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School Committee Meeting Minutes 12-03-2014

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Cấu trúc

  • Attendance

  • Call to Order

  • Open Session

  • Public Participation

    • Announcements

    • 1. Welcome to New School Committee Member

    • 2. Student Learning Extension

    • 3. Student Report

    • 4. Recognition of School Councils & Representatives

    • 5. 2014-2015 School Improvement Plans

    • 6. FY16 Budget Development Calendar

  • School Committee Business

    • 7. Accept SC minutes November 12, 2014

    • 8. FY15 Financial Update

    • 9. Educator Evaluation Update

    • 10. District Determined Measures

    • 11. MSBA process; Capital Outlay and Improvement Plan and Enrollment Certification.

    • 12. Policy DN

    • 13. Agenda for January 31, 2015 workshop

    • 14. Review and Propose Future Agenda Items

    • 15. Confirm next meeting date: January 7th, 2014 at Bourne Veteran Community Building

Nội dung

BourneSCHOOL Public Schools BOURNE COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES DATE: WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 3, 2014 TIME: 5:30 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION, 6:30 PM REGULAR MEETING PLACE: BOURNE VETERAN COMMUNITY CENTER MEDIA ROOM, BUZZARDS BAY, MA ATTENDANCE SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson, Christopher Hyldburg; Vice Chairperson, Heather DiPaolo; Secretary, AnneMarie Siroonian; Mitch McClain; Matthew Stück, Judy Froman SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Laura Scena OTHER ATTENDEES PRESENT: Susan Quick, Assistant Superintendent; Edward Donoghue, Director of Business Services; Dawson Prophett, Student Rep; Ms Amy Cetner, BHS Principal; Ms Melissa Ryan, BMS Principal; Ms Liz Carpenito, BES Principal; Mr Wayne Francis, PES Principal; Ms Jen Donovan, BHS School Council Rep; Ms Erika Fitzpatrick, BMS School Council Rep; Ms Maura Dankert, BES School Council Rep CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Christopher Hyldburg called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm for the purpose of entering executive session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel and to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with BEA personnel To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if in open session may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares PUBLIC COMMENTS None OPEN SESSION Chairperson Christopher Hyldburg returned to open session at 6:30 and led the pledge of allegiance Vice Chairperson, Heather DiPaolo read the Bourne School Committee Vision, Mission, and Goals PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Announcements Assistant Superintendent Quick announced that Ms Kim Barnard, Software Integration Manager, has shared positive parent feedback regarding PowerSchool Parent Portal Parents are especially pleased with the ability to access their child’s grades The Parent Portal feature is available to parents of students in grades 5-12 Ms Quick informed the public that parents should contact the Administrative Assistant at the BMS and/or BHS for login information Assistant Superintendent Quick described the recent student artwork exhibit held on the evening of November 18 th at the Barnstable Municipal Airport Veterans associated with the Cape & Island’s Veteran’s Outreach Center, Bourne Middle School students, and Barnstable Intermediate School students collaborated to create art inspired by the veterans’ stories Ms Quick publically congratulated the students and veterans on their work and participation on that project Mr Matt Stück described the ongoing work of the Financial Planning workgroup which is comprised of members from the Board of Selectmen, the Finance Committee, and the School Committee He explained this group was formed from discussions surrounding the FY15 budget process The committee formed last May and meets every other week Discussions include community outreach and communication to learn from about budget priorities at large to assessing our financial policies and making recommendations for all departments using best practices Mr Stück clarified that this is a working group, not a policy making group He further explained the work continues with the FY16 budget conversations Bourne Public Schools Chairperson Hyldburg discussed recent press surrounding the Governor’s decision to apply 9C cuts to the public school mitigation funds Bourne receives He explained that Bourne educates approximately 100-170 students from military families Mitigation funding assists Bourne with the cost of educating these students Bourne will lose over $700,000 due to the 9C cuts He further explained these cuts affect Bourne and Bedford, MA; both towns teach federally funded students He informed the public that the Board and Town Officials have elected to write letters on behalf of the town WELCOME TO NEW SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBER Chairperson Hyldburg introduced new School Committee member, Judy Froman Ms Froman is a longtime member of the town and her children have attended Bourne Schools Chairperson Hyldburg announced Ms Froman was sworn in at the December 2nd Selectman’s meeting STUDENT LEARNING EXTENSION Due to technical difficulties Bournedale Elementary will present during next month’s meeting STUDENT REPORT Student Representative, Dawson Prophett, reported on the fundraising events going on at BHS He described the past month’s events which include events such as a Paint night to benefit the class of 2016, a new Street Hockey Tournament, the annual Powder Puff Football game, and the annual Dodgeball tournament He described this month’s events which include students assisting with the annual “Stuff a Bus” drive on December 14 th as well as BHS Hockey will host the nd annual Teddy Bear toss at the first and second home games on the 19 th and 20th Anyone who brings a teddy bear to those games will receive free admission When the first goal is scored the teddy bears are thrown on the ice and collected for Toys for Tots BHS will also host a family night on Friday, December th where monetary and/or toy donations will be accepted for childcare services while parents shop The annual 5K, The Jolly Jaunt, will be held in December to support Special Olympics RECOGNITION OF SCHOOL COUNCILS & REPRESENTATIVES Asst Superintendent Quick explained that the School Councils are listed on the School Improvement plans Three School Council Members were introduced: Erika Fitzpatrick, BMS Parent Rep, Jen Donovan, BHS Teacher Rep, and Maura Dankert, BES Parent Rep Board members thanked the reps for accepting this volunteer role Each representative summarized the meeting topics covered since they were elected in September Ms Fitzpatrick explained that BMS School Council meets on the first Tuesday of the month and has met in October, November, and December Most of the most recent meeting was reviewing the school Improvement Plan Ms Donovan reported that BHS met twice Students participate at that level and the first meeting involved introductions November’s meeting topics included the AP program as well as the course of studies available at the high school Ms Dankert reported that Bournedale Elementary has met two times and meeting topics involved the School Improvement Plan Ms Quick explained that School Council members are usually elected at the Back to School Night for individual schools, therefore they typically don’t get started until October A board member inquired as to whether the law dictated the time of elections or can districts elect their school councils at the end of the previous year in order to get started sooner Ms Quick indicated that she would need to research whether the elections could be held at end of the previous year in order to better meet the deadlines for school improvement plans A Board member asked School Council members about the level of input parent members may have on the School Improvement Plan Ms Dankert explained that the plan is distributed to School Council members for review and feedback Ms Dankert observed many of the terms used in the plan were unfamiliar to the layperson She explained that feedback from noneducators is essential to ensuring the document is readable for the general public Bourne Public Schools Asst Superintendent Quick clarified the term length for council members is up to individual districts and that there is no indication for the time of year elections must be held, but parents organizations must hold elections for the parent members 2014-2015 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANS Assistant Superintendent Quick introduced the four schools’ School Improvement Plans which are connected to the School Committee Goals and Conditions for School Effectiveness She explained School Improvement Plans reflect the School Committee’s goals for continuous improvement in that many goals will continue for this year Each building principal reviewed a couple of points from each plan Ms Cetner explained that BHS experienced higher turnover with regard to School Council members this year School Council members discussed last year’s goals, which were two year goals, and reviewed feedback from the survey regarding the goals therefore changes made were relatively minor Ms Ryan explained that BMS built off of last year’s goals She explained goal one, which relates to building a positive school community, was adjusted to be more specific to the bullying prevention program, Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC) which BMS recently partnered with The student growth goal similar to last year The curriculum goals were updated to focus on current work such as implementing the new science standards at each level and continuing to implement SRSD writing strategies which has contributed to a common language surrounding writing Parent and community engagement has been a big focus with the Partners with Parents Series which covers topics specific to Middle School students Ms Carpenito commented on how the School Committee goals created consistency so Bournedale Elementary staff could continue the progress from last year rather than creating new work She further explained that Assessment area and how they use the data to drive instruction, the amount of time teachers are able to meet and discuss that data was a strong focus which is continued into this year Teacher goals were incorporated by the inclusion of District Determined Measures which teachers are working on The newest focus is utilizing SRSD strategies in order improve writing Mr Francis corrected an error in the written document The special needs population should be changed to 15% rather than 9% Peebles was looking to strategically match older students to younger students to mentor socially and/or academically SRSD strategies are being taught to grade and students He further explained that Peebles is looking to set up different protocols for professional learning communities at Peebles Motion: (Stück/Siroonian) to approve the 2014/2015 School Improvement Plans for Bourne High School, Bourne Middle School, Peebles Elementary School and Bournedale Elementary School as printed Motion passes: 5-0-1 FY16 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT CALENDAR Mr Edward Donoghue presented Bourne Public Schools FY16 Budget Schedule for 2015 He reviewed the schedule which begins after the first week of January when building administrators gather information about what is needed at each building and submit this list to his office The Town Administrator presents the state of town finances to the School Committee during the February town meeting A draft budget would be formed with Superintendent Lamarche and building leaders to prepare the budget presented at a public hearing The School Committee will vote on the final budget to be presented to the town at the April meeting with the final vote at the May town meeting Chairperson Hyldburg clarified that the purpose of presenting these dates at this time is so the public can be involved in the budget process A member of the public clarified the order of the January dates Bourne Public Schools SCHOOL COMMITTEE BUSINESS ACCEPT SC MINUTES NOVEMBER 12, 2014 The November 12, 2014 minutes were accepted by consensus FY15 FINANCIAL UPDATE Mr Edward Donoghue reviewed Town of Bourne Financial Statement Report from 7/1/2014 to 6/30/2015 The total budget this year is $20,890,000 He further explained that encumbrances include salaries, but there has been a delay since Town Hall may change the payroll system There haven’t been any unexpected expenses so far For the next meeting everything should be encumbered and the first run of line item transfers may be ready He directed the Board’s attention to the amount for Collaborative Programs which are generally pre-paid These were not pre-paid this year therefore that item will need adjustment Board members asked about some line item amounts EDUCATOR EVALUATION UPDATE Assistant Superintendent Quick reported on the educator evaluation which is running smoothly This year most of the focus is on District Determined Measures and Student and Staff Surveys, which is required by DESE Administrators have recently completed a calibration of observations in order to create norms for delivering consistent and informative feedback to educators 10 DISTRICT DETERMINED MEASURES Asst Superintendent Quick reported on the work completed since June 2014 on District Determined measures She explained that the DDM team has created a mission statement and serve as a resource for DDM work Ms Siroonian explained what District Determined measures are and how they factor into an educator’s evaluation The purpose of the DDMs are to measure student academic growth Teachers must work collaboratively, both grade alike as well as within content areas, in order to create these common assessments Ms Quick stressed the need for common planning time in order to complete the work 11 MSBA PROCESS; CAPITAL OUTLAY AND IMPROVEMENT PLAN AND ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATION Chairperson Hyldburg reviewed the MSBA progress He explained Bourne has submitted the Enrollment Certification to MSBA MSBA will draft the Project Funding Agreement which is a component of Module Mr Hyldburg publically thanked the Town Administrator, Tom Guerino, and Selectperson, Peter Meier, for working on some additional information required by the MSBA He further explained that the second component, the Maintenance and Improvement Plan, is being developed by Mr Donoghue A decision could be made by mid-January 12 POLICY DN Mr Stück explained that Policy DN represents a change in the current policy to be more consistent to MA General Laws concerning the process involved in the disposal of surplus supplies and equipment Motion: (Stück/DiPaolo) to approve Policy DN – Disposal of Surplus as printed was made by Matt and seconded by Heather Motion passes: 6-0-0 13 AGENDA FOR JANUARY 31, 2015 WORKSHOP Chairperson Hyldburg informed the Board that the January 31 st meeting will be held at the BMS Media Center at 8:30am Mr Stück added that the meeting’s agenda will include a mid-year assessment of objectives, enrollment analysis, and any other business that Board Members feel is pertinent Chairperson Hyldburg asked Board members to come up with questions regarding enrollment and forward to him for inclusion in the meeting Bourne Public Schools 14 REVIEW AND PROPOSE FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS January: Updated district organizational chart, line item transfers, review school committee FY16 budget priorities 15 CONFIRM NEXT MEETING DATE: JANUARY 7TH, 2014 AT BOURNE VETERAN COMMUNITY BUILDING Respectfully Submitted, Catherine Lyons Recording Secretary ... 2014-2015 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANS Assistant Superintendent Quick introduced the four schools’ School Improvement Plans which are connected to the School Committee Goals and Conditions for School. .. TO NEW SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBER Chairperson Hyldburg introduced new School Committee member, Judy Froman Ms Froman is a longtime member of the town and her children have attended Bourne Schools... (Stück/Siroonian) to approve the 2014/2015 School Improvement Plans for Bourne High School, Bourne Middle School, Peebles Elementary School and Bournedale Elementary School as printed Motion passes: 5-0-1

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 00:41
