JACQUY’S TAKEAWAYS >> You can flavor meringues by folding chocolate shavings, toasted or raw coconut flakes, toasted nut flour, or chopped toasted nuts into the meringue My rule of thumb is to add no more of these ingredients than the weight of egg white; for this recipe, for example, you would not add more than 100 grams They are always added and folded in together with the confectioners’ sugar You can also flavor the meringues with cocoa powder or coffee extract Begin by folding in 5 grams and check for taste; add 5 more grams if desired SOFT, MEDIUM, AND STIFF MERINGUE: THE 11STEP PROGRAM We talk in pastry about soft, medium, and stiff meringue On the following pages you will see my Meringue Experiment, which illustrates the different stages of whipping It is done with 100 grams of egg white, a pinch of sea salt, and 50 grams of sugar to show you what meringue looks like at each of its stages, including the stage at which you’ve over-whipped it and it is no longer usable When you make meringue you are forcing the albumen in the egg whites to create a ...rule of thumb is to add no more of these ingredients than the weight of egg white; for this recipe, for example, you would not add more than 100 grams They are always added and folded in together... MERINGUE: THE 11STEP PROGRAM We talk in pastry about soft, medium, and stiff meringue On the following pages you will see my Meringue Experiment, which illustrates the different stages of whipping... whipping It is done with 100 grams of egg white, a pinch of sea salt, and 50 grams of sugar to show you what meringue looks like at each of its stages, including the stage at which you’ve over-whipped