YOUTHFUL 49c PLAY ?f A R E A VII In Form, two Because in Form there is neither scent nor taste, emanations in Form are the two sense bases of form and touch These can also be connected to one’s own or another’s body (ii) Identifying the mind of emanation This has four topics: A W hat em anates, B Classifications of the m ind of emanation, C W hat it is acquired through, and D W hat arises from which A W h at emanates 49cd Minds o f emanation Create them, too Does only clairvoyance create emanations? you ask No The result o f clair voyance, the m ind o f em anation, creates them — emanations— too B Classifications o f the m in d o f emanation 49d 50ab These are fourteen Results of dhyan, respectively, From two to five, not lower’s result These minds o f emanation also are fourteen W hat are the fourteen? you ask The results o f levels of dhyana, respectively From the first dhyana, there are two minds of emanation on the levels of Desire and the first dhyana The re sults o f the second dhyana are three— those o f the two lower levels and its own level The results of the third dhyana are four— those of the three lower levels and its own level This continues to the fourth dhyana that has five, the four lower levels and its own in succession Here there is something that must be known: emanating an object in Desire is the action of the emanating m ind of Desire, but that emanating m ind itself is contained within the levels of dhyana Therefore, emanating minds that are results of dhyana are of their own and lower levels, but those emanating minds born from the higher levels are n o t the lower levels’ result, because if one has not attained the higher level, one cannot produce its emanating mind If one has attained the higher level, the emanating m ind is the result o f that level itself 534 QUALITIES OF THE KNOWINGS C W hat it is acquired through 50c Its gained like dhyan, How is the m ind o f emanation acquired? you ask It is gained like dhyana by detaching from lower realms O ne can also acquire the emanating m ind of the first dhyana by being born from the second dhyana into the first D W hat arises from w hich This has two topics: W hat the m ind of ema nation arises from, and W hat arises from the m ind o f emanation W hat the m in d o f em anation arises from 50cd arising from The pure and self There is no arising directly from the m ind o f em anation itself W hen first manifesting a m ind o f emanation— that is, in entering a m ind o f emanation— the emanating m ind arises from the pure dhyana319 and later also from itself W hat arises from the m in d o f em anation 50d O u t of it, two W hen abiding in a m ind o f emanation, there is no arising without entering samadhi, so out o f it, a m ind o f emanation, two cognitions can arise: in the instance o f arising from the m ind of emanation there is a pure dhyana upon arising, and in the instance o f continuation, there is the m ind of emanation itself There are no others that arise W hen abiding in an emanating m ind that is the result o f samadhi, there is no arising from samadhi without first re-entering it (iii) How that emanates This has three topics: A W hich minds of emanations emanate, B Minds that emanate speech, and C W hether minds of emanation are more or less numerous than emanations A W hich m inds o f em anations em anate 51a They're emanated by own level, They, all emanations, are em anated by their own levels emanating minds: emanating minds o f one level not create emanations on other levels 535 YOUTHFUL PLAY AREA VII B M inds that em anate speech This has three topics: W hat m ind supports emanations speaking, Distinctions in how emanations speak, and The m anner o f speaking through blessings W h at m in d supports emanations speaking 31b But speech by lower levels, too B ut in particular, when emanations of the second dhyana and higher engage in speech, they speak only by the speaking m ind o f the lower level first dhyana, because above that there is no consideration or examination on their own level, and speech depends upon the m otivation o f consideration and analysis The word “too” means that in Desire and on the first dhyana, only the m ind o f its own level engages in speech Distinctions in h o w emanations speak This has two points a Actual 51c W ith emanator, except the Teacher Emanations speak along w ith the emanator, except if they are the Teacher’s emanations The Teacher, the Buddha, can make multiple emanations speak From The Long Discourses:320 If one speaks, then all The emanations speak If one doesn’t speak, Then none of them b Dispelling a d o u b t Id After it’s blessed, another starts it Well then, when there is a m ind that speaks, there is no m ind o f emanation, so for that reason the emanation would disappear and who would speak? you ask This is not a problem, because after it, the emanation, is blessed to be able to stay, another mind, a speaking mind, starts it speaking 53 QUALITIES OF THE KNOWINGS The m anner o f speaking through blessings 52ab There are blessings for the dead as well, N ot for the unstable Some say not Are blessings only for the living, or are there also blessings for the dead? you ask There are blessings for the dead as well, which allow them to remain for a long time, because through his own blessings, the skeleton of Noble Mahakasyapa remained after his death There are blessings for bones and other stable body parts, but not for the unstable flesh, blood, and so forth, because Noble Mahakasyapa did not bless his flesh and so forth Some say there are n o t any blessings for the dead, and that Noble Mahakasyapas skeleton was caused to remain by the power o f the gods of the pure realms C W hether m inds o f em anation are m ore or less n u m erous than em ana tions 52cd First, many emanate the one; W hen mastered, it is opposite At first, m any minds o f emanation em anate the one emanation W hen clair voyance has been mastered, then it is the opposite: one m ind creates many emanations (iv) The essence of the mind of emanation 53ab Produced by meditation, neutral; But those produced by birth are threefold Are all minds of emanation neutral? you ask Minds o f emanation produced by m editation are always neutral, because they arise on lower levels, so the lower levels m ind of emanation is manifest But those minds o f emanation that produced by attainm ent upon one’s birth, such as those of gods, nagas, flesh-eaters,321 or so forth, are threefold: virtuous, nonvirtuous, and neutral, because they are produced to help or harm another, or for a neutral reason Emanations created by gods and so forth, whether connected to their own or others’ bodies, are the nine sense bases as they have eyes, etc., and the sense bases o f form excluding sound Emanations not connected to ones own or others’ bodies are only four sense bases 537 YOUTHFUL PLAY * AREA VII (v) Classifications of magic 53cd Magic from mantra, medicine, And karma, for five types in all Is magic just the two produced by meditation and attained upon birth? you ask Magic is produced by meditation; attained upon birth; produced from m antra, such as flying in the sky because of the g h a n d h a r i m antra and so forth; produced by m edicine such as turtle’s mane or peacock feather; and produced by karma, such as the miracles of M andhatar or beings in the be tween state, for a total o f five types in all (b) U nderstanding the clairvoyances of eye and ear This has three points (i) W hat their essence is 54ab They are the divine eyes and ears, Clear forms on levels o f the dhyanas Are the divine eye and ear only for the gods, or when the Bodhisattva, wheelwielding emperors, or precious householders see many leagues, which is like the divine eye, is this called the divine eye or ear? you ask They, the Desire realm gods’ eyes and ears, are the actual divine eye and divine ear W hen in the equipoise o f dhyana, if one trains to direct the attention to appearances in the arena o f the eye and ear, this creates the causes for seeing the form and hearing the sound of clear forms caused by the sources o f the levels o f the dhyanas, so they are on the level of dhyana (n) Distinctive features 54cd They’re always active, nothing lacking Their sphere is distant, subtle, et cetera Both the divine eye and ear always accompany consciousness, so they are al ways active and never inactive.322As there is never any deficiency or fault, that is to say, no distortion or deafness, there is nothing lacking, just as with the eyes and ears o f sentient beings of the Form realm T heir sphere is forms and sounds that are distant, subde, et cetera, including hidden As it is said: The fleshly eye, it cannot see The distant, hidden, subtle forms, 538 ... appearances in the arena o f the eye and ear, this creates the causes for seeing the form and hearing the sound of clear forms caused by the sources o f the levels o f the dhyanas, so they are on the level... arise: in the instance o f arising from the m ind of emanation there is a pure dhyana upon arising, and in the instance o f continuation, there is the m ind of emanation itself There are no others... from, and W hat arises from the m ind o f emanation W hat the m in d o f em anation arises from 50cd arising from The pure and self There is no arising directly from the m ind o f em anation