National Judicial College pgrimes@judges.org Robinson Susan The National Judicial College susanrobinson@judges.org Tisler Lacey Nevada Department of Transportation ltisler@dot.nv.gov Yetter Karen The National Judicial College yetter@judges.org Balcon Cathy Nevada Department of Transportation cbalcon@dot.nv.gov Active Barrett Colleen University of Nevada Reno cwbarrett@nevada.unr.edu Active X Bennett Andrew Nevada Department of Public Safety Office of andrew.bennett@dps.state.nv.us Active X Breen Erin University of Nevada Las Vegas - Transportatio scp.unlv@gmail.com Active X Campbell Lori Nevada Department of Transportation LCampbell@dot.nv.gov Active X Colety Mike Kimley-Horn mike.colety@kimley-horn.com Active Cord Zachary Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles zcord@dmv.nv.gov Active Davey Amy Nevada Department of Public Safety Office of amy.davey@dps.state.nv.us Active Dietrich Kurt City of Reno dietrichk@reno.gov Active Diso Connie City of Las Vegas cdiso@lasvegasnevada.gov Active Dreyer Chris Nevada Department of Public Safety Highway cdreyer@dps.state.nv.us Active Farhan Mohammad RTC of Southern Nevada farhanm@rtcsnv.com Active Fulwiler Cody Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department C9167F@LVMPD.COM Active X Gryder Laura University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Medi Laura.Gryder@unlv.edu Active X Kapuler Rebecca RTC Washoe County rkapuler@rtcwashoe.com Active Karanikolas Christina City of Las Vegas ckaranikolas@lasvegasnevada.gov Active Landon Bill Regional Emergency Medical Services Authorit blandon@remsa-cf.com Active Lever Joe Reno Police Department leverj@reno.gov Active Ling-Barnes Yann Washoe County Air Quality ylbarnes@washoecounty.us Active MacGill Eric Nevada Department of Transportation EMacGill@dot.nv.gov Active Maloney Lucia Carson City Public Works/CAMPO lmaloney@carson.org Active Murwin William Nevada Department of Public Safety Highway wmurwin@dps.state.nv.us Active O'Brien Molly Kimley-Horn Molly.Obrien@kimley-horn.com Active X Tuesday, November 24, 2020 Page of Petersen Blaine RTC Washoe County bpetersen@rtcwashoe.com Active Pitts Jennifer Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles jpitts@dmv.nv.gov Active Slinkard Samantha University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Medi samantha.slinkard@unlv.edu Active Story Bill Nevada Department of Transportation Bike/Pe wstory@dot.nv.gov Active Swain Genevieve Nevada Department of Public Safety Office of gswain@dps.state.nv.us Active X Thornsberry Joel Nevada Department of Transportation jthornsberry@dot.nv.gov Active X Tuddao Jaime Nevada Department of Transportation - Safety jtuddao@dot.nv.gov Active X Uravich Julia RTC of Southern Nevada UravichJ@rtcsnv.com Active X Vodrazka Walt RTC of Southern Nevada - FAST vodrazkaw@rtcsnv.com Active Weston James RTC Washoe County jweston@rtcwashoe.com Active Yousuf Karim Nevada Department of Transportation District kyousuf@dot.nv.gov Active Zepeda Narcisa Nevada Department of Public Safety Office of nzepeda@dps.state.nv.us Active Aiyuk Peter Nevada Department of Transportation Perfor Paiyuk@dot.nv.gov Follower Avila Sergio AAA Nevada sergio.avila@nevada.aaa.com Follower Balbuena Juan Federal Highway Administration juan.balbuena@dot.gov Follower Barton Solome City of North Las Vegas - Office of Emergency bartons@cityofnorthlasvegas.com Follower Benoit Jim Clark County Public Works jbenoit@clarkcountynv.gov Follower Bohemier Alan Scott Nevada Department of Transportation abohemier@dot.nv.gov Follower Bombard Judzia University of Nevada Las Vegas judzia.bombard@unlv.edu Follower Bonner Lee Nevada Department of Transportation lbonner@dot.nv.gov Follower Brandyn Dente Look Out Kids About luckydente@cox.net Follower Brown Carrie National Indian Justice Center cbrown@nijc.org Follower Bryant Shannon Washoe County District Attorney SBryant@da.washoecounty.us Follower Bungum Tim University of Nevada Las Vegas - School of Co Tim.Bungum@unlv.edu Follower Castro Michelle Nevada Department of Transportation District mcastro@dot.nv.gov Follower X Chen Stepahnie Washoe County Health District schen@washoecounty.us Follower X Close Michael National Highway Traffic Safety Administration michael.close@dot.gov Follower Coughenour Courtney University of Nevada Las Vegas - School of Co courtney.coughenour@unlv.edu Follower Cummings Amy RTC Washoe County acummings@rtcwashoe.com Follower Cutler Marc Nevada Department of Transportation mcutler@dot.nv.gov Follower X X X Tuesday, November 24, 2020 Page of X Davis John Regional Emergency Medical Services Authorit jdavis@unr.edu Follower Deforge Lenny Look Out Kids About IPTA@live.com Follower Dornak Eric American Traffic Safety Services Association ejdornak@mmm.com Follower Draper Heith Carson City Towing draper.heith77@gmail.com Follower Draper Dianne Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles ddraper@dmv.nv.gov Follower Erb Jon Douglas County jerb@co.douglas.nv.us Follower Ericson Jon City of Sparks Public Works jericson@cityofsparks.us Follower Estrada Gabby Clark County Traffic Management Division maria.estrada3@clarkcountynv.gov Follower Fatalities NV Zero Kimley-Horn zerofatalitiesnv@kimley-horn.com Follower Fitch Amy University of Nevada Reno School of Communi afitch@unr.edu Follower Fleming Shelley Nevada Department of Public Safety Office of Follower Fromm Janie Nevada Department of Transportation Bike/Pe jfromm@dot.nv.gov Follower Gaisser Theresa RTC of Southern Nevada - FAST gaissert@rtcsnv.com Follower Galicia John University of Nevada Reno Police jgalicia@police.unr.edu Follower Garcia Phil City of Las Vegas pgarcia@lasvegasnevada.gov Follower Goering Dirk Carson City Public Works/CAMPO dgoering@carson.org Follower Gunderson Evan Not Associated with a Business evan.gunderson@gmail.com Follower Hall Scott RTC Washoe Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory C koukoutamba@gmail.com Follower Harkleroad Blair Nevada Department of Public Safety Highway bharkleroad@dps.state.nv.us Follower Hartline Todd Nevada Department of Public Safety Highway thartline@dps.state.nv.us Follower Henning Brandon Nevada Department of Transportation - Safety bhenning@dot.nv.gov Follower Hernandez Anabel Kimley-Horn anabel.hernandez@kimley-horn.com Follower Hernandez Juan Nevada Department of Transportation jhernandez@dot.nv.gov Follower Honea Kevin Nevada Department of Public Safety Highway khonea@dps.state.nv.us Follower Hunter Julie Washoe County Highway Department, Air Qua jdhunter@washoecounty.us Follower Jacobson Ellen Sparks Kiwanis Follower Jacquez Albert Nevada Department of Transportation Bike/Pe ajacquez@dot.nv.gov Follower Janssen Mike City of Las Vegas mjanssen@lasvegasnevada.gov Follower Johnson Jessica Southern Nevada Health District johnsonjes@snhdmail.org Follower Karachepone John Jacobs Engineering john.karachepone@jacobs.com Follower Tuesday, November 24, 2020 sfleming@dps.state.nv.us ellenjacobson@sbcglobal.net Page of X Kendall Gena RTC Southern Nevada kendallg@rtcsnv.com Follower Kisfalvi Peter Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department p4584k@lvmpd.com Follower Kjellman Andrew RTC of Southern Nevada kjellmana@rtcsnv.com Follower Krupp Carrie Nevada Department of Public Safety Office of clkrupp@dps.state.nv.us Follower Kuhls Dr Deborah University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Medi deborah.kuhls@unlv.edu Follower Lam Irene City of Henderson Irene.Lam@cityofhenderson.com Follower Lamboley Nicole Renown Hospital nlamboley@renown.org Follower Laney Tonya Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles tlaney@dmv.nv.gov Follower Lemley Michael Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department M5826L@lvmpd.com Follower Lightfoot Tom Nevada Department of Transportation tlightfoot@dot.nv.gov Follower Linzsey Tia Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles tlinzsey@dmv.nv.gov Follower Livingston Joseph National Highway Traffic Safety Administration joseph.livingston@dot.gov Follower Lovett James University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Medi lovettj6@unlv.nevada.edu Follower Mata Judith Nevada Department of Public Safety Office of jmata@dps.state.nv.us Follower Mayer Robert Clark County School District Police Department mayerra1@nv.ccsd.net Follower McKeon Lisa Look Out Kids About mckeon94@cox.net Follower Metz Katie Renown Hospital KMetz@renown.org Follower X Moore Kevin Nevada Department of Public Safety Office of kmmoore@dps.state.nv.us Follower X Morris Brendan University of Nevada Las Vegas Brendan.morris@unlv.edu Follower Oltman Alec Nevada Barricade & Sign Co., Inc alec@nbsco.com Follower Osmer Wesley Nevada Department of Transportation wosmer@dot.nv.gov Follower Penalosa Bryan University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Medi bryanpenalosa@gmail.com Follower Pharr Jennifer University of Nevada Las Vegas jennifer.pharr@unlv.edu Follower Pritchett Jeff Masters of Barricades jeffp@mob-traffic.com Follower Ramos Mario National Highway Traffic Safety Administration mario.ramos@dot.gov Follower Rodriguez Alyssa City of Henderson Alyssa.Rodriguez@cityofhenderson.com Follower Saner Lindsay Kimley-Horn lindsay.Saner@kimley-horn.com Follower Saunders Maggie Not Associated with a Business msllllegz@gmail.com Follower Shakal Fred Nevada Department of Transportation fshakal@dot.nv.gov Follower Shaw Scott Reno Police Department shaws@reno.gov Follower X X X Tuesday, November 24, 2020 Page of X X X Shaw Stephen ABC Drive Safe driverednv@gmail.com Follower Sprattler Karen Kimley-Horn karen.sprattler@kimley-horn.com Follower Stoddard David Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department d7419s@lvmpd.com Follower Stuenkel Chelsea Nevada Department of Public Safety Highway cstuenkel@dps.state.nv.us Follower Sullivan Bobbie Nevada Department of Health and Human Ser bsullivan@health.nv.gov Follower Sylvester Casey Nevada Department of Transportation csylvester@dot.nv.gov Follower Taylor Kathleen Taylor Made Solutions kmtaylor343@gmail.com Follower Thompson July Duckwater Shoshone Tribe dst_injurypreventionspecialist@outlook.co Follower Thompson Michael RoadSafe Traffic Systems mthompson@roadsafetraffic.com Follower Tian Zong University of Nevada Reno zongt@unr.edu Follower Townsend Kim Duckwater Shoshone Tribe assistant.planningmanager@duckwatertrib Follower Vander Aa Peter Nevada Department of Public Safety Office of pvanderaa@dps.state.nv.us Follower Villaluz Paul Slater Hanifan Group - Westwood pvillaluz@shg-inc.com Follower Wade David Not Associated with a Business dublindave@sbcglobal.net Follower Wadsworth Joanna City of Las Vegas jwadsworth@lasvegasnevada.gov Follower Wetzel Lynn Kirvin Doak Communications LWetzel@kirvindoak.com Follower Weyl Linda Trench Plate Rental Co lweyl@tprco.com Follower Williams Niguel Nevada Rider Motorcycle Safety niguelwilliams@msn.com Follower Wilson Kris Nevada Department of Public Safety Highway kwilson@dps.state.nv.us Follower Wolfson Alex Nevada Department of Transportation awolfson@dot.nv.gov Follower Xu Hao University of Nevada Reno haox@unr.edu Follower Yazdani Kaizad Clark County Public Works kyazdani@clarkcountynv.gov Follower Zhao Laura University of Nevada Reno yuezhao118@gmail.com Follower Rita Hill, NHTSA, rita.hill@dot.gov Tuesday, November 24, 2020 Page of NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N Key Area Task Force Meetings • Meet quarterly • Led by the Chair • Includes all members and followers for all Key Area Critical Emphasis Areas (CEA) • Meeting topics • FARS updates • Data updates • Best practices (rotate topics to address different CEAs under the Key Area) • Report on major milestones/action steps for each CEA under the Key Area Key Area Task Force Meetings • Meet quarterly • Led by the Chair • Includes all members and followers for all Key Area Critical Emphasis Areas (CEA) • Meeting topics • FARS updates • Data updates • Best practices (rotate topics to address different CEAs under the Key Area) • Report on major milestones/action steps for each CEA under the Key Area CEA Action Update Meetings • Meet quarterly (the month prior to the Key Area Task Force meeting) • Led by the Vice Chair • Includes Vice Chair and Action Step Leaders • Meeting Topics • Review status of action steps, discuss challenges, successes of implementation • Vice Chairs will report on progress of action steps to Chair and at Key Area Task Force meeting Schedule JAN FEB MAR Key Area Task Force APR MAY JUN Key Area Task Force SEPT DEC CEA Action Updates Q3Report NECTS Key Area = Led by Chair Higher level meeting All members/followers from each CEA invited (quarterly) Task Force CEA Action = Vice Chair and Action Step Leaders only (quarterly), formal "interim" meeting to track action step progress Updates Q Report = Vice Chairs prepare Quarterly Reports to include in NECTS Agenda NECTS NOV CEA Action Updates Q2Report NECTS OCT Key Area Task Force CEA Action Updates Q1Report NECTS AUG Key Area Task Force CEA Action Updates Q4Report JULY = First Tuesday of the month (quarterly), except Nov meeting in Oct with Summit NECTS NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N US DOT Announces First Ever Comprehensive “Pedestrian Safety Action Plan” According to NHTSA’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System, 17 percent of all traffic fatalities in 2019 were pedestrians In 2019—the most recent year for which data are available—6,205 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes, 44 percent more than in 2010 Pedestrian fatalities are largely a phenomenon in urban areas during dark conditions, and typically increase in the fall and winter months https://highways.dot.gov/sites/fhwa.dot.gov/files/2020-11/FHWA_PedSafety_ActionPlan_Nov2020.pdf NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N Webinar: Planning in Tribal Communities - Engaging People with Disabilities in Designing Safe and Accessible Transportation Systems Date: December 9, 2020 Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm MT/2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET Cost: Free Organization: America Walks On Wednesday, December 9th, America Walks will release a new White Paper on Inclusive Planning in Tribal Communities and broadcast a live webinar featuring the author and members of the Project Advisory Board Finally, details of a new Tribal Inclusion Mini-Grants Program will be announced Groups and communities with an interest or experience in this area of community change will be invited to submit brief proposals for projects designed to implement one or more recommendations of the White Paper Two $2,500 mini-grants will be awarded in January For more information about this training, click here Link: https://americawalks.org/inclusive-planning-in-tribal-communities/ Webinar: Traffic Safety Roundtable Date: December 9, 2020 Time: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm MT/3:00 pm to 4:00 pm ET Cost: Free Organization: National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Join traffic safety thought leaders for a dynamic discussion on traffic safety trends, with a focus on alcohol and drugimpaired driving Listen in and contribute questions as we learn more about governmental and private sector innovations and partnerships to reduce roadway fatalities For more information about this training, click here Link: https://www.ghsa.org/events/upcoming/NCSL/Traffic-Safety-Online-Meeting-Series20 Training: Safe Roads by Design - Making Roads Safe for all Users Date: December 7-22, 2020 Location: Virtual Organization: International Road Federation The International Road Federation (IRF) On-line Safe Roads by Design™: Making Roads Safe for all Users certified training program is one of the most comprehensive on-line road safety training programs in the world Experts in the field will present best practices and state of the art technologies in Roadside Safety, Work Zone Safety, Vulnerable User Safety, Traffic Management and Road Safety Audits over a three week period The purpose of this training program is to help participants to understand what can be done to reduce the number of road crashes and the number of fatalities and serious injuries from road crashes that may still occur NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N For more information about this training, click here Link: https://www.irf.global/event/srd20-ws-dec-online-training/ Training: Positive Culture Framework Training Date: January 19-21, 2021 Location: Virtual Organization: Center for Health and Safety Culture The Positive Culture Framework (PCF) is an approach based on our latest research about improving health and safety in our communities and organizations PCF seeks to cultivate health and safety We intentionally use the word cultivate, as the PCF builds on shared values, beliefs, and attitudes that already exist in a culture to promote health and safety PCF builds on the recognition that the solutions are in the community For more information about this training, click here Link: https://chsculture.org/training/ Conference: Every Day Counts Virtual Summit Date: December 8-10, 2020 Location: Online Organization: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) EDC is a State–based model that identifies and rapidly deploys proven, yet underutilized innovations to shorten the project delivery process, enhance roadway safety, reduce traffic congestion, and integrate automation The summit is an integral component of the EDC model, bringing together transportation leaders and front-line professionals responsible for the development and delivery of highway projects We are excited to conduct the EDC-6 summit virtually this year and welcome participation from all of our partners State DOTs, local agencies, federal land management agencies, tribes and industry to encourage creative thinking, and celebrate a shared vision for new opportunities EDC is Innovation for a Nation on the Move In this cycle, the seven initiatives feature strategies to increase engagement with people, new applications of products to preserve and repair our infrastructure, and improve processes to save time on project delivery and incident management We look forward to your participation in the summit For more information about this conference, click here Link: https://www.labroots.com/ms/virtual-event/fhwa-everyday-counts-6-virtual-summit NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N Intersection Strategies and Action Items Action Step (Action Step Leader) Screen the network to identify the top high crash signalized intersections and identify proposed signalized intersection safety countermeasures (Joel Thornsberry) Screen the network for the top 10 potential locations for Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPI) and implement at those locations (Jon) Promote the installation of backplates with retroreflective borders at the state and local level (Joel Thornsberry) FHWA Proven Safety Included in Consider for Crash Reduction Countermeasure/ Current SHSP Next SHSP Countermeasures that Work Strategy 1: Screen the Network for and Apply Signalized Intersection Countermeasures Potential Output Measure/Notes Top high crash signalized intersections 60% reduction in pedestrian crashes at signalized intersections X X Yes Determine the top 10 signalized intersections with pedestrian crashes, pedestrian generators, or high pedestrian activity and implement at those locations 15% reduction in total signalized intersection crashes X X Yes Number of retroreflective backplates installed, Number of agencies with retroreflective backplates as a standard on new signal installations, Number of agencies with retroreflective backplates as a standard on retrofit, Conduct a statewide B/C analysis for installation at all signalized intersections statewide Strategy 2: Screen the Network for and Apply Unsignalized Intersection Countermeasures Screen the network to identify the top high crash unsignalized intersections and identify proposed unsignalized intersection safety countermeasures (Joel Thornsberry) Determine the top 10 high crash unsignalized intersections (in rural and urban areas) and install multiple lowcost countermeasures at them (Action Step Leader) Determine the top 10 high crash unsignalized locations (or corridors for speed management) that could be potential candidates for roundabouts (including compact and spiral roundabouts) (NDOT Safety) Top high crash unsignalized intersections 10% reduction of KABC crashes at stop-controlled intersections X X Yes Determine the top 10 high crash unsignalized locations (in rural and urban areas) and install multiple low-cost countermeasures at them 78% - 82% reduction in K and A crashes at intersections X X Yes Conduct a before and after study to determine the effectiveness of roundabout installations in Nevada Determine top 10 high crash unsignalized locations (or corridors for speed management) that could be potential candidates for roundabouts Strategy 3: Screen the Network for and Apply Countermeasures Along the Roadway to Improve Intersection Safety Determine locations with high nighttime crashes and make recommendations to increase lighting (Dr Hao, Lori Campbell) 50% (NEW), 25% (UPGRADED) of night crashes X Yes Provide recommendations to add lighting to high nighttime crash locations Work with agencies to educate them on lighting standards Education on destination lighting in rural locations NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N Action Step (Action Step Leader) Crash Reduction FHWA Proven Safety Countermeasure/ Countermeasures that Work Included in Current SHSP Consider for Next SHSP X Yes Determine how access management is implemented at the local level Determine a high crash corridor and identify a project to install islands to limit access Access management as recommended in SMPs Number of access management measures incorporated into NDOT Encroachment Permits Yes White paper on benefits of roadway lane reconfiguration Determine what local agency’s policies are Reach out to agencies yearly to determine if roadway lane reconfigurations are being implemented Yes Conduct a study to prove the issue Review hearing to determine what made the bill fail and look to make changes to address those concerns, Conduct a best practice review on automated enforcement technology, Address equity in automated enforcement (Consider calling these “safety cameras”) Number of events held through Joining Forces Determine a high-crash corridor where crashes could be mitigated through corridor access management, and identify a project to install islands to limit access (Determine from SMPs – NDOT Safety) Support and document roadway lane reconfigurations throughout the state (Gena Kendall, Action Step Leader from NNV, Lori Campbell) 25% - 31% reduction in KABC crashes along urban/suburban arterials X 19% - 47% reduction in crashes along 4-lane roads with less than 18,000 vpd X 10 Support efforts for automated enforcement in the state through the use of safety cameras (Erin Breen, Laura Gryder, Lt Shaw, Bill Story) 25% reduction in intersection crashes 11 Conduct saturation enforcement of red light running (Action Step Leader) Support efforts for roundabout training in driver education and on driving test (Albert Jacquez, Narcisa Zepeda) Potential Output Measure/Notes Strategy 4: Conduct Intersection Awareness Initiatives 12 X X Yes Yes Review of driver education materials to see if they incorporate information on roundabouts Coordination with DMV to have roundabouts included in the driving test when they are located near a DMV No Try to determine what FAST and RTC Washoe are doing before closeout of the current SHSP Not all agencies are using these No Longer Consider X Yellow change intervals 12% reduction in total crashes at signalized intersections X Install red light indicator lights coupled with enforcement Reduced left-turn conflict intersections 6% reduction in intersection crashes 54% reduction in KABC crashes at unsignalized intersections along 4+-lane roads X X No X Dedicated left- and right-turn lanes at intersections 28% - 48% reduction in total crashes at two-way stop-controlled intersections without left-turn lanes, 14% - 26% reduction in total crashes at two-way stop-controlled intersections without right-turn lanes X X No X Education on alternative intersection designs and benefits X No X X X No Consider as part of access management because most crashes are urban and worm islands are more likely to be installed in the urban areas due to right-of-way constraints This is likely better for rural applications, and the majority of crashes are in the urban locations where intersections are currently restricted by right-of-way or already contain left and right turn lanes NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N Pedestrian Strategies and Action Items FHWA Proven Safety Included in Consider for Crash Reduction Countermeasure/ Current SHSP Next SHSP Countermeasures that Work Strategy 1: Screen the Network for and Apply Pedestrian Countermeasures at Signalized Intersections Action Step (Action Step Leader) Screen the network to identify the top high crash pedestrian locations at signalized intersections and identify proposed pedestrian safety countermeasures (NDOT Traffic Safety) Screen the network for the top 10 potential locations for Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPI) and implement at those locations (Walt Vodrazka, Andrew Jayankura) Potential Output Measures Top high crash pedestrian locations at signalized intersections 60% reduction in pedestrian crashes at signalized intersections X X Yes Determine the top 10 signalized intersections with pedestrian crashes, pedestrian generators, or high pedestrian activity and implement at those locations Strategy 2: Screen the Network for and Apply Pedestrian Countermeasures at Unsignalized Intersections Screen the network to identify the top high crash pedestrian locations at unsignalized intersections and identify proposed pedestrian safety countermeasures (NDOT Traffic Safety) Determine the top 10 locations with midblock pedestrian crashes and develop a project to install Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) or Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (HAWKs) at these locations (Rebecca Kapuler, Katie Metz) Top high crash pedestrian locations at unsignalized intersections 55% reduction in mid-block pedestrian crashes (for HAWK) X X Yes Modify the NDOT Unsignalized Crosswalk Guidelines to support the installation of RRFBs and HAWKs Determine the top 10 locations with midblock pedestrian crashes (could also consider transit ridership data and pedestrian generators) and develop a project to install RRFBs or HAWKs at those locations Strategy 3: Screen the Network for and Apply Pedestrian Countermeasures along Roadway Segments Screen the network to identify the top high crash pedestrian locations at unsignalized mid-block locations and identify proposed pedestrian safety countermeasures (NDOT Traffic Safety) Use results of the UNR pedestrian lighting study to determine if there is a correlation between lighting levels and pedestrian crashes (Dr Hao, Lori Campbell) Top high crash pedestrian locations at unsignalized mid-block locations Not available X Yes Modify the NDOT Unsignalized Crosswalk Guidelines to support the installation of medians and pedestrian crossing islands (Lori Campbell) 46% - 56% reduction in mid-block pedestrian crashes X Yes Lower speed limits using USLIMITS2, NACTO City Limits or other approved methodology at 10 locations (Erin Breen) Support and document roadway lane reconfigurations to support pedestrian safety throughout the state (Gena Kendall, Action Step Leader from NNV, Lori Campbell) Likely to be effective based on balance of evidence from highquality evaluations or other sources X Yes 19% - 47% reduction in crashes along 4-lane roads with less than 18,000 vpd X Yes Strategy 4: Conduct Pedestrian Awareness Initiatives Use results of the UNR pedestrian lighting study to determine if there is a correlation between lighting levels and pedestrian crashes Results could include recommendations to modify lighting standards, modifications to speed limits to address headlight sight distance versus stopping sight distance Modify the NDOT Unsignalized Crosswalk Guidelines to support the installation of pedestrian crossing islands Determine the top 10 locations with midblock pedestrian crashes (could also consider transit ridership data and pedestrian generators) and apply the NDOT guidance for pedestrian crossings Determine the top 10 locations where USLIMITS2, NACTO City Limits, or other approved methodology could be utilized to evaluate speed limits and implement results of findings Education on roadway lane reconfigurations that benefit pedestrian safety Reach out to agencies and ask them to self-report lane reconfiguration projects NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N Action Step (Action Step Leader) 10 Crash Reduction FHWA Proven Safety Countermeasure/ Countermeasures that Work Included in Current SHSP Consider for Next SHSP Potential Output Measures Conduct pedestrian awareness campaigns incorporating media outreach, high-visibility enforcement, and education material on NRS provided to violators (drivers and pedestrians) (Andrew Bennett, Albert Jacquez) Implement Pedestrian Safety Zones (Lt Shaw, Katie Metz) Expand the pedestrian citation class (Lt Shaw, Rebecca Kapuler, Erin Breen) Likely to be effective based on balance of evidence from highquality evaluations or other sources X X Yes Number of events, Number of citations (driver and pedestrian) Obtain citation data locations from pedestrian citation class Demonstrated to be effective in certain situations X X Yes Number of pedestrian safety zones implemented X Yes Number of classes and participants Implement pedestrian citation class in Washoe County Pilot program with middle schools requiring them to take citation class Continue advancing Vision Zero in Northern Nevada (Rebecca Kapuler) Start Vision Zero in Southern Nevada (Maggie Saunders) New York City – 30% reduction in pedestrian fatalities X Yes Report output from Vision Zero in Northern Nevada New York City – 30% reduction in pedestrian fatalities X Yes Development of Vision Zero in Southern Nevada X Conspicuity enhancements Likely to be effective based on balance of evidence from highquality evaluations or other sources X No X Education on appropriate safety mitigation measures for pedestrians X No 11 12 Strategy 5: Implement Vision Zero 13 14 No Longer Consider X NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N NEV ADA ST RATEG IC HIG HWAY SAFETY PLA N