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Tibetan yoga and mysticism a textual study of the yoga ( (133)

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Technical Remarks Tibetan words are throughout the book written in transliterated form, using the Extended Wylie System The system meticulously reproduces Tibetan words with inclusion of all silent letters but does not indicate their phonetic value For instance, the name of the famous medieval author is transliterated Sgam po pa Bsod nams rin chen, but is pronounced Gampopa Sonam Rinchen While Tibetan transliteration with its precise reproduction of Tibetan orthography i s advantageous for Tibetan scholars, it might be burdensome for readers lacking a working knowledge of Ti be-tan writing Here, a helpful tool is the online converter of transliterated Tibetan words to their spoken phonetic form: www thlib org/reference/transliteration/phconverter.php A few minor modifications have been applied to the Extended Wylie transliteration scheme in places where it was quintessential to account for non-standard wri-ting forms used in the old manuscripts at hand Details thereof are given in footnotes 648 , 676, and 922 Moreover, the use of technical transliteration was fully avoided in the Theoretical Preamble in order to place the methodological considerations in an interdisciplinary context of the humanities To facilitate effective textual navigation within the Dags po 'i bka ' 'bum corpus , a new reference system has been established Thus, the reference DK.A.Tha 27bs implies: The Dags po 'i bka ' 'bum corpus (abbreviated DK) , the Dags lha sgam po xylograph ( siglum A), the text bearing the Tibetan alphabetical label Tha from among this xylograph's forty works, internal segment from among that particular text's 41 segments, folio 27b (recto and verso folio-sides being indicated by the letters a and b), folio-line five For the sigla in use, see the List of Abbreviations on page 690 Individual works from the Tibetan B uddhist canon are cited with the use of a siglum followed by a text number from a particular canon edition's catalog, which precedes a page­ reference to a folio and line number For instance, the citation D 27 l 2'4- refers to the Sde dge edition (siglum D), text 27 being the Samiidhi-riijasutra, folio l 2a and lines 4-7 A similar reference system is used for the Chinese Buddhist canon with the siglum T denoting the Tai sha edition For further details thereon, see likewise the List of Abbreviations Secondary sources have been cited by stating the author name, the year of publication, and a page reference Full bibliographic al details are found in the bibliography at the end of the book References to primary sources in Tibetan, how-ever, have been furnished with full bibliographical detail directly in the footnote where the reference occurs For this reason, primary sources are not included in the bibliography Additionally, in most cases, the identification code used by the Tibe-tan Buddhist Resource Cente r (TBRC) has also been provided fo r Tibetan citations, allowing further consultation of bibliographical as well as historical details on the TBRC homepage (www tbrc org) Throughout the book, technical Buddhist terms are given in English followed by the Tibetan original word in parentheses The orthography of Tibetan terms accords with the spelling used in the 520 xylograph of the Dags po 'i bka ' 'bum (DK.A) Whenever possible, the Sanskrit equivalent of the Tibetan term is added In a few cases where the pertinent Tibetan sources are direct translations of S anskrit texts supplying attested Tibetan-Sanskrit correlations, the S anskrit term features without an asterisk ( * ) However, in the maj ority of cases where the discussed Tibetan terms are concretely derived from indigenous Tibetan works with no actual S anskrit basis other than the Tibetan text' s general use of standard Tibetan B uddhist terminology, the supplied S anskrit term has been marked with an asterisk sign in order to highlight the hypothetical character of the linguistic correspondence For instance, the Tibetan term for 'meditation' features in the 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Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 14:05