BIBLIOGRA PHY 5) Fa-hsiang tz'u-tien (*1f,1;t, �miti$JI4) in v ols , Commerci al Press, 1939; 6) So nthill W E and Levis Hodous, A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms (K Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., London, 193 7) ; 7) O Rosenberg, Introduction to the study (!f Bllddhism according to Material pre served in China and Japa", pt I, V o cabulary (ii/Il��Jf�lli$.), Tokyo, 1916 ) Pali-EI�lJlish Dictionary by T W Rhys D avi ds and William Steed, Pali Text Society, London 9) Nyanatiloka, Buddh ist Dictionary, Island Hermitage Publication No , Frewin & Co Ltd., Colombo, 1956 VI Studies or Explanatory Notes on the Prajiiiipiiramitii-siistra by the ancient Chinese and Japanese Scholars: I ) Hui-ying _� (6th cent.), *�li'�liff (Sub-commelltary on the Mahii-prt!jilii piiramitii-siistra) ; available only in fragments in HSii-t'sang-ching, vo ls 74 an d 87; contain chs I, VI, XIV-XV, XVII, XXI and XXIV, the explanatory notes re spectively on chs I, XIX-XXI, XXXII-XXXVI, LIX-LXIV and LXXV LXXXII of the Siistra This work has been referred to by Prof O emievi lle in his review of prof Lamotte's tr (vol II) of the S iistra; see Journal lt5iatique, Annee 1950, fascicule , no (pp 75-3 ) , pp 76-3 77 and p 77, n I O n Hui-ying see *liili{!9f'J T 2060 , p 630b ) Chi -tsang (549-623 ) has commentaries or explanatory notes on the Three Treatises, viz., I) Madhyamaka-siistra, II) Dvadasamukha-siistra and III) Sata-siistra; these are respectivelyt:p lJlfnll ijlf (T 824), +=m�il (T 825) and aflilil (T 827) He has also such independent works as I) =fnlI�� ( " The Profound Mea"i",'! of the Three Treatises") , II) *��� ( " Expositio" of the Profound Meaning of Mahayalkl") , III) =Mfl (" The Meaning of the Two Tmths") All these works of Chi-tsang have profuse citations from the Prajnlpiiramitii lastra, usually referred to as "fnlI, *�, or �li'� In the beginning of=I1t (T 854) he quotes Seng-chao to the effect that altho ugh the four treatises (viz., the Three Treatises and the Prajfiiipiiramitii-Siistra) differ in their names and in their divisions ofsubject-matter, still, all ofthem ultimately return to the Great Truth; by means of the Two Truths they bring to l i ght the Way that is not two, i.e., the Nondual Way (98a) One would not miss noting this unity of thought especially i n regard to the Kiirikii and the Siistra i n the writings of Chi -tsang; although he did not write a separate commentary on the Siistra still his works could as well be taken as �o many foot-notes to the different topics in that text ) Hui-yiian _it (523-592) , *�.lUr (Exposition of the Meaning oj Mahii yana) (T ) This is a Compendium on M ahay an a anJ it is a very useful work It has arranged the various topics under five headings: A) The Scriptures, B) Thei r Meaning, C) The Elements o f Oefil ements, viz , (I) klda (afflictions) and (II) karma (deeds), 0) The Elements of Purity, viz., (I) hetu, the root or the cause and (II) phala, the fruit or the effect and E) Miscellaneous topics The last part E) is 333 NAGAR]VNA'S PHILOS OPHY lost There are in all two hundred and twenty sub-headings for so many topics; in all these, every topic is explained in accordance with Abhidharma, Satyasiddhi and Mahayana and under the last mentioned the Prajfliiparamitif-silstra is quoted throughout, oftell at great len gth This work was of help to me in organizing the materials collected from the S iistra The Taish6 edition bears the notations indicat ing the references to the chap te rs (�) in the res p ective texts quoted, including the Sastra On Hui-yiian, see MiFIi{\9fW: (T 2060) 489c-492b 4) Ancho, a Japanese Buddhist monk, has his Notes rp�#ifEliC on Chi-tsang's Commentcrry on the Madhyamaka-slistra (T 2225 ) This was composed in the years 801-806; see Fung Yu-Ian, History of Chinesc Pizil(ISOpl,y, vol 1I, p 727 ) *"re:¥rii � �fUI ( n **iJIUJ! v ol PP' 57-5 ) of 13 w, ( o f fv,�, l\trkP lI� ) (compiled 1668 A D ) is a useful index to the Siistra, VII Modern Authors: Lamotte's Le Traite de la Gra/lde Vertu de Sa.�essc de Nifgarjuna vols I and II (B ureaux du M useon , Louvain, 1944, 1949) Tht rwo following works tain extracts from the Siistra in English translation on di fferent topi cs : 2) H Vi, The Vaisc!ika Philosophy ( O ri ental Translation Fund, New Series, v ol XXIV, pub! Royal Asiatic Sociery, London, 1917) and ) Kimura Ryiikan, A Historical Study Hillayii/III lind Mahayana and the origin oj Mah ayana Buddhism (Calcutta Universiry 192 ) The relevant works b y modem authors 11 th e general histo ry and philosophy of B uddhism have been referred to in the Introduction and in the Conclusion Of studies by modem scholars in regard to the general philosophy of the Madhyarnika, in addition to the ones mentioned in the present work these need mention: I ) Yamaguchi • The Colltro vcrsy