to whip the remaining meringue on the lowest speed just to maintain it Stop the mixer, take out the bowl and, using a rubber spatula, gently fold in the cocoa powder mixture Scrape into the almond-lined bread pan and, using a small offset spatula, gently spread it evenly all over the sides and bottom of the pan to create a chocolate meringue shell Fill the chocolate shell with the cake batter and smooth the top with the small offset spatula The pan will be about ⅔ or ¾ full Place the mold on a sheet pan and bake for 25 minutes at 350°F/180°C Reduce the heat to 325°F/160°C and bake for another 20 minutes, until firm Insert the tip of a paring knife into the center of the cake; it should come out clean If it does not, bake for another 5 to 10 minutes Remove from the oven and immediately reverse the cake onto a wire rack, unmold, and gently wrap the cake in a towel Allow the cake to cool to room temperature; this will take 1 hour In the meantime, make a half recipe of Ganache, cover with plastic wrap, and allow it to cool in the refrigerator for 30 minutes Weigh out 75 grams and store the remaining ganache, wrapped airtight, in the refrigerator or freezer (it’s great for making hot chocolate! Just add a tablespoon to a cup of hot milk, blend, and voilà!) Place the cake on a cutting board with the bottom facing up Using a long serrated knife, create a V cut by slicing from the edge of the cake to the ...and bottom of the pan to create a chocolate meringue shell Fill the chocolate shell with the cake batter and smooth the top with the small offset spatula The pan will be about ⅔ or ¾ full Place the mold on a... Reduce the heat to 325°F/160°C and bake for another 20 minutes, until firm Insert the tip of a paring knife into the center of the cake; it should come out clean If it does not, bake for another 5 to 10 minutes... tablespoon to a cup of hot milk, blend, and voilà!) Place the cake on a cutting board with the bottom facing up Using a long serrated knife, create a V cut by slicing from the edge of the cake to the