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Tibetan yoga and mysticism a textual study of the yoga ( (98)

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Chapter : The Dags po 'i bka ' 'bum 517 ljon shing 'gro b a kun gyi re 'dad skong bar byed pal yid bzhin gyi nor b u rin p o che dbang gi rgyal po lta bu 'di yi bla ma brgyud pa 'i rim pa ni gsum las/ It ends (DK.A.A 20a ) : la phyi ba/ bla m a chos rin pall //zhes p a 'di nil rje nyid kyi dbon pol spyan snga chos kyi rje/ bsod nams lhun grub zla 'ad rgyal mtshan dpal bzang pas/ ri bo shan tir/ bka ' brgyud kyi bstan pa spel ba 'i bslad du par du bgyis so// 1 56 The final segment of text DK.A.A contains an additional colophon related to the text compilation (bka ' 'bum) mentioned at the end of the preceding segment DK.A.A The colophon starts by saying (cited in Tibetan above) : " 01!1 svasti! There are three successions of bla ma lineages for this compilation of manifold s ayings (bka ' 'bum) - a wish-fulfilling tree that s atisfies the hopes and aspirations of all beings, like a king of all wish-fulfilling j ewels - [containing the s ayings] of the Dhamw m aster, the protector C andraprabha Kumara (zla 'od gzhon nu), who is highly renowned under that name " The beginning o f the longer colophon thus characterizes the compilation o f sayings (bka ' 'bum) as being those spoken by the Dharma master Candraprabha Kumara, i e , S gam po pa B sod nams rin chen Thereupon, the segment carries on by listing three transmission lineages The first transmission lineage is described as " the lineage of the multiple spoken cycles of teachings on the two stages of the Secret Mantra Vajrayiina [tradition]" (gsang sngags rdo rje theg pa 'i rim pa gnyis kyi skor mang du gsungs pa 'i brgyud pa) The lineage teachers of this transmission are then listed: ( ) Vaj radhara (rdo rje 'chang) and the Wisdom :Qakin1 (ye shes mkha ' 'gro ma, *jfiiinarjiikinf) ; (2) the great man, the emanation, lord Tailopa (tai lo pa) ; (3) the great scholar Naropa (nii ro pa) ; (4) the master, the great one of Lho brag valley (lho brag pa), (i.e , Mar pa Chos kyi blo gros) ; (5) the great Bla ma Mi la ras pa; (6) the protector Candraprabha Kumara (zla 'ad gzhon nu) (i e , B sod nams rin chen) ; (7) S angs rgyas sgom pa; (8) the two nephews (kh u dbon gnyis, literally " the uncle and nephew " , i e , Tshul khrims snying po and Shes rab B yang chub) ; (9) the glorious Dus gsum mkhyen pa (i e , the first Karma pa, 1 0- 1 93 ) ; from him the succession continues in the fo llowing stage s : ( 0) the protector of beings the great Ras pa ('Gro mgon Ras chen, 1 48- 8) ; ( 1 ) the bodhisattva (rgyal sras, *jinaputra) Sporn brag pa [Bsod nams rdo rj e] ( 1 70- 249) ; ( 2) the Mahiisiddha (grub chen) Karma Pak$i (the second Karma pa, 2041 28 ) ; ( ) the siddha (grub thob) U rgyan pa [Rin chen dpal] ( 23 0- 309) and E la ma Snyan ras [Dge 'dun 'bum] ; ( 4) the Dharma master Rang byung rdo rje (the third Karma pa, 284- 3 ) ; ( 5) Rgyal ba G.yung ston [Rdo rje dpal] ( 296- 376) and Rtogs ldan Mgon po [Ye shes] rgyal mtshan (dates unknown) ; ( 6) Dhanna master Rol pa'i rdo rje (the fourth Karma pa, 340- ) ; ( 7) Rtogs ldan Mkha' spyod dbang po (the second Zhwa 1 56 Correlated passage s : DK.B A 9b -20as, DK.D.A 20ar20b , DK.Q.A 433b -434a4, DK.R.A 3bs-3 a6, DK S A 34ar35as, DK.T.A 20n-20b, Phyag chen mdzad vol Ka (TBRC W23447 - 94) pp 46 4-4636 The segment is not found in DK a 518 Chapter : The Dags po 'i bka ' 'bum dmar pa, 350- 405) ; 1 ( 8) Bla ma La phyi ba [Mdog ston] Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan ( th century) ; and ( 9) S gam po pa Rin po che Dharma Ratna (Chos rin pa, 62- 45 ) The segment's listing o f this lineage ends b y stating that the latter teacher gave this oral transmission j oyfully, presumably thereby transmitting it to the person who created the written compilation (bka ' 'bum) in question It is notable that the listed lineage mainly pertains to the Karma Karri tshang tradition of the Bka ' brgyud school The second transmission lineage is listed as: ( ) B uddha Vajradhara (rdo rje 'chang) ; (2) [Bodhisattva] Ratnamati (Blo gros rin chen) ; (3) S avari Dbang phyug (sha ba ri dbang phyug) ; (4) Maitripa (mai tri pa) ; (5) Mar pa; (6) Mi la ras pa; and (7) Dags po Iha rje [B sod nams rin chen] Though the segment does not clarify which instruction was passed through this lineage, it would seem that the lineage pertains to the special Mahamudra lineage of Maitripa The third transmission lineage consists of a complex of four different teaching transmis­ sions known as " the Four Instruction Lineages" (bka ' babs bzh i 'i brgyud pa) The Four Instruction Lineages refer to four Tantric transmi ssions that were gathered by the Indian master Tilopa (a.k.a Tailopa) from a number of gurus (I) The first transmission is listed as follows : ( ) Vaj radhara (rdo rje 'chang) ; (2) Ratnamati (blo gros rin chen) ; (3) Acarya Nagarjuna[garbha] (slob dpon klu sgrub) ; (4) Matailgi (ma tang gi pa) ; (5) Tailopa (ta i lo pa) ; (6) Naropa (na ro pa) ; (7) Mar pa; (8) Mi la; and (9) Snyi sgom [Bsod nams rin chen] The segment does not provide any further information about this transmission, but the list of gurus is generally speaking the one that is associated with the instruction on the Five S tages (rim lnga, *paficakrama) of the Father Tantras (pha rgyud) , which involve the yogas of Transference ( 'pho ba, *sarrikranti) and B ody-Entering (grong 'jug, *puraprave§a) (II) The second transmission is stated as : ( ) Vaj radhara (rdo rje 'chang) ; (2) Vajrapani (phyag na rdo rje) ; (3) the Great Briihmm;,a S araha (bram ze chen po sa pa) ; (4) Luipa (lu h i pa) ; (5) Qingipa (

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:58