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Jewels from the treasury vasubandhus ( (131)

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INDEX noble eightfold path ( ’phags lam yan lag brgyad, dryaastanggikamarga), 72, 297, 474, 487, 488, 489, 490, l5 n 2 , l9 n , l9 n noble family, 64, -3 noble path See paths, noble noble individuals ( ’phags pa, drya), 26, 97, 233, 308, 369 absorptions, dhyanas, etc., possessed, 16, 86, 180, ,2 , 373 becoming distraught, 337 classifications of, 483 d etachm ent of, 69, 469, 470 faculties possessed, 13, 161 forfeiture o f the precursors to clear realization, 65, 449 identifying, 177-78 karm a of, 41, 333 knowings possessed, 77, 509—10 nine or seven types of, 71, 483—84 perfect knowings possessed, 61, 428, 429, 430 qualities of, 524—28 types of, 71, -9 ,4 vows and other imperceptibles pos­ sessed by, 37, ,3 ,3 , ,3 ,3 , 356 who transform their lives completely in Desire, 68, 465 why discards o f meditation not become manifest in, 54, -9 See also first undefiled mom ent; noble family; paths, noble nom inal existence {btags yod, prajñaptita, prajñaptisat), 605n57 nonaffirming negation See no-negation nonanalytic cessation See cessation, nonanalytic nonarising dharm a base See future dharmas, nonarising dharm a bases nonattainm ent, 15, 16, 172, 176-78, 186 nonawareness {shes bzhin minpa), 166, 607n97 noncom posite ( ’dus ma byas, asamskdra) as things, 102, 199—200 as ultimate truth, 436 classifying as three, 3, 103—5 lack o f a cause, 192-93 perm anence of, 9, 143 reason why not considered aggre­ gates, 6, 120 noncom pound See noncom posite nonconcurrent formation ( Idan 'du byed, viprayuktasamskdra), 15, 115, 172-186, 202, 605n46 explanation o f the term, 172 nondelusion (gti mugmedpa), 44, 164, 166, ,3 4 , 521 no-negation {med dgag, prasajyapratisedha), 98, 102, n l l nonfaith {ma dad pa, asraddhya), 14, 165, 421 nongreed {chags pa med pa, alobha), 44, 64, 87, 125, 164, 204, ,3 4 , 354, 438, 441, 550, 569, 572, 575, 576 nonhatred {zhe sdang med pa, advesa), 44, 86, 164, ,3 4 , 354, ,5 nonhostility {mam par mi ’tshe ba, avihimsd), 14, 164 nonlearner {mi slob pa, asaiksa) attainm ent of, 16, 172 correct view of, 69, 471 identifying, 68, 97, 175, 468 karma of, 43, 46, 340, 362 knowings possessed, 69, 471, 510, 515 liberation of, 72, 492, 493 three knowledges of, -8 , -3 m inds of, 20, 204, -1 , 213, 493 perfection of, 71, 485 refining faculties, 70, 481, 482 regression from, 479 See also regression See also path o f no learning nonm erit {bsod nams pa, apunya), 41, 216, -2 nonreturner (phyir mi ‘ong ba, andgami) as a result o f the spiritual way, 69, -7 abiding in result, -6 , -6 blocking karma, 48, 374 649 INDEX detachm ent of, 469 entering, 67, 455, 456, 458 essence o f the result, 460 faculties of, 157-58 perfect knowings attained or pos­ sessed, 428, 430, 431 previously detached, 67, 455—56, 473 regression from, 68, 333, 431, 465 successive, 431 types of, -6 , 226, -6 See also bound for Form; bound for Formless; bound for higher; half-leaper; leaper; made m ani­ fest by body; nirvana in the in­ termediate nirvana upon birth; nirvana w ith effort; nirvana w ithout effort nonvirtue {mi dge ba, akusala:), 127, 189, 204, 327 attainm ent of, 174, 176 classifications of, 36, 302 karmic propulsions, 332, 33 nonvirtuous karm a 41, 42, 43, 45, 293, 327, -3 , 334, 336, 338, 340, 359, 360 See also w rong vows nonvirtuous karmic paths, 43, 341, 342, 343, -5 , 353, 5 ,3 realms and levels present in, 15, 36, ,2 , 300 mental factors that accompany, 14, 165, 167 minds, 19, 206, 252 roots o f See roots o f nonvirtue same status, 189-90 ten See karmic paths nose, 8, 110, 118, 122, 128, 139, 142, 146, 159, 249, 348, 601n7 See also faculties; consciousness, nose N o t Great {mi che ba, avrha), 461, 467, n l2 N othing at All See Nothingness Nothingness {ciyangmed, akimcanya), 83, 85, 182, 218, 220, 276, 546, -4 , 561 650 not-negation {mayin dgag, paryudasapratisedha), 218, n l2 See also not-negation N o t Unable {mi Icogs medpa, anagamyd), 69, ,5 , 563, l n l as a difficult path, 486 factors o f enlightenm ent in, 72, -9 , 565 removing attachm ent, 69, 470, 562 results of, 61, 428 vows on, 37, 309, 313 See also dhyana, preparations for novice {dge tshul, srdmanera), 37, 179, 306, ,3 , 3 ,3 numbers, 284 objective condition See condition, objec­ tive obscurations {sgrib pa, avarana), 97-99 afflictive, 98, 365, 366, 484, 485 cognitive, -9 karmic, 47, 365, 366, -7 liberation from, 72, 486, 493 o f full ripening, 326, 365, 366, l4 n 0 o f liberation, 485 to absorption, 60, 2 -2 , 484—85 obscured neutral See neutral, obscured obstructive form {thogs bcas, sapratigha), 6, 109, 121, 126-27, 296, 297 occasional hell See hell, occasional Ocean, Great Outer, xii, 27, 259 once-returner {lan cigphyir ’ong ba, sakrdagamin), 464 abiding in result, 67, -5 as a result o f the spiritual way, 69, 473, 475 entering, 67, 455, 456, 458 faculties of, 157—58, 161 previously detached, 67, 5 -5 , 473 one lifetime, one obstacle {tshe cig bar chad cig pa, ekavicika), 67, 459 one-pointedness {rtse gcigpa, ekdgra), 26, 164, 252, 544, 545, 551 one who dies in all realms {gnas thams cad du ’chi ’pho ba, sarvacyuta), 462 INDEX one with volition for death ( 'chi bar sems p a i chos can), 476, 477, 478, 483 ordinary individual (so so skye bo, prthagjanatva ), xi, 430, 433, 472, 309 birth of, 232 faculties of, 161 refining, 479, 482 forfeiture o f the precursors o f clear realization, -6 , 4 -5 karma of, 333 nature of, 16, 136, 177-78 samadhis, absorptions, etc possessed, 79, 180, 182, -2 Ornament o f Clear Realization (mngon rtogs rgyan, Abhisamaydlankdra), 560 origin, 4, 107-8, 505, 506 See also truth o f origin overesteeming discipline and austerity See view o f overesteeming discipline and austerity overesteeming views See view o f over­ esteeming views overpowering sense bases (zilgyisgnonpai skye mched, abhibhvdyatana), 87, 125, 523, 524, 574 -7 , 577 paramitas See transcendences particle, 31, 32, 35, 109-10, 162, 278, 279, 196, 436, l l n l Particularist (bye brag pa, Vaisesika), 104, 9-10 path (lam, marga), -6 , -7 , 106, 4 -5 , -9 distinctive (khyadpar gyi lam, visesamdrga), 71, 425, 469, 486 knowings gained on different paths, ,5 -5 noble paths, 61, 246, 429, 451, 475 o f dhyana, 71, -8 o f learning (slob lam, saiksa marga), 175, -1 transworldly, 68, 158, -6 undefiled paths, 47, 69, 190, 359, 472 worldly, 47, 61, 69, 158, 359, 429, -6 , 471 See also noble eightfold path; path o f accumulation; path o f joining; path o f liberation; path o f m edi­ tation; path o f no learning; path o f no obstacles; path o f seeing path o f accumulation (tshogs lam, sambhdramarga), 147, 435, 4 -4 , 458, , l6 n , 619n289 See also precursor to freedom path o f activities (spyod lam, iryapatha), 20, 153, 211, 304, l n l path o f joining (sbyor lam, prayogamdrga), xiii, 71, 374, 4 -5 , 486, l5 n 2 knowings gained on, 512, 513, 514, 515 See also precursors to clear realization path o f liberation (mam grol lam, vimuktimdrga), 71, 474, 486 as antidote, 339, 425, 426 as results o f the spiritual way, 69, 472 during sixteen m om ents o f clear real­ ization, 66, 453 for refining faculties, 70, 481, 482, 513 knowings gained on, 78, 512, 513, ,5 quantity for each level, 457 nonlearners, 175 w hat produces it, 69, 359, 470, l8 n worldly, 69, 471 path o f m editation (sgom lam, bhdvanamdrga), 63, 175, 434, 454, 474 as antidote, 3 -3 , 393, 396, 503 as knowing, 427, 617n255 defiled and undefiled, 393, 434 factors o f enlightenm ent on, 72, 489 faculties on, 12, 151 individuals on, 484 knowings on, 76, 78, 427, 503, -10, -1 perfect knowings on, 61, 427, 428, 429, 430 w hat it discards, 54, 63, 137, 393, 396, 3 -3 w hat produces it, 190 651 INDEX See also discards o f meditation; path, transworldly; path, worldly path o f no learning (mi slobpai lam, asaiksa marga), 39, 173, 318, 474 causes of, 190 factors o f enlightenm ent on, 489 faculties on, 12, 147, 131, 132 individuals on, 484 knowings on, 514 See also nonlearner path o f no obstacles (bar chad med lam, anantaryamargd), 71, 467, 486 as antidote, 43, 338, 339, 425, 474 as the spiritual way, 472 during sixteen m om ents o f clear real­ ization, 66, 453 for refining faculties, 70, 481, 482 knowings gained on, 78, 512, 513, ,5 quantity for each level, 457 results of, 47, 359 worldly, 69, 471 path o f seeing ( mthong lam, darsanamargd), xiii, 66, 175, 54, 486 abandoning afflictions on, n l0 as the W heel o f Dharm a, 70, 474—75 causes o f and training for, 190, 446, 447 factors o f enlightenm ent on, 71, 489 faculties on, 12, 147, 151, 152, 160 focus of, 448 inability to refine faculties on, 70, 479 individuals on, 454, 455, 484 knowings and view on, 76, 77, 498, 501, 503, 510-11 levels of, 70, 448, -7 meaning o f the term, 66, -5 perfect knowings possessed, 61, 429, 430 realizing truths on, 435 w hat it discards, 8, 63, 136-37, -5 ,3 , 393, -9 , 396, 3 -3 , 455 See also clear realization, sixteen 652 m om ents of; discards o f seeing paths o f karma See karmic paths patience, transcendent, 49, -7 peak See precursors to clear realization, peak Peak o f Existence (sridpai rtse mo, bhavàgra), 220, 605n58 absorption o f cessation on, 16, S I, 573 attainm ent of, 556, 578 as a place for beings, 22, 221 classifications of, 83, 550 differentiation from other realms, 12 ,5 discards of, 54, 593 explanation o f the name, 549 extinguishing defilements of, 68, 69, 78, 85, 393, 455, 457, 467, 468, 469, 470, 561 factors o f enlightenm ent on, 72, -9 individuals bou n d for, 462 knowings on, 507, 513 lifespan in, 276 mental factors on, 169 support of, 560, 561 virtue of, 48, 336, 373 See also Formless; Neither C oncep­ tion nor N on-C onception perceived and perceiver, 8, 76, 139, 506 perceptible form distinction from imperceptible form, 112-13 levels of, 36, 30 -3 possession of, 38, 311—12 See also karma, perceptible perfect knowings (yongs shes, parijña), 61— 62, 106, 6-4 personal result See result, personal personality view See view, personality Playful Seas, 27, 258, 61 On 154 pleasure, 236, 289, 417 afflictions concurrent with, 60, 421— 22 as suffering o f change, 435 bodily 12, 84, 150, 329 INDEX branches o f dhyana, 83, 84, 543, 551, 552, 553 cognitive, 150, 329, 552 levels of, 150, 554 -5 , 563 mental, 12, 84, 86, 150, 154, 243, 245, 329, 553, 569 See also feeling pleasure-seeking ( *dodpa la dun pa, kamacchanda), 416, 423, 424 pliancy {shin tu sbyangs, prasabdhi), 14, ,8 , 164, 488, 552, 554, l9 n poisons, three, 93, 124, 344, 421 See also delusion; greed; hatreds powers, five, 487, l9 n , l9 n powers, ten {stobs, bala), -7 , 99, 516, -1 Prajndptisastra, 101, 219 Prakaranapada, 101, 418 Precious Garland {rin chen phreng ba, Ratndvali), 540 precursors to clear realization {nges 'byed cha mthun, nirvedhabhagiya), 51, -6 , 72, ,3 , 4 -5 , l8 n 6 factors o f enlightenm ent on, 71, 489 forbearance {bwdpa, ksanti), 48, 65, 66, 374, 4 -4 , 448, 449, 450 peak {rtse mo, murdhatva), 65, 66, 446 supreme dharm a {chos mchog, agradharma), 65, 66, 373, 447, 4 ^ , 452, l8 n translation of, l5 n 2 w arm th {drod, usman), 65, 4 ^ see also path o f joining precursor to freedom {tharpa cha mthun, moksabhdgiya), 51, 66, 386, 451, l6 n , l8 n precursor to merit {bsod nams cha mthun, punyabhagiya), 51, 386, l6 n preparations for dhyana See dhyana, preparations; N o t Unable pretense {sgyu, maya), 14, 59, 60, 165, ,4 , ,4 2 previous state {sngun dus, purvakdla bhava,), 22, 219, 227, 228, 248, 461, n l3 pride {nga rgyal, mdna), 53, 55, 57, 390, 399, ,4 ,4 as a defilement, flood, etc., 411, 412, 413 as discard o f seeing or meditation, 392, 396 as indefinite mental factor, 166 classifying as seven or nine, 54, 395— 96 consciousness or m in d w ith which it is concurrent, 60, 167, 421 distinction from arrogance, 15, 171 fetter of, 58, 415, 417 how it binds one to objects, 56, 403 root o f the neutral, 55, 402 why it is not manifest in nobles, 54, 397 Prince, the See Yasomitra production by development {rgyas byung, aupacayika), 7, 36, 132—33, 153, 185, 194, 299, 8 -8 production by full ripening, -8 , 20, 132-33, 153, 185, 186, 211 See also cause, full ripening; karma, full ripening of; result, fully ripened production by training, 17, 20, 71, 86, 191, 211, 56 -6 propelling karma See karma, propelling proper action, 364 protected one {rjes su srung bdi chos can, anuraksanadharman), 476, 477, 483 pure abodes See Form realm, pure abodes pure absorption See absorption, pure Purana Kasyapa, 97, 353 Purnavardhana, 95, 99, 101, 106, 166, 194, 3 ,4 ,4 , 584 pursuer o f virtue {dge bsnyen, upasaka) See vows, lay precepts Radiant Light ( W gsal, Prabhdsvara), 282, n l2 Ratnashikhin, 49, 376 Rahula, 98 ¿53 ... accumulation (tshogs lam, sambhdramarga), 147, 435, 4 -4 , 458, , l6 n , 619n289 See also precursor to freedom path o f activities (spyod lam, iryapatha), 20, 153, 211, 304, l n l path o f joining (sbyor... Existence (sridpai rtse mo, bhavàgra), 220, 605n58 absorption o f cessation on, 16, S I, 573 attainm ent of, 556, 578 as a place for beings, 22, 221 classifications of, 83, 550 differentiation from other... 421 distinction from arrogance, 15, 171 fetter of, 58, 415, 417 how it binds one to objects, 56, 403 root o f the neutral, 55, 402 why it is not manifest in nobles, 54, 397 Prince, the See Yasomitra

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:44


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