YOUTHFUL PLAY # AREA VIII If with his acumen in proofs and rebuttals He destroys the logic o f the six extremist teachers, W hat need is there to talk of lesser opponents? Thus in debate he is truly Dharmakirti! From both my masters’ kindness, I have not Been stricken by the poison of the objects N or distracted by desire’s illusory dance I take the burden on to free my mothers And have faith in the ways o f the Buddha’s teachings The friend of day,357 the master o f the Shakyas, Knowing the basket of the Abhidharma To be discernment that will stop afflictions, Thus taught it to his gatherings of students These teachings were in bits and pieces which Shariputra and the rest compiled in Seven Treatises Afterwards seven hundred arhats at M ount Vindhya wrote great treatises explaining The meaning of the Seven Treatises Vasubandhu collected all the precious Jewels of their meaning in this Treasury T hen he himself wrote his own commentary, And the son o f a lord, Prince Yasomitra, The scholar Purnavardhana, and other Great Indian scholars wrote their explanations There is the chariot of the Practice Lineage, The treatise that is called The Springtime Cow Upon the repeated requests of my true master Great Namgyal Drakpa and from students Dogyii Gyatso And others, for the benefit of future followers, I have combined all aspects of these explications And then explained this Youthful Play without Any vagrant hearsay or my own fabrications W hen I was eighteen I received the full And complete explanation and transmission For Mikyo’s commentary as well as 584 THE SUMMARY OF THE TREATISE The Treasury ofAbhidharma from The omniscient glorious lama, Konchok Yenlak Then the great master trained me thoroughly in The difficult points and dispelled my doubts About the root, the commentary, and The explanation, so that I have attained Full mastery of the meaning of the words But if there may be any contradictions, Mistakes, or faults herein, I ask all those W ho have the eyes o f Dharm a for their patience If any o f my followers should wish To gain the wish-fulfilling jewel o f freedom From the vast oceans of the abhidharma, Embark upon this ship of Youthful Play May the rich nectar from the stamens of The blossoming white lotus of this virtue Nourish with deathless sustenance the bees W ho long for the teachings of the glorious Dakpo From now until I reach enlightenm ent s essence, I ask the great master, the perfect buddha, To dwell inseparably in my heart’s drop May the nectar o f my speech spread to all beings! May they master unmistakenly and entirely The meaning o f the Baskets and the Tantras, Have the intelligence to teach, write, and debate, And strive to listen, contemplate, and meditate all day and night May this essence o f the ocean of abhidharma That opens our eyes to the Dharma, The place for clear-minded youths to play, Spread over all the world and blaze! W hen during his second uncountable aeon on the path o f learning our Teacher, the unequalled king o f the Shakyas himself, was the merchant Prajnabhadra, he formed his resolve in front o f the tathagata Konchok Yenlak himself, who had arisen as the essence o f all aspects of the body, speech, and 585 YOUTHFUL PLAY ?f A R E A YIII m ind o f all the victors and was the sole refuge, support, land, and friend for all wanderers who fill space I received this from the full m oon o f the face of the guru, omniscient glorious Konchok Shakya Choggi Tsowoy Bang, as well as from him, whose moon o f wisdom that knows all there is to know is full and shines the light renowned as victorious in all directions that fills all the realms o f the world The crown jewel o f vows, diligence, and scholarship in this Land o f Snow, the one who is without peer in teaching, writing, and de bating is Vijayakirti’s I place the stainless dust from these two masters’ feet on the crown of my head The m onk of the Shakyas, Palden M ipham Chokyi W angchuk Dorje Garwang Chokle Nampar Gyalway Nyingpo Khyabdak Tenpay Nyima, or by an other name bestowed by the Khenpo o f Uddiyana Padmasambhava, Vajresvara, began this at the age o f twenty in the great place of practice Sha U k Tiger Gate I completed it when called a twenty-one-year-old in the second half of the m onth o f the Pleiades on the sixth day of the waning phase, o f the Male Fire Rat year (1576) in the solitary place o f W hite M ountain Cave near the great Dharm a Wheel of T hupten Karma Sungrab Gyatso Ling The scribe was Bhikshu Anandaraja Virtue! Virtue! Virtue! 586 APPENDIX A English Equivalents o f 'Tibetan Terms Terms are alphabetized according to Tibetan alphabetical order kun 'gro universals kun tu 'gro ba'i rgyu universal cause kun nas dkris pa entangler kun nas nyon mongs pa all-afflicted kun ’byunggyi bden pa truth of origin kun sbyor fetter kun rdzob relative kun shes Idan p a i dbangpo faculty of having all-knowing kun shes p a i dbang po faculty of all knowing kun shes byed p a i dbang po faculty of producing all-knowing rkyen condition skad cig ma instant skal mnyam gyi rgyu cause of same status skyabs refuge skye mched sense bases skye ba'i sridpa birth state skyes nas thob pa attained upon birth skyes nas mya ngan las \'da ba nirvana upon birth skyes nas myong 'gyur gyi las karma experienced on birth skyes bu dam p a i 'gro ba holy wanderers skyes bu byed 'bras bu personal result bskalpa grangs med uncountable aeons bskalpa chen po great aeon kha na ma tho ba unwholesome khams element khong khro anger khyadpar gyi lam distinctive path khyab pa 'du byed kyi sdug bsngal pervasive suffering of formation khro ba aggression khrel med immodesty khrelyod modesty 'khon \dzin grudge 'khor lo'i dbyen schism of the Wheel gong du 'pho ba bound for higher gong ma cha mthun those that lead to the higher gya nom snang ba Excellent Appearance grang dmyal cold hells dga Idan Jpyous Land dge rgyas Full Virtue dge chung Lesser Virtue dge bsnyen pursuer of virtue dge 'dun sangha dge ba virtue dge ba'i rtsa ba chad pa severing the roots of virtue 587 APPENDIX A dgesbyonggi \tshul spiritual way dge sbyonggi Jt shul3bras results of the spiritual way dge tshul novice dgra bcom pa arhat ’g ogpdi snyoms jug absorption of cessation gog p d i bden pa truth of cessation ’g ogpdi mam thar emancipation of cessation ’g yodpa regret ’gyur ba’i sdug bsngal suffering of change ’gro ba wanderer rgodpa agitation rgyas byung produced by development rgyagspa arrogance rgyu cause rgyu mthun gyi ’bras bu causally compatible result rgyu mthun pa causally compatible rgyun zhugs pa stream-enterer rgyu’i rkyen causal condition sgom meditation sgom spang, discards of meditation sgom lam path of meditation sgyu pretense sgra mi snyan Unpleasant Sound bsgribs la lung ma bstan obscured neutral nga rgyal pride ngo bo nyid kyi rtogpa essential thought ngo tsha shame ngo tsha medpa shamelessness nges pa’i las definite karma nges par rtog p a’i rtog pa thought that recognizes nges 'byed cha mthun precursor to clear realization dngospo thing dngos su log par zhugs pa direct mistaken engagement mngon rtogs clear realization mngon par ’du byed pa med pa mya ngan las ’da ba nirvana without effort mngon par ’du byed pa mya ngan las ’da ba nirvana with effort 588 mngon shes clairvoyance mngon sum direct perception sngun dus previous state ciyang med Nothingness bcaspa’i kha na ma tho ba prohibited unwholesome chags bcas desirous chags pa greed chags pa med pa nongreed chags bral detached cho ’phrul miracle chos Dharma, phenomena chos kyi ’khor lo Wheel of Dharma chos kyi rjes ’brang follower of dharma chos kyi phungpo aggregates of Dharma chos mngon pa abhidharma chos can dharma base chos mchog supreme dharma chos bzang Good Dharma chos bzod dharma forbearance chos shes dharma knowing chu bo floods ’chab pa concealment ’chab pa hypocrisy ’chi ba’i sridpa death state ’chi bar semspa’i chos can one with volition for death ’chingba bonds ’jig rten world ’jig rten pa’i yang dag pa ’i Ita ba correct worldly view ’jig Ita personality view jig tshogs la Ita ba view of personality j’igsred craving destruction rjes shes subsequent knowing rjes su dran pa’i rtog pa thought that remembers rjes su srung ba’i chos can protected one nyon mongs affliction nyon mongs dri ma afflicted filths nyon mongs pa’i sgrib pa afflictive obscurations .. .THE SUMMARY OF THE TREATISE The Treasury ofAbhidharma from The omniscient glorious lama, Konchok Yenlak Then the great master trained me thoroughly in The difficult points... twenty-one-year-old in the second half of the m onth o f the Pleiades on the sixth day of the waning phase, o f the Male Fire Rat year (1 576) in the solitary place o f W hite M ountain Cave near the great... Youthful Play May the rich nectar from the stamens of The blossoming white lotus of this virtue Nourish with deathless sustenance the bees W ho long for the teachings of the glorious Dakpo From now until