from underneath the loaves After 25 minutes of baking, when the loaves are dark brown and respond to tapping on the bottom with a hollow sound, pull them out and let them cool on a wire rack IT’S DONE WHEN IT’S DONE The loaves should have a dark brown color and the tops should be marked with a cracked dark and light tiger pattern STORAGE It is important to know that after baking all bread loaves need to be allowed to cool for at least 1 hour, until all the water has evaporated In very dry climates you will have to wrap them in plastic after they have cooled, but in more humid climates you can keep the loaves in a linen bread bag Bread should never, ever be refrigerated, but it can be wrapped airtight and frozen for up to 1 month To defrost it, unwrap and let it defrost overnight, then flash it in a 450°F/230°C oven for 1 minute To defrost it quickly, microwave it for 1 minute and then flash it in a hot oven for 1 minute JACQUY’S TAKEAWAYS >> The best type of oven for making bread is a commercial oven where the loaves lie on a stone and there is no convection fan blowing The stone ... to cool for at least 1 hour, until all the water has evaporated In very dry climates you will have to wrap them in plastic after they have cooled, but in more humid climates you can keep the loaves in a linen bread bag... let it defrost overnight, then flash it in a 450°F/230°C oven for 1 minute To defrost it quickly, microwave it for 1 minute and then flash it in a hot oven for 1 minute JACQUY’S TAKEAWAYS >> The best type of oven for making... >> The best type of oven for making bread is a commercial oven where the loaves lie on a stone and there is no convection fan blowing The stone