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Jewels from the treasury vasubandhus ( (127)

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INDEX classes of, 104 for conduct, , 124 for the three realms, , 429, 434, 303 kinds of, 60, 423 Aparântaka (nyi 'ogpa, aparàntaka), 317, 402, 302, 503-6, 516, 580 appropriated, 7, 130, 604n40 Aràda (ring ’p hur), 182 arhat (dgra bcom pa, arhat) abiding in the result, 468 attainment of, 13, 16, 48, 157, 158, 374, 455, 475 classifications of, 70, 476-77, 483 divine eye of, 82, , , 567-68 entering, , 456, 467 families of, 70, 476-49 knowings of, , 69, 471 defilements and obscurations aban­ doned, 98, 103 occasional and nonoccasional, 70, 0-91,476-77, 560 ornamented and unornamented, 485 passing into nirvana, , 253 perfect knowings possessed, 430, 431 reason to prolong or forsake life, 152 regression from, 70, 158, 1 , 2 , 213, 3 ,4 1 ,4 ,4 7 , 47 881, 607n91 army with four divisions, 238, 61 On 142 arrogance (rgyags pa, mada), 14, 15, , 59, 165,316,419, 420 distinction from pride, 15, 171 feelings concurrent with, 60, 422 Asanga (thogs meet), 95, 230, 575, 623n339 aspects (rnarnpa), 65, 69, 76, 171, 445, 446, 471, 472-73, 502, 503-6, 510-11, 620n298 Asvajit (rta thul), 420, l3 n l8 Asvaldyana Sutra (rta len gyi bui mdo), 226 atmosphere, 4, 114 atoms (rdulphra rab, paramdnu), 14, 104, 109-10, 120 - , 131, 162, 296 size, 1,279 attachment, 57, 69, 73, 144, 391, 410, 428, 439, 469-71, 493-94, 569 See also desire; greed attained through seeing, 67, 70, 190-91, 455,476, ,4 -8 attainment (thobpa), 14, 15-16, 78, 162-63, 172-76, 365, 5 - 16 , 602nl5 characteristic of, 174 See also nonattainment attention (yid la byedpa, manaskdra), 14, 57, 164,410, 474, 526 autocommentary See Abhidharmakosam bhasyam autonomous afflictions See near afflic­ tions, autonomous aversion, xi, 55, 401 See also hatred awareness (shes bzhin ), 37, 79, 84, 309, , 5 ,5 ,5 ,5 Bahyaka See Aparantaka bardo See between state bases of meritorious action (bsod nams bya bdi gzhi, punyakriyavastu), 49-50, 377-85 bases of the knowable, five (shes bydi gzhi Inga), 116, 605n48 becoming (sridpa, bhava), 24, 234—39, 247, 365 beings See individuals; noble individuals; ordinary individual; sentient being Below None (og min, akanistha), 67, 217, 271, 274, 461, 462, 467, 609nl26 between state (bar d oi sridpa, antarabhava), , 22-23, 42, 82, 204, 223-30, 233, 235, 248, 250, 334, 539 Bhadrika, l3 n l8 Bhagavan, the, 96, 369, 473 See also buddha bhikshu, 97, 47, 179, 306, 307, 308, 314, 321, 369, 612nl78 bhikshuni, 306, 314, 369, 612nl78, l3 n l8 birth as a characteristic of composites, 16, 183-84, 186 cause of rebirth, 23, 225 629 INDEX feeling at, 26, 25 fetal stages, 234, 236, 6l4n206 link of interdependence, 24, 237 mind of, 26, 204, of birth, 183-84 of the Teacher, 223 support for, 12 , 148—49 what takes rebirth, 23, 233 See also birth, modes of; birth state; rebirth-linking birth, modes of, 2 , 219, 222-23 birth from egg, 23, 155, 230, 232 birth from warmth and moisture, 155,230 birth from womb, 2 , 23, 155, 157, 2 , 223, 226, 230, 231,232, 233, 334, 609nl33 miraculous, 13, 2 , 155, 156-57, 2 , 223, -3 ,2 ,2 , 287, 607n90, l0 n l l, l0 n l4 l birth state (skye bai sridpa, upapatti bhava,), 26, 225, 228, 248 bodhisattva (byang chub sems dpa, bodhisattva), ^ , 96, 232, 374-77, 381,382, 524 enlightenment of, 16, 181-82, 620n305 body, 9, 110 , 22 , 139, 141-42, 149, 444 element of, 139, 142 See also consciousness, body; faculty, body bonds ( ’chingba, bandhana), 58, 415, 417 bound for Form (gzugs su nyer g’ ro, rupopaga), 67—68, 460-62, 463, 463-64 bound for Formless (gzugs med nyer gro, arupyaga), , 462 bound for higher (gong du ba, urdhvasrotas), 67-68, 461-62, 464 Bountiful Cow (ba langspyod, godanlya ), 28, 30, 260, 273 Brahma, 59, 70, 169, 176, 220, 394, 420, 601n8 as an epithet for the Buddha, 473, 606n70 630 Brahma, four merits of, 50, 385-86 Brahmas Abode (tshangs ris, brahmakayika ), 217, 461, 609nl23 Brahma’s Ministers (tshangspa mdun na don, brahmapurohita), 179, 274, 609nl23 branches of enlightenment, seven (byang chub yan lag bdun, saptabodhyanggani), 71, 72, 487, 488,489, 6l9n287, 6l9n289 breath See meditation, on breath buddha (sangs rgyas, buddha), 96—99, 525 as a type of arhat, 71, 483 authoritativeness of, 8 , 580 awakening of, 6 , 451, 620n305 birth of, 223 clairvoyances and magical powers, 76, 81,82, 97, 501,533, 536, 539 dharma body of, 79, 97, 318, 373, 522 family of, 6 , 71, 450—51 form body of, 97, 318, 522, 523 marks and signs of, 33, 48, 49, 287, 374-75, 523 motivation for action, 36, 304—5 powers of the body, , 519 qualities of knowing and samadhi, 16 , 72, 97, 181-82, 528 regressing from enjoyment, 480 similarities and dissimilarities among buddhas, , 522-23 source of refuge, 39, 97, 318-19 speech of, 132, 186, 606n70 support of, 517 unshared qualities (ma drespai chos, avenikadharma), 78-79, 106, 516-23 See also compassion, great; fear­ lessnesses, four; foundations of mindfulness, three; pow­ ers, ten vows of, 314 when buddhas appear, 32-33, 284— 85 Buddhadeva, 406 INDEX Buddha Shakyamuni, 8 , 94, 314, 581— 82, 384, 583, 613nl88 diligence of, 375 homages to, 3, 93, 96-7, 215 manifestation of samadhi, 568 previous buddhas served by, 49, 376-77 Buddha Shakyamuni (previous), 49 , 376 capable to realize {rtogspai skalpa can, prativedhanadharman ), 476, 477, 483 carefulness (bagyod , apramada:), 14, 39, 8 , 164, 316, 582 carelessness (bagm ed', pram adita ), 14, 165, 421, 581-82 causal condition See condition, causal causally compatible result See result, causally compatible cause (rgyu, hetu ), 17-18, 19, 187-192, 193, 196, 608nl 15 cause, coemergent {than cig ’byung rgyu, sahabhuhetu), 17, 187, 188, 192, 196, 200 cause, compatible, - , 132-33 cause, concurrent (mtshungs Idan rgyu, samprayuktakahetu ), 17, 187, 191, 192, 196, 200 cause, enabling {byed rgyu, karanahetu), 17, 187-88, 192, 193, 196, 200 cause of full ripening {m am smin gyi rgyu, vipdkahetu ), 17, 18, 187, 191-92, 196,200-201 cause of same status {skal mnyam gyi rgyu, sabhdgahetu ), 17, 187, 189-91, 192, 194, 196, 200-201 cause, universal {kun tu g’ ro ba’i rgyu, sarvatragahetu), 17, 18, 187, 191, 192, 194, 196, 200-201,398 cessation { g’ ogpa, nirodha), —4, 103—5 analytic {so sor brtagspai gogpa, pratisamkhyanirodha ) , 4, 104, 123, 173, 175, 192-93, 434, 603n27 attainment of, 173, 174-75 nonanalytic {so sor brtags g’ ogpa, apratisamkhyanirodha), 4, , 104-5, 173, 175, 192-93, 195, 302, 566, 574 See also absorption, of cessation; truth of cessation character base {mtshan gzhi, laksya:), 603n23 characteristics {mtshan nyid, laksana) general and specific, 118, 444,499, 505 of composites, 14, 15, 16-17, 162 — 63, 172, 183-84, 186, 188 chatter See idle chatter childish (byis p a , bdla) 607n92 See also ordinary individual Chim Jamyang (“ The Great Chim, ” Mchims ja m p a i dbyangs), 226, 24344, 393, 609nl34 Clarification o f the Four Times o f the Om­ niscient Lord, A {Dus bzhigsal byed), 580 clairvoyance {mngon shes, abhijna), , 80-82, 523, 529-40 attainment of, 16, 78, 176, 512 See also divine ear; divine eye; ema­ nation; knowing extinction; knowing death and rebirth; knowing others’ minds; know­ ing previous lives; magic; clear realization {mngon rtogs, abhisamaya), 72, 448, 491 arisen from the end of clear realiza­ tion, 7 , 510-11 bodhisattvas, 181,451 sixteen moments of, 6 , 452-54 See also path of seeing types of, 66 , 453 Cloudless {sprin med, anabhraka), 30, 217, 274, 276, 609nl24 coemergent cause See cause, coemergent cognition {shespa, citta ) mental factors which arise concur­ rently with, 166—69 objects of, 56-57, 407-9 synonyms, 15, 171 what it focuses on, 56-57 See also consciousness; mind 631 INDEX cognitive obscuration (shes bya’i sgribpa, jneyavarana) See obscurations, cog­ nitive cognitive pleasure See pleasure, cogntive cold hells See hells, cold color, 4, 1 , 114, 441 Commentary on the Hundred Thousand ('bum tik ), 579 compassion, , 568, 569 great, 79, 517, 521, 621n310 See also immeasurables, four compatible cause See cause, compatible Compendium ofAbhidharma (mngon pa kun las bstus pa, Abhidharmasamucchaya), 109, 393 Compendium o f Ascertainments (m am par gtan la dbab p a bsdu ba, Nimayasamgraha), 393 completing karma See karma, completing composites (dus byas, samskdra), , 4, 10 , 103, 106-8 as results, 18, 192, 195 characteristics of See characteristics, of composites impermanence of, 35, 295, 444 manner in which they arise, 161—86 substantial existence of past and fu­ ture See time, substantial exis­ tence of compound ( dus byas, samskdra) See com­ posites complete abandonments, four (yang dag par spong ba bzhi, catvari samyakprahdnani), 71, 487, 488, ,6l9n287, 6l9n289 concealment ( ‘c habpa, mraksa), , 60, 248,4 18-19 , 422 Conceivedfor That Purpose Sutra (ched du bsam par bya bai mdo, Samcetaniyasutra), 341 conception ( du shes, samjna) aggregate of ( du shes kyi phungpo, samjndskandha), 5, 107, 115, 118, , , 221 mental factor, 14, 164 erroneous, 54, , 395 632 translation of, 604n32 Conception Free abode, 15, 16, 2 , 45, 47, 172, 179, 180, 182, 2 , 327, 356, 365, 366, 6l4n200 conception-free, 16, 179 See also absorption, conception-free concentration See samadhi concurrence (mtshungs Idan, samprayukta) , 15, 171, 199, 425, 606n66 development of kernels through, 5 , 103, 400,414 concurrent cause See cause, concurrent concurrent immediate condition See con­ dition, concurrent immediate condition (rkyen, pratyaya), 17, 18-19, 107, 184, 198-203 aspect of the truth of origin, 506 condition, causal (rgyui rkyen, hetupratyaya), 18, 198, 0 —2 , 2 condition, concurrent immediate (m t­ shungs pa de ma thag rkyen, samanantarapratyaya), 19, 198, 199, , 2 , 203-11 condition, dominant (bdag rkyen, adhipatipratyaya ), 19, 117, 198, 0 , , 202 condition, objective (dmigs rkyen, dlambanapratyaya), 19, 198, 199-200, , 2 , 608nl 17 conduct, ix, 63, 64, 132, 436, 438—39 afflicted, 234, 235 antidotes for, , 124 fine, , 43, 132, 307, 340, 341, 350,351, 373 harmful, 38,43, ,308 ,31 2, 34 0-4 1,3 50, 351,401 paths of, 197, 252, 302 single See vows, lay precepts Conflict Free fthab bral, yamd), 269, 270, 271, 282, l l n l consciousness (m am shes, vijnana), 15, 2 , n ll6 afflictions concurrent with, 60, 129, 21,422 aggregate of, , 107, 115 - 16 , 118, , 2 , 171 antidote for, 221 INDEX as motivation for action, 36, 3 ^ as sustenance, 26, 249, , 231 at death, 251 ,252 -53 body, 9, 84, 142, 348, 555 ear, 44, 84, 129, 134, 142, 348, 555, 605n50 eye, , 44, 84, 109, 118, 133-34, 138, 141-42, 242, 348,555, 572, 605n50 elements of, , , , , 116—17, 125— 26, 128, 133, 135, 136 four places of, 2 , 2 - 2 link of interdependence, 23, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239 level of, 9, 84, 127-28, 141-43, 555 mind (sixth), 7, , 26, 44, 56, 117, 128-29, 137, 139-40, 142^43, 242, 251-52, 304, 336, 348, 403, 421, 605n49, 607n88 nonconceptual, , 128—29 nose, 7, 127-28, 348 objects of, , 143, 199, 405, 620n298 order of, 122 reason consciousnesses are named after the faculty, , 140 sensory consciousnesses, five, , 128— 29, 136-37, 141—42, 143, 242, 304, 403 seven places of, - 2 , 2 , 2 , 22 support of, 4, 16, 1 , 139—43, 183 synonyms, 15, 171 tongue, 7, 127-28, 348 undefiled, 304 which afflictions are in which con­ sciousness, 60 considering (rtogpa, vitarka:), 7, 14, 15, 71, 72, , 128-29, 16 , 167, 168, 289, 303, 336, 488, 554 branch of dhyana, 84, , 545, 551 distinction from examining, 13, 170 which levels it is on, 15, , 129, 167, 169, 490, 527, 545, 555, 564 contact (regpa, sparsa), 14, 26, 115, 126— 27, 164, 249, 250, 251 link of interdependence, 24, 233, 234, 236, 237 types of, 25, 242-43 contemplating (bsam pa, cinta), ix, xiv, 17, 49, 63, 6 , 0 , 191, 375, 410, 436-37, 444 contentiousness ( Jtshigpa, pradasa ), 14, 59, 60, 165,419, 422 contentment, 438 continents, four, xii, , 27—28, , 259-61 See also Bountiful Cow; Rose Apple Land; Superior Body; Unpleas­ ant Sound convinced through faith {dadpas mos, sraddhadhimukta ), 67, 70, 455-56, 476, 481,484 correct worldly view See correct worldly view convinced through faith {dadpas mos, sraddhadhimukta ), , 70, 190, 455, 456, 476, 481,483, 484 cosmology, xii covetousness {brnab sems, abhidhya), 43, 44, 45, 341, 343, 344, 345, 349-50, 354, 355 crafts, , 153, 197,211-12 craving {sredpa, trsna), 191—92, 418, 550 antidote for, 64, 438 as a root of the neutral, 55, 401—2 birth, 397 destruction { j’igsred, vibhaveccha), 54, 396-97 link of interdependence, 24, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 247 types of, 64, 438-39 Darstantikas, 297, 332, 341, 519, 552 days impossible days {zhag mi thub, unaratra), 32, 280 length, 29, 32, 265-66, 280 in various realms, 31, 275, 277 death, 31, 233, 237, 252-53, 582, 607n90 faculties which cease at, 13, 156—57 633 ... childish (byis p a , bdla) 607n92 See also ordinary individual Chim Jamyang (? ?? The Great Chim, ” Mchims ja m p a i dbyangs), 226, 24344, 393, 609nl34 Clarification o f the Four Times o f the Om­... Cow (ba langspyod, godanlya ), 28, 30, 260, 273 Brahma, 59, 70, 169, 176, 220, 394, 420, 601n8 as an epithet for the Buddha, 473, 606n70 630 Brahma, four merits of, 50, 385-86 Brahmas Abode (tshangs... bonds ( ’chingba, bandhana), 58, 415, 417 bound for Form (gzugs su nyer g’ ro, rupopaga), 67—68, 460-62, 463, 463-64 bound for Formless (gzugs med nyer gro, arupyaga), , 462 bound for higher (gong

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