slightly warm area (between 75°F/23.8°C and 80.6°F/27°C) for 1 hour, until the chocolate softens a little but does not melt Stand the block on its side and run a hair dryer over the opposite side once on low heat Peel off curls by running a vegetable peeler along the warmed side The idea is to soften the chocolate but not to melt it; then you should be able to make spiral curls If it comes off in shavings it is not warm enough; run the hair dryer over the chocolate as needed Never touch the curls with your hands, as they are warmer than the chocolate and will cause it to melt; the best way to pick them up is with a large spoon or an offset spatula Place the curls on a sheet pan and put them in a cool place A wine cooler is ideal, the best place there is to store chocolate After making a few curls, if the chocolate is hard, rotate the block a quarter turn and make a curl on another side The outside will still be warm enough for curls The curls can be kept for weeks in a cool place after they are made METHOD 2 This is just a variation of the above method Let the chocolate block warm up in a slightly warm room as instructed above Place the block flat on the table and run the hair dryer over it once on low heat; use the sharp edge of a round cookie cutter to scrape the top You should be able to make beautiful and very curvy curls using this method METHOD 3: USING TEMPERED CHOCOLATE You need a minimum of 100 grams of chocolate for this method See the section on tempering ... cooler is ideal, the best place there is to store chocolate After making a few curls, if the chocolate is hard, rotate the block a quarter turn and make a curl on another side The outside will still be warm... your hands, as they are warmer than the chocolate and will cause it to melt; the best way to pick them up is with a large spoon or an offset spatula Place the curls on a sheet pan and put them in a cool place...but not to melt it; then you should be able to make spiral curls If it comes off in shavings it is not warm enough; run the hair dryer over the chocolate as needed Never touch the curls with your hands, as they are