with anywhere from 5 to 8 kilos—10 to 15 pounds—of berries Antoine used most of his berries for schnapps, which really didn’t taste much like blueberries at all But my mom and I brought our blueberries home to make delicious tarts This tart is a simple mixture of wild blueberries, which are blue through and through, unlike cultivated blueberries, and custard, baked until just set BEFORE YOU BEGIN >> Get out the following equipment and allow all of the ingredients to come to room temperature: Equipment for the dough of your choice Digital scale, set to metric weights 1 pastry brush 1 medium saucepan 1 high-heat rubber spatula 1 medium mixing bowl 1 paring knife 1 stainless steel hand whisk 1 sheet pan >> Read this recipe through twice from start to finish UNDERSTANDING INGREDIENTS Wild blueberries are much closer to the blueberries we use in France and should always be used for blueberry tarts They are blue and juicy in the center, whereas farmed blueberries are white inside and not as juicy We make a slurry with cornstarch because we don’t know how much juice will emerge from the fruit as the tart bakes ... BEGIN >> Get out the following equipment and allow all of the ingredients to come to room temperature: Equipment for the dough of your choice Digital scale, set to metric weights 1 pastry brush 1 medium saucepan... twice from start to finish UNDERSTANDING INGREDIENTS Wild blueberries are much closer to the blueberries we use in France and should always be used for blueberry tarts They are blue and juicy in the center, whereas farmed... We make a slurry with cornstarch because we don’t know how much juice will emerge from the fruit as the tart bakes