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Jewels from the treasury vasubandhus ( (129)

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INDEX neutral feeling; pleasure; suffer­ ing, feeling of; unhappiness; un­ pleasant feeling feeling, aggregate of (tshor b a i phungpo, vedanaskandha), , 107, 114—15, 118, , 121,221,241 feet of miracles, four {rdzu ’p hrulgyi rkangpa bzhi, caturrddhipada), 71, 487, 488, 489, 6l9n287, 6l9n289 fetters (kun sbyor, samyojana), 58, 414—17 See also afflictions; kernels fields of benefit, qualities, suffering, and wanderers, 42, 50, 335-36, 371, 381,382 filths, six, 59, 417, 419 fine conduct See conduct, fine fire, element of {me’i khams, tejodhatu), 4, 113-14, 125-26 See also sources first undefiled moment, 7 , 173, 197-98, 509, -8 n l0 five lay precepts See vows, five lay pre­ cepts flattery, 45, 349 flesh-eaters, , 621n321 floods (chu bo, ogha), 57, 412-13, 414 See also afflictions; kernels follower of dharma (chos kyi rjes ’brang, dharmanusarin), 6 , 190, 454, 483 84 follower of faith {dadpa’i rjes ’brang, sraddhanusarin), 6 , 190, 454, 483—84 food, 26, 127-28, 132, 229, 249-50, 251,287 forbearance {bzodpa, ksanti), 65, 6 , , 76, 452, 453 attainment of, 7 , 510 discards of, 54, 393 distinction from knowing, , 497— 98 of knowing cause, 73, 493-94 of knowing cessation, 494 of knowing path, 494 of knowing suffering, 6 , , 133, 452, 493-94 perfect knowings resulting from, 61, 427, 429 training for, 445-46 See also dharma forbearance; precur­ sors to clear realization, forbear­ ance; subsequent forbearance forfeiture {mam par nyamspa, vihina) nature of, 6 , 450 of perfect knowings, 62, 431 of precursors to clear realization, 6 , 449-50 forgetfulness, 166, 607n97 form {gzugs, rupa), 140, 199 as ultimate truth, 436 characteristic of, 109 classification of, 4, 110—11, 297 in Formless realm, 83, 547-48 level of, 141—42 See also form, aggregate of; form, ele­ ment of; Form realm; form, sense base of; imperceptible form; perceptible form form, aggregate of (vzugs kyi phunr po, rupaskandha), 4-5, 108-14, 117-18, 119, 21 , 605n53 classification of, 109 formation ( ’du byed, samskara) aggregate of ( ’du byed kyi phung po, samskaraskandhd), 5, , 107, 115, , 123, , 2 link of interdependence, 23, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 241 See also nonconcurrent formation form, element of, , 126, 133 Formless {gzugs med, arupya) absorptions, 83, 8 , 218, 545—49, 577-78 afflictions present in, 53, 59, 60, 392-93, 420, 422 all-encompassing sense bases, 87, 576, 577 See also all-encompassing sense bases causes of, 8 , 577-78 cognitions which focus on, 57, 409 defilements of, 57, 412 desire in, 53, 58, 391,417 639 INDEX elements in, , 127-28 emancipations, 87, 572 See also emancipations, eight faculties in, 12 , 16, 154, 156-57 factors of enlightenment in, 72, 489-90 karmic paths present in, 45, 356 kernels in, 53, 55, 392-93, 401 lack of abodes, , 217-18 lack of form in, 83, ^ lack of paths of joining or seeing in, 448 life span in, 31, 276 minds in, 19-20, 204, 209-10, 2 , 213 paths of, 486 movements of mind in, 25, 246 realm, , 121,217-218 results of the spiritual way gained in, ,4 -7 results of, 61, 428 sense bases, 125, 218, 605n64 separation from Desire realm, 205 support of, 85, 218, 560-61 virtue of, 40, 324 Form realm (gzugs khams, rupadhatu), 21, 8 , , 218 abodes of, , 216-17, 289, 290, 609nl23, 609nl24, 609nl26 afflictions present in, , , 60, 392-93 420, 422 body size, 30, 274 cognitions which focus on, 57, 89 defilements of, , 412 desire in, 53, 58, 391, 417 elements in, , 127-28 emanations in, 81, 534 factors of enlightenment in, 72, 489-90 faculties in, 12 , 16, 154, 156-57 gods of, 2 , 326, 327 kernels in, 53, 55 ,39 2-9 3, 401 life span in, 31, 276 minds in, 19,20,204,207-9,211-12 movements of mind in, 25, 244-A 640 pure abodes, , 217, 466, 467 results of the spiritual way gained in, ,4 -7 sphere of, 85, 561 See also dhyana form, sense base of, , 26, 109, 122-23, 249-50 foundations of mindfulness, four (dran pa nye bar bzhagpa bzhi, smrtyu pasthana,), 65, 71, 443-45, 487, 488, 508, 511, 530, 6l9n287, 6l9n289 foundations of mindfulness, three, , 517, 520-21 Four Great Kings, realm of the, 29, 31, 267, 270, 275 from family to family (rigs nos rigs, kulamkula), 67, 458 full knowing (shes rab, prajna), 14, 65, 71, 100 - 01 , 145, 164, 16 , 488, 492, 567-68 aggregate of, 125, 424, 605n6l as a root of the neutral, 55, 401—2 aspects as, , 506 as the essence of the foundations of mindfulness, 65, 444 born of listening, contemplating, and meditating, 63, 436—37, 444 relationship to ignorance, 24, 241 relationship to view, 137, 166, 498 transcendent, 49, 7 translation of, 602nl6 See also faculties of faith and so forth, five; powers, five full ripening See cause, full ripening; karma, full ripening of; production by full ripening; result, fully ripened Full Virtue (dge rgyas, subhakrtsna), 282, 609nl23 fully ripened result See result, fully ripened future dharmas, 404 nonarising dharma bases (mi skye ba’i chos can, anutpattidbarmin ), 56, , 105, 135,403, 493, 603n20 See also time, substantial existence of INDEX future lifetimes, 237, 238 gandharva, 219 See also scent-eater garuda, 219 gates of liberation, three, , 366 General Prime Thousand (stong spyiphud, sahasrascudikah), 30, 272 generosity {sbyin pa, dana), 49-30, 3788 ,6l5n225 of Dharma, 51, 386 merit born of, 49-50, 378-84 transcendent, 49, 376 Ghosaka, 152, 405, 428, 448, 474 gods {lha, ¿leva) abodes of the, 29, 266—69 birth of, 2 , 29-30, 223, 231, 270 body size, 30, 273-74 creator god, 19, 2 , 293 copulation of, 29, 270 emanations of, 53 karmic paths of, 355 life span, 31, 275-276 of the Desire realm, 21, 29-30, 216, 220 vows possessed, 40, 326 Gokhale, W , 608nl06 Good Aeon, The (bskal bzang ), 579 Good Dharma (chos bzan?, sudharma), 29, 269 grasping (nye bar lenpa, upadana), 58, 413, 414, 6l7n247 link of interdependence, 24, 236 grasping cause See cause, grasping great aeon See aeon, great Great Brahma (tshangs chen, mahabrahmana), , 327, 460, 462, 564, 609nl23 great compassion See compassion, great Great Compendium {bsdu ba chen mo), 576 Great Exposition school (bye bragsmra ba, vaibhdsika), 94, 11 , 123, 134, 138, 147, 171, 173-74, 177, 182, 185, 199, 218, 237, 243, 244, 250, 296, 318, 351, 391, 407, 418, 428, 437, 444, 457, 461, 465, 466, 467, 474, 489, 506, 525, 545, 5 , 568, n l,6 n ,6 l7 n , 620n298, 620n305 See also Kashmiri Great Exposition Great Result { ’bras bu che ba, brhatphala), 16, 179, 180, 609nl24 great sources, four ( ’byung ba chen po bzhi, mahabhuta) See sources, four Great Vehicle abhidharma, 135, 116, 135, 166, 229, 602nl0 Great Vision {shin tu mthong ba, sudarsana), 271, 609nl26 greed {chagspa, lobhd), 44, 166, 167, 344, ,357 ,41 antidote for, 164 See also desire; attachment grudge { ’khon dzin, upanaha), 14, 165 See also resentment half leapers {phyed du p’ har ba, ardhapluta ), , 461, 463 happiness See pleasure, mental harmful conduct {nyes spyad, duscarita) See conduct, harmful harsh speech {tshig rtsub, pdrusyam ), 44, 45, 132, 345, 349, 354 harsh words See harsh speech hatred {zhe sdang, dvesti), 44, 55, 147, 167, 341,344, 345, 399 antidote for, 164, 569 bond of, 417 feelings it is concurrent with, 60, 421 See also aversion; anger Heaven of the Thirty-Three {sum cu rtsa gsum, trayastrimsa), 29, 267-69, 271, 275, 364 heinous deeds {mtshams med kyi las, anantaryanikarmani), 26, 45, 47-48, 253, 353, 365-73 See also near heinous deeds hell {dmyal ba, naraka), , birth in, 2 , 23, 223, 227, 230 clairvoyance in, 82, 540 cold, 28, 263, 278 641 INDEX hot, 28, 262, 277 Incessant, 28, 262, 277, 368 karmic paths present in, 43, 334, 356 karmic propulsions in, 41, 333 lifespan, ,276 -77 , 278 locations of, 28, 262-63 neighboring (nye ’khor dmyal ba, utsada), 28, 262-63 occasional, 263 hermaphrodite, 40, - , 366 highest end of concentration See dhyana, highest end holding supreme, fetter of, 415—16 See also view of overesteeming disci­ pline and austerity; view of overesteeming views holy wanderers (skyes bu dam pai ’gro ba, satpurusagati), , 464 hostility (mam par ’tshe ba, vihimsà), 14, 59, 60, 165, 419, 422, 551, 568-69 hour (yud tsam, muhürta), 32, 280, ln l6 human {mi, manusya), , 40, 6 , , 219, 2 , 325-26, 355, 366, 441, 451, 540 bodily features, 30, , 273 death of, 26, 252-53 earliest humans, 3 , 282, 287-88, l l n l 68, lln l6 life span, 31, 32, 3 , 274-275, 282 83, 288, 580 mode of birth, 2 , 223 places of, 27-28, 259-61 hungry ghost (yi dwags, prêta) , , 31, 216, 219, 231, 263, 277, 281, 355 birth of, 2 , 223 hypocrisy ( ’chabpa, mraksa), 14, 165 See also concealment idle chatter, 44-45, 132, 345, 348, 349, 354, 355, 384 ignorance (ma rig pa, avidya), 53, 54, 167, 390, 392, 397, 398, 404, l0 n l4 642 as a defilement, flood, grasping, etc., 57, ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 as a root of the neutral, 5 , 401-2 essence of, 24, 55, 240—41, 401 feelings concurrent with, 60, 421 focusing on the undefiled, 5 , 398 link of interdependence, 23, 233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240 near afflictions which arise from, , 418-19 synonymous with delusion, 165 See also delusion Immeasurable Light (tshad med 'od, apramânâbhâ), 274, 609nl23 Immeasurable Virtue (tshad med dge, apramanasubha), 609nl23 immeasurables, four, 86-87, 383, 386, 523, 568-71 immediate condition See condition, con­ current immediate immodesty (khrel med, anapatrapya), 14, 15, 59, 165, 169-70, 302, 418-419, 421,422, 607nl01 immorality, 38, 50, 297, 305, 307, 309, 312, 384, 385 imperceptible form (m am p a r rig byed ma yin p a ’i gzugs, avijñapti), 4, 35—36, 37, 112-13, 131, 296-99, 300, 305, n l,6 l2 n l7 as element and sense base of dharmas, 5, 109, 114, 115, 118 attainment of, 40, 176 causes of, 4, 35, 36, 1 , 298-99 essence of, 35-36, 299 in Formless realm, 547 possession of, 37-38, 309-312 proof of, 35, 296-97, l2 n l7 undefiled, 35, 298-99, 612nl73 See also karma, imperceptible; mid­ vows; vows; wrong vows impermanence (mi rtavpa, anitya), 16 , 107, 183-84, 295 aspect of, 65, , 445, 446, 505, 506, 565, 566 characteristic of, 84 impossible day (zhag mi thub, ünarátra), 32, 280 INDEX imprint (bagchags, vasana), 94, 198, 518, 520-21, 522 improper action, 47, 363-64 inactive (de mtshungs, tatsabhaga), , 134— 35 Incessant Hell ^ hell, Incessant indeterminate dharmas, fourteen, 56, 402^03 individual liberation See vows, of individ­ ual liberation Individual Liberation Sutra (so sor tharpa’i mdo, Pratimoksasutra), 582 individuals, xiii, 66-71, 454-85 See also nobles; ordinary individuals Infinite Consciousness (mam shes mtha\ yas, vijhananta), 83, 218, 2 , 276, 546, 548^49, 574 Infinite Space (nam mkha mtha’yas, akasanantya), 83, 218, 2 , 546, ^ , 560, 576 insatiability, 64, 437-38 instant (skadcigma, ksana:), 31, 32, 278, 280, ln l6 as ultimate truth, 436 intelligence See full knowing interdependence, twelve links of, —2 , 3 ^ , l0 n l4 l intention ( ’d unpa, chanda), 14, 164 interest (mospa, adhimoksa), 14, 72, 164, 492 intermediate aeon See aeon, intermediate Ishvara (dbangphyug, Isvara:), 54, 293, 394 isolate, 188, n ll0 Jampel Gegpay De ( ’Jam dpalsgegpa’i sde), 200 jealousy, 58, 59, 60, 165, 248, 415-416, 41 8,4 ,4 , 422 Jinamitra, xv, 8 , 583 Jndnaprasthdna, 76, 0 , 101, 114, 158, 177, 192, 330, 351, 363-64, 372, 396, 398, 426, 452, 493, 505 joy, 71, 72, , 87, 271, 289, 422, 438, 488, 489-90, 563 branch of dhyana, 83, 84, 150, 545, 5 ,5 ,5 ,5 immeasurable, , 87, 568, 569, 570, 571 See also immeasurables, four Joy of Emanations ( ’p hrul dga, nirmanarati), 270, 271, 611nl60 Kalachakra, 109, 266 Kamalaslla, 579 karma (las, karma), xiii, 24, 25, 35—51, 106, ^ , 293-388, 6l5n212 accumulating, 50, 383 as cause of rebirth, 23, 105-6, 233, 234 classifications of, , 41, 42, 294, 327-28, 337 definite (ngespa’i las), 41, 42, 33 132, 334-35 distinction between heavy and light, 50, 382-83 intended (bsam pa’i las, cetayitvdkarma), 35, 294 indefinitely experienced (ma nges pa’i las), 41, 331-32 links of interdependence which are, 24, 238 motivations of, 36, 302-5 neutral, 41, 47, 301, 327, 360-61 nonvirtuous, 36, 41, 42, 43, 300, 327, 329-30, 336, 338, ^ of body, 35, 294 of speech, 35, 294, 296 results of, 46—47, 356—63 ripening as feeling, 42, 336 undefiled, 42, 338-39, 359 unmoving, 41, 327-29 virtuous, 41, 42, 327, 329, 336, 338, 341 results of, 47, 360 ways karma is experienced, 41, 330 31 what blocks it, 48 white and black, ^ , 337—340 See also karma, completing; karma experienced in other lifetimes; karma experienced on birth; 643 ... three, , 517, 520-21 Four Great Kings, realm of the, 29, 31, 267, 270, 275 from family to family (rigs nos rigs, kulamkula), 67, 458 full knowing (shes rab, prajna), 14, 65, 71, 100 - 01 , 145,... 220 vows possessed, 40, 326 Gokhale, W , 608nl06 Good Aeon, The (bskal bzang ), 579 Good Dharma (chos bzan?, sudharma), 29, 269 grasping (nye bar lenpa, upadana), 58, 413, 414, 6l7n247 link of interdependence,... 16 , 488, 492, 567-68 aggregate of, 125, 424, 605n6l as a root of the neutral, 55, 401—2 aspects as, , 506 as the essence of the foundations of mindfulness, 65, 444 born of listening, contemplating,

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:44

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