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AFP PNLC Summer Internship Agency Application

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SUMMER INTERNSHIP IN FUNDRAISING AGENCY APPLICATION The SUMMER INTERNSHIP IN FUNDRAISING is advancing students’ knowledge of the fundraising profession while expanding Central Florida nonprofit agencies’ development capacity It is a collaborative effort between the Association of Fundraising Professionals Central Florida Chapter and the Rollins College Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership Center Too few students at institutions of higher learning are aware that the development profession is a fulfilling career within the nonprofit sector and a path to becoming the executive director of a nonprofit agency INNOVATIVE C OLLABORATION PARTNERS IMPROVING C ENTRAL FLORIDA The 300-hour paid internship (ten weeks at 30-hours a week) provides Central Florida students with direct experience in the development profession, especially working with the annual fund An intern is matched with an agency performing work of interest to the student for a 10-week summer internship and is paid $10 an hour The program makes a one-time grant of $1,000 to the agency to help offset salary expense for all completed internship experiences The 2014 program will match ten (10) students with ten (10) agencies selected from the pool of applicants To be considered, complete this application form and submit it with your resume before the deadline C RITERIA FOR A WARDING I NTERNSHIP  Successful telephone interview  Appropriate supervision/mentoring to enhance the summer internship experience  Appropriate job description aligned with the agency’s annual fund or similar function  A project impacting the annual fund that the intern can complete in 10-weeks  Appropriate workspace and resources to perform his or her duties  Commitment to flexibly accommodate the student’s summer schedule  Members of the Rollins College Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Center and the AFP Central Florida Chapter receive additional consideration during the selection process A GENCY R EQUIREMENTS  The agency must employ one (1) or more full-time development employee(s)  One development employee must have five or more years of fundraising experience  The agency must add the intern to their payroll system as a part-time employee  The agency must comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations  The agency must hold harmless AFP and the PNLC against any and all claims in regards to its participation in the Summer Internship in Fundraising S UBMISSIONS & Q UESTIONS Please submit the application via email by 5:00 pm, April 21, 2014 to Margaret Linnane at mlinnane@rollins.edu Partially completed or late applications will not be considered For questions, contact Margaret Linnane at 407-975-6414 Page IMPORTANT DATES Application Deadline April 21, 2014 Telephone Interviews Week of April 21, 2014 Intern Notification April 28, 2014 Internship Period May 26, 2014 – August 1, 2014 A PPLICANT I NFORMATION th Only applications that have been completed in full, signed and submitted by March 28 at 5:00 pm will be considered Organization Name Executive Director Name CFO/Comptroller Name Mailing Address Physical Address Main Phone Number Fax Number Website URL Facebook URL Twitter Handle Is the agency a member of the Rollins College Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Center? Is the agency or any of its employees members of the AFP Central Florida Chapter? Q UESTIONNAIRE Please provide the following information and answer the following questions within the space allowed Organization’s Mission Agency’s Corporate Structure Agency’s Field of Work (Health, Human Services, Arts, Education, Environment, etc.) How many years of operation Agency’s Annual Budget Page Is the agency a faith-based organization (yes or no)? Name the counties included in the agency’s service area Name of all full-time members of the agency’s development function (indicate which are AFP members by placing an asterisk next to their name) Name and title of intern’s direct supervisor Supervisor’s Physical Location Supervisor’s Extension Supervisor’s Mobile Number Supervisor’s Email Address Will this person be the primary contact during the selection and placement process? (yes or no) If not, name of contact person Contact Title Contact Physical Location Contact Extension Contact Mobile Phone Contact Email Address Page Describe the work environment the intern will encounter when he or she reports to work, including any and all agency workspaces they are likely to encounter during their internship Describe the equipment your agency will provide for the intern’s use during the 10week internship Describe the capacity-building project the intern will complete during the 10-week internship, including measurable objectives and how the intern’s performance will be evaluated Page What skills or qualifications will the intern have to have to complete the project? What are the soft-skills (work style, personality, etc.) the intern will have to exhibit to be successful in this internship? What transportation requirements does the internship opportunity require? Page What are the days of the week and hours of the day the intern is expected to be on premises during the internship? What else you want to describe about why your agency should be selected for this internship opportunity? S IGNATURES OF A PPROVAL The agency I represent, _, is financially capable of hosting an intern for the duration of the 10-week internship I have read and agree the agency I represent meets or will meet all of the requirements described in this application I agree to hold harmless AFP and the PNLC against any and all claims in regards to the agency’s participation in the Summer Internship in Fundraising program I agree to uphold the expectations and responsibilities of being an agency for the Summer Internship in Fundraising internship TITLE SIGNATURE Executive Director X Intern Supervisor X CFO/Comptroller X Page DATE ... the agency? ??s participation in the Summer Internship in Fundraising program I agree to uphold the expectations and responsibilities of being an agency for the Summer Internship in Fundraising internship. .. the 10-week internship I have read and agree the agency I represent meets or will meet all of the requirements described in this application I agree to hold harmless AFP and the PNLC against... on premises during the internship? What else you want to describe about why your agency should be selected for this internship opportunity? S IGNATURES OF A PPROVAL The agency I represent,

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2022, 15:54

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