528 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Indications (Niauli) — Bacteria (1; JAD; PHR); Bronchosis (2; PHR; PH2); Catarrh (2; KOM; PHR; PH2); Cough (2; PHR; PH2); Cystosis (f; PH2); Fungus (1; JAD); Infection (1; JAD); Mycosis (1; JAD); Neuralgia (f; PH2); Pain (f; PH2); Respirosis (f; PH2); Rheumatism (f; PH2) Dosages (Niauli) — Internal: single dose 0.2 g oil, daily dose 0.2–2 g (KOM); nose drops (2–5% in vegetable oil) (KOM); external: 10–30% in oil (KOM) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Niauli) — Blumenthal et al (1998) and Fleming et al (1998) are rougher on this one than the cajuput (and of course they did not even index or cover tea tree) For that reason, I score it only + for safety Fleming et al (1998) after issuing their usual template, which suggests that no health hazards or side effects have been noted with proper administration (no internal dosage defined) (PHR) “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2 designates no specific quantified dosage! JAD) Contraindicated internally in gallduct or GI or biliary inflammations, or severe liver ailments Internal administration of niauli oil may lead to diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting Do not apply near nostrils of pediatrics, may cause asthma-like attacks, bronchial spasm, glottal spasms, and even respiratory failure (KOM; PHR) Confusingly calling it caje rather than niauli oil, and noting that it contains 35–60% cineole, Fleming et al say that cineole causes induction of enzymes involved in liver detoxification, thereby possibly shortening or lessening the effects of other drugs that might have been coadministered (I suppose we can say that about all aromatic plants that contain significant quantities of cineole, and many do; what level of cineole is significant?) As with most EOs, this one may induce dermatosis in sensitive individuals Fleming et al even warn that overdosages (more than 10 g), can lead to life threatening poisonings, due to the cineole Ten grams of niauli oil could contain g cineole Symptoms include circulatory disorders, collapse, fall in blood pressure, and respiratory failure Do not induce vomiting, say Fleming et al., rather give activated charcoal (PHR) N NIGHT-BLOOMING CEREUS (Selenicereus grandiflorus (L.) Britt & Rose) + Synonym: Cactus grandiflorus L Activities (Night-Blooming Cereus) — Antiinflammatory (f; PHR; PH2); Antirheumatic (f; CRC); Cardiotonic (1; CRC; PHR; PH2); Positive Inotropic (1; HH2); Spinostimulant (1; PHR; PH2); Vasodilator (1; PHR; PH2); Vermifuge (f; CRC; JFM); Vesicant (f; CRC) Indications (Night-Blooming Cereus) — Angina (f; CRC; PH2); Bleeding (f; PHR; PH2); Cardiopathy (f; PH2); Congestion (f; JFM); Cystosis (f; CRC; PHR; PH2); Dermatosis (f; JLH; PHR); Dropsy (f; CRC; PHR; PH2); Dysmenorrhea (f; PHR); Dyspnea (f; CRC; PH2); Dysuria (f; PHR; PH2); Endocardosis (f; CRC); Fungus (f; JLH); Headache (f; CRC; JFM); Heart (f; CRC); Hemoptysis (f; CRC; PH2); Inflammation (f; PHR; PH2); Menorrhagia (f; HH2); Myocardosis (f; CRC); Nephrosis (f; CRC); Nervousness (f; JFM); Neuralgia (f; CRC; JFM); Neurosis (f; PH2); Palpitation (f; CRC); Prostate (f; CRC); Respirosis (f; HH2); Rheumatism (f; CRC; PHR; PH2); Stenocardia (f; CRC; PH2); Worm (f; CRC; JFM) Dosages (Night-Blooming Cereus) — 0.6 ml fluid extract to 10 ×/day; 0.12 to ml 2–3 ×/day (HH2; PHR; PH2); 10 drops tincture (1:10) in sweet water 3–5 ×/day (HH2; PHR) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Night-Blooming Cereus) — Class (AHP) “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) The fresh juice can irritate the GI tract (CAN) Cactine may possibly have cardiotonic effects (PNC) Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 529 NONI, INDIAN MULBERRY (Morinda citrifolia L.) +++ Activities (Noni) — Analgesic (1; HAD); Antiarthritic (1; TRA); Antipyretic (f; DEP; WOI); Antirheumatic (1; TRA); Antitumor (1; ABS); Antipyretic (f; HHB); Antispasmodic (1; HAD); Ascaricide (1; TRA); Deobstruent (f; DEP; KAB); Depurative (f; PH2); Diuretic (f; HHB); Emetic (f; KAB); Emmenagogue (f; DEP; KAB); Emollient (f; KAB); Fungicide (1; ABS; FNF); Hypotensive (1; HAD); Laxative (1; FNF; KAB; SKJ; WOI); Litholytic (f; HHB); Sedative (f; KAB); Stomachic (f; KAB); Tonic (f; DEP; HHB; WOI) Indications (Noni) — Arthrosis (1; JFM; TRA); Ascaris (1; TRA); Asthma (f; HAD; HHB; KAB); Cancer (1; ABS; HAD); Cold (f; IED); Colic (f; HHB); Constipation (1; FNF; KAB; SKJ; WOI); Cramp (1; HAD); Diabetes (f; PH2); Diarrhea (f; HHB; KAB); Dysentery (f; HHB; SKJ; WOI); Dysmenorrhea (f; HHB; WOI); Dysuria (f; HAD); Enterosis (f; JFM); Fever (f; DEP; HHB; PH2; WOI); Fungus (1; ABS; FNF); Gallstone (f; HHB); Gastrosis (f; JFM; PH2); Gingivosis (f; DEP; WOI); Gout (f; HHB; SKJ; WOI); Headache (f; IED; JFM); Heart (f; JFM); Hepatosis (f; JFM); High Blood Pressure (1; HAD); Infection (1; ABS; FNF); Insomnia (f; KAB); Leukorrhea (f; SKJ; WOI); Mycosis (1; ABS; FNF); Nervousness (f; KAB); Neuralgia (f; IED); Pain (1; HAD; IED; JFM); Pharyngosis (f; WOI); Rheumatism (1; JFM; TRA); Sapremia (f; WOI); Sore (f; DEP; HHB); Sore Throat (f; SKJ); Stomachache (f; PH2); Stone (f; HHB); Tumor (1; ABS); Ulcer (f; WOI); Wound (f; DEP; HHB) Dosages (Noni) — 2–4 tbsp (COM = Commercial); PH2 says the fruits are inedible; ripe fruits, which smell of Roquefort cheese, are said to be a great favorite with Burmese (DEP); I side with the latter, the stinking fruits are widely considered edible among rural peoples Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Noni) — Not covered (AHP; KOM; PHR) “Health hazards not known with proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2 designates no specific quantified dosage! JAD) I could it the lazy way and just say, “None reported.” And since it is a food species, I could live with this TRAMIL notes that fruits and leaves are edible Tests for uterotonicity were negative Leaf EO (of Morinda lucida) kills aflatoxin fungi at 1000 ppm NORTHERN MAIDENHAIR, POINTER WEED (Adiantum pedatum L.) ++ PH2 entries apply to European maidenhair Grieve’s A Modern Herbal says A pedatum is used like A capillus-veneris “in similar ways and more highly valued by many” (GMH) Activities (Northern Maidenhair) — Antirheumatic (f; HHB); Demulcent (f; PH2); Diuretic (f; DEM; WO3); Emetic (f; DEM); Expectorant (f; HHB; PH2); Pectoral (f; DEP; PH2); Propecic (f; PH2) Indications (Northern Maidenhair) — Abortion (f; DEM); Ague (f; DEM); Asthma (f; DEM; GMH); Backache (f; DEM); Bronchosis (f; PH2); Cardiopathy (f; DEM); Catarrh (f; DEP); Childbirth (f; DEM); Cold (f; WO3); Cough (f; GMH; PH2); Cramp (f; DEM); Debility (f; DEM); Dysentery (f; DEM); Dysmenorrhea (f; PH2); Dyspnea (f; DEM); Fever (f; DEM); Gastrosis (f; DEM); Gonorrhea (f; DEM); Gravel (f; GMH); Gray Hair (f; PH2); Headache (f; WO3); Hysteria (f; DEM); Insanity (f; DEM); Jaundice (f; GMH); Mastosis (f; DEM); Metrorrhagia (f; DEM); Nephrosis (f; GMH); Pain (f; PH2); Paralysis (f; DEM); Pertussis (f; PH2); Pleurisy (f; GMH); Pneumonia (f; DEM); Respirosis (f; PH2); Rheumatism (f; DEM; HHB); Snakebite (f; DEM); Sore (f; DEM); Sting (f; DEM); Water Retention (f; DEM; WO3) Dosages (Northern Maidenhair) — 1.5 g herb/cup tea (PH2) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Northern Maidenhair) — Not covered (AHP) “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) Not for use during pregnancy (PH2) N 530 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs NUTMEG (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) ++ Synonym: M officinalis L f N Activities (Nutmeg) — Abortifacient (f; EFS; HHB); Allergenic (1; PH2); Analgesic (f; AHP; APA; EFS); Antibacterial (1; APA); Anticancer (1; APA); Antiedemic (1; APA); Antiinflammatory (1; APA); Antioxidant (1; APA); Antiperistaltic (1; PH2); Antiseptic (1; PH2); Antitumor (1; APA); Aphrodisiac (f; APA; CRC; HHB); Astringent (f; CRC; EFS); Carminative (f; AHP; CRC; EFS); Digestive (f; CRC); Emmenagogue (f; APA); Euphoric (1; APA); Expectorant (f; HHB); Fungicide (1; APA); Hallucinogen (1; APA; CRC); Hepatotoxic (1; APA); Herbicide (1; CRC); Hypocholesterolemic (1; APA); Larvicide (1; APA); Narcotic (1; CRC); Poison (1; CRC); Psychotropic (1; CRC); Sedative (f; APA); Soporific (f; CRC; EFS); Stimulant (f; CRC; PHR); Stomachic (f; AHP; PHR) Indications (Nutmeg) — Agoraphobia (f; HHB); Anorexia (f; CRC); Arthrosis (f; JLH); Asthma (f; CRC); Bacteria (1; APA); Cancer (1; APA; CRC); Cancer, gum (f; CRC; JLH); Cancer, joint (f; CRC; JLH); Cancer, liver (f; CRC; JLH); Cancer, mouth (f; CRC; JLH); Cancer, spleen (f; CRC; JLH); Childbirth (f; CRC); Cholera (f; FEL; PH2); Cold (f; CRC; FEL); Colic (f; AHP; CRC; HHB); Cramp (f; CRC; PH2); Cystosis (f; CRC; MPI); Debility (f; PH2); Diarrhea (1; AHP; APA; PH2); Dysentery (1; CRC; PH2); Dysmenorrhea (f; HHB); Dyspepsia (f; AHP; APA; CRC; PH2); Fever (f; CRC; FEL; PH2); Fungus (1; APA); Gas (f; AHP; APA; CRC; PH2); Gastrosis (f; CRC; PHR; PH2); Headache (f; CRC; PH2); Heart (f; CRC); Heartburn (f; HHB); Hemorrhoid (f; CRC; FEL); Hepatosis (f; CRC); High Cholesterol (1; APA); Hypercalcemia (1; CRC); Hypochondria (f; HHB); Hysteria (f; HHB); Impotence (f; PH2); Induration (f; CRC; JLH); Infection (1; APA); Inflammation (1; APA; CRC; PH2); Insanity (f; CRC); Insomnia (f; APA; PH2); Lacrimosis (f; HHB); Leprosy (f; CRC); Leukorrhea (f; CRC; FEL); Lymphosis (f; CRC); Malaria (f; CRC; FEL; PH2); Mycosis (1; APA); Nausea (f; CRC); Nephrosis (f; APA; CRC); Nervousness (f; APA); Neuralgia (f; PH2); Neurasthenia (f; HHB); Neurosis (f; PH2); Ophthalmia (f; PH2); Pain (f; APA; AHP; APA; EFS); Paralysis (f; MPI); Pneumonia (f; FEL); Respirosis (f; CRC; PH2); Rheumatism (1; APA; CRC; MPI; PH2); Sciatica (f; CRC; MPI; PH2); Splenosis (f; CRC); Sprain (f; MPI); Stomachache (f; CRC; FEL; MPI); Stomatosis (f; APA); Swelling (1; APA); Toothache (f; APA); Tuberculosis (f; CRC); Tumor (1; APA; CRC; JLH); Urethrosis (f; MPI); UTI (f; CRC); Vomiting (f; PH2); Xerostomia (f; HHB) Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 531 Dosages (Nutmeg) — 0.3–1 g powdered nutmeg (APA; PNC); 0.05–0.2 ml EO (APA; PNC); 5–20 grains nutmeg (FEL); 300–600 mg 5–10 ×/day (HHB); 1–3 drops EO, 2–3 ×/day (PH2); 2–10 ml tincture/day (PH2); 0.3–1 g powdered nutmeg (PH2) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Nutmeg) — Class 2b Contains safrole May interact with MAO CNS-active (AHP) “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) Not to be used during pregnancy Can trigger allergic dermatitis (PH2) More than g powdered nutmeg or mace can cause acute panic, anxiety, coma, dizziness, double vision, drowsiness, excessive thirst, hallucinations, headache, liver pain, nausea, stomach pain, even death (AHP) “ as little as whole nutmegs have been known to cause death in a little boy” (APA; FEL) Commission E reports contraindications for seed and aril: psychic disturbances by g of seed, atropine-like action by teaspoons of seed powder, abortion by higher doses The EO contains the mutagenic and animal carcinogenic compound safrole However, the use to correct smell or taste is permitted (AEH) On overdose, there may be hallucination and emesis; there may be frightening visions, a sensation of loss of limbs and a terrifying fear of impending death Indeed, death has been reported from overdose (LRNP, September 1987) NUX VOMICA (Strychnos nux-vomica L.) X Activities (Nux Vomica) — Abortifacient (f; CRC); Alexeteric (f; KAB); Analgesic (1; APA); Antipyretic (f; KAB); Antitumor (f; APA); Aphrodisiac (1; CRC; DEP; FEL; KAP; WOI); Bitter (f; APA); Cholinolytic (1; PH2); CNS Stimulant (f; APA; CRC; WOI); Convulsant (1; KAP; WOI); Diuretic (f; KAB); Emmenagogue (f; KAB); Insecticide (1; WOI); Laxative (f; CRC); Nervine (f; APA; CRC); Neurotonic (f; CRC); Orexigenic (f; KAB; PHR; PH2); Parasiticide (1; CRC); Peristaltic (f; DEP); Poison (f; CRC); Priapistic (f; FEL); Psychoanaleptic (1; PH2); Respirastimulant (1; WOI); Secretagogue (1; PH2); Spinostimulant (f; CRC; KAP); Stimulant (f; APA; CRC); Stomachic (f; CRC; MAD; WOI); Tetanic (1; KAP); Tonic (f; APA; CRC; FEL; PH2); Vasoconstrictor (f; CRC; EFS) Indications (Nux Vomica) — Ague (f; CRC); Alcoholism (f; CRC; HHB); Amaurosis (f; FEL; MAD); Amblyopia (f; CRC; FEL; WOI); Amenorrhea (f; FEL; KAB); Anemia (f; CRC; KAB; KOM; PHR; PH2); Anorexia (f; APA; KAB; PH2); Arthrosis (f; CRC); Asthma (f; CRC; FEL; PH2); Atony (f; FEL; KAB); Bell’s Palsy (f; APA); Bite (f; DEP); Borborygmus (f; FEL); Bronchosis (f; DEP; PH2); Cancer (f; APA; CRC; JLH; PH2); Cancer, abdomen (f; PH2); Cancer, colon (f; JAD); Cardiopathy (f; PHR; PH2); Catarrh (f; FEL); Cholera (f; CRC; DEP; FEL; KAP; SUW); Chorea (f; CRC; FEL; WOI); Circulosis (f; PH2); Climacteric (f; PH2); Colic (f; CRC; FEL; KAP; SUW); Conjunctivosis (f; FEL); Constipation (f; CRC; FEL; PH2); Cynanche (f; CRC); Cystosis (f; FEL; MAD); Debility (f; DEP; KAB); Depression (f; APA; PHR; PH2); Dermatosis (f; CRC; PH2); Diabetes (f; MAD; PH2); Diarrhea (f; FEL); Dipsomania (f; FEL); Diphtheria (f; CRC); Dizziness (f; PH2); Dysentery (f; CRC; FEL; SUW); Dysmenorrhea (f; FEL); Dyspepsia (f; CRC; KAP; MAD; SUW); Dysuria (f; KAB); Emphysema (f; DEP); Enterosis (f; APA; FEL; PHR; PH2); Epilepsy (f; CRC; KAB; WOI); Fatigue (f; WOI); Fever (f; CRC; FEL; KAB; PH2; SUW); Frigidity (f; FEL); Fungus (f; KAB); Gastrosis (f; APA; CRC; PHR; PH2; SUW); Headache (f; PH2); Heartburn (f; FEL); Hemiplegia (f; MAD); Hemorrhoid (f; KAB; PH2); Hepatosis (f; FEL); Hyperemesis (f; FEL); Hysteria (f; FEL); Impotence (1; FEL; FNF; KAP); Incontinence (1; FEL; KAP); Infection (f; DEP); Inflammation (f; FEL; PH2); Insomnia (f; PH2); Itch (f; CRC); Jaundice (f; CRC; KAB); Keratosis (f; FEL); Laryngosis (f; CRC); Leprosy (f; KAB); Leukoderma (f; KAB); Lumbago (f; CRC; KAB; MAD; PH2); Malaria (f; CRC; DEP; PH2); Migraine (f; APA; PHR; PH2); Mycosis (f; KAB); Myocardosis (f; CRC; WOI); Myosis (f; PH2); Neuralgia (f; CRC; PH2); Neurasthenia (f; APA; CRC); Neurosis (f; KAP; PHR; PH2); Ophthalmia (f; CRC; PHR; PH2); Pain (1; APA; KAB; PH2); Paralysis (f; APA; CRC; KAB; PH2); Parasite (1; CRC); Paresis (f; N 532 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs MAD); Phthisis (f; DEP); Pneumonia (f; FEL); Polio (f; CRC); Proctosis (f; FEL; KAP); Prolapse (f; FEL; KAP); Raynaud’s Syndrome (f; APA; KOM); Respirosis (f; PHR; PH2); Rheumatism (f; CRC; MAD); Ringworm (f; KAB); Senility (f; PH2); Snakebite (f; CRC); Sore (f; CRC; DEP; JLH; SUW); Sore Throat (f; CRC; PH2); Spermatorrhea (f; FEL; KAP); Swelling (f; CRC); Tumor (f; APA; CRC; PH2); Typhoid (f; CRC; FEL); Ulcer (f; CRC); Urethrosis (f; PH2); UTI (f; PH2); Vertigo (f; PH2); Worm (f; FEL); Wound (f; FEL; SUW) Dosages (Nux Vomica) — APA recommends only homeopathic dilutions (APA); 0.5–3 g powdered seed (KAP); 0.5–2 ml seed tincture (PNC); 0.5–1 g extract (KAP); 0.5–1 ml tincture (KAP); ml nux vomica elixir (PNC); 0.05–0.2 ml nux vomica liquid extract (PNC) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Nux Vomica) — Not covered (AHP); Commission E reports the seed contains the toxic alkaloid strychnine (AEH) Poisoning can generate anxiety, backache, enhanced reflexes, equilibrium disorders, heightened sense perception, pain, and stiff neck, then convulsions, dyspnea, and twitching Lethal dose ca 50 mg strychnine (1–2 g seed) (PH2) N ... therapeutic dosages” (PH2) Not for use during pregnancy (PH2) N 530 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs NUTMEG (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) ++ Synonym: M officinalis L f N Activities (Nutmeg) — Abortifacient (f;.. .Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 529 NONI, INDIAN MULBERRY (Morinda citrifolia L.) +++ Activities (Noni) — Analgesic... CRC; JLH); Urethrosis (f; MPI); UTI (f; CRC); Vomiting (f; PH2); Xerostomia (f; HHB) Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 531 Dosages (Nutmeg) — 0.3–1 g powdered nutmeg (APA; PNC); 0.05–0.2 ml EO (APA;