Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 803 concentrations too low to represent a hazard to breast-feeding mothers The fatal dose of caffeine in man is stated to be 10 g.” Caffeine-containing plants can reduce the appetite (CAN) Caffeine has dozens of reported activities, suggesting its potential in asthma, dermatosis, flu, herpes, nausea, obesity, even viruses Many caffeine activities are shared, perhaps synergistically with theophylline and theobromine YELLOW DOCK (Rumex crispus L.) ++ HHB mixes, appropriately methinks, R crispus L and R obtusifolius L Activities (Yellow Dock) — Allergenic (1; WOI); Alterative (f; EFS; PNC; PH2); Analgesic (f; DEM); Antiangiogenic (1; BGB; FNF); Antibacterial (1; ABS; APA); Anticancer (1; BGB; FNF); Antipyretic (f; CRC); Antiscorbutic (f; CRC); Antiseptic (1; APA; PED); Antispasmodic (f; HHB); Astringent (1; APA; CRC; EFS; PED; WOI); Cholagogue (f; PNC); Cytotoxic (1; BGB; FNF); Depurative (f; APA; CRC; EFS; FAD); Dermatitigenic (1; CRC); Discutient (1; CRC); Emetic (f; DEM); Fungicide (1; FAD); Hepatonic (f; PED); Hypotensive (1; ZUL); Laxative (1; APA; CAN; CRC; HHB; PNC; WOI); Parasiticide (1; CRC); Peristaltic (1; APA); Rubefacient (1; APA; CRC); Sedative (f; EFS); Tonic (f; CRC; EFS; PH2; PNC; WOI) Indications (Yellow Dock) — Acne (f; APA); Adenopathy (f; CRC; FAD; FEL; JFM); Anemia (f; APA; CRC; HHB; MAD); Anthrax (1; CRC); Asthma (f; MAD; PH2); Athlete’s Foot (1; DEM); Bacteria (1; ABS; APA); Bleeding (f; DEM; PH2); Boil (f; DEM); Bronchosis (f; PHR); Bruise (f; APA; CRC); Burn (1; APA; CRC); Cancer (1; BGB; CRC; FNF; JFM); Cancer, breast (f; JLH); Cancer, cervix (f; JLH); Cancer, parotid (f; JLH); Cancer, spleen (f; JLH); Cancer, throat (f; JLH); Catarrh (f; FEL; MAD); Chafing (f; DEM); Chlorosis (f; MAD); Cholecystosis (f; MAD); Cold (f; DEM); Constipation (1; APA; CAN; CRC; DEM; FAD; HHB; PNC; WOI); Cough (f; FEL; MAD; PH2); Cramp (f; DEM; HHB); Cystosis (f; CEB; DEM; MAD); Dermatosis (1; APA; CRC; PH2; PNC); Diarrhea (1; APA; CRC; FAD; MAD; PH2; WOI); Dysentery (1; CEB; DEM; MAD); Dyspnea (f; FEL); Dyspepsia (f; FEL); Earache (f; MAD); Eczema (f; APA; CRC; MAD; PED); Elephantiasis (f; FEL); Enterosis (1; APA); Escherichia (1; CRC); Fever (f; Y 804 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs CRC; DEM; HHB); Flu (f; MAD); Fungus (1; CRC; FAD); Gastrosis (f; DEM; PH2); Gingivosis (1; APA; CRC; FEL); Gout (f; CEB); Hematochezia (f; DEM); Hemoptysis (f; CEB; DEM); Hemorrhoid (f; DEM; PH2); Hepatosis (f; CEB; FAD; MAD; PED); Herpes (1; CRC); High Blood Pressure (1; ZUL); Hives (f; APA); Induration (f; JLH); Infection (1; APA; CRC; FAD); Inflammation (f; PH2); Insomnia (f; EFS); Itch (f; CRC; FEL; MAD); Jaundice (f; DEM; PNC; PH2); Laryngosis (1; CRC; FEL; HHB; MAD); Leprosy (f; CRC; FEL); Lymph (f; JFM); Malaria (f; CRC); Mucososis (1; APA; PH2); Mycosis (1; APA; CRC; FAD); Nausea (1; CRC); Nephrosis (f; DEM); Nervousness (f; EFS); Ophthalmia (f; FEL); Pain (f; DEM); Parasite (1; CEB; CRC); Parotosis (f; JLH); Pharyngosis (f; FEL; MAD); Prurigo (f; FEL); Psoriasis (1; APA; CAN; CRC); Pulmonosis (f; DEM; MAD; PHR; PH2); Rash (f; DEM); Respirosis (f; PH2); Rheumatism (f; CRC; DEM; FAD); Rhinosis (f; PHR); Ringworm (1; CRC; FAD); Salmonella (1; CRC); Scirrhus (f; JLH); Scrofula (f; CRC; DEM; FEL); Sore (f; APA; CRC; FAD; FEL); Sore Throat (f; DEM; FAD); Splenosis (f; JLH); Staphylococcus (1; CRC); Stomatosis (1; APA; CRC); Swelling (f; CRC; DEM; FEL); Syphilis (f; APA; CRC; FEL; JFM); Toothache (1; CRC; DEM); Tracheosis (f; FEL; MAD; PH2); Tuberculosis (f; APA; CRC; JFM; MAD); Ulcer (f; DEM); Urticaria (1; PED); VD (f; APA; CRC; FEL); Wart (f; JLH); Wound (f; CEB; DEM); Yellow Fever (f; DEM) Dosages (Yellow Dock) — 2–4 tbsp fresh root (PED); 3–6 g dry root (PED); 4.5 g dry root:22 ml alcohol/23 ml water (PED); 2–4 g dry root, or in tea, ×/day (CAN); 1–2 g powdered root (MAD); 2–4 ml liquid root extract (1:1 in 25% ethanol) ×/day (CAN); 1–2 ml root tincture (1:5 in 45% ethanol) ×/day (CAN); 2–3 (505 mg) root capsules ×/day (APA); 500–505 mg capsules (PH2); 2–4 ml liquid herb extract (PNC) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Yellow Dock) — Class 2d oxalates Patients with kidney stone should beware Tannins (AHP) CAN cautions that anthraquinones can be laxative and irritate the GI tract Because of the anthraquinones, nonstandardized preparations should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation (CAN) Anthraquinones can be secreted into breast milk Also contraindicated in endometriosis, hemorrhoids, and nephropathy (CAN; JAD), intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain of unknown causes, any enteritis (appendicitis, colitis, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome), menstruation (AHP) Do not use more than 8–10 days (AHP) Do not use this product if you have abdominal pain or diarrhea Consult a health care provider prior to use if pregnant or nursing Discontinue use in the event of diarrhea or watery stools Do not exceed recommended dose Not for long-term use These are the recommendations normally given for anthraquinone-containing plants, but not given for this anthraquinone-containing plant (AHP) Overuse may cause abdominal cramps and diarrhea, and prolonged use may cause intestinal atrophy and hypokalemia (CAN) Methinks you can say that about any laxative, adding electrolyte imbalance to the consequences Large doses should be avoided due to the oxalate content (PNC) One fatality reported from too much yellow dock soup, perhaps due to oxalate poisoning (PHR) Herbal extract is mildly antibacterial toward Gram-positive (Mycobacterium, Staphylococcus) and Gramnegative (Escherichia, Shigella) Anthraquinones can arrest growth of ringworm and other fungi (FAD) Can work either way, the anthraquinones are a laxative, the tannins are an astringent (FAD) YELLOW JESSAMINE (Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J St.-Hil.) X Synonym: Bignonia sempervirens L Y Activities (Yellow Jessamine) — Analgesic (f; CRC; PH2); Anticholinesterase (1; PH2); Antipyretic (f; CRC); Antispasmodic (f; CRC); Bronchodilator (1; PHR); CNS Depressant (f; CRC); Diaphoretic (f; CRC); Hypotensive (1; PHR); Mydriatic (f; CRC); Nervine (f; CRC); Poison (1; CRC); Respirasedative (1; PH2); Sedative (f; CRC); Tonic (f; CRC); Vasodilator (1; PHR) Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 805 Indications (Yellow Jessamine) — Asthma (f; CRC; HHB); Biliousness (f; CRC); Cancer (f; JLH); Childbirth (f; CRC); Chorea (f; CRC); Convulsion (f; CRC); Cough (f; CRC); Cramp (f; CRC); Croup (f; CRC); Cystosis (f; MAD); Dysmenorrhea (f; CRC; MAD); Dyspnea (f; CRC); Dysuria (f; CRC); Enterosis (f; MAD); Epilepsy (f; CRC); Fever (f; CRC; MAD); Flu (f; CRC); Gastrosis (f; PHR); Gonorrhea (f; CRC); Hangover (f; CRC; MAD); Headache (f; CRC; PHR); Heart (f; CRC); Heartburn (f; PHR); High Blood Pressure (1; CRC; PHR); Hyperemia (f; CRC); Hysteria (f; CRC); Induration (f; CRC; JLH); Insomnia (f; CRC; MAD); Itch (f; MAD); Malaria (f; CRC); Migraine (f; CRC); Myocardosis (f; CRC; HHB); Nervousness (f; CRC); Neuralgia (f; CRC; HHB; PH2); Neurodermatosis (f; MAD); Neurodystrophy (f; MAD); Neurosis (f; PHR); Oliguria (f; CRC); Pain (f; CRC; PH2); Pertussis (f; CRC); Pleurisy (f; CRC); Pneumonia (f; CRC); Polio (f; CRC); Rheumatism (f; CRC; MAD); Sarcoma (f; CRC); Sniffle (f; MAD); Spasm (f; CRC); Stomachache (f; CRC); Toothache (f; MAD); Trigeminosis (f; MAD); Typhoid (f; CRC); VD (f; CRC); Wen (f; CRC) Dosages (Yellow Jessamine) — Now mostly homeopathic (PHR) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Yellow Jessamine) — Not covered (AHP; KOM) Not for use in cardiac weakness Side effects may include coma, cyanosis, difficulty in swallowing, dizziness, double vision, dyspnea, headache, heavy eyelids, hypocyclosis, loss of speech, muscle stiffness, mydriasis, vomiting, and xerostoma Extracts corresponding to 0.5 g can kill a child, 2–3 g an adult (PH2) YELLOW LUPINE (Lupinus luteus L.) + (X for non-cultivars) Activities (Yellow Lupine) — Anesthetic (1; HHB); Arrhythmogenic (1; PH2); Cardiotoxic (1; PH2); Cyanogenic (1; WOI); Emetic (1; PH2); Sialagogue (1; PH2); Vermifuge (1; PH2) Indications (Yellow Lupine) — Dysuria (f; PH2); Pain (1; HHB); Sore (f; PH2); Ulcer (f; PH2); Worm (1; PH2) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Yellow Lupine) — Not covered (AHP) Toxic to animals (WOI) A single seed may intoxicate a child; symptoms of intoxication include cardiopathy (arrhythmia), diarrhea, difficulty in swallowing, double vision, headache, hypocyclosis, prickling sensations in extremities, and salivation (PH2) One pod or 10 seeds can be an emetic in adults and should be followed by activated charcoal (PH2) YELLOWROOT (Xanthorhiza simplicissima Marshall) + Activities (Yellowroot) — Analgesic (f; DEM); Antialzheimeran (1; COX; FNF); Antiarthritic (1; COX; FNF); Anticancer (1; COX; FNF); Anticonvulsant (1; FAD); Antihelicobacter (1; X9781854); Antiinflammatory (1; COX; FNF); Antiseptic (1; FAD); Antiulcer (1; X9781854); Astringent (1; FAD); Candidicide (1; X8207690); Depurative (f; DEM); Fungicide (1; X8207690); Hemostat (1; FAD); Hypotensive (1; FAD); Immunostimulant (1; FAD); Sedative (f; DEM); Tonic (f; FEL); Trypanocide (1; X9121161); Uterotonic (1; FAD) Indications (Yellowroot) — Alzheimer’s (1; COX; FNF); Arthrosis (1; COX; FNF); Bleeding (1; FAD); Cancer (1; COX; DEM; FAD; FNF); Candida (1; X8207690); Cold (f; DEM; FAD); Conjunctivosis (f; DEM); Convulsion (1; FAD); Cramp (1; FAD); Diabetes (f; FAD); Dysmenorrhea (1; FAD); Fungus (1; X8207690); Gastrosis (1; DEM; FAD); Helicobacter (1; X9781854); Hemorrhoid (f; DEM; FAD); High Blood Pressure (1; FAD); Immunodepression (1; FAD); Infection (1; FAD; X8207690); Inflammation (1; COX; FNF); Insomnia (f; DEM); Jaundice (1; DEM; FAD; FNF); Mycosis (1; X8207690); Nervousness (f; DEM); Nicotinism (f; FAD); Ophthalmia (f; DEM); Y 806 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Pain (f; DEM); Pharyngosis (1; FAD); Sore Throat (f; DEM); Stomatosis (1; DEM; FAD); Ulcer (1; COX; DEM; FAD; X9781854); Yeast (1; X8207690) Dosages (Yellowroot) — Based on dosages for barberry and oregon grape, I’d suggest 0.5–1 tsp powdered root bark/cup 1–3 ×/day (or 1–2 tsp fresh bark); 1.5–3 tsp tincture ×/day or 1–2 ml liquid root extract (JAD) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Yellowroot) — If Barney is right in saying that “goldenseal should not be taken for long periods of time,” I suspect that the same would be true for those herbs containing similar compounds, such as barberry, goldthread, oregon grape, and yellowroot Therefore, I lowered their safety ratings to 1+ (Barney, 1996) A good source of the COX-2 inhibitor, berberine (COX; FNF) YELLOW SWEET CLOVER (Melilotus officinalis Lam.) ++ Synonyms: M arvensis Wallr., M officinalis var micranthus O E Schulz, M vulgaris Hill, Trifolium officinale L Activities (Yellow Sweet Clover) — Alterative (f; CRC); Analgesic (1; CRC; PNC); Antiaggregant (1; CRC; MAB; PNC); Antiedemic (2; BRU; KOM; MAB; PH2); Antiexudative (1; PH2); Antiinflammatory (2; FAD; KOM; MAB; PH2); Antiprostaglandin (1; MAB); Antispasmodic (f; CRC; HHB; MAD; PNC); Antitumor (1; MAB); Astringent (f; CRC); Carcinogenic (1; MAB); Carminative (f; CRC; HHB; PNC); Collyrium (f; CRC); Decongestant (f; PH2); Digestive (f; CRC; MAB); Diuretic (f; CRC; PHR; PH2); Emollient (f; CRC; MAB); Expectorant (f; CRC); Fumitory (f; CRC); Hemostat (f; CRC); Hepatotoxic (1; MAB); Hypotensive (1; PNC); Immunostimulant (1; MAB); Insectifuge (f; CRC; DEM); Lactagogue (f; MAD); Laxative (f; CRC); Lymphotonic (1; PH2); Myorelaxant (1; PNC); Nervine (f; CRC); Neuralgia (f; MAB); Poison (f; CRC); Proteolytic (1; MAB); Sedative (1; PNC); Stimulant (f; CRC); Tonic (f; CRC); Vasodilator (1; PNC); Vulnerary (1; PH2) Y Indications (Yellow Sweet Clover) — Acne (f; DEM); Adenopathy (1; CRC; KOM); Aposteme (f; JLH); Arthrosis (f; CRC); Asthma (f; CRC; FAD); Bleeding (f; CRC); Boil (f; CRC); Brachiosis (f; CRC); Bronchosis (f; CRC); Brucellosis (1; MAB); Bruise (2; BRU; DEP; KOM; PH2); Burn (1; MAB); Cancer (1; JLH; MAB); Cancer, anus (f; JLH); Cancer, breast (f; JLH); Cancer, eye (f; JLH); Cancer, joint (f; JLH); Cancer, kidney (1; MAB); Cancer, liver (f; JLH); Cancer, nose (f; JLH); Cancer, prostate (1; MAB); Cancer, scrotum (f; JLH); Cancer, sinew (f; JLH); Cancer, spleen (f; JLH); Cancer, stomach (f; JLH); Cancer, uterus (f; JLH); Carcinoma (f; JLH); Cardiopathy (1; MAB); Cellulite (f; MAB); Chill (f; DEM); Cold (f; CRC; DEM); Colic (f; CRC; FAD; FEL); Condyloma (f; JLH); Congestion (1; PH2); Conjunctivosis (f; BRU); Constipation (f; CRC); Cramp (2; CRC; HHB; KOM; MAD; PH2; PNC); CVI (2; KOM; MAB; PH2); Dermatosis (f; MAD); Diarrhea (f; FAD; FEL); Dysmenorrhea (f; FAD; FEL); Dysuria (f; FAD; FEL); Earache (f; MAD); Edema (2; HHB; KOM; MAB; PH2); Elephantiasis (1; MAB); Encephalosis (1; HHB); Endothelioma (1; JLH; MAB); Enterosis (f; BRU; FEL; MAB); Epigastrosis (f; BRU); Epithelioma (f; JLH); Eructation (f; BRU); Erysipelas (f; MAD); Fever (f; DEM); Filariasis (1; MAB); Gas (f; BRU; CRC; FAD; FEL; HHB; PNC); Gastrosis (f; BRU; FEL); Headache (f; CRC; FAD; FEL; HHB; MAD); Hemorrhoid (2; BRU; CRC; KOM; MAB; PH2); High Blood Pressure (1; PNC); Immunodepression (1; MAB); Induration (f; JLH; MAD); Infection (f; MAD); Inflammation (2; FAD; KOM; MAB; PH2); Insomnia (1; BRU; PNC); Ischemia (1; MAB); Insomnia (f; MAD); Itch (1; PH2); Lymphedema (1; MAB; PH2); Lymphatic Congestion (2; KOM; MAB; PH2); Melanoma (1; MAB); Migraine (f; HHB); Mononucleosis (1; MAB); Myalgia (f; FAD); Mycoplasmosis (1; MAB); Nervousness (1; FAD; PNC); Neuralgia (f; FEL; MAB); Ophthalmia (f; BRU; MAD); Otosis (f; MAD); Pain (1; CRC; FEL; MAB; PNC); Pancreatosis (1; MAB); Phlebitis (f; BIS; CRC); Poison (f; CRC); Proctosis (f; JLH); Psittacosis (1; MAB); Rheumatism (f; CRC; FAD; Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 807 MAD); Sarcoma (f; JLH); Scirrhus (f; JLH); Sore (f; FAD; FEL; MAD); Sprain (1; BRU; PH2); Stomachache (f; MAD); Swelling (2; BRU; CRC; KOM; MAB; PH2; MAD); Sunburn (f; DEM); Swelling (f; HHB; JLH); Thrombophlebitis (2; HHB; KOM; MAB; PH2); Thrombosis (1; CRC; HHB; PH2); Toxoplasmosis (1; MAB); Tumor (1; CRC; MAB); Ulcer (f; MAB); Ulcus cruris (f; HHB); Uterosis (f; MAD); Varicosis (2; CRC; HHB; MAB; PHR; PH2); Water Retention (f; CRC; PHR; PH2); Wen (f; JLH); Wound (2; CRC; FAD; PHR; PH2) Dosages (Yellow Sweet Clover) — Pour 150 ML boiling water over 1–2 tsp finely chopped herb, strain, let cool, and drink 2–3 cups/day for phlebitis (BIS); tsp (4.2 g) herb cold tea/day (MAD); 1–2 tsp powdered herb/cup, steep 5–10 minutes, 2–3 cups/day for varicose veins (PH2); herb in amounts equivalent to 3–30 mg coumarin (KOM); parenterally 1–7.5 mg coumarin (KOM); mg/kg coumarin, equivalent to ca 10 ml/day liquid extract (1:2) (MAB) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Yellow Sweet Clover) — Not covered (AHP) Commission E reports no contraindications, adverse effects, or interactions, except for headache (rarely) (AEH; KOM; PH2) Coumarins in moldy hay cause uncontrolled bleeding in cattle (FAD) High doses can cause headache, stupor, and elevated liver enzymes (clears up on discontinuance) (PHR) Nephrotoxic in rats (0.8–1.71 mM/kg) (MAB) Carcinogenic (200 mg/kg orl mouse) (MAB) Low doses of coumarin, like aspirin, reduce chemically induced endothelioma, rendering them useful in ischemic heart disease (MAB) “Coumarin has been used to treat brucellosis in humans, and other chronic infections, including mononucleosis, mycoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, Q fever, and psittacosis” (MAB) Dicoumarol is >1000 times better than coumarin as an antiaggregant (MAB) Grapefruit juice slows body conversion of coumarin to umbelliferone (MAB) YELLOW TOADFLAX, BUTTER AND EGGS (Linaria vulgaris Mill.) + Activities (Yellow Toadflax) — Antiinflammatory (1; PH2); Antiscorbutic (f; EFS); Astringent (f; PNC); Depurative (f; FEL); Detergent (f; EFS); Diaphoretic (1; PH2); Diuretic (1; PH2); Emollient (f; EFS); Hepatic (f; PNC); Laxative (f; EFS; MAD; PH2); Vulnerary (f; EFS) Indications (Yellow Toadflax) — BPH (f; MAD); Bronchosis (f; MAD); Cancer (f; JLH); Cancer, breast (f; JLH); Cancer, lip (f; JLH); Catarrh (f; MAD); Cholangosis (f; MAD); Conjunctivosis (f; MAD); Constipation (f; EFS; MAD; PH2); Cystosis (f; MAD); Dermatosis (f; MAD; PH2); Diarrhea (f; MAD); Dropsy (f; MAD); Dyspepsia (1; PH2); Dysuria (1; MAD; PH2); Enuresis (f; HHB; MAD); Epigastrosis (F; MAD); Erysipelas (f; MAD); Fever (1; PH2); Fistula (f; MAD); Furunculosis (f; MAD); Headache (f; MAD); Hemorrhoid (f; MAD; PH2); Hepatosis (f; FEL); Incontinence (f; MAD); Infection (f; PH2); Inflammation (1; PH2); Jaundice (f; FEL; MAD); Mastosis (f; JLH); Nausea (f; MAD); Ophthalmia (f; MAD); Rash (f; PH2); Scrofula (f; MAD); Sore (f; MAD; PH2); Splenosis (f; FEL; MAD); Stomatosis (f; JLH); Ulcer (f; PH2); Ulcus cruris (f; PH2); Water Retention (1; MAD; PH2) Dosages (Yellow Toadflax) — 1.5 g herb/cup (HHB); 1–2 tsp (1.3–2.6 g) in herb infusion (MAD); 1–2 tsp drug/2–4 cups water, steep 18 minutes, drink throughout the day (PH2); externally as poultice (PH2) YERBA MANSA (Anemopsis californica (Nutt.) Hook & Arn.) + Synonym: Anemia californica Nutt Activities (Yerba Mansa) — Analgesic (f; DEM); Antiarthritic (f; HAD); Anticancer (1; HAD); Anticonvulsant (f; DEM); Antiinflammatory (f; HAD); Antipyretic (1; HAD); Antiseptic (f; DEM; FAY); CNS Depressant (1; HAD); Depurative (f; FAY); Diaphoretic (f; DEM); Diuretic (f; HAD); Y ...804 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs CRC; DEM; HHB); Flu (f; MAD); Fungus (1; CRC; FAD); Gastrosis (f; DEM; PH2); Gingivosis... CRC); Respirasedative (1; PH2); Sedative (f; CRC); Tonic (f; CRC); Vasodilator (1; PHR) Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 805 Indications (Yellow Jessamine) — Asthma (f; CRC; HHB); Biliousness (f; CRC);... (1; X8207690); Nervousness (f; DEM); Nicotinism (f; FAD); Ophthalmia (f; DEM); Y 806 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Pain (f; DEM); Pharyngosis (1; FAD); Sore Throat (f; DEM); Stomatosis (1; DEM;