26Jones Leadership(F)-Index 448 1/14/07 3:57 PM Page 448 Index Rehabilitation Nursing, 418t Reimbursement models, health-care payment systems and, 98–99 Relatedness needs, in ERG theory, 31 Relational goals, 334 Relationship-based nursing model, 283 Relationship building, 10 Relationship conflicts, 331 Relationship development stage, in negotiation process, 340, 341t Relationship goal, 334 Relationship management, emotional intelligence and, 364b Remuneration principle of management, 18t Renewing, in leadership tasks, “Rent-a-nurse,” 289 Representing the group, in leadership tasks, Research See Nursing research Research-practice gap, 84–85 Resolution, in reality shock, 369 Resource utilization, in professional performance, 301, 302 Resources allocating, 104 assessment of, 210 regulating, 335–336 Respect management, Responsibility of delegators, 346 in organizational chart, 47 Responsibility accounting, in fiscal planning, 266 Results, achievement of, leaders and, Résumé action words and phrases for, 382b do’s and don’t’s in writing, 382 sample, 381b tips for writing, 380b writing of, 379–381 Retirement plans, 425–426, 425b Retrospective vs concurrent audits, 254b Revenue, definition of, 268 Reward power, 203–204 Right direction, 353–354 Right person in delegation APN delegation, 349–359 delegating to nurses, 349 delegating to UAP, 347–349 physician assisted delegation, 349 student delegation, 350 Rights of delegation See also Right person in delegation right circumstances in, 351–353 right direction in, 353–354 right supervision in, 354–355 right task in, 350–351 Risk, 426 Risk adjustment technique, 260 Risk leadership, Risk management, 5, 257–259 Risk priority number, 254 Risk taking, in political strategies, 211 Risk tolerance, 426 RNA See Registered Nurse Assistant (RNA) Rogers, Carl, 195 Rogers, Everett, 175 Rogers, Martha, Rogers’ diffusion of innovation, 175–176 Role, definition of, 367, 367b, 368 Role behaviors, 367, 367b, 368 Role conflict, 332 Role model, in leadership, Role modeling, 76 Role theory definitions of, 367b social structure in, 367 symbolic interaction in, 367 ROM See Read-only memory (ROM) Root cause analysis, 255, 261 Routine decisions, 157 Rumor in organizations, 121–122 Run charts, 256, 256f, 257f, 261 S Safety needs, in Maslow’s hierarchy, 30 Safety protocols, establishing, 88 Safety standards regulation, informatics utilized in, 82 Sale, proceeds in, 108 Sample matrix model, 159–160, 160t Sample mission statement, 46b Sanctions, 367, 367b, 368 “Sandwich generation”, 408 Scalar chain principle of management, 18t Scenario-based strategic planning, 228 Scheduling and staffing systems definition of scheduling, 286 flexible scheduling, 288 planning schedule, 287 scheduling methodologies, 287 scheduling outcomes, 289–290 self-scheduling, 288 variables of scheduling, 280 work schedules, 287 Scholarship in nursing, 420–421 in presentations, 422–424 writing and publishing in nursing, 421–422 School nurses, job satisfaction for, 33 Science of nursing practice, leaders of, Scientific management movement, 17 Scientific rigor, 259 Scope and Standards for Nurse Administrators, 126 Scope of practice, 346 Scope of Practice for Nursing Informatics, 132 Scoreboards, in strategic planning process, 232–233, 233t Seacole, Mary, 393 Secondary health-care services, 51–52 Self-assessment, sociocultural, 323b Self-actualization needs, 30 Self-appraisal, 306–307, 378–379 Self-assessment tools, in measuring competence, 79 Self-awareness emotional intelligence and, 363, 364b leaders and, self-concept and, 360 26Jones Leadership(F)-Index 1/14/07 3:57 PM Page 449 Index Self-concept, 360–361 Self-development, leaders and, Self-direction, in leadership, Self-Efficacy theory, 32b Self-esteem, 5, 30 Self-evaluation, 302 Self-management about, 360 achieving goals, 362–367 developing personal and prospective goals, 361 importance of, 360 self-concept as first step in, 360–361 transitioning from student to professional nurse, 367–371 Self-organization, 22t Self-reflective thinking, 399 Self-reported competency of caring, 76 Self-scheduling, 288 Selye, Hans, 364 Sender, in effective communication, 194 Senge, Peter, 45, 176 Service, as organizational value, 46b Serving as a symbol, in leadership tasks, Seven hat technique, 162–163 Severity adjustment, 260 “Shadowing,” 10 Shared governance, 52 Shared governance model, 21 Shared vision in leadership, in learning organization, 177, 177t Sharing, in conflict management style, 336 Sheep followers, Shift bidding, 288 Shock phase, in reality shock, 369 Shortage in nursing, nurses careers and, 396–397 Short-term goals, 362 Short-term memory, in information processing model, 154 Sick leave, 311, 311b Sigma Theta Tau (STT), 419–420 Sigma Theta Tau International, 26 Situational theory, Situation-level workloads, 290 Six Sigma Model, 248–249 Skill testing, as performance appraisal tool, 305 Skilled clinician, transition from student to, 369–370 Skills See also Communication skills avoiding malpractice, 62 developing leadership, 10 of successful leaders, in workplace, 211–212 Sleep deprivation, 364–366, 366b SMART guidelines, 362 “Smart pumps,” 250 Smoothing, in conflict management style, 336 Social awareness, emotional intelligence and, 364b Social justice, 64, 66b Social Security Act of 1965, 101, 103, 132 Social worker, role of, 186t Socialization, 368 Sociocultural self-assessment, 323b 449 Sociopolitical economy forces, in shaping nurses’ careers, 396–397 Solutions analyzing, 209 win-win, 213–214 SOMED-CT See Systemic Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SOMED-CT) Soothing, as behavior pattern, 336 Span of control broad (wide), 43, 50 in chain of command, 48–49 description of, 43 for nurses, 14 Speaking style, in nonverbal behavior, 194b Special-cause variation, 257 Specialist nursing competencies, 80–81, 80b Specialization of labor, 43 Specialty organizations, 420 Specialty practice, competencies in, 77 Specific goals, 362 Speech language pathologist, role of, 186t Sphere of concern, 362 Spoken communication, 119 Staff education, 85 Staff members, Mosby’s definition of, 286 Staff nurses, newly graduated, responsibilities of, 14 Staff positions, 48 Staffing autonomy for, 48 centralized, 287–288 daily, in scheduling outcome, 289 decentralized, 287, 288 definition of, 286 managing culturally diverse, 323–325 mixed, 287, 288 overview of, 280–282 plan, 282–286 process, 282–286, 282f, 290 regulation of, 86 requirements, compliance with, 86 Stage sequential models, 216 Stamina, as attribute in leadership, Standard of care for advanced nursing practice, 71–74 hours in, 267 informatics utilized in, 82 Standard of practice, nursing informatics, 133–135 Standardized procedure, Technical in nature, Routine task, Unlikely risk, and Predictable results (STRUP), 350–351 Standards, 240b, 253 Standards of Practice for Nursing Informatics, 1995, 132 Stare decisis, 58 STAT nurses, 289 State Children’s Insurance Health Care Program, 87 State policy, 217 State regulators, as drivers of quality, 242 State-mandated competencies, hospitals and, 79–80 Statistical thinking, 254, 256–257 Status, 306t, 367, 367b, 368 Status quo challenges, in leadership, Stents, 103 26Jones Leadership(F)-Index 450 1/14/07 3:57 PM Page 450 Index Stereotyping, 316b, 325 Stewardship, 10 Storming stage, in group development, 189–190 Strategic planning process, 228t assessment of environment in, 228–230, 229t evaluation in, 232–233, 233t, 270–271 goal setting in, 230–231, 231t implementation in, 232 mission and vision statement in, 230 objectives in, 231, 231t outcomes in, 232, 232t strategies in, 231–232, 231t Strategic plan/planning building, 393, 401–402 as management tool, 227–228 Strategic vision/action orientation, in leadership, Strategies for achieving SMART goals, 362–367 for leading planned change, 170 marketing, 235 to overcome barriers to change, 170, 171–172t, 173 quality, 254–257 in strategic planning process, 231–232, 231t Stress management, 364–366, 365b Stressor, 364, 372 Strict ratings, 306t Structural conflicts, 331–332 Structural measures, in quality, 244 STRUP See Standardized procedure, Technical in nature, Routine task, Unlikely risk, and Predictable results (STRUP) STT See Sigma Theta Tau (STT) Student delegation, 350 Students transition to professional nurse, 367–371 transition to skilled clinician, 369–370 Subordinates, Subordination to corporate good principle of management, 18t Sunflower effect, 306t Supervision definition of, 354 right, 354–355 Supervision Competency, 76 Supply and demand, 104–109 Supply budget, 271–272 Supply curve and equilibrium price, 105–106, 106f Surreptitious energy drain, 366, 372 “Survival Guide,” for presentations, 422 SWAT See System-wide action team (SWAT) SWOT analysis, 393 in decision making, 159, 159t in environmental assessment, 230, 230t marketing and, 233–234 Symbolic interactionism, 115 Symbols in communication, 115–116 Systemic Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SOMEDCT), 137t Systems theory, 43–44 Systems thinking, in learning organizations, 45, 177–178, 177t System-wide action team (SWAT), 289 T Tactics in workplace, 211–212 Taft Hartley Act, 1947, 59b Tall structure, 49–50 Tardiness, 311, 311b Task competence, as attribute in leadership, Task-oriented work, 17 Tasks delegated, refusing, 351 in delegation, 346–347 of leadership, 5–6 unfinished, 366 Tax subsidies, 108 T-CAB See Transforming Care at the Bedside (T-CAB) Team builder, nurse as, 23–24 Team building in leadership, in learning organization, 177, 177t in Lippitt’s phases of change, 174 in performance appraisal, 298 in political tactics, 211 Team leaders effective, 195–196 eight themes of, 197 responsibilities of, 14 skills of, 196 Team leading, 195–197 Team learning, in learning organizations, 45, 177 Team member roles, 186t Team spirit, 18 Teams See also Team building; Team leaders characteristics, group vs., 191t effective, qualities of, 193 Teamwork, 18 Technical expertise, effective expertise and, 196 Technological forces, nursing careers and, 398–399 Technology, electronic communication and, 123–126 Telenursing, 72–73 Teleology, ethical theory of, 63 Temporary/supplemental staffing, 289 Termination, 311–312 Terminology See Terms/terminology Terms/terminology ANA approved standards, 136–137t cultural, 316 nursing, 140–141, 142 quality, 240b used in complexity science, 22t Tertiary health-care services, 52 Texas Board of Nurse Examiners, 70, 70b, 71 Texas Nurses Association Nurse-Friendly Hospital Criteria (TNA, 2005), 281 Texas Nursing Practice Act, 72b, 75b The National Academies, 124 “The Nurses Guide to the Internet,” 408 “The Sunrise Model”, 321 Theories of communication, 114–116 Theory X, 20, 34 Theory Y, 20, 34 Theory Z: Japanese Management Style, 20–21 26Jones Leadership(F)-Index 1/14/07 3:57 PM Page 451 Index Thinking, divergent, 152 Third-party payers, 100–104 Thompson, Richard C., 408 Thought element, in writing, 421b Through the Patients’ Eyes, 241, 251 Time and motion study concept, 17 Time management, 366, 367b Time-oriented goals, 362 Timing assessment of, in political strategies, 211 in decision making, 157 in moving phase, 174 Tone of voice, in nonverbal communication, 119 Tools quality, 254–257 for severity and risk adjustment, 260 Tort law, 59–60 Touch, in nonverbal communication, 119 Toyota Production System (TPS), 249–250 TPS See Toyota Production System (TPS) Tracer method of evaluation, 241 Traditional management methods, 17–19 Traditional nursing care models, 283 Traditional policies and procedures, 8686 Traditional problem-solving process, 157–158, 158t Training for home health aides, 348t, 354 personal hygiene, for home health aides, 350b Trait theories, Transactional leaders, 35 Transcultural nursing, Leininger’s model of, 320–321, 320f Transculturism, 321 Transfers, 311–312 Transformational leaders/leadership, 5, 10, 24, 35 Transformational theory, Transforming Care at the Bedside (T-CAB), 285 Trust management, Turley, James, 133 Twentieth century informatics in, 132 management approaches in, 19 Twenty-first century Foyal principles of management, 18 information systems goals for, 141, 143–144 management thought, 21–23 Pew Foundation’s competencies for, 378, 378b view on management and leadership, 16t 2004 University Health System Consortium Nursing Work Environment Benchmarking Survey (2005), 281 Two-Factor theory (Herzberg’s theory), 30–31, 34 U U S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 324 UAP See Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) Uncontrollable expenses, 275 Uncontrollable factors identification, in decision making, 157 Understanding of followers’ needs, as attribute in leadership, Unfinished tasks, 366 Unfreezing phase, change agent and, 174 Uninsured consumers, health-care payment systems and, 97–98, 98f Unintentional torts, 59 Union activity, in health care, 340 Unit staffing plan, 286 Unit-based peer review, 303–304 Unit-based report cards, 250 United States culture of, 317 ethnic groups in, 317 Unit-related activity, 286 Unity of command, 18t, 48 Unity of direction principle of management, 18t University HealthSystem Consortium study, 281 University of Michigan School of Nursing, 78 University of New Castle upon Tyne, 81, 85 Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP), 283, 285 delegating to, 346–349 names for, 348b Upward communication, 120 Utilitarianism, 63 Utter vs United Hospital Center, Inc., 59 V Valence, negative, 31 Value conflicts, 331 Values affirmation, in leadership tasks, assessment of, 210 definition of, 316b essential, 66b as level of culture, 316 organizational, 45, 46b personal, 360, 361 self-concept and, 360 Variable expenses, 274 Variance analysis, 272–274 Veracity, 65 Verbal communication, 118–119 Vertical communication, 119–120 Vertical conflict, 332 Vertical information, 122 Vertical integration, 51 Veterans Health Administration, 250 Vicarious liability, 61 Victim mentality, 362 Videotaping, in assessing competency, 78 Virtue ethics, 64 Visible level of culture, 316 Vision clear, fostering, shared, in leadership, “Vision oriented” leader, 15 Vision statement, 46, 46b, 230 Visionary image, nursing career and, 399–400 451 26Jones Leadership(F)-Index 452 1/14/07 3:57 PM Page 452 Index Visionary transformation, change and, 394–396 VitalSmarts, 330 Vocal, in nonverbal behavior, 194b Von Bertalanffy, L., 43 Vonfrolio, Laura Gasparis, 408 Vroom, V., 31 W Wagner Act (National Labor Act of 1935), 59b Wald, Lillian, 7, 393 Waters, Verle, Watson, Jean, Web logs, 404 Web sites of certification organizations, 418t for job search, 378b Weber, Max, 18, 42 Western Management Styles, 20t Wheeler’s model, 154, 155, 155f WHO See World Health Organization (WHO) Wide (broad) span of control, 43, 50 Willingness to accept responsibility, as attribute in leadership, Win-win solutions, 213–214 Withdrawing, in conflict management style, 336 Women leaders, Work environment positive, 35 selecting, 376–378 Workable unity achievement, in leadership tasks, Worker needs, in ERG theory, 30 Workforce See Staffing Working effectively with others, as attribute in leadership, Workload, assigned, 290 Workplace skills and tactics in, 211–212 sphere, politics and, 207 World Health Organization (WHO), 397 World Trade Organization’s General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), 397 Writing and publishing scholarship general writing guidelines, 421–422 writer assistance from experts, 421b Writing skills for nurse managers, 118 Written messages, 118, 122 Y “Yes” people followers, Z Zero-based budget, 273 ... as attribute in leadership, Standard of care for advanced nursing practice, 71–74 hours in, 267 informatics utilized in, 82 Standard of practice, nursing informatics, 133–135 Standardized procedure,... in nature, Routine task, Unlikely risk, and Predictable results (STRUP), 350–351 Standards, 240b, 253 Standards of Practice for Nursing Informatics, 1 995, 132 Stare decisis, 58 STAT nurses, 289... Technical expertise, effective expertise and, 196 Technological forces, nursing careers and, 398–399 Technology, electronic communication and, 123–126 Telenursing, 72–73 Teleology, ethical theory