“Tous les chemins mènent à Rome”—All roads lead to Rome—and this certainly applies to chocolate mousse This chocolate mousse is made by making a ganache with a large proportion of cream in relation to chocolate and no butter, letting the mixture rest overnight in the refrigerator, and whipping it the next day It’s like a rich chocolate whipped cream I use it to fill cakes (see the Black Forest Cake) and for any dessert requiring chocolate mousse, such as the beautiful verrines BEFORE YOU BEGIN >> Get out the following equipment and allow all of the ingredients to come to room temperature: Digital scale, set to metric weights 1 large chef’s knife 1 medium mixing bowl 1 small saucepan 1 stainless steel hand whisk Plastic wrap KitchenAid or stand mixer fitted with the whip attachment or a handheld electric mixer >> Read this recipe through twice from start to finish UNDERSTANDING INGREDIENTS Chocolate mousse is very easy to make, but you must follow the instructions to a T If your ganache is not completely emulsified to begin with, your mousse will be grainy You must bring the cream to a boil with the honey and corn syrup and ...it the next day It’s like a rich chocolate whipped cream I use it to fill cakes (see the Black Forest Cake) and for any dessert requiring chocolate mousse, such as the beautiful verrines... requiring chocolate mousse, such as the beautiful verrines BEFORE YOU BEGIN >> Get out the following equipment and allow all of the ingredients to come to room temperature: Digital scale, set to metric weights... fitted with the whip attachment or a handheld electric mixer >> Read this recipe through twice from start to finish UNDERSTANDING INGREDIENTS Chocolate mousse is very easy to make, but you must follow the