25Jones Leadership(F)-ch 25 428 1/14/07 3:57 PM Page 428 Skills for a Successful Career C Providing a certification process D All of the above The American Nurses Association describes some of the characteristics of the nursing profession as: A Attaining a common body of knowledge B Practicing with agreed-upon performance standards C Having a representative professional organization D Possessing a certification procedure E All of the above When assessing one’s career, nurses need to take a SWOT test of their job situation An identification and description of which letter is correct? A S—Satisfaction with one’s current situation B W—Wellness assessment of patients in one’s care C O—Opportunities available for nurse to pursue D T—Thinking as a part of decision making Opportunities for nurse entrepreneurial activi- ties continue to be necessary to advance nursing in today’s world Some activities engaged in by previous nurse entrepreneurs and appropriate for present-day nurses include all EXCEPT: A Creating nontraditional nursing roles B Use of epidemiological methods to address populations at risk C Raising funds for the plight of the poor or underserved D Working within known parameters The profession of nursing has allowed others to usurp its recognition for many of the functions This situation has caused many problems for the profession and has: A Revealed nurses’ contributions to patient care B Improved nurses’ morale C Led to shortages in nursing supply D Improved patient safety Forces that determine the shaping of the nursing profession include: A Technological forces such as simulation and computer technology B Dynamic forces such as the aging of the “baby boomers” C National forces such as the need for national health-care reform D Global forces that affect the cultural mix for our society E All of the above Marketing is one of the concepts to be consid- ered by nurses in the process of planning and developing a career in nursing Marketing is: A The meeting of people for the purpose of establishing links to meet specific goals B The establishing of relationships for personal and professional support C The promotion of self and of personal and professional abilities D Making small talk and taking advantage of a colleague The nurse intrapreneur is beneficial to the organization and possesses all of the following traits EXCEPT: A Wants to change his/her workplace B Develops skills needed by the organization C Saves the institution money D Is loyal to the institution 10 The value of an entrepreneur in nursing is: A They are nursing’s action-oriented decision makers B They are able to make change in nursing happen quickly C They are able to find innovative ways for resolution of traditional patient problems D They promote formal education as the only way to attain their goals REFERENCES American Association of Colleges of Nursing (1999) Position statement: Defining scholarship for the discipline of nursing Journal of Professional Nursing, 15(6), 372–376 American Nurse (2003) September/October Baldwin, C., & Chandler, G.E (2002) Improving faculty publication output: The role of a writing coach Journal of Professional Nursing, 18(1), 8–15 Bartruff, B (2003) A financial wake-up call The Nursing Spectrum Boyer, E.L (1990) Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professorate Princeton, NJ: Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Teaching Brown, S., et al (1995) Nursing perspective on Boyer’s scholarship paradigm Nurse Educator, 20(5), 26–30 Bruce, J.A (1990) Reward strategies for the retention of professional nurses Doctoral dissertation, University of Massachusetts, 1990 Bullough, V.L., & Bullough, B (1984) History, trends, and politics in nursing CT: Appleton-Century-Croft 25Jones Leadership(F)-ch 25 1/14/07 3:57 PM Page 429 Managing Your Professional and Financial Future Burns, N., & Grove, S.K (1993) Understanding nursing research (3rd ed.) 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Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster Worcester, A (1927) Nurses and nursing Cambridge: Harvard University Press 25Jones Leadership(F)-ch 25 1/14/07 3:57 PM Page 430 This page has been left intentionally blank 26Jones Leadership(F)-Index 1/14/07 3:57 PM Page 431 index Page numbers followed by b indicate boxed material Page numbers followed by f indicate figures Page numbers followed by t indicate tables A AACN See American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN); American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) AAN See American Academy of Nursing (AAN) ABC See Alternative Billing Codes (ABC) Absenteeism, 310, 311b Abuse of power, 205 Access to capital, not-for profits organizations and, 108 Accommodation, in conflict management, 336, 337t Accountability of delegators, 346 in organizational chart, 47 Accreditation definition of, 85 as nursing regulation, 85–86 Accredited Standards Committee (ACS), 139t Accrual, definition of, 268 Achievement as attribute in leadership, as need category, 31 ACS See Accredited Standards Committee (ACS) Act and react, in leadership, Active listening in effective communication, 194 in employee evaluation, 307 signs of, 195b Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE), 260 ADA See Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Adaptors, 153 Adena Health System, 127 Ad hoc/adhocracy structure, 50–51 Administrative law, 62 Administrative (positional) power, 202–203 Admitting nurses, 289 Advance directives, 63 Advanced beginner, in transition to skilled clinician, 370 Advanced nursing practice, competencies critical to, 80–82 Advanced practice nurse (APN) core standards for, 72b definition of, 71, 71b delegation to, 349–350 regulating, 71–72, 71b scope of practice, 73b standards of care for, 71–74 Adverse drug events, 250 Adverse events, definition of, 240b Affective conflict, 332 Affiliation, 31 Affirmation, 362–363 Affirming values, in leadership tasks, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 1967, 59b Agency for Healthcare Research, 252 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 88 Aggressive growth strategy for asset allocation, 426 Alderfer, C P., 30 Alienated followers, Alliances, in political tactics, 211 All-patient-refined diagnosis-related groups (APR-DRGs), 260 Alternative Billing Codes (ABC), 137t Altruism, 66b Ambulatory payment classifications (APCs), 103 American Academy of Nursing (AAN), 52 American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel on Quality Health Care, 246, 248 American Academy of Pediatrics, 210 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), 26, 66, 66b, 192, 376, 420 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)-Colleges, 285 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)-Critical Care, 280, 283, 284f, 290 American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN), 330, 418t, 420 American Healthcare Corporation of America, 108 American Heart Association, 420 American Hospital Association, 424 American Hospital Association Survey, 108 American Nurses Association (ANA) approved terminology standards, 136–137t clinical standards, 298 Code of Ethics for Nurses, 69, 346, 419 Code of Ethics with Interpretative Statements, 62 as drivers of quality, 244–245 Ethics and Human Rights Position Statements, 65 focus of, 419 on information and knowledge, 138 job description standards and guidelines, 300–302 legislation, 204, 207 nursing informatics, 132 policies and procedures, 86 American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), 20–21, 53, 132, 234, 245, 253, 417, 418t American Society of Association Executives Foundation Forum, American Society of Healthcare Risk Management, 258 Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), 58 ANCC See American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Androgynous leader, Anecdotal records, 304–305, 307 APACHE See Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) APCs See Ambulatory payment classifications (APCs) 431 26Jones Leadership(F)-Index 432 1/14/07 3:57 PM Page 432 Index APN See Advanced practice nurse (APN) Appearance, in nonverbal communication, 119 Appraisal See Performance appraisal Appropriateness element, in writing, 421b Approved terminology standards, ANA, 136–137t APR-DRGs See All-patient-refined diagnosis-related groups (APR-DRGs) Art of Chaordic Leadership, The, 13 Assertive communication, 307 Assessment career, 393 cultural, 321 of environment, 228–230, 229t in negotiation process, 340, 341t in nursing process, 134t in organizational strategic plan, 267–269 of readiness for change, 169 of resources, 210 timing, in political strategies, 211 of values, 210 Asset allocation strategies, 426 Assigned workload, 290 Associate degree nurse programs, 8, 417t Association of Collegiate Schools of Nursing, 419 Assumptions, identifying, in critical thinking process, 152–153 “Asynchronous” communication, 25 Attainable goals, 362 Attendant, 348b Attention management, Attitudes, communication and, 324 Attractor, 22t Attributes of successful leaders, Authority definition of, 203 of delegators, 346 as principle of management, 18t Autonomy essential values and behaviors in, 66b as ethical principle, 64, 64b and work enrichment, 33 Average patient census, 290 Avoiding, in conflict management, 336, 337t B Baby Boomers, 32, 396 Baccalaureate nurse program, 417t Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997, 102 Balanced Budget Relief Act of 1999, 102 Balanced strategy for asset allocation, 426 Baldrige, Malcolm, 245b Baldrige National Quality Award, 245b Bar code medication administration, 250 Bar code on medication package, 250 Bar code on patient’s wristband, 250 BARS See Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) BATNA See Best Alternative to the Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) Baylor University Hospital, 100 BBA of 1997 See Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997 Beginning nurse, computer competencies of, 76, 82b Behavioral management movement, 19–20 Behavioral patterns, in conflict, 336 Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS), 299 Behavior(s) communication and, 324 essential, 66b learned, 115 nonverbal, 115, 122, 194b role, 367, 367b, 368 Benchmarks/benchmarking, 240b, 253 Beneficence, as ethical principle, 64, 64b Benner, Patricia, 370, 372 Bennis, Warren, 9, 15 Best Alternative to the Negotiated Agreement (BATNA), 341, 342t Best practice, 89 Best Practices for Reducing the Risk of Malpractice Litigation (Catalano), 62 Bethiaume v Pratt, 62 Beverly Enterprises, 108 Bidding, in negotiation plan development, 340, 341t, 342 Bifurcation, 22t Big Town Nursing Home, Inc v Newman, 61 “Black Nightingale”, 393 Black’s Law Dictionary, 73 Blue Cross/Blue Shield, 100–101 BNE See Board of nurse examiners (BNE) Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing, 418t Board of nurse examiners (BNE) definition of advanced practice nurse, 71b nursing profession and, 70 standards of nursing practice for registered nurse, 70b Body movements, in nonverbal communication, 119 Body orientation, in nonverbal behavior, 194b Bottom line, definition of, 268 Bottom line–oriented manager, 15 Brainstorming in principled negotiation, 213–214 technique of, 162 Breach of duty, in malpractice, 60, 60b Broad (wide) span of control, 43, 50 Budgeting See Fiscal planning and budgeting Building confidence, 196 Building shared vision, in learning organizations, 45, 177, 177t Bureaucracy, 49–50 Bureaucratic management, 18–19 Bureaucratic model of organization structure, 43 Business planning, 224 Buzzwords, 381 C California program for registered and nonregistered nurses, 71 California State Department of Health, 71 Call bell response, 261 Call system report, 261 Capital budget, 271 Capitation, health-care payment systems and, 99–100 Care/case manager, 407–408 Care competency, 76 ... Nursing Research, 2(1), 52–55 Scherubel, J 2005 Nursing licensure and certification In Cherry, B., & Jacob S Contemporary Nursing: Issues, trends and management (3rd ed) St Louis: Elsevier Mosby... Accredited Standards Committee (ACS), 139t Accrual, definition of, 268 Achievement as attribute in leadership, as need category, 31 ACS See Accredited Standards Committee (ACS) Act and react, in leadership, ... Statements, 65 focus of, 419 on information and knowledge, 138 job description standards and guidelines, 300–302 legislation, 204, 207 nursing informatics, 132 policies and procedures, 86 American Nurses