‘Works Cited T h e w orks listed here are the editions consulted d u r ing the translation or referred to by the translator in the notes T his list does n o t include the m any w orks cited by V asu b an d h u or W a n g ch u k D orje, m an y o f w hich w o uld be difficult to find, and som e o f w hich m ay have been lost Sources in the Tengyur V a su b a n d h u Abhidharmakosakarika (chos mngon p a i m dzod kyi tshig leur byas pa)> D erg e T en g y u r (Vol mgnon pa ku pa) Abhidharmakosambhasyam (chos mngon p a i m dzod kyi bshadpa) D ergy e T en g y u r (Vols mgnon pa ku pa a n d khu pa) Y asom itra Sphutarthabhidharmakosavyakhya (chos mngon p a i mdzod kyi 'grel bshad don gsal) D ergy e T en g y u r ( mngon pa gu pa a n d ngupa) O ther Tibetan sources referred to in the text D g e ’d u n g ru b (2 0 ) Legs par gsungs p a i dam p a i chos d ul bai gleng gzhi dang rtogs brjodpa lung sde bzhi kun las btus pa rin po che'i m dzod ces bya ba bzhugs so V aranasi: G e lu k S tu d en ts W elfare C o m m itte e o f th e C e n tral In stitu te fo r H ig h e r T ib e ta n S tudies M c h im s ’ja m p a i d b yangs (1 9 ) Chos mngon pa mdzod kyi tshig leur byas pa'i g‘ relpa mngon pa'i rgyan K ru n g go’i b o d kyi shes rig d p e sk ru n kh an g (R e p rin te d by Y asodhara P u b lic atio n s, D elh i, 0 ) (2 0 ) Chos mngon pa mdzod kyi tshig le'ur byas p a i 'grelpa mngon p a i rgyan I n stitu te o f T ib e ta n Classics 625 JEWELS FROM THE TREASURY D b a n g p h y u g rd o r je (2 0 ) Chos mngon pa m dzod kyi m am par bshadpa chos mngon rgya mtsho’i snyingpo mkhyen rtsei zhal lung gzhon nu m am rol legs bshad chos mig m am ’byedgrub bdei shing rta zhes bya ba bzhugs so B aijnath: D p a l spun gs g su n g rab nyam s gso khan g (2 0 ) Chos mngon pa mdzod kyi m am par bshad pa chos mngon rgya mtshoi snying po mkhyen rtsei zhal lung gzhon nu m am rol legs bshad chos mig m am 'byedgrub bdei shing rta zhes bya ba bzhugs so V aranasi: Vajra V id y a Library M i skyod rd o r je (2 0 ) Shes rab kyipha rol tu p h y in p a i lung chos mtha dag gi bdud rtsii snyingpor gyur pa gang la Idan p d i gzhi rje btsun mchog to dgyespar ngalgso baiyongs du sa brtolgyi Ijonpa rgyaspa (Vols —2 ) Seatde: N ita rth a in te rn a tio n a l P u blication s (2 0 ) Chos mngon pa mdzod kyi g ’ rel pa rgyas par spros pa grub bdei spyid 'jo (Vols l ^ i ) (The Springtime Cow o f Easy Accomplishment: A n Extensive Commentary on the Treasury ofAbhidharma) V aranasi: K agyu R efugee P ro te c tio n C o m m itte e o f th e C e n tra l In s titu te for H ig h e r T i b e ta n Studies Z h w a d m a r chos kyi d b a n g p h y u g (2 0 ) Mngon pa m dzod kyi spyi don dbyiggnyen bzhadpa V aranasi: V ajra V id y a In stitu te Library Sanskrit source G o k h ale, V V The Text oftheAbhidharmakosakarika ofVasubandhu, Journal o f the Bombay Branchy Royal Asiatic Society\ n.s., vol 22 , 1946, pp - 102 626 Index Tibetan and Sanskrit equivalents for English terms are given in parentheses abandoning, 1 , 194, 339, 339, 407, 409-10, 420, 42 4-2 ,4 See also afflictions, discarding abandonment, 427—30, 434, 473 element of, , 493 abhidharma (chos mngon pa, abhidharma), ix-x, xi, 3, 8 , 94, 99 - 0 , 1 , 105, 187, 578, 580 meaning of the word, 96 seven treatises of, x, 0 , 1 , 584 teachers of, 101 , 107 Abhidharmakosambhdsyam, x, xi, 98, 9 0 , , 106, 109, 117, , 146, 152, 173, 178, 184, 186, 195,200, 237, 263, 265, 280, 314, 343, 378, 442, 579, 584, 585, 601nl, l2 n l7 , 6l7n244, 6l9n293, 61920n294 abider in result { ’brasgnas, phalasthita), 67, 455-56 absorption {snyoms ’jug, samdpatti), 8 , 106, 543-78 afflicted See absorption, concurrent with enjoyment arising from, 204 attainment of, 85, 555-56 causes of, 8 , 577-78 classification, 84, 549-50 conception-free, 15, 16, 172, 180, 182, 186, - , 365 See also Conception Free abode; conception-free concurrent with enjoyment {snyoms j’u g ro myang Idan, dsvd danasamprayukta), 84, 85, 54950,556, 557, 558, 561, 618n277 eight noble, 69, 470 essence of, 83, 544—45 of cessation ( gogpa’i snyoms jug, nirodhasamapatti), 15, 16, , 87, 172, 180-82, 186, - , 365, 467, 573, 577 pure {dagpa pa, suddhaka), 84, 85, 204, 549-50, 556, 557-58, 561, 562, 608nl 18 skipping {thod rgalgyi snyoms jug, vyutkrantakasamapatti), 85, 557, 559-60 sphere of, 85, 560 supports of, 85, 560-61 tendencies, four, 85, 558-59 undefiled, 84, 85, 549-50, 556, 557, 558, 562 627 INDEX active (brten bcas, sabhaga), , 134—35, 606n73 adultery See sexual misconduct aeon {skalpa, kalpa), 32, 3 , 280-83 first, 287-88 great aeon (bskalpa chen po, mahakalpa:), 32, 276, 283, lln l6 intermediate aeon {bar gyi bskal pa, antahkalpa), 32, 282, 288 nature of, 283 of abiding, 281, 283 of destruction, 32, 281, 283, 289-90 of formation, 32, 281—82, 283 types of, 280—81 uncountable, 284 affection, 15, 170 affirming negation See not-negation afflicted dharmas, 51, 197, 387 afflictions {nyon mongs, klesd), xiii, 24, 25, 63, 100 - 1 , 106, ^ , l n2 antidotes for, 60-61, 85, 124, 424— 26, 562 as cause of rebirth, 23, 106, 233, 234 causes of, , 191,410-11 discarding, 60-61, 63, 85, 424—25, 433-34, 562, 570 extinction of, 72, 325, 492 general, 404, 6l6n242 links of interdependence which are, 24, 238 root, 417 specific, 403, 6l6n240 support of, 120 See also bonds; defilements; entanglers; filths, six; floods; grasping; kernels; near afflictions; yokes afflictive obscurations {nyon mongspai sgribpa, klesavarana) ^ o b s c u r a tions, afflictive Age of Perfection, 61 l n l 68 Age of Strife, 288, 61 ln l6 Age of Threefold Qualities, 287, 61 In 168 Age of Twofold Qualities, 288, 61 ln l6 aggregates (phungpo, skandha), 4—5, 107— 17,119 628 as that which is reborn, 23, 233—38 meaning of, , 119, - name aggregates, 24, 217, 241 of Dharma {chos kyi phungpo, dharmaskandha), , 123-24 of grasping, five {nye bar len p a ’i phung po Inga, pancopadanaskandha), 4, 107-8 order of, , , 121 undefiled, 124—25, 424, 605n6l See also conception, aggregate of; consciousness, aggregate of; feel ing, aggregate of; form, aggre gate of; formation, aggregate of aggression {khro ba, krodha), 14, 59, 165, 167, 168, 248, 418-19 aging, 16, 163, 183-84, 227, 237, 582 aging and death (link of interdepend ence), 24, 234, 235, 237, 238, 3940, 247 agitation {rgodpa, uddhata), 14, 164, 165, 228, 485 air, element of {rlunggi khams, vayudhdtu), 4, 113-14, 125-26 Ajatasatru, King {ma skyes dgrd), 353 all-afflicted {kun nas nyon mongs pa, samklesa), , 11 , 105, 21 , 146, 147, 148, 247-48 all-encompassing sense bases, ten {zadpar gyi skye mched bcu, dasakrtsnayatana), 87, 125, 523, 575-77 alternating meditation {spel sgom, vyavakirnabhavitd ) See dhyana, al ternating analytic cessation See cessation, analytic anger {khong khro, pratigha), , 56, 6 , 390, 392, 403,415 feelings concurrent with, 60, 422 near afflictions which develop from, 59 ,41 8-4 19 animal {dud ’gro, tiryaka ), , 2 , 31, 216, 223, 263, 277, 355 Aniruddha {ma g’ agspa), 364 antidotes, 40, 99, 325, 425, 426, 516, 602nl4 attainment of, 78, 516 ... i, 0 ) (2 0 ) Chos mngon pa mdzod kyi tshig le'ur byas p a i 'grelpa mngon p a i rgyan I n stitu te o f T ib e ta n Classics 625 JEWELS FROM THE TREASURY D b a n g p h y u g rd o r je (2 0 )... Cited T h e w orks listed here are the editions consulted d u r ing the translation or referred to by the translator in the notes T his list does n o t include the m any w orks cited by V asu b... Ijonpa rgyaspa (Vols —2 ) Seatde: N ita rth a in te rn a tio n a l P u blication s (2 0 ) Chos mngon pa mdzod kyi g ’ rel pa rgyas par spros pa grub bdei spyid 'jo (Vols l ^ i ) (The Springtime