10/8/21, 2:23 PM SAi Summer Internship Application SAi Summer Internship Application Please complete the form below to admission consideration into the program Please note that if you are accepted into the program, the expected time commitment is roughly 3-4hrs a week Decisions will be sent in March * Required Your Name (Last Name, First Name) * Your Email * Your current institution (e.g., UT Austin, Boston University, Morehouse College, etc) * Your Undergraduate year * Mark only one oval Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Other: Please enter your current major: * https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1M-o-c41wb2KhwVoe5VS3QxPl4BT0MYd-DkSoNicQZ2o/edit 1/5 10/8/21, 2:23 PM SAi Summer Internship Application What is the most interesting class you have taken so far? In one or two sentences, why was it interesting? Please enter your gender: * Mark only one oval Man Woman Non Binary Prefer not to say Other: What is your ethnicity? * Mark only one oval Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native American or American Indian White or Caucasian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Prefer not to say Other: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1M-o-c41wb2KhwVoe5VS3QxPl4BT0MYd-DkSoNicQZ2o/edit 2/5 10/8/21, 2:23 PM SAi Summer Internship Application Are you are a US citizen or permanent resident? Please note that although US citizenship/permanent residency is not a requirement, we are not able to pay interns that are on the US F1 Visa * Mark only one oval Yes No 10 If you answered 'No' above, please let us know your citizenship status below: 11 In less than 500 words, please tell us about your self and why you are interested in participating as a summer intern in the program (please ensure to describe your research interests in science communication/science engagement/citizen science etc and mention 1-2 SAi residents/staff whom you'd be interested to work with) Explore the residents/staff here: https://stemadvocacy.org/our-residents * https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1M-o-c41wb2KhwVoe5VS3QxPl4BT0MYd-DkSoNicQZ2o/edit 3/5 10/8/21, 2:23 PM 12 SAi Summer Internship Application What would you like to after you finish your undergraduate degree? * Mark only one oval Not sure Graduate School (PhD) Postbac Graduate School (Masters) Find a job Take a gap year Freelance Other: 13 Please enter the name, role, and email of one recommender This individual might be contacted if additional information is needed (e.g., Mary Smith, Professor, msmith@someuniversity.edu or John Smith, Director of Y, jsmith@xyz.com) * 14 Please submit a URL that links to your resume/CV * 15 How did you hear about the program? * Mark only one oval SAi Website Google Social Media Word of Mouth Other: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1M-o-c41wb2KhwVoe5VS3QxPl4BT0MYd-DkSoNicQZ2o/edit 4/5 10/8/21, 2:23 PM 16 SAi Summer Internship Application Please enter any other information below: This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google Forms https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1M-o-c41wb2KhwVoe5VS3QxPl4BT0MYd-DkSoNicQZ2o/edit 5/5