lamala at Easter using an earthenware mold If using a shaped mold, use the butter and flour mixture to grease it ONE EARLY DECEMBER MORNING three months into the first year of my apprenticeship with Jean Clauss, my boss asked me to make génoise for the Yule logs that it was time to begin producing for the holiday season Our recipe for a full batch of génoise called for 40 eggs and 1200 grams of sugar, which we’d whip until hot on the stove as we do in this much smaller recipe Jean Clauss knew that I was new at pastry and probably didn’t have the muscles in my forearms to whip 40 eggs, so he had me do a half batch But I didn’t have the forearms for 20 eggs, either; I was a soccer player and my legs were a lot stronger than my arms Jean Clauss explained to me how it was done and I began to whip After a few minutes my hands began to cramp and I began to freak out because I knew I needed to stop—but Jean Clauss was staring at me The more I whipped and agonized the more he would stare, in disbelief that a strong young man like me wasn’t up to the task After 3 or 4 minutes of whipping I looked at him, turned off the stove, put down the whisk, and told him I couldn’t do it He became furious and began one of his rants, calling me a wimp and worse, telling me that I would never make it in the business But it was just that my ... Clauss was staring at me The more I whipped and agonized the more he would stare, in disbelief that a strong young man like me wasn’t up to the task After 3 or 4 minutes of whipping I looked at him, turned off the stove,... for a full batch of génoise called for 40 eggs and 1200 grams of sugar, which we’d whip until hot on the stove as we do in this much smaller recipe Jean Clauss knew that I was new at pastry and probably didn’t... MORNING three months into the first year of my apprenticeship with Jean Clauss, my boss asked me to make génoise for the Yule logs that it was time to begin producing for the holiday season Our recipe