beads that are clear when they are dry and that turn pink or blue when they are humid Once humid, they can be re-dried in a 150°F oven for about 20 to 30 minutes until they turn clear again and can be reused See for a silica gel supplier JACQUY’S TAKEAWAYS >> You can vary the flavor of this nougatine with other ingredients such as spices, vanilla, coffee, or tea You would use 2 percent of the total weight of the ingredients, about 3 grams, in powdered or extract form RECIPES REQUIRING CHOCOLATE NOUGATINE CRISP Chocolate Tart with Nougatine Topping Chocolate Mousse Cake in a Glass ITALIAN MERINGUE BUTTER CREAM YIELD | ABOUT 550 GRAMS (1 QUART) ... TAKEAWAYS >> You can vary the flavor of this nougatine with other ingredients such as spices, vanilla, coffee, or tea You would use 2 percent of the total weight of the ingredients, about 3 grams, in... CHOCOLATE NOUGATINE CRISP Chocolate Tart with Nougatine Topping Chocolate Mousse Cake in a Glass ITALIAN MERINGUE BUTTER CREAM YIELD | ABOUT 550 GRAMS (1 QUART)