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Handbook of medicinal herbs phần 131

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628 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs CRC); Lacrimator (f; KAP; WOI); Larvicide (f; BIB; WOI); Laxative (f; BIB; CRC; JFM); Negative Chronotropic (1; PH2); Parasiticide (f; BIB; CRC); Pediculicide (f; FEL); Piscicide (f; WBB); Poison (1; CRC; DEP; SUW); Positive Inotropic (1; PH2); Rodenticide (1; CRC); Spasmogenic (f; KAP; MPI); Sternutator (f; BIB; CRC; JFM); Stimulant (f; CRC); Tonic (f; CRC; EFS); Vermifuge (f; JFM) Indications (Rose Bay) — Angina (f; MAD); Apoplexy (f; MAD); Aposteme (f; CRC); Arrhythmia (f; MAD); Arthrosis (f; KAB; MAD); Asthma (f; CRC); Atherosclerosis (f; CRC); Bacteria (1; WBB; WOI); Cancer (1; CRC; MPI); Carcinoma (f; CRC); Cardiopathy (1; BIB; PH2); Chancre (f; KAB; MPI; SUW; WOI); Conjunctivosis (f; CRC); Constipation (f; BIB; CRC; JFM); Corn (f; CRC; JLH); Dermatosis (f; CRC; DEP; PH2; SUW; WOI); Dysmenorrhea (f; CRC; WBB); Dyspnea (f; FEL); Eczema (f; CRC; MAD); Edema (f; FEL; MPI); Epilepsy (f; CRC; FEL; WBB); Epithelioma (f; CRC; JLH); Fever (1; KAP; MPI); Fungus (1; MPI); Furuncle (f; HH2); Gingivosis (f; BIB); Headache (f; KAP; MAD); Hemorrhoid (f; KAP; MPI; PH2); Herpes (f; CRC); High Blood Pressure (f; BIB); Impetigo (f; BIB); Induration (f; JLH); Infection (1; JFM; MPI; WBB); Inflammation (1; KAB; KAP; MPI); Insomnia (f; MAD); Leprosy (f; BIB; DEP; SUW); Lice (f; FEL); Lumbago (f; KAB); Maggot (f; CRC); Malaria (f; CRC; MAD; WBB); Myalgia (f; KAB); Mycosis (1; MPI); Myocardosis (f; MAD); Odontosis (f; BIB); Ophthalmia (f; CRC; KAP; PH2); Pain (1; KAB; KAP; MPI); Paralysis (f; MAD); Parasite (f; BIB; CRC; JFM); Psoriasis (f; CRC; SUW); Rhinosis (f; BIB); Ringworm (f; BIB; CRC); Scabies (f; CRC; MAD; PH2; WBB); Sinusosis (f; CRC); Snakebite (f; CRC; HH2; WBB); Sore (f; CRC; SUW; WOI); Staphylococcus (1; WBB); Stomatosis (f; BIB); Stress (1; KAP); Swelling (f; DEP; JFM; KAP; MPI; SUW); Tachycardia (f; MAD); Tumor (f; CRC; JLH); Ulcer (1; MPI); VD (f; BIB; JFM); Vertigo (f; MAD); Wart (f; CRC); Water Retention (1; BIB; CRC; EFS; KAP; WOI); Worm (f; JFM) Dosages (Rose Bay) — Equivalent to 1–3 grains fresh bark or dried fruit (FEL); 50 mg leaf (MAD) R Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Rose Bay) — Not covered (AHP) “Health hazards not known with proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2 designates no specific quantified dosage! JAD) Commission E reports accidental and therapeutic use of leaf has resulted in partially fatal poisonings (AEH) Overdoses may cause arrhythmia, bradycardia, cardiodepression, confusion, cyanosis, diarrhea, headache, hyperkalemia, nausea, neurodepression, stupor, and vomiting (BRU; DEP; MAD; PH2) More than 100 years ago we read, “Several cases are on record of fatal results from the internal administration” (DEP) 142 bovines died in California over years, 1989–1995 (BRU) During the Persian campaign, Alexander’s army lost horses that had fed on the shrub, and some soldiers died who had grilled their meat on skewers made from the wood (WBB) 15–20 g fresh leaf can kill a horse, 10–20 a cow, 1–5 a sheep Children have died after ingesting a handful of flowers (JFM) ROSE HIPS, DOGROSE (Rosa canina L.) +++ Synonym: R lutetiana Léman Much of the German literature refers to cynosbati, referring to the fruits and seeds of this species, or a fungus thereon (see EFS) Activities (Rose Hips) — Analgesic (1; JBU); Antidiarrheic (f; PNC); Antioxidant (1; HH3); Antiradicular (1; HH3); Antiseptic (f; PED); Antispasmodic (f; PED); Astringent (2; APA; KOM; WAM); Demulcent (1; WAM); Diuretic (1; APA; HH3; PED; PHR; PH2); Hypoglycemic (1; HH3); Laxative (1; APA; PHR; PH2); Lipoxygenase Inhibitor (1; HH3); Nervine (1; WAM); Vermifuge (f; HH3; MAD) Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 629 Indications (Rose Hips) — Albuminuria (f; MAD); Arthrosis (f; PHR); Bleeding (f; HH3; PH2); Burn (f; MAD); Cancer (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, genital (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, kidney (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, mouth (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, throat (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, uterus (1; FNF; JLH); Capillary Fragility (1; PED); Catarrh (f; MAD); Chill (f; PHR); Cold (f; APA; PHR; PH2); Constipation (1; APA; PHR; PH2); Cough (1; WAM); Cramp (f; PED); Diarrhea (1; PED; WAM); Dropsy (f; PHR); Dyspepsia (f; PH2); Dysuria (f; MAD; PHR); Edema (f; PH2); Enterosis (f; MAD; PH2); Exanthema (f; MAD); Flu (f; APA; PHR; PH2); Gallstone (f; MAD; PH2); Gastrosis (f; PED); Gonorrhea (f; MAD); Gout (f; PHR; PH2); Headache (f; APA; MAD); Hepatosis (f; JLH); Hyperacidity (f; PH2); Hyperglycemia (1; HH3); Induration (f; JLH); Infection (f; PED; PHR; PH2); Inflammation (f; JLH); Kidney Stone (f; MAD; PH2); Leukorrhea (f; PH2); Nausea (1; WAM); Nephrosis (f; JLH; PH2); Nervousness (1; WAM); Ophthalmia (f; JLH); Pain (1; JBU); Rheumatism (f; PHR; PH2); Sciatica (f; PHR); Sore (f; APA); Sore Throat (1; APA; WAM); Splenosis (f; JLH); Stomatosis (f; APA; JLH); Stone (1; PH2); Stress (f; PED); Thirst (f; APA); Urethrosis (f; PH2); Uterosis (f; JLH); Wart (f; JLH); Water Retention (1; APA; HH3; PED; PHR; PH2); Worm (1; HH3; MAD) Dosages (Rose Hips) — 0.75–3 tsp chopped fruit/cup water 1–3 ×/day (APA; JAD; WIC); g fruit (PH2); 0.25–0.5 cup fresh fruit (PED); 1–2 g dry fruit/cup water (PHR); 6–12 g dry fruit (PED); g dry fruit/cup boiling water (PED); 2–5 g in infusion (HH3) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Rose Hips) — Class (AHP) “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) None known for the fruits (PHR; WAM) 15% tannins ROSELLE (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) +++ Activities (Roselle) — Abortifacient (f; EFS); Antiaggregant (1; DAD); Antibacterial (1; APA); Antipyretic (f; CRC; EFS); Antiscorbutic (1; WBB); Antiseptic (1; CRC; PED); Antispasmodic (1; HHB; PED); Aperitif (f; CRC); Aphrodisiac (f; CRC; WBB); Astringent (f; CRC); Cholagogue (f; CRC); Choleretic (1; CRC; DAD); Demulcent (f; CRC; EFS); Digestive (f; PED); Diuretic (1; APA; DAD; PH2; WBB); Emollient (1; APA; WBB); Emmenagogue (f; EFS); Expectorant (f; EFS; KOM; PHR; PH2); Hypotensive (1; APA; DAD; PHR; PH2); Laxative (1; APA; CRC; PED; PH2; WBB); Myorelaxant (f; APA; PHR); Pectoral (f; EFS); Peristaltic (1; DAD); Resolvent (f; CRC); Saluretic (1; APA); Sedative (f; CRC); Stomachic (f; CRC); Tonic (f; CRC); Uterorelaxant (1; PHR; PH2); Vermifuge (1; APA) Indications (Roselle) — Abscess (1; CRC; WBB); Anorexia (f; APA; CRC; KOM; PH2); Atherosclerosis (1; CRC); Bacteria (1; APA; HHB); Biliousness (f; CRC); Cancer (f; JLH); Carbuncle (f; PH2); Cardiopathy (f; APA); Catarrh (f; KOM); Conjunctivosis (f; PH2); Constipation (f; APA; KOM); Chill (f; APA; PED); Circulosis (f; PH2); Cold (f; PHR; PH2); Constipation (1; APA; CRC; PED; PH2; WBB); Cough (1; CRC; WBB); Cramp (1; APA; HHB; PED); Debility (f; CRC); Dyspepsia (f; CRC; PHR); Dysuria (f; CRC); Enterosis (1; CRC); Fever (f; CRC; EFS; HHB); Gastrosis (f; PH2); Hangover (f; CRC); Heart (f; CRC); Herpes zoster (f; PH2); High Blood Pressure (1; APA; CRC; DAD; PHR; PH2); Infection (1; APA; CRC); Inflammation (f; PH2); Insomnia (f; CRC); Intoxication (f; CRC; WBB); Kidney Stone (1; APA); Nervousness (f; CRC); Neuropathy (1; APA); Neurosis (f; CRC); Ophthalmia (f; PH2); Respirosis (f; APA; PED; PH2); Scurvy (f; CRC); Strangury (f; CRC); Swelling (f; PH2); Tuberculosis (1; HHB); Virus (f; PH2); Water Retention (1; APA; DAD; PH2; WBB); Worm (1; APA) Dosages (Roselle) — 1.5 g (3/4 tsp) dry herb/cup (APA); 1–2 tsp fresh flowers (PED); 0.5–1 g dry flowers (PED); g dry flower/cup water (PED); 1.5 g/cup (PH2) R 630 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Roselle) — Class (AHP) No risks known (KOM) Commission E list it as unapproved (KOM) “Hazards and/or side effects not recorded for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) May reduce the efficacy of chloroquine as a malaria preventive (APA) If HHB is correct, this plant may be the best source of hydroxycitric acids Translation (JAD) —In the flowers D (+)-malic acid, 12.5% to 16.8% citric, ascorbic, utalonic, protocatechuic, maleic, glycolic, tartaric, oxalic, and 23% hibiscus acids [(+)-allo-oxycitronicacid-lactone C6H6O7] The Herbal PDR (PH2) labels the plant as containing 15–30% “fruit acids,” in particular hibiscus (+)-allohydroxycitric-acid-lactone and poorly translating “lemons, malic acid, and tartaric acid” ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) +++ R Synonym: R officinalis var prostratus hort Activities (Rosemary) — Abortifacient (f; MAD); Analgesic (1; CAN; PNC); Antiaging (1; APA); Antialzheimeran (1; COX; FNF); Antianaphylactic (1; CAN); Antiarthritic (1; COX; FNF); Antiatherosclerotic (1; X11229363); Antibacterial (1; APA; BGB; CAN); Anticancer (1; COX; FNF; HH2; PH2); Anticapillary Fragility (1; CAN); Anticholinesterase (f; JAD); Anticomplementary (1; CAN); Anticonvulsant (1; PH2); Antiedemic (1; CAN); Antigonadotropic (1; CAN); Antiimplantation (f; CRC); Antiinflammatory (1; CAN; JNU; PNC; TAD); Antimutagenic (1; HH2; PH2; TAD); Antioxidant (1; APA; CAN; CRC; TAD; WOI); Antiprostaglandin (1; CAN); Antipyretic (f; CRC); Antiseptic (1; APA; BGB; CAN; HH2; PH2); Antispasmodic (2; APA; BGB; CAN; KOM; PH2); Antiviral (1; JBU; HH2; PH2; TAD); Aperitif (1; APA; CRC); Astringent (1; CRC; PNC); Candidicide (1; HH2); Capillary Fragility (1; CAN); Carminative (1; APA; BGB; CAN; MAD); Cerebrotonic (f; CRC); Cholagogue (1; BGB; HH2); Choleretic (1; BGB; PH2; TAD); CNS Stimulant (1; APA; JAD); Contraceptive (f; CRC); COX-2 Inhibitor (1; COX; FNF; HH2); Detoxicant (f; JNU); Diaphoretic (f; CRC; PNC); Digestive (f; APA); Diuretic (f; CAN; CRC; MAD); Emmenagogue (f; APA; BGB; CAN; HH2; MAD); Epileptigenic (1; CAN); Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 631 Fungicide (1; APA; CAN; HH2; JBU); Hepatoprotective (1; HH2; PH2); Hyperemic (1; BGB); Insecticide (1; CRC; HH2; MAD); Insectifuge (1; APA); Memorigenic (1; APA; CRC; PH2); Myorelaxant (1; CRC); Myostimulant (1; CAN); Negative Chronotropic (1; HH2); Negative Inotropic (1; HH2); Nervine (1; CRC; DEP; MAD; PNC); Parasiticide (1; CAN; WOI); Photosensitive (1; CAN); Positive Inotropic (2; BGB; KOM); Protisticide (1; CRC; WOI); Rubefacient (1; BGB; CAN); Sedative (f; CAN); Spasmogenic (1; CAN); Sterilant (f; WOI); Stimulant (1; BGB; CRC); Stomachic (f; BGB; CRC; PNC); Thymoleptic (f; CAN); Tonic (f; BGB; CRC; PNC); Vulnerary (1; BGB) Indications (Rosemary) — Alopecia (f; APA; CRC; DEP; WOI)); Alzheimer’s (1; COX; FNF); Amenorrhea (f; PH2); Anaphylaxis (1; CAN); Anorexia (2; APA; CRC; MAD; PHR; PH2); Arthrosis (1; APA; COX; FNF; MAD); Asthma (f; CRC; WOI); Atherosclerosis (1; APA; X11229363); Bacteria (1; APA; BGB; CAN; CRC; TAD); Bronchosis (f; CRC); Bruise (1; APA; JFM); Cancer (1; APA; COX; CRC; FNF; HH2; PH2; TAD); Cancer, breast (1; APA); Cancer, liver (1; APA; COX; CRC); Cancer, mouth (1; CRC; FNF; JLH); Cancer, skin (1; JNU); Cancer, spleen (1; APA; COX; CRC); Candida (1; HH2); Capillary Fragility (1; CAN); Cardiopathy (1; APA); Cataract (1; FNF; BGB); Catarrh (f; WOI); Cholecystosis (2; PHR); Circulosis (2; KOM; PH2); Climacteric (f; HH2); Condyloma (f; JLH); Convulsion (1; PH2); Cough (f; CRC); Cramp (2; APA; BGB; CAN; FNF; KOM; MAD; PH2); Dandruff (f; CRC); Diabetes (1; APA); Diarrhea (f; CRC); Dizziness (f; PH2); Dropsy (f; MAD); Drowsiness (1; JAD); Dysmenorrhea (f; CRC; HH2; PH2); Dyspepsia (2; APA; CAN; KOM; PH2); Eczema (f; APA; PHR; PH2); Edema (1; CAN; CRC); Enterosis (1; APA; BGB; PH2); Epilepsy (f; MAD); Escherichia (1; MAD); Fatigue (f; PH2); Fever (f; CRC; PNC); Fungus (1; APA; CAN; HH2; JBU; TAD); Gas (1; APA; BGB; CAN; MAD); Gastrosis (1; APA; BGB; PH2); Gout (f; CRC; MAD); Headache (f; BGB; CAN; CRC; PH2); Head Cold (f; MAD); Heart (f; CRC); Hemorrhoid (f; CRC); Hepatosis (2; HH2; JLH; MAD; PHR; PH2); Hoarseness (f; CRC; JFM); Hypotonia (f; PH2); Hysteria (f; CRC; MAD); Induration (f; CRC; JLH); Infection (1; APA; CAN; HH2; JBU); Infertility (f; MAD); Inflammation (1; CAN; COX; FNF; JNU; PNC; TAD); Insomnia (f; CAN; CRC; MAD); Ischiosis (f; HH2); Lethargy (1; JAD); Leukorrhea (f; CRC; MAD); Low Blood Pressure (1; APA); Migraine (1; APA; BGB; PH2); Myalgia (1; CAN; HH2; PH2); Mycosis (1; APA; CAN; HH2; JBU); Nausea (f; CRC); Nephrosis (f; CRC; MAD); Nervousness (f; CAN); Neuralgia (1; APA; CAN; CRC; PH2); Neurosis (f; BGB; LAF); Pain (1; APA; CAN; PH2; PNC); Palsy (f; MAD); Paralysis (1; APA; MAD); Parasite (1; CAN; WOI); Pleurodynia (1; APA); Polyuria (f; CRC); Pulmonosis (f; CRC); Rheumatism (2; APA; KOM; PHR; PH2); Sciatica (2; CAN; PH2); Senile Dementia (f; PH2); Septic Shock (1; CAN; PNC); Sore (f; PH2); Sore Throat (f; PH2); Splenosis (f; JLH; MAD); Sprain (1; APA; JFM); Stomachache (1; APA); Stomatosis (1; CRC; FNF; PH2); Swelling (1; CAN); Syncope (f; MAD); Tension (f; BGB); Toothache (f; CRC); Varicosis (1; APA); Vertigo (f; CRC); Virus (1; JBU; HH2; PH2; TAD); Wart (f; JLH); Water Retention (f; CAN; CRC; MAD); Wound (f; APA; PHR; PH2); Yeast (1; HH2) Dosages (Rosemary) — tsp (2 g) chopped leaf/cup water (APA; PH2); 4–6 g herb (APA; KOM); tsp (4.2 g) herb in cold or hot tea (MAD); 2–4 ml herb (1:1 in 45% alcohol) ×/day (CAN); let 20 g rosemary steep days in liter wine (PH2); 0.3–1.2 ml rosemary spirit (APA; PNC); 2–4 g shoot in tea ×/day (CAN); 2–4 ml liquid shoot extract (1:1 in 45% ethanol) ×/day (CAN); 3–6 drops internally (FEL); 10–20 drops EO (KOM suggests ml (2 drops) would be more reasonable) (KOM) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Rosemary) — Class 2b Abortifacient, emmenagogue, and uterotonic (AHP) “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) For the leaves, Commission E reports none known Commission E reports for the root, contraindications: pregnancy, lactation; adverse effects: harmless red discoloration of the urine (AEH) Like any EO, that of rosemary can be toxic in large quantities, causing R 632 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs irritations to the intestines, kidneys, skin, and stomach Epileptics should be careful with rosemary and other herbs heavy with camphor (CAN) CAN cautions that camphor in the volatile oil may cause convulsions Michael Castleman is apparently talking about the herb, not the more dangerous EO, when he says, “Like most other herbs, rosemary should be used in large amounts only in consultation with your health care provider If you are pregnant, you should avoid such amounts because they can cause uterine contractions” (Castleman, 1996) The Herbal PDR scares the pants off us by saying large doses of rosemary leaves (more likely the oil), inadvisedly have been used to attempt abortion, may lead to coma, gastroenterosis, nephrosis, pulmonary edema, spasm, uterine bleeding, vomiting, and even to death But this seems to be speculation! The PDR concludes “No documented cases have come to light.” Just another dead-end on another bibliographic echo (PHR; PH2) Extracts (Rosemary) — LD50 = ml/kg orl rat, >10 ml/kg der rbt, EO antispasmodic at 25 mg/kg (CAN) Major source of the COX-2 inhibitor, oleanolic acid, at 1% (COX) EO antiseptic against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, molds, Corynebacteria, Escherichia, Staphylococcus, and Vibrio Carnosol and ursolic acid inhibit many food spoilage microbes Escherichia, Kluyveromyces, Lactobacillus, Pseudomonas, Rhodotorula = BHA, BHT; carnosol > ursolic acid as antioxidant Rosemary oil is effective against opportunistic infections like Cryptococcus neoformans (JBU) Rosemary oil as well as its bornyl acetate and cineole are antispasmodic, on smooth muscle (guinea pig ileum) and cardiac muscle (guinea pig atria) In smooth muscle, borneol is considered the most active, by antagonizing acetyl choline The antispasmodic action of rosemary as preceded by contractile action, due to pinenes, which are spasmogenic on smooth muscle, inactive on cardiac muscle Rosemary oil relaxes the Oddi’s sphincter contracted by morphine Activity increases with incremental oil doses reaching an optimum at 25 mg/kg, at which the unblocking effect was immediate Beyond that dosage, the response was again delayed Smooth muscle stimulant and analgesic actions have been documented for a rosmaricine derivative (CAN) ROSE-OF-SHARON (Hibiscus syriacus L.) ++ R Activities (Rose-of-Sharon) — Analgesic (f; FAY); Antibacterial (1; FAY); Antiedemic (f; FAY); Antiinflammatory (f; DAA); Antipyretic (f; FAY); Astringent (f; FAY); Bitter (f; FAY); Carminative (f; DAA); Demulcent (f; FAY; LMP); Detoxicant (f; FAY); Diuretic (f; DAA; FAY; HHB); Emollient (f; LMP); Expectorant (f; FAY; HHB); Fungicide (1; FAY; X739389); Hemostat (f; DAA); Stomachic (f; DAA; HHB); Vermifuge (1; FAY) Indications (Rose-of-Sharon) — Abscess (f; FAY); Ameba (f; DAA); Appendicitis (f; FAY); Ascariasis (f; DAA; LMP); Asthma (f; FAY); Athlete’s Foot (f; FAY); Bacteria (1; FAY); Bleeding (f; DAA; FAY; LMP); Boil (f; FAY); Bronchosis (f; FAY); Burn (f; FAY); Cancer (f; ABS; FAY); Carbuncle (f; FAY); Cold (f; DAA); Colitis (f; DAA); Cough (f; FAY); Dermatosis (f; DAA; FAY); Diabetes (f; FAY); Diarrhea (f; FAY; MPI); Dysentery (f; FAY; MPI); Dysmenorrhea (f; DAA; MPI); Dyspepsia (f; LMP); Eczema (f; FAY); Enterosis (f; DAA; LMP); Fever (f; FAY); Fungus (1; FAY; X739389); Gas (f; DAA); Gastrosis (f; DAA); Headache (f; FAY); Hemorrhoid (f; FAY); Impetigo (f; FAY); Infection (1; FAY; X739389); Inflammation (f; DAA); Itch (f; DAA; FAY); Leukorrhea (f; DAA; LMP); Migraine (f; FAY); Mycosis (1; FAY; X739389); Nausea (f; DAA; LMP); Neurodermatosis (f; FAY); Pain (f; FAY); Proctosis (f; FAY); Prolapse (f; FAY); Pulmonosis (f; FAY); Ringworm (f; FAY); Sore (f; FAY); Swelling (f; FAY); Vaginosis (f; FAY); Water Retention (f; DAA; FAY; HHB); Worm (1; DAA; FAY) Dosages (Rose-of-Sharon) — 3–9 g dry flowers, 30–60 g fresh flowers (FAY) 3–9 g dry bark; 30–60 g fresh root (FAY) ... effects: harmless red discoloration of the urine (AEH) Like any EO, that of rosemary can be toxic in large quantities, causing R 632 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs irritations to the intestines,... (PED); 0.5–1 g dry flowers (PED); g dry flower/cup water (PED); 1.5 g/cup (PH2) R 630 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Roselle) — Class (AHP) No risks... (f; CAN; CRC; MAD); Emmenagogue (f; APA; BGB; CAN; HH2; MAD); Epileptigenic (1; CAN); Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 631 Fungicide (1; APA; CAN; HH2; JBU); Hepatoprotective (1; HH2; PH2); Hyperemic

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 10:46


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