spiral inside the meat grinder That taught us to be careful When my dad woke up at around five p.m he would bake the cookies and we were always allowed to eat some They were a labor of love, and they tasted fantastic Every time I eat a spritz cookie the image of us children extruding pounds and pounds of these cookies pops into my head It always makes me smile I encourage you to cultivate the tradition of making cookies with your children; as long as you don’t force them to press 25 pounds of dough, they will thank you later in life for doing so BEFORE YOU BEGIN >> Get out the following equipment and allow all of the ingredients to come to room temperature: Digital scale, set to metric weights 1 medium saucepan Ice cubes 1 sieve or sifter 1 small bowl or cup Plastic wrap KitchenAid or stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment 1 rubber spatula 1 cookie press with ½-inch star attachment 3 sheet pans lined with parchment paper >> Read this recipe through twice from start to finish UNDERSTANDING INGREDIENTS We use cooked egg yolks in this recipe in order to produce a more crumbly cookie The almond flour ...pounds of these cookies pops into my head It always makes me smile I encourage you to cultivate the tradition of making cookies with your children; as long as you don’t force them to press 25 pounds of. .. as long as you don’t force them to press 25 pounds of dough, they will thank you later in life for doing so BEFORE YOU BEGIN >> Get out the following equipment and allow all of the ingredients to come to room temperature:... stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment 1 rubber spatula 1 cookie press with ½-inch star attachment 3 sheet pans lined with parchment paper >> Read this recipe through twice from start to finish