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Jewels from the treasury vasubandhus ( (133)

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INDEX units of, 31, 32 Tisya, Buddha, 49, 373, 377 tongue, 110, 122, 128, 139, 142, 146, ,3 , 601n7 See also consciousness, tongue; facul­ ties, five sensory torpor (hying ba, avamagna or nimagna) , 14, 39, 165, 2 ,4 ,4 , 420, ,4 2 , 485 as one o f the five obscurations, 423— 24 touch (regpa, sparsa:), 4, 7, 112, 125, 126, 130, 131, 133, 139, ,4 ,5 in higher realms, 127-28, 142, 555 tranquility meditation See m editation, tranquility transcendences, six (pha rol tu phyin pa drug,, satpdramita), 49, 376—77 Treatise on Designation, The (mdo sde gdags p a ,), 126, 132 tru th o f cessation ( gogpa i bden pa, nirodha satya), xii, xiii, 63, 392, 434, 474 as jewel o f the Dharm a, 318—19 aspects of, 506, 565 as sphere of knowings, 500, 502 kernels that focus on, 53, 55, 392, -9 seeing, 434, 435, 452, 490 See also cessation; knowing cessation tru th o f origin (kun 'byunggyi bden pa, samudayasatya) , xii, xiii, 63, 389, 434, 474, l5 n 2 aspects of, 505, 506, 565 kernels that focus on, 53, 392, 394— 95 seeing, 392, 4 -3 , 452, 490, 502 See also origin; knowing origin tru th o f path (lam gyi bden pa, mdrgasatya), xii, xiii, 63, 103, 474 as dharm a body o f the Buddha, 97 as jewels o f the Buddha and Sangha, -1 aspects of, 506, 565 as undefiled, 3, 103, 128 attainm ent of, 175 doubt about, 58 kernels that focus on, 53, 55, 392, -9 learners, nonlearners, nobles as, 97 nonattainm ent o f path as ordinary individual, 16, 177 seeing, 72, 392, 3 -3 , 435, 452 See also knowing path; noble eight­ fold path; path o f meditation; path o f seeing truth o f suffering (sdug bsngalgyi bden pa, duhkhasatya), xii, 63, 216, 389, 4 35, 474 aspects of, 506 as sphere o f knowings, 75, 499—500, 502 elements which are, 128 kernels that focus on, 53, 392 seeing, 53, 54, 56, 392, 395, 407, 452, 490 See also dharm a forbearance, o f suf­ fering; forbearance, o f knowing suffering; knowing suffering; suffering truth, relative (kun rdzob bden pa, samvrtisat), 63, -3 , 8n263 truths, four noble (phags pa'i bden pa bzhi, caturaryasatya) , 63, 65, 434, 4 -4 , 474 aspects of, 76, 503, 504, 506 order realized, 63, 434—35 reason called noble, 435 See also truth o f cessation; tru th o f origin; tru th o f path; tru th o f suffering truths, two, 63, -3 truth, ultimate (don dam bden pa, paramarthasat), 63, -3 , l8 n Udanavarga, 101 U draka (lhagspyod), 182 ultimate See truth, ultimate Unbearable W orld Realm (mi mjed jig rten gyi khams, sahalokadhatu), 255, l0 n l5 659 INDEX uncountable aeons (bskalpa grangs med, anekdsamkhyeyam kalpam), -3 , 49, 284, 376 undefiled dharmas (zag med, andsrava), xii, 3, 37, 102, 103-5, 173, 192, 297, 408 unhappiness, 12, 150, 152, 153, 154, 243, 336, 606n86 afflictions concurrent with, 60, 421— 22 See also feeling U nheated Lake (ma dr os p a i mtsho, anavatapta), 261, 281 unhindered knowledge (so sor yang dag par rig pa, pratisamvid), -8 , 523, 5 -2 , 528 units o f measurement, -3 , -8 universal cause See cause, universal universals (kun g’ ro, sarvatraga), 54, 398 See also cause, universal; kernels, uni­ versal unm oving karma See karma, unmoving unobscured neutral See neutral, unob­ scured unobstructive (thogs med, apratigha), 127, 131, 132, 138 unpleasant feeling, 12, 149, 150, 417, 435 See also feeling; suffering, feeling of; unhappiness Unpleasant Sound (sgra m i snyan, uttarakuru), 28, -6 , 264, 281, 337, 352, 356, 441 as obscuration o f full ripening, 47, , l4 n 0 imperceptible karm a in, 40, -2 , 356 karmic actions preset in, 45, 355, 356, 366 life span in, 31, 274, 278 no distraught minds in, 42, 337 unprovocative samadhi (nyon mongs med pa, arand), 42, 79, 335, 523, 524, 527, 528 unshakable one (mi g.yo ba’i chos can, 66o akopyadharman), 69, 70, 78, 79, 86, 471, 476, 477, 478, 480, 481, 483, -1 ,5 , 524, 525, 567 See also arhat unshaken from abiding (gnaspa las mi bskyodpa, sthitdkampyas), 476, 477, 483 See also arhat unshared qualities See buddha, unshared qualities unwholesome (kha na ma tho ba, avadya:), ,5 , 169-70, 387, l n l inherently (rang bzhin kha na ma tho ba, prakrtisavadyd), 316, 320, l3 n l9 prohibited (bcaspa’i kha na ma tho ba, pratiksepanasavadya) , 39, 320, ,3 , l n l utterly pure (m am byang, vyavadàna), 11, 50, 146, 147, 148, 149, 369, 385 vajra-like samadhi (rdo rje Lta bu ting nge ’d zin, vajropamasamddhi), 68, 86, 175, 211, 373, 377, 467, 500, 68 Vaspa, l n l Vasubandhu, ix, x, xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, -9 , 95, 110, 113, 114, 124, 138, 152, 173, 177, 178, 179, 215, 229, 291, 297, 315, 321, 352, 416, 437, 444, 457, 461, 466, 467, 469, 474, 519, 551, 569, 580, 583, 584, n l, n l0 Vasumitra, 101, 165, 229, 406 Vatsiputrlya, 103, 136, 295, 391, 606n74 Vibhajyavâdin, 405 view (lta ba, drsti) as a root o f the neutral, 55, 402 as defilements, fetters, and so forth, 57, ,4 1 ,4 ,4 ,4 , , l7 n as full knowing, 24, 137, 166, 241 as a root o f dispute, 120 classifying, 53, 54, 391, 394, 395 concurrences with, 167, 168 INDEX correct view, 341, 332, 334 See also view, correct worldly discarding, 424 distinction from forbearance and knowing, 75, 498 elements which are, 8, 137, 138 erroneous focusing on the undefiled, 55, 99 kernels of, 53, 54, 390, 391, 392 locus of, 4, 107, 108 o f learners and nonlearners, 69, 137, 464, 471 order views arise, 57, 410 tying to object o f focus, 404 w hich views are universal kernels, 54, -3 See also right view; view, correct worldly; view, extreme; view, nihilist; view o f overesteeming discipline and austerity; view o f overesteeming views; view, per­ sonality; view, wrong view, correct worldly ( jig rten p a iy a n g dag p a i Ita ba, laukiki samyagdrsti), 137, ,3 ,4 view, extreme (mthar dzin Ita ba, antagrahana), 53, 57, ,3 ,4 , 604n36, 607n99 causal compatibility w ith afflictions, 360, 361 classifying as discard, 392, 393 error of, 395 inherent neutral and, 302 nature of, 54, 394 neutrality of, 55, 401 universality, -9 See also view; view, nihilist; view, nihilist, 45, 351 feelings it is concurrent with, 60, 421 See also view; view, extreme view o f overesteeming discipline and aus­ terity (tshul khrims brtul zhugs mchog dzin, silavratapardmarsa), 53, 55, 57, 58, ,3 9 ,4 ,4 - classifying as discard, 392, 393, 394— 95 nature of, 54, 394 See also holding extreme, fetter o f view o f overesteeming views (Ita ba mchog dzin, drstipardmarsa) , 53, 55, 57, 58, ,3 9 ,4 error of, 395 nature of, 54, 394 near afflictions produced by, 59, 419 See also holding extreme, fetter o f view, personality {jig tshogs la Ita ba, satkdyadrsti), 53, 57, 391, 396, 410, -1 , 474, 498 causal compatibility w ith afflictions, 360, 361 classifying as discard, 392, 393 concurrences with, 167—68, 204 developing discards o f meditation, -9 error of, 395 fetter of, 416 neutrality of, 55, 302, 401 inward focus of, 301, 478 nature of, 54, 394 translation of, 607n99 universality, 398—98 vanquishing, 474 See also view view, wrong, 53, 55, 57, 391, 410 developing discards o f meditation, -9 focusing on the undefiled, 55, 398 identifying, 54, 394 karmic path of, 44, 45, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346, -5 , 354 nature of, 54, 394 near afflictions produced by, 59, 419 realms present in, 45, 354 severing roots o f virtue, 251 See also view Vijndnakaya, 101 Vipashyin, 49, 376 virtue {dge ba, kusala) 661 INDEX attainm ent of, 15, 78, 174, 176, 516 classifications of, 36, -2 com pounded, 51, 387 concurrences with, 14, 164, 167 distinction between defiled and u n ­ defiled, 189 greatest virtues, 48, 373 karma, 41, 42, 46, 327, 328, 329, 336, 338, 359, 360 See also vows karmic paths, ten, 43, 44, 45, 341, 342, 343, 344, 353 o f Desire realm, 40, 325 undefiled, 51, 387 See also roots o f virtue virtuous roots See roots o f virtue visible peace (mthong chos zhi), -6 volition (semspa, cetana), 14, 45, 50, 164, 350, -5 , 378, 383 as sustenance, 26, 249, 250, 251 volitional karma, 35, 250, 294, 300, 341 vows (sdompa, samvara), -4 , -2 attainm ent, 37, 38, 39, 312-321 bhikshu, 37, 306, 307, 314, 321, 354, l3 n l , l5 n cancellation of, 40, 310, 322—24 duration, 38, 314—15 fasting (bsnyen gnas, upavasastha), - ,3 ,3 ,3 - , 2 -2 in Formless realm, 547 lay precepts (dge bsnyen, upasaka) , 39, 306, -2 , 354, l n l novice, 37, 306, 307, 314, 323 o f individual liberation (so sor thar pa, pratimoksa), 37, 38 -3 , 40, ,3 - ,3 ,3 - , 2 -2 distinction between individual libera­ tion and vows, 307—8, -4 o f dhyana, 37, 38, 39, 40, 176, 188— 89, 299, ,3 - ,3 ,3 , 662 -2 , 324, 326, 342, l2 n l 7 possession of, -3 , 40, -1 , -3 types of, 37, 305 undefiled, 37, 38, 39, 40, 176, 188— 89, 299, ,3 - ,3 ,3 , -3 , 324, -2 , 342, l2 n l , l n l 7 See also imperceptible form wanderer ( g’ ro ba, gati) , 21, -2 , n l2 , n l2 sustenance for, 26, 248-51 war, 44, 346 w arm th See precursors to clear realiza­ tion, w arm th water, 26, 253 destruction by, 33, 34, 281, 289, 290 eight qualities of, 61 On 154 element of, 4, 112, 113-14, 125-26, 131 mandala of, 27, 255, 256, 257 W heel o f D harm a (chos kyi 'khor lo, dharmacakrd), 70, 94, 474—75 wheel-wielding em peror ( ’khor los bsgyur ba’i rvyal po, raid cakravarti), 33, -2 , 474 birth of, 23, -3 wish-fulfilling tree, 29, 269 W ith o u t Pain (mi gdung ba, atapas), 461, n l2 womb See birth, fetal stages; birth, modes of, birth from w om b words, 172, 184-5 world (jigrten , lokd), 21—34, 108, 215— 91, 604n33 causes of, 35, 105-6, -9 container, -3 , 254—90 destruction of, 30, 33—34, 273, 276, ,2 8 - formation of, 30, 273, 276 geography of, 26—30, 254—69, 271 o f sentient beings, -2 , -2 INDEX o f the Three Thousands, 30, -7 w rong action (logpai Las kyi mtha ), 240, 3 -3 wrong livelihood (log \tsho, mithydjiva), 46, -5 w rong speech (logpai ngag, mithyavac), 303, -5 w rong view See view, wrong w rong vow (sdom min, asamvara), 37, 38, 305, 309, 315, n l0 attainm ent of, -4 , -2 cancellation of, 40, 324 possession of, 40, 1 -1 , -2 yaksha, 29, 219, 267, 268, 474 Yasomitra ( “the Prince'), 100, 103, 110, 186, 204, 225, 464, 482, 579, 584, n l7 , 603n25, l6 n l , 620n296, 620n302, 620n303, 623n34l yawns, 417 year, 32, 280 Yogacarydbhumi, 219, 576 Yogic C onduct school ( rnal \byor spyodpa ba, yogdcara), 171, 548 yoke (shyor ba, prayoga), 57 , 58, -1 , 414 663 ... beings, -2 , -2 INDEX o f the Three Thousands, 30, -7 w rong action (logpai Las kyi mtha ), 240, 3 -3 wrong livelihood (log sho, mithydjiva), 46, -5 w rong speech (logpai ngag, mithyavac),... n l inherently (rang bzhin kha na ma tho ba, prakrtisavadyd), 316, 320, l3 n l9 prohibited (bcaspa’i kha na ma tho ba, pratiksepanasavadya) , 39, 320, ,3 , l n l utterly pure (m am byang, vyavadàna),... visible peace (mthong chos zhi), -6 volition (semspa, cetana), 14, 45, 50, 164, 350, -5 , 378, 383 as sustenance, 26, 249, 250, 251 volitional karma, 35, 250, 294, 300, 341 vows (sdompa, samvara),

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:44

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