as compared to bread flour Think of gluten as powdered rubber that is activated by heat and water As soon as the dough is mixed, the gluten develops and becomes rubbery Too much of this will result in a dough that will shrink uncontrollably White vinegar does two things: it relaxes the gluten, and it prolongs the shelf life of the dough due to its acidity Without the vinegar the raw dough would turn gray after 2 days in the refrigerator Sea salt is the salt of choice for pastry chefs, and the one I recommend for all cooking It is much healthier for you than rock salt because it is iodized, and it does not taste too salty The type of butter you use for puff pastry is crucial You must use butter with a fat content of 82 percent, because it has less water in it When you find inexpensive butter in the supermarket the low price is often due to the fact that the butter is loaded with water This extra water will create excess steam during the baking process, which makes the dough rise tremendously; but more water in the butter also means fewer solids, and your puff will eventually collapse INGREDIENTS | WEIGHT | MEASURE (APPROXIMATE) OR OUNCE WEIGHT White vinegar | 3 grams | ắ teaspoon Cold water | 180 grams | ắ cup plus 1 tablespoon or 6ẵ fluid ounces Sea salt | 12 grams | 1¾ teaspoons All-purpose flour | ...gluten, and it prolongs the shelf life of the dough due to its acidity Without the vinegar the raw dough would turn gray after 2 days in the refrigerator Sea salt is the salt of choice for pastry chefs, and the one I recommend... butter in the supermarket the low price is often due to the fact that the butter is loaded with water This extra water will create excess steam during the baking process, which makes the dough rise tremendously; but more... taste too salty The type of butter you use for puff pastry is crucial You must use butter with a fat content of 82 percent, because it has less water in it When you find inexpensive butter in the supermarket