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Jewels from the treasury vasubandhus ( (132)

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INDEX realization, teachings of, 88, 578 -7 realms moving from one realm to another, 30, ,2 , 61 ln l6 distance between, 30, 271 three See Desire realm; Form realm; Formless realm rebirth See birth; birth, modes of; birth state rebirth-linking (nying mtshams sbyor ba, pratisandhi), 126, 146-47, 204, 228, 236, 252, 558 minds which arise in the instance of, 5-11 refining faculties See faculties, refining refuge (skyabs, sarana), 39, 314, 316—17, 494 sources of, 39, 97, -3 regressed one (yong su nyams p a ’i chos can, parihanadharman), 476, 477, 478, 483 regression (yongs su nyams pa, parihlna), 68, 70, 465, -7 , 607n91 as m ind consciousness, 26, 251—52 classification of, 70, 479—81 from arhatship, 158, 211, 212, 213, 3 ,4 1 ,4 ,4 7 from dhyana, 40, 324, 431, 556 from Formless, 40, 324 from nonreturner, 333, 430, 431, 466 from precursors o f clear realization, 65, 449, 450 nature of, 66, 450 tendency toward, 85, 558, 559 regret ( g’ yodpa, kaukrtya) as an entangler, 59, 248, 418 as an indefinite factor, 166 as one o f the five obscurations, 24 compatible cause of, 59, 418—19 feelings concurrent with, 60, 422 in noble beings, 54, -9 level of, 15, 169 minds concurrent with, 14, 167, 168 relative knowing, 75, 76, 77, 499, 500, 654 502, 504, 507, 508, ,5 attainm ent of, 7 -7 , -1 See also knowing relative truth See truth, relative rem embering previous lives See knowing previous lives removal (bral ba, visamyoga), 50, 385 as a result, 18, 192 attainm ent of, 61, 69, 175, 426, 428, 429, 430, -6 , 473 o f analytic cessation, 4, 104 See also cessation, analytic; result, re­ moval repulsiveness meditation See meditation, repulsiveness resentment, 59, 60, 165, 419, 422 See also grudge respect, 15, 40, 49, 170, 322, 380 as an obstacle, 478, 479 dharmas of, 314, l n l restoring roots o f virtue See roots o f virtue, restoring result { ’bras bu, phala), xii, 18, 192-98 links o f interdependence which are, 24, 239, 240 of karma, 42, -4 , 48, 50, 216, 248, 3 -4 , 357, -6 , 373, -8 , 387 of worldly paths, 69, 473 See also cause; condition; results o f the spiritual way, four; result, causally compatible {rgyu mthun gyi 1bras bu, nisyandaphala), 7—8, 18, 46, 132-33, 194, ,3 result, dom inant {bdagpo’i 3bras bu, adhipatiphala), 18, 46, 195, 357 result, fully ripened {mam smin gyi 1bras bu, vipdkaphala) , , 18,46,106,132— 33, 189, 194, 7,3 , 607n85 faculties which are, 12, 152-53 karma producing a single, 248 See also cause o f full ripening; pro­ duction by full ripening result o f removal {bral ’bras, visamyogaphala), 18, 189, 192, 194, 195 karmas that result in, -6 INDEX results o f spiritual way as, 472 See also cessation, analytic; removal result, personal (skyes bu byed 1bras bu, purusakaraphala:), 18, 193, 195 results o f the spiritual way, four (dge sby- onggi tshulgyi Jbras bu, sramanyaphala), xiii, 62, 69, -7 , -7 attainm ent of, 61, 426 entering and abiding in results, 6 67 -5 faculties at time o f gaining, 13, 157— 58 See also arhat; nonreturner; once-returner; stream-enterer Retention o f the Jewel Tala (dkon mchog ta Lti gzungs), 124 revulsion, 73, -9 right action (yang dagpai las kyi mtha\ samyakkarmdnta), 474, 488 right consideration (yang dag p a i rtog pa, samyaksamkalpa), 474, 488, 498 right effort (yang dag p a i rtsol ba, samyagvydydma), 474, 488 right endeavor See complete abandon­ ments, four right livelihood (yang dag p a i ’tsho ba, samyagajiva), 474, 488 right mindfulness (yang dag p a i dran pa, samyaksmrti), 474, 488 right samadhi (yang dag p a i ting nge dzin, samyaksamadhi), 474, 488 right speech (yang dag p a i ngag, samyagvdka), 474, 488 right thought See right consideration right view (yang dag p a i Ita ba, samyagdrsti), 474, 488 ripened obscurations (mam smin gyi sgrib pa, vipakavarana) root afflictions (rtsa bai nyon mongs, mulaklesa,), 341, -1 , 421 distinction from near afflictions, 417 See also roots o f nonvirtue roots o f the neutral, 55, -2 roots o f nonvirtue, 43, 55, 302, 321, 325, 4 ,3 ,4 roots o f virtue (dge bai rtsa ba, kusalamula), 45, 301, 344 restoring, 26, -5 , -5 severing, 26, 45, 66, 136, -5 , 40, 325, -5 , 450, 606n75 Rose Apple Land ( dzam bu gling, jambudvipa), -2 , 30, 260, 261, 273 sage (thubpa, muni) See buddha Sakra, 268, 465, 601n8, 1 n l5 samadhi (ting nge dzin, samadhi), 14, 71, 145, 164, 166, 488 aggregate of, 125, 424, n l classifications of, 564—69 branch o f dhyana, 84, 545, 551 three, 86, 517, 523, -6 transcendent, 49, 377 See also faculties o f faith and so forth, five; powers, five same class See same status same status (skal mnyam, sabhdga), 15, 16, 17, 172, 178-79, 186 characteristic of, 178 See also cause, o f same status Samgitiparyaya, 101 Samkhya school, 406 samsara, xi, xiii, 3, 5, 96, 120, 239 causes and support for, 149, 234 Sangha (dge dun, samgha), 39, 72, 314, -1 , 347, ,4 See also schism Sanghabhadra, 113, 229, 348, 518, 563 Sarvastivadin (thams cadyodpar smra ba, Sarvastivada), 56, -6 satisfaction, 438 scent (dri, gandha), 4, 112, 130, 133, 139, 348, 604n38 lack o f scent in Form, 7, 127, 244, 245, 534, 622n330 scent-eater (dri za, gandharva), 22 , 26, 146, 226, 250, 606n84 See also between state schism (dbyen, bheda), ^ , 172, 366, -7 ,3 , 386 o f the W heel ( ’khor lo’i dbyen, cakrabheda), 48, -7 655 INDEX ritual (las kyi dbyen, karmabheda), 48, 370 schools, eighteen original, 97, 99 scripture, teachings of, 88, -79 Scripture that Teaches the Ten Groups o f Ten, The {bcu tshan bcu ston pai lung), 476 seas, 27, -3 seasons, 265 self-awareness {rang rig), 134 self-buddha {rang sang rgyas, pratyekabuddha), -2 , 601n5, 61 On 140 appearance of, 33, 285 as a buddha, 71, 96, 483 as a type o f arhat, 71, 483 birth of, 231—33 clairvoyances o f congregating {tshogs na spyodpai rang sang rgyas), 232, 61 On 140 faculties of, 483 family of, 66, 450-51 rhinolike {bse ru Ita bu rang sang rgyas, khadgamvisanakalpa), 33, 66, 76, 82, 232, ,4 ,4 , 501, 539 obscurations discarded, 98 qualities of, 82, 501, 519, 520, 523, 539 vows of, 314 selflessness {bdagmed, anatmatd), 23, 65, 76, 86, 99, 233, 444, 445, 505, 506, 565 sense bases {skye mched’ dyatana), xii, 6, 105, 119, 123, 124, 320, 474 external, 96, 601n7 internal, 96, 414, 601n7 meaning of, 5, 119 order of, 122 six (link o f interdependence), 24, 224, 233, 234, 236, 237, 238 ten with form, 5, 114, 117-18, 122, 193, 605n53 See also all-encompassing sense bases, ten; dharm a, sense base of; form, sense base of; Formless, 656 sense base of; m ind, sense base of; overpowering sense bases, eight sentient being {sems can, sattva), xii, 16, 21, 146, -7 ,2 - nine places for, 22, 221 See also individual; ordinary indi­ vidual serenity, 84, 551, 552, 553, 554 seven-timer {sridpa lan bdun pa, saptakrtvahparamah), 67, -5 seven treatises o f abhidharma, x, 100, 101, 584 severing the roots o f virtue See roots o f virtue, severing sexless {za ma, sandha), 40, 47, 306, 26, 352, 366 See also hermaphrodites; neuters sexual misconduct {logpar g.yem pa, mithydcdra), 39, 44, 319, ^ , 348, 353 sexual organs See faculties, male and fe­ male Shakya C hokden, 314 Shakyamuni See Buddha Shakyamuni Shamar K onchok Yenlag, Fifth, 94, 95, 215, 494, 583, 585, 586, 619n290 shame {ngo tsha, hri), 14, 15, 36, 47, 164, 170, ,3 , 366 shamelessness {ngo tsha medpa, dhrikya), 14, 15, 59, 165, 169, 300, 302, 411, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, n l0 shape {dbyibs, dkrti), 35, 111, 114, 295, ,2 Shariputra, x, 93, 97, 98 , 101, 124, 400, 584, l6 n shifting level {sa ba, bhümisamcdra), 16, 40, 178, 324, 326 showable {bstanyod, sanidarsanam), 126 skipping absorption See absorption, skip­ ping skipping results ( Jbras bu thos rgal ba), 158 skipping samadhi See absorption, skipping sleep {gnyid, middha), 15, 166, 168, 169, 421 INDEX as one o f the five obscurations, 24 entangler of, 39, -1 , 420 fault of, 228 feelings concurrent with, 60, 422 soul, 202 sound (sgra,, sabda), 6, 7, 127, 130, 131, 132, 139, 529, 530, 537, 538, 576, 601n7, 604n40 classification of, 4, 111 o f speech, 35, 123, 278, 296 perception of, 122, 142, 143 production of, 7, 132 source-derived ( ’byung gyur, bhautika), 6, 7, 19, 122, 130-31, 162, 2-203, 444, 519 sources ( ’byung ba, bhüta), 17, 19, 111, 112, 122, 130-31, 162, 188, 2 -3 , 4 ,5 , 538, 576, 604n43 as basis for imperceptible form, 4, ,3 , 112, 296, -9 characteristics of, 4, 113-14 lack o f in Formless, 547 space (nam mkhd, dkdsa), 3, 103, 104, 173, 192, 195, 302 element of, 6, 125-26 special dhyana See dhyana, special speech (ngagy vâk), 17, 107, 136, 184-86, 346, 525, 526, 527 buddhas, 132 emanating, 81, 536 karm a of, 35, 43, 44—45, 49, 136, 294, 296, 298, 302, 337, 340, 342, 345, -4 , -5 lack o f in Formless, 547 unhindered knowledge of, 80, 525— 27 See also right speech; unhindered knowledge spiritual way (dge sbyonggi ’tshul, šra­ manýa), -7 , 472, -7 See also results o f the spiritual way Springtime Cow o f Easy Accomplishment, The (Chos mngon pa m dzod kyi g’ rel pa rgyas par spros pa grub bdei spyid jo), 106, 113, 125, 152, 182, 185, 199, 200, 229, 242, 297, 314, 315, 332, 342, 436, 484, 584, 603n29, n ,6 n ll , l0 n l , l0 n l4 Sphutdrthabhidharmakosavyakhya See Yasomitra stars, 264 states o f existence, four, 25—26, 228, 248 See also between state; birth state; death state; previous state staying (characteristic of), 16, 183-84 stealing (ma byin p ar len pa, adattadana), 44, 307, 344, 345, 347, 357 stinginess (ser sna, mdtsarya), 14, 58, 59, 60, ,2 ,4 - ,4 , 422 stream-enterer (rgyun zhugspa, srotadpanna) abiding in, 456 attainm ent of, 157 discards abandoned by, 416 entering (brgyun zhugs zhugs pa, srotadpattiphalapratipannaka) , 6 -6 , -5 lack o f regression from, 478 types of, -5 stupas, 48, 50, 325, 341, 347, 348, 374, 379, 383, 385, l n l 9 subcontinents, 28, 261 subsequent forbearance, 66, 339, 452, , l4 n 1 See also forbearance subsequent knowing (rjes shes, anvayajndna), 66, 75, 76, 77, 106, 452, 9 -5 0 , 502, l4 n 1 as an antidote, 503 aspects of, 503 attainm ent of, 7 -7 , -1 levels and supports of, 77, 505 results of, 61, 429 o f others’ minds, 76, 501 o f suffering, 66, 452 possession of, 509 sphere and focus of, 75, 77, 9 500, 508, 517 training for, 446 substance (rdzas, dravya) 57 INDEX atomic, 109-10, 120-21, 278, 436 concurrence of, 171, 191, 199 eight, 14, 110, 162, 442, 604n38 mental, 199 o f elements, 117, 133 o f faculties, 14, 162 primal, 202 substance that is not wasted (chud mi 2ta bdi rdzas), 172 successive results ('bras bu m thargyispa), 138, 431, -8 l7 n suffering (sdug bsngal, duhkha) aspect of, 65, 445, 505, 506, 565 characteristic of, 444 composite dharmas as, 12, 107-8 defiled dharmas as, 444 field of, 50, ,3 o f death, 253 resulting from karma, 41, 46, 328, -3 , 3 ,3 ,3 , 368, 401 three types of, 63, 108, 435, 521 See also suffering, feeling of; truth o f suffering suffering, feeling of, 12, 115, 146, 149, 236, 252, 330, ,4 , 435 afflictions concurrent with, 60, 421— 22 level present in, 12, 154, 475, 553, 554, 563 mental See unhappiness See also faculties o f the five feelings, suffering; feeling sun, 28, 29, 264, 266 Superior Body (lus phags po, purvavideha), 28, 30, 260, 273, 274 superior training in discipline (lhagpa tshul khrims kyi bslab pa, adhisilamsiksd), vii superior training in full knowing (lhagpa shes rab kyi bslab pa, adhiprajnamsiksa), vii superior training in m ind (lhagpa sems kyi bslab pa, adhicittamsiksa) , vii, 480 supreme dharma See precursors to clear realization, supreme dharm a 658 Sutra like a Heap o f Ashes (sol ba’i phung po Ita bu i mdo), 478 Sutra ofAbhidharma, 392 Sutra o f Entering the Womb (mgnal ju g gi mdo), 226 Sutra o f Many Realms (khams mang p d i mdo), 458 Sutra o f Seven States (srid pa bdun p d i mdo, Saptabhavasutra), 135 Sutra o f the Great Welcome (gang yang bsus po che mdo), 547 Sutra o f the Seven Holy Wanderers (skye bu d a m p d i g’ ro ba bdun ston pdi mdo), 226 Sutra Requested by Candragarbha (zla ba snyingpos zh u spdi mdo), 579 Sutra school, 97, 98, 123, 138, 147, 171, 177, 182, 238, 243, 244, 296, 391, ,4 1 ,4 , 506, 545, 548, n l 1, n l, 620n298 Sutra which Teaches the Branches o f Dhyana (bsam tan gyiyan lag bstan p d i mdo), 553 taking life (srog bcodpa, pranatipdta), 44, 345, 346, 347 results of, 46, 357 w hat realms it is present in, 354 taking w hat has not been given See stealing Teaching the Ten Areas (gnas bcu bstan p a ), 115 temples, merit o f building, 385—86 thing (dngospo, bhdva), 102 thirty-two marks o f a buddha See buddha, marks and signs Thirty-Three, Heaven o f the See Heaven of the Thirty-T hree Three Thousands, 30, -7 , n l4 those who die in all realms, 68, 461, 463 thoughts, three types of, 129 time as the five aggregates, ,1 attainm ent of, 15, 174 nonattainm ent of, 177 substantial existence of, 56, 4 -7 , l7 n ... Ashes (sol ba’i phung po Ita bu i mdo), 478 Sutra ofAbhidharma, 392 Sutra o f Entering the Womb (mgnal ju g gi mdo), 226 Sutra o f Many Realms (khams mang p d i mdo), 458 Sutra o f Seven States (srid... Sutra o f the Great Welcome (gang yang bsus po che mdo), 547 Sutra o f the Seven Holy Wanderers (skye bu d a m p d i g’ ro ba bdun ston pdi mdo), 226 Sutra Requested by Candragarbha (zla ba snyingpos... 245, 534, 622n330 scent-eater (dri za, gandharva), 22 , 26, 146, 226, 250, 606n84 See also between state schism (dbyen, bheda), ^ , 172, 366, -7 ,3 , 386 o f the W heel ( ’khor lo’i dbyen, cakrabheda),

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:44


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