612 Chapter : The Dags po 'i bka ' 'bum Dags po 'i bka ' 'bum: Stages of the Path (Lam rim) The final section of the Manifold Sayings of Dags po (Dags po 'i bka ' 'bum) includes two larger works written in literary style rather than in the style of oral sayings or instructions These two works may be classified as belonging to the genres called " S tages of the Path" (lam rim, *margakrama) or "Stages of the Teachings " (bstan rim, *sasanakrama) 270 The general purpose of such genre works is to provide a universal survey of the steps of the bodhisattva path as it has been taught in the Common Mahayana approach In the Indian Buddhist tradition, some of the most famous works giving such surveys include the Yoga carabhilmi, Maitreya-Asailga's Mal11iyanasm!1graha and Mahayanasiitrala1?1kara, the Abhisamayalm71kara, and B uddhaghosa's Theravada manual Visuddhimagga These Indian texts are all works of the fourth and fifth centuries CE A number of later Indian treatises outlining the path have also exerted particular influence on the ensuing Tibetan tradition, such as Kamalaslla's Bhiivanakrama and Atifa's Bodhipathapradlpa It is though notable that none of these works are explicitly referred to in their titles by the later Tibetan labels lam rim or bstan rim, and it is therefore evident that the concept of an independent lam rim or bstan rim genre is a distinct Tibetan tradition Early Tibetan exemplars of these genres include writings by Gro lung pa Blo gros 'byung gnas ( l l 1h- 21h centuries), B sod nams rin chen ( 079- 1 ) , Phag mo gru pa ( 1 0- 1 70), and S a skya Pary