QUALITIES OF THE KNOWINGS O r everything So for that reason This is w hats called the sight o f gods “Everything” means that not only things in front, but things that are behind and so on are also seen (in) H ow the three individuals see with the divine eye 55ab The arhat, rhino, and the Teacher See a thousand squared or cubed or countless Seeing lower levels with the divine eye o f the first dhyana and so forth has been explained The listeners and self-buddhas see the thousand worlds, two thousands, and three thousands with their divine eyes.323 In particular, the lis tener arhats, the rhino-like self-buddhas, and the Teacher of gods and humans see through the strength o f effort a thousand squared (a million) worlds, or a thousand cubed (a billion), or countless world realms respectively The Teacher’s depends upon merely thinking o f it (c) Understanding the natures of those attained by birth, etc This has two topics: (i) General teaching, and (ii) Distinctions in support (i) General teaching This has three points A Teaching that the o th e r fo u r can also be attain ed u pon birth 55c Others are gained on birth as well, Is magic the only clairvoyance attained upon birth, or can the others be as well? you ask N ot only magic, the others, including the divine ear and so forth, can be gained on birth as well, but since those are not produced by meditation, they are not called clairvoyance B H o w the divine eye a ttain ed upon birth sees 55d It cannot see the between state It, the divine eye attained upon birth, cannot see the between state, which can only be seen by the divine eye produced by training 539 YOUTHFUL PLAY ?f A R E A VII C D etailed explanation o f know ing m inds 56ab Knowing minds is three, created by The intellect and mantra, too Knowing others’ m inds attained upon birth, depending upon its intention, is threefold, virtue and so forth Knowing others’ minds that is created by the intellect from perceiving the attributes of someone’s body and speech, and that created by m antra are virtuous, nonvirtuous, or neutral, too These are not like the result o f meditation, which is solely virtuous (ii) Distinctions in support 56cd Hell beings know at first W ith humans, There are not any gained on birth Hell beings both know others’ minds and remember previous places at first from the time they are born until they are agonized by the feelings of suffering Once they are agonized, they no longer know because they are oppressed by suffering Those who live among other wanderers know permanently O f the clairvoyances that have been taught, w ith hum ans there are not any gained on birth, but there is magic that is attained by detachment, intellect, mantras, medicine, and karma Well then, how is it that some humans naturally remember their previous births? you ask T hat is not attained upon birth but produced by previous karma From the Precious Garland:324 For purpose o f Dharm a and likewise Remembering the meanings of scriptures, And stainless generosity o f Dharma, Remembrance o f lifetimes is attained Second, presenting the area's name This completes the seventh area called “Teachings on W isdom” from the Verses o f the Treasury ofAbhidharma This com pletes the explanation o f the seventh area called “Teachings on W isdom ” from The Explanation o f the ((Verses o f the Treasury ofA bhidharm a” called The Essence o f the Ocean ofAbhidharma, The Words o f Those who Know and Love, Explaining the Youthful Play, Opening the Eyes o f Dharma, the Chariot o f Easy Practice 540 QUALITIES OF THE KNOWINGS A few words here: The moon of speech who has perfected fully The all-knowing wisdom and compassion of The master o f ten powers, my glorious master, Melts in my heart into a drop whose pureness Then rises to my throat as M anju’s riches Thus have I gained some independent courage In all the scriptures o f the infinite victors— I have no fear to teach, write, or debate By excellently bringing to a finish The seventh section of this explanation O f abhidharma, the treasury on wisdom, W hile staying in retreat in solitude In the W hite Cave on the side of the m ountain O n the full m oon o f winter’s second m onth W hen the moon rose among the Pleiades, May the teachings of the Sage remain for ages! 541 EIGHTH AREA 'Teachings on the c Absorptions From the fields that bring happiness to great cooling groves H e went at his leisure, the glorious lama, A nd then gave the gift o f this feast that’s supreme To beings of this fortunate aeon: I prostrate to him The causal, resultant pure dhyanas, the Formless, The eight emancipations, all-encompassing, et cetera— The eighth part, the treasury that teaches absorption— If you wish to know these all with ease, enjoy this The eighth area, the “Teachings on the Absorptions,” has first an explanation of the text of the area and second, an explanation of the branch that completes the composition, the summary of the treatise The explanation o f the text of the area has three topics: I Explanation o f the dhyanas and the Formless, II Classifications o f samadhi, and III Explanation of the qualities supported by samadhi I Explanation of the dhyanas and the Formless This has two topics: A In dividual explanations, and B Understanding them in common Individual explanations This has three topics: An explanation of the dhyanas, An explanation o f the Formless, and Summary of both A 543 ... on W isdom ” from The Explanation o f the (( Verses o f the Treasury ofA bhidharm a” called The Essence o f the Ocean ofAbhidharma, The Words o f Those who Know and Love, Explaining the Youthful... of the area and second, an explanation of the branch that completes the composition, the summary of the treatise The explanation o f the text of the area has three topics: I Explanation o f the. .. cetera— The eighth part, the treasury that teaches absorption— If you wish to know these all with ease, enjoy this The eighth area, the “Teachings on the Absorptions,” has first an explanation of the